Alligators range from central Texas eastward to North Carolina. 3 Exploring Florida, Florida Census: 1940, Press, 2014). Despite the lessening of restrictions, the annual hunt is anything but a free-for-all, and state regulations limit the amount of participants and how many alligators are harvested. Thats a direct addition to the bottom line, he said. Alligator conservation is a success story in Florida. If you are new to the sport, then do your research, plan your hunt a year in advance, hire a qualified guide or outfitter, and hope the permit lottery falls in your favor. In May, lottery applications are due. 2d 146 (Fla. 1972). The license costs $272 for residents and $1,022 for non-residents. Floridas wetlands support only two of twenty-three different species of crocodilians in the world. The average male alligator size is approximately 11 feet and the. Each year, a total of 5,000 hunting permits are issued, and hunters can only hunt two alligators during each season. Their numbers declined significantly until the federal and state governments began to implement important legal protections designed to bring back the species from the edge of extinction. Alligators are wary of bright lights. Alligator Harvest Unit Maps Harvest units 101 - 112 In order to hunt alligators, you need a license from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. In addition to the state program, some Florida counties issue a county- wide alligator harvest permit. Conservationists win because alligators' habitat and the gators themselves are being protected and increased. Sign up for the For The Win newsletter to get our top stories in your inbox every morning, An historic California gold-mining town located at an elevation of 8,375 feet islike most of the Eastern Sierrablanketed in deep (). The alligator harvest season typically runs from September 1st to October 31st in Florida, and alligators can only be hunted during this time period. 17 University of Florida Bureau of Economic Business Research, Florida Estimates of Population 2015, available at 28 See Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Market Mechanisms: Understanding the Options (Apr. If you want to trap an alligator, youll need to purchase an Alligator Trapping License as well as two CITES tags. Alligators can be found in many of the states waterways, including bayous, marshes, and swamps. Visitors to Louisiana enjoy a wide range of activities, one of which is visiting the swamps. Alligators may only be hunted during the day, and only with a shotgun or a crossbow. Since the time 2003-2005, this area of the Mississippi Delta has seen a tremendous increase in the Asian carp population, the MWDFP stated. This column is submitted on behalf of the Animal Law Section, Ralph A. DeMeo, chair, and Deborah C. Brown, editor. If you do not have a permit, you are not permitted to shoot or kill alligators. Habitat preferences and several physical characteristics distinguish the American alligator from the American crocodile. That might not be the case at other sites, whererecent heavy rains have swelled creeks, canals, swamps and smaller lakes, giving gators more places to roam. 2016 Hunting Season Louisiana has an alligator harvest that dates back hundreds of years. The Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program (SNAP) which permits the harvest of alligators that are determined to be a threat to wildlife, to the public, or the publics pets, livestock, or property. When selecting a hunting rifle, it is critical to consider its weight, caliber, and power. Possession of alligator hide that has not been tagged is prohibited. For example, in 1967 after consultation with the states and scientists, the U.S. Conclusion ~ From the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar. 2023 Coastal Angler Magazine Franchising, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Lake Okeechobee fishing report for March, 2022 by Capt. Its a win-win-win, said Ruth Elsey, a biologist manager with the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Those who pursue alligator hunting, on the other hand, can make a little money. An alligatormust be at least 18 inches long from snoutto tail to harvest. Report injured, orphaned or dead manatees, Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network, Wild Alligator Harvests by Harvest Program, Table of officially-measured, large Florida alligators, Alligator Meat Processors and Hide Buyers, See a full list of our Social Media accounts. In Florida, crocodiles are protected as a federally endangered species. Hunter success ([alligators harvested/tags issued] 100) during each year of the statewide annual alligator harvest in Louisiana, USA, 1985-2015. 5 See Allan R. Woodward, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, History of American Alligator Regulations in the U.S.A. (June 12, 2007). Preference is given to Florida residents who have completed an approved alligator hunting course. tags will not be replaced unless they have been reported as stolen or lost. By 1987, the gator population was defined as "recovered," and the statewide hunt wasinstituted in 1988. