The bobcat ( Lynx rufus) is a species that is native to Ohio, and one of seven wild cat species found in North America. 4 years ago I arrived home from work and saw a cougar in my driveway in front of the garage. Gave up running on the Canal and joined the Princeton Y. Frightening, but not hunting people here as there is plenty of game and deer to eat, unlike those cats in CA up by the Hollywood sign where they are starving and drag riders off dirt bikes. While hiking the Cedar Swamp Trail in High Point State Park we rounded a bend and were stunned to see a young bobcat on the trail in front of us. FOX 5 DC. Over the last several decades, the bobcat has gone from widespread and common in the Garden State, occurring in every county, to extremely rare. i posted about the Cougar in Bergen County 07675 . And still, not a single photo - alive or dead. I was in East Windsor 2/13/20 Etra Park newer walking path side and a large tan animal about waist high took off very fast stride into the brush. Never saw it again on this regular work route. We could see the white spot on the black backs of his ears and he wagged his cute little bobbed tail. "He's such a good dog," she says. 122.11000 W, Lat / Lon: There has never been a cougar released. Bobcats are one of four species grouped within the Lynx genus. The Nature Conservancy is protecting critical habitat for these native wild felines by connecting preserved land between two great mountain ranges: the Appalachians and the Highlands. Yet. Charitable Solicitation Disclosures No nail marks, but if present, attached to toe marks. If desperate or luckyshe could take down a small deer. Trail pattern zigzags right-left-right-left. According to a map from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, there were at least were about 20 bobcat sightings in Johnson County through spring 2020 . They may not necessarily spend a lot of time here or stay to raise young, but they've definitely been seen at least passing through! Be sure to watch the video on this page to see the bobcats in action. CLEVELAND, Ohio A bobcat has been spotted in a remote area of the Cleveland Metroparks, marking the first modern sighting of the elusive animal in Cuyahoga County in more than 150 years. Please alsogive wildlife their space. 0:00. Bobcat sightings were reported by dozens of people around Western New York . Updated: 10:33 AM EST Dec 21, 2022. We need your help! She needed strong hunting skills; the males left after breeding and she raised her young alone. 0. Latitude and Longitude I 100% saw a mountain lion/cougar cross my path about 300ft in front while driving Old Mine Rd outside Sandyston, NJ in 2017 in early afternoon. Funny how that works. OHIO - The Ohio Bobcat is making a comeback in Ohio, especially the South Eastern parts. You'll receive our weekly e-news "This Week in the New Jersey Skylands" which will keep you up to date on special events, new profiles, stories, and things to do. Bobcats share territory with their Canadian cousins only along the US border, and dominate the rest of North America, extending their habitat from forests area to both wetlands and deserts. Personnel engage in other efforts to locate and study the animals; cotton swabs, spritzed with bobcat urine and left on the ground, serve as scent post stations designed to lure in the stealthy creatures, while motion detection cameras record activity at the site. If youve observed any of the following species in New Jersey, were interested! I have received inquiries over the years of writing this blog about sightings in New Jersey of moose, elk, reindeer, and wolves. The only sign of their quarry is a small stain in the snow. Besides there are definitely very few in the wilderness in NJ. A young humpback whale, between 20 and 25 feet long, washed up on the beaches of Brigantine Island Thursday afternoon , A loud, sustained rumbling shook residents and buildings along the Jersey Shore on Friday afternoon leading some to speculate on social, Thesixth dead whalehas been found washe up on the New York-New Jersey coastline in 33 days. Website designed and developed by Lucid Fox. Officers will respond when there is a threat to public safety. 4. True, but I don't think there's a government conspiracy about mountain lions in NJ ;-), Here in Rockaway NJ, a number of hunters I know have taped Mtn Lions on trail cams. Caught a Mountain Lion on our two cameras. We are still waiting for good video footage, physical evidence and confirmation from NJ Fish & Wildlife. They were part of the subspecies of the North American cougar that is considered gone from the east coast by a U.S. Where they do live people don't see them much as you would think they would. 05/12/2022. It crossed the trail path about 10-15 feet in front of me. Despite many reported "sightings" and comments to posts on this site, New Jersey has never officially reported a mountain lion (c. Fishers Return to New Jersey Fisher - via wikipedia commons Since the days of logging operations and unregulated trapping in New Jersey back in the early 1900s, you . Originally widespread throughout the state, bobcats now are limited to. Cedar Swamp Trail in High Point State Park, Bobcats were locally extinct from New Jersey. New tools soon brought in a wealth of data. Instagram It was tan in color and had a long tail. For about six weeks the deer and Turkey population seemed non existent. Latitude and Longitude Search those on this site and you'll see some NJ samples. I had thought it was a dog walking down the neighbors road but was able to see it with binoculars and this was not a canine. And now, a coyote has been spotted in Middlesex County, in the borough of Middlesex. 