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the American alligator was threatened with extinction and classified it as endangered under the Endangered Species Preservation Act,10 the predecessor to what is arguably the most powerful federal environmental law on the books today, the Endangered Species Act.11 Other meaningful protections were established, too, including a 1969 amendment to the Lacey Act.12 The Lacey Act, as originally signed into law by President William McKinley in 1900, was geared more toward the preservation of game and wild birds. Owner John Price checks on his alligators Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016, at the Insta-Gator Ranch and Hatchery near Covington. Then came the body cavity search, Motorcyclist launched from bike when his girlfriend hits him with truck, Florida cops say, A man went in for kidney removal. Striking the right balance is tricky, and species conservation is really no different. After all, these creatures ranging in sizefrom foot-long hatchlings to an 8-footer that stared unblinkingly from 6 feet away are his business, and business is about to get a little better on his 15-acre ranch near Abita Springs. Human development is often pitted against nature while simultaneously wrestling with social and economic implications. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. 11 See, e.g., Erin Chapman, The Most Powerful Environmental Law on the Books, PBS News (July 9, 2010), available at Alligator meat currently sells for around $20 a pound, which is quite high. Fish and Wildlife Service. Hunters nabbed 540 gators from Manatee and Sarasota counties combined from 2000-15. Where regulations existed, mostly on a local level, enforcement was lacking.6 Hunting during that era was also less recreational in nature and more about obtaining alligator hides for sale. 31 Three million alligators were killed in Florida between 1880 and 1900. Its not always easy to tell when its time to take a reptile, but it generally goes something like this: $500 for the reptile 7 feet or smaller, and $500 for the reptiles over 7 feet. When the state of Floridas alligator population reached 1.3 million in 1988, alligator hunting was established in 1988. Copyright 1999 - 2023 State of Florida. The West Zone will open its doors on September 1. The statewide alligator hunt is the only hunt in the country that is open to the general public. Orange Lake ranked third with 3,110 alligators hunted. Except in the case of a Florida alligator hunt, no hunting or fishing licenses are required. This year the Army Corps of Engineers allowed Lake O to drop lower than normal in an effort to help grass grow on the lake's bottom and help reduce the need for massive discharges that can cause harmful algae blooms in the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee rivers. The second-most common was 7 feet, followed by 7 feet, 6 inches. However it is extremely physical and quite dangerous and should never be taken lightly. Since at least 1962, WRD has used scientifically valid, survey methodology to get estimates of not only deer harvest, but also harvest estimates of other game species. By encouraging landowners to care for the coastal marsh zones where the majority of alligators breed, the program benefits other species as well, Elsey said. The state of Florida and the federal government recognized the problem and took action. Alligators primarily inhabit freshwater; however, they may be found in any body of water or wetland throughout Florida. A Florida alligator trapping license or harvest permit costs $272, while two hide validation CITES tags for non-residents cost $22. If you happen to harvest a tagged or marked alligator, report your tag to 352-357-0190 to ensure the viability of the population. The total number of deer hunters in the state is obtained from the hunting license database. Catching a cooler full of seatrout can sometimes be downright easy. Accurate estimates of species counts coupled with the issuance of the right number of hunting permits can take much-needed pressure off a species that is often competing for a portion of an insufficient supply of habitat or food.33 Hunting also provides recreational opportunities as well as a revenue source to the state through licensing, gear, guides, meat, and hide sales.34 Moreover, hunting offers the added benefit of reducing the possibility of human-animal impacts.35 Florida witnessed this most recently in the much publicized and highly controversial black bear hunt.36 However, hunting for charismatic mega-fauna like the black bear generally attracts a different type and level of attention than the hunting of the mysterious and ominous alligator. But the proposal approved last month by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission means ranchers wont have to return as many to the wild, so they will have more to sell. Of nonvenomous animal fatalities, a majority (approximately 72 per year) resulted from interactions with mammals or dogs (Forrester et al. Once you harvested an alligator you must securely tag the alligator and an alligator harvest report form (FWC Form 1001AT) must be completed by the permit holder within 24-hrs of harvesting the animal. Like so many areas of the law, environmental law and policy is a balancing act. Alligator hunting is a popular sport in Louisiana. From 1948 to 2021, there were 442 . The number of alligators to be harvested from each unit is determined by the alligator population or habitat surveys. Pursuant to section 120.74, Florida Statutes, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has published its2022 Agency Regulatory Plan. You have permission to edit this article. After harvesting the alligators, move them from where they were captured to where they were harvested within 24 hours. Nonresidents can apply for a landowner alligator hunting license, which costs $150, in addition to paying for a license. The Alligator Management Zone in Georgia is made up of 11 zones and is responsible for managing alligator harvest, hunting, and eradication. Clanton's theory why: Water levels in many of the state's waterways have been low for many years, allowing more large alligators to be harvested. People enjoy the excitement of the hunt as well as the excitement of seeing an alligator in the wild. For the upcoming 2015 season there are 4,827 permits issued. A Mozambique court has sentenced a Vietnamese woman to 16 years in prison for possession and trafficking of lion and rhinoceros parts. Less than a decade later, officials began an attempt to count the wild alligators in an effort to develop a program that would satisfy the commercial demand while allowing the population to recover. Someone who is authorized to hunt a permit holder may assist them in their hunt. ALLIGATOR FACT SHEET HISTORY The American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) has changed little from its original form some 180 million years ago. Alligators or alligator hides cannot be sold to the general public unless they are purchased from a fur buyer or dealer. Keep watching and you are likely to see hundreds of alligators on your 100-mile journey from the Ft. Lauderdale area, across the Big Cypress National Preserve, to Naples. That didnt seem to faze Price on a sunny Octoberafternoon as he threw open the door to one of the low-slung barns where his animals live, even as he pointed to the scars on his arms and hands he's gotten from them. As expected, and in an effort to manage the total numbers taken, alligator hunting permits carry with them many restrictions. 19 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Alligator Bites on People in Florida. Hell also lose his Lamborghini, Miami hosts three big climate gatherings. 33 See Ian Nance, Annual Harvest Helps Alligators to Flourish, Orlando Sentinel (Sept. 7, 2016), available at The cut from 12 percent to 10 percent for alligators that are at least 48 inches long may seem small, but it's nevertheless a boon for ranchers and a sign that Louisiana's efforts to bolster the populationof wild alligators are paying off. Alligators may only be harvested by residents who do not own land and are accompanied by an alligator guide during the sport season. A statewide alligator hunt permit is required to take alligators on a statewide basis in Florida. Its really amazing when contrasted with the growth rate of an 11-foot, 1-inch alligator harvested by hunter Cory Stewart at the end of August. Hunters most often encountered and successfully killed 8-foot alligators. Every county in Florida, except Miami-Dade and Monroe, were issued alligator hunting permits in 2016.39 The largest number of county-wide permits were issued in Lake, Polk, and St. Johns counties situated in the central and northeast area of Florida.40 Harvest units are more specific and may apply to a particular lake, impoundment, or section of river, for example. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissions Statewide Alligator Harvest Program offers permits for the harvest of two gators per year. Alligator Sport Hunter licenses are $25 for residents and $150 for non-residents. More: Nuisance alligator found in Indian River Lagoon at Sewall's Point. Protecting People A specific zone is chosen and a hunter will be chosen. There is a $272 fee for residents of Florida, $22 for residents with disabilities, and $1,022 for non-residents, who must pay the full amount. An alligator harvest permit is a permit that allows a person to hunt and kill alligators for their meat and hide. endstream endobj 170 0 obj <. After all, to live in Florida is to coexist among these ancient reptilian predators. If youre catching a research alligator, make sure to keep a record of the tag number (usually six digits), length, tail notch(es), and sex of the animal. The FWC estimates that the state is home to approximately 1.3m alligators of every size across its 67 counties, which offer around 6.7m acres of suitable wetland habitats for the animals. Its imperative that anyone permitted to harvest alligators be aware of, and abide by the regulations. What to know about the states fishing rules, Why two South Florida tour guides who freed 12 sharks are now paying for their actions, If a body of water is not a swimming pool, an ocean or a designated swimming area, dont go in it, Observe and photograph them from a distance. Though alligators are found most often in freshwater, they can tolerate some levels of saltwater for a short period of time. Hunting season typically runs from late August to early November. The advisory also means the public should avoid fishing and boating. (to control the number of alligators that may be harvested from each area). The alligator population in this state is estimated at 1.3 million alligators of every size and has been stable for many years. Hunting is one of those important tools in the species management toolbox. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife Resources Division (WRD), is inviting hunters from throughout the state to apply for an alligator hunting license. He is the environmental services and facilities director for the City of Tallahassee. Furthermore, hunters must have a resident alligator hunting license in their possession when they harvest alligators on public lands. Wild Alligator Harvest Summaries By Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2d 352, 353 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). The Public Water Alligator Egg and Hatchling Collecting Program permits and supervises the collection of alligator eggs and hatchlings from public waters by licensed alligator farmers. In the upcoming season, which will begin on August 19, 2022 and end on October 3, 2022, SUNSET will be open all summer. In addition, the hide can be tanned and made into leather products. Ordinary care, however, does not mean the owner must prevent all injuries, but rather that the owner should use reasonable care to discover dangerous conditions on the property and to protect visitors from or inform visitors about those discovered conditions. Its a well-known fact that Florida has a lot of alligators. Long way to go but trending in the right direction, Can you catch or keep a shark in Florida? Who has more alligators, Louisiana or Florida? These permits have specific restrictions as to where you can access and harvest alligators, so be mindful of where you can hunt before obtaining one of these permits. In 2014 there were 5,862 permits issued and 7,374 alligators were harvested. Elsey said the hunting and ranching program differs from some other methods of. Louisiana is home to a large number of protected species, including the American alligator, which has a population of around 15,000. More: Lake O's lower level debated by stakeholders. Asian carp. The harvesting of alligator is available in a variety of locations, including coastal, upland, and public lakes, but the coastal and upland WMAs provide the most opportunities. Alligators have been a part of Floridas environment for thousands of years and records of commercial utilization of alligators in Florida date back into the late 1800s. 25 Wamser v. City of St. Petersburg, 330 So. In the wild, alligator meat is considered an delicacy and can be prohibitively expensive to purchase. Alligators can be hunted using a variety of methods, including firearms, bows, and spears. Cast members have been seen making between $10,000 and $25,000 per episode, depending on their roles. The species, along with many others, was a casualty of habitat loss and hydrologic alterations beginning in the late 1800s and early 1900s as much of Floridas wetlands and swamps were drained for flood control, navigation, and agriculture and to make way for roads, housing, and future development. In that first year, officials counted just 8,600 nests. Thats an annual growth rate of 1.9 inches per year. There is more angler content on Social Media! Louisiana now has the most alligators in North America, which is a huge advantage. ", 'Naked and Afraid': Couple from Discovery TV show hunt gators in Florida. The heaviest gator harvested in Florida was a1,043 pounder measuring13 feet 10.5inches takenApril 17, 1989, in Orange County through the nuisance alligator program. Alligators less than 4 feet long can be relocated. An alligator rests in the Louisiana marsh. hbbd```b``"fHH &o^DY;`,X Restrictions on alligator hunting during the early part of the century were almost nonexistent and the regulations that followed were much looser than they are today with essentially no hunting permits, tags, or quotas.5 Hunting for this top-of-the-food-chain species was managed in a fashion more similar to that of raccoons and rabbits, which was often year-round and with few limits. (1) A person is not allowed to intentionally kill, injure, possess, or capture, or attempt to kill, injure, possess, or capture, an alligator or other crocodilian, or the eggs of an alligator or other crocodilian, unless authorized by the commission. To participate in the statewide alligator harvest, hunters must have an alligator trapping license, a statewide alligator harvest permit, and two alligator hide validation CITES tags, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. John K. Powell is an environmental lawyer, registered professional engineer, and member of the Animal Law Section of The Florida Bar. It is a free-for-all. Any alligator longer than 18 inches is fair game. A Florida hunting license is not required, however, to participate in the statewide alligator hunt. 26 Hanrahan v. Hometown America LLC, 90 So. The Alligator Farming Program which raises alligators for commercial harvest. Their skins are used to make boots, shoes, belts, and saddles. The experience of harvesting an alligator can provide a lifetime of memories and campfire stories. Lake Poinsett in Brevard County had 5,188 hunted gators, more than any other area in the state in the 15-year period. The FWC established an annual statewide recreational alligator harvest opportunity in 1988 that has been recognized as a model program for the sustainable use of a renewable natural resource. 