37.54539 N, They're illusive and can spot us coming long before we would see them. The Marine Protected Wildlife Reporter application allows the public to report sightings of, and encounters with,federally listed Endangered or Threatened marine species including marine mammals, sea turtles, Atlantic sturgeon, as well asprohibited shark species in the waters off New Jersey. With the exception of Delaware, bobcats are found in every corner of the continental U.S. Check out the Nature Conservancy to learn about land being preserved to create a Bobcat Alley, Dont miss environmental news like thisClick for free updates. Report an Endangered, Threatened or Rare Species Sighting, List of NJ Threatened and Endangered Species, Field Guide Online to NJ's Endangered and Threatened Species. Paw prints are double the size of my 120lb Rottweiler.Also worth noting I haven't picked up a single deer on camera since the sitting. Endangered in New Jersey, bobcats have gradually reemerged in the state's most remote areas. Not to mention there will be plenty of pictures of our field work. 37.54524 N, Title VI Notice of Nondiscrimination Andit wasn't reported as being a mountain lion! Call 1-877-WARN-DEP if. The program began to study the impact of roads and the need for wildlife corridors. This thing had a cat face as I looked at it from the side and jumped only the way a cat would up onto my front yard which had railroad ties of four foot tall.This animals fur was black. Global sites represent either regional branches of The Nature Conservancy or local affiliates of The Nature Conservancy that are separate entities. I saw one two days ago by our woods. Also sightings are rarely posted with a name and email or way to contact the person. Under that provision, no counties in Indiana . He/she was huge with a big boxy head. The photos were taken on July 9 and Oct. 6. According to DEP, bobcats den in crevices in rocks, under fallen logs, in thick tangles of vegetation, or under the root mass of a fallen tree. Please submit a Beaver & River Otter Report . They are not going to be seen that much at all.i think the fish and game commission. Another possible witness, L.M. Bobcats are one of the last vestiges of true wildness in our highly developed state. re: the 8/13/222 comment Absolutely not true. 37.23200 N, Tom stopped recording once she was out of view but I kept an eyeball on things through my ever trusty monocular as we continued to stay put in order to give them space. Gives me the chills to hear of sightings. For more about bobcats in New Jersey, see the NJDEPsBobcat Fact Sheet. In the states where they do live. I heard a loud crash and look to my right. Apparently, NJ had an "exchange program " with Colorado a few years back, maybe 10 or 15. NEW JERSEY A 5-year-old Colorado girl had the staring contest of her life on April 10 after a bobcat jumped into her back yard and locked eyes with her; such encounters may become more common in New Jersey and elsewhere as bobcat populations rebound. I did call fish and wild life they said they would call me back. Jack and Sara Branangan's generosity made possible the purchase of a critical piece of The Conservancys vision for a ridge-to-ridge greenway from the Kittatinny to the Highlands. Well, my wife and I were shocked to see what was obviously a mountain lion in our back yard in the brush this morning around 8am. Photos by George Cevera The bobcat, carrying a freshly killed rabbit, slipped through some mountain laurel. They did not appreciate being cornered, so angry bobcats required sedation via spring-loaded syringes at the end of jab poles. I've been hiking the Jersey portions of the Appalachian Trail and Kittatinny Ridge for 45 years and haven't yet seen one, but I'm still hopeful. Then a young bobcat appeared again. I too had a large cat sighting in Frankfort township NJ. Most sightings occur in Warren, Sussex, Passaic and Morris counties, however, bobcats have been reported recently in Bergen, Hunterdon, Ocean, Cape May and Cumberland counties. as an active member. Janet TI totally agree. 37.91654 N, I wish I hadn't seen it dead. Around my home in Whiting, NJ, I and some neighbors have personally seen these tawny Panthers (name in east and south) up close and scarily personal. Females are usually between 18 and 25 lbs while a male can be as much as 35lbs. At first I thought it was a dog, but darned if that wasn't the biggest yellow lab I've ever seen! It's like when you're trying to get a picture of your pet doing something cute and the second you get the camera on they stop I believe these sightings I've seen one too when I was slowly going in traffic in broad daylight on 287 near Delaware water gap. Latitude and Longitude The bobcat, carrying a freshly killed rabbit, slipped through some mountain laurel. You simply can't mistake the way a cat runs, it wasn't a large dog or coyote, and certainly was much larger than a bobcat. The satellite collars, however, proved to be valuable tools that cut down on fieldwork. Home to the Jersey Devil and dozens of other urban-myth celebrities, the Garden State is hardly one to shy away from stories of extraterrestrial encounters. State biologists are particularly interested in bands that are field-readable, such as those used on Bald eagles, Peregrine falcons, and some other species. I was enamored to see it because Ive never seen a large cat like that out in the wild. Middlesex, NJ - As we all know, bear sightings are nothing new in mid-summer in New Jersey. Since Dec. 21, Frisco residents have reported 21 coyote sightings and 14 bobcat sightings. Intent on reaching her den, the bobcat did not see the woman ahead. The females utilize smaller areas, in part to stay close to their dens. Since 1991, the Division's management efforts have led to consistent bobcat sightings from an increasingly larger area of northern New Jersey, but very few if any from central and southern New Jersey. New Jerseys Natural Heritage record is also a powerful conservation tool for land-users and natural area managers. the front