9 Forman, Richard T., Urban Ecology: Science of Cities 178-179 (Cambridge Univ. Florida, the sunshine state teeming with alligators. 449 S 12th St.Tampa, Florida 33602United States, How To Get A Night Hunting License In The US, Equipping Police Cars With Binoculars For Hazardous Materials Incidents, Bringing Binoculars To A Meadowlands Concert: See The Performers And Venue Like Never Before, How To Put Your Name On Binoculars Without Damaging Them, Understanding The 6 Degrees Measurement: A Guide To Field Of View In Binoculars, Understanding Air Travel Rules For Carrying Binoculars: A Guide To Packing Binoculars For Your Flight, How To Properly Tighten Your Bushnell Binoculars: An Easy Guide, How To Repair Sticky Coating On Binoculars: A Guide To DIY Binocular Repair, Unlock The Wonders Of The World With Binoculars: A Guide For Kids, Get The Lowdown On Binoculars: An Exploration Of The Numbers On Binoculars, Choosing The Right Binoculars For Birding: Finding The Balance Between Magnification And Field Of View, Exploring The Strength And Durability Of WW2 Binoculars: An In-Depth Look At A Vital Piece Of Battlefield Equipment, Find The Best Deals On Binoculars: Key Times To Check For Sales, Spotting Potential Connections: The Power Of Jackds Binoculars. Though you may skin and consume your own alligator, if the skin, carcass, or meat is to be sold; only permitted alligator processing facilities must be used to process the animal. Again, not surprisingly, public perception of the alligator is not always positive, struggling due to these numerous documented encounters. Additional pressures arose in the mid-1900s as Floridas population skyrocketed from around 2 million in 19403 to almost 10 million by 1980.4 Pressure from hunting was also a factor. There is no federal law against alligator hunting, so it is generally legal in the United States. Follow us and be up to date with upcoming giveaways & outdoor news! American crocodiles primarily inhabit coastal swamps and rivers in extreme southern Florida. It is legal, however, to keep an alligator in some states. 2015). This program provides an opportunity for ranchers to collect over 350,000 alligator eggs, trappers to harvest over 28,000 wild alligators, and farmers to harvest over 250,000 farm-raised alligators annually. 1939-60: Commercial harvest averages 18,005 per year; 1962-72: Louisiana's alligator season is closed statewide; officials turn attention to research and management of the resource; . More than 87,000 between 2000 and 2015 by the FWC, which coordinates two gator hunting programs: the statewide nuisance alligator program and the recreational statewide alligator harvest program. 16 See Jackson Landers, Alligators in Your Backyard, Slate (Feb. 19, 2013), available at Do you have a hunting permit or license in Florida to hunt alligators? Being on the water in the darkness is part of what gives hunting gators "areal adrenaline rush," Clanton said. Choosing the right firearm for hunting can be a difficult task. The Private Lands Alligator Management Program allows the harvest of non-hatchling alligators on private landholdings and government owned 3 or leased land with a documented, harvestable alligator population. Hunting as a Management Tool Follow Faimon A. Roberts III on Twitter, @faimon. "There's going to be an abundance of alligators out there. Population Decline Never insult an alligator until after you have crossed the river.1. Floridas recreational alligator harvest, approved by the state, is one of the states most popular hunting opportunities. Alligator hatchlings lounge in a viewing pool Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016, at the Insta-Gator Ranch and Hatchery near Covington. Copyright 1999 - 2023 State of Florida. The Louisiana wild harvest program has been used as a model throughout the world for managing various crocodile species. Insta-Gator Ranch and Hatchery near Covington, photographed Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016. the mid-1970s, with stronger laws and more effective enforcement in place, the population was showing signs of recovery. The average male alligator size is approximately 11 feet and the average female is around 8 feet long, according to the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. Because of its lightweight frame and lack of power, the 22 rimfire is a popular hunting rifle. 1:41. John Price is a Louisiana rancher. Alligators are a popular topic of discussion in a number of states, including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Texas. Alligator hunting is only allowed in certain areas of the state, and you can only hunt during specific times of the year. After a quick rebound in population and a rapid increase in nuisance alligators, in 1977 the Florida alligator was reclassified from endangered to threaten by the U.S. Please check your email for a confirmation. Rather, officials see the alligators as a resource, and they want to encourage wise utilization of that resource.. The . "Fifteen years ago, the average size of the alligators I killed was 11 feet, 3 inches," Clanton said. Its 1,066 more than the second-place alligator hunting destination, Lake Okeechobee. In addition, the states hunting program allows about 40,000 wild alligators to be harvested each year. Its mission is to address complaints concerning alligators, according to the FWC website. 13 See U.S. You can complete the alligator harvest report form online or by submitting a printed hardcopy. There was a problem saving your notification. The permit is valid for one year from the date of purchase. Indeed, alligator ranchers across the state got some good news last month: The commission that regulates their industry voted to lower the proportion of ranched alligators that must be returned to the wild, starting next year. After careful consideration, and backed by research,32 Florida reinitiated statewide alligator harvesting in 1988. Louisiana alligator hunting regulations state that lottery hunters can only be assigned six lines for each of the three alligator tags they are issued. The number of gators harvested in the state last year reached a 10-year high. hb```f`` 1 EY8:{f5@d\( v10tt4@:0 - = h.`aa>xUC@0/ U@ , H2Ns5 E% Search for alligator harvest information using the CITES tag number or permit holder name. Alligator permits sold out in 201637 with the FWCC issuing more than 6,000 permits.38 Two types of hunting licenses are generally offered: by county or by harvest unit. When it comes to alligators in Louisiana, you must have a hunting license. It wont happen immediately, however. The highest number of harvest unit permits were issued in Lake Okeechobee, the St. Johns River, and Lake Kissimmee.41 In addition to applying for a permit, hunters must also obtain two CITES tags as well as an alligator trapping license. The largest in Manatee was 12 feet, 9 inches hunted at an unspecified location in the county. Each permit authorizes the taking of two alligators within a specified Harvest Unit. 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL (850) 488-4676 The ubiquitous nature of alligators in Florida might make it difficult for Florida residents, whether landowners, invitees, or trespassers to claim they were not aware of the potential presence of alligators in lakes, ponds, and rivers. A hunting license Mozambique court has sentenced a Vietnamese woman to 16 in... Only if there are 4,827 permits issued and 7,374 alligators were harvested physical... 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Season there are new matching items methods, including the American crocodile, a total of 5,000 hunting permits issued. And Deborah C. Brown, editor on September 1 Inc. all Rights Reserved, Lake Okeechobee fishing report March. Hunting permit or license in Florida, Florida Statutes how many alligators are harvested in florida each year the gator was. Power, the gator population was defined as `` recovered, '' Clanton.... Lagoon at Sewall 's Point on September 1, @ Faimon and power lack of,. To control the number of deer hunters in the statewide hunt wasinstituted in,! Or by submitting a printed hardcopy keep a shark in Florida license harvest... Keep a shark in Florida and abide by the alligator population in this state obtained! 19, 2013 ), available at http: // their roles U.S. you can only be harvested residents. Saltwater for a landowner alligator hunting, so it is generally legal in the of. Seatrout can sometimes be downright easy alligator hunt a landowner alligator hunting state... Sentenced a Vietnamese woman to 16 years in prison for possession and trafficking of lion and rhinoceros parts lost... Want to encourage wise utilization of that resource environmental services and facilities director for City! Is really no different mammals or dogs ( Forrester et al notifications are only sent once day... Florida Statutes, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has published its2022 Agency Regulatory Plan alligators can be prohibitively to. May be harvested from each unit is determined by the regulations Clanton said currently sells for around $ a! Trapping license as well as the excitement of seeing an alligator harvest permit be at least 18 inches from... Hunt wasinstituted in 1988 approved by the regulations at the Insta-Gator Ranch and Hatchery near Covington balancing act three... Court has sentenced a Vietnamese woman to 16 years in prison for possession and trafficking of and! Alligator longer than 18 inches long from snoutto how many alligators are harvested in florida each year to harvest a or. Shark in Florida is to address complaints concerning alligators, according to the general public alligators I killed was feet! Experience of harvesting an alligator, youll need to purchase careful consideration, and can...
how many alligators are harvested in florida each year
how many alligators are harvested in florida each year

how many alligators are harvested in florida each year
how many alligators are harvested in florida each year
how many alligators are harvested in florida each year
how many alligators are harvested in florida each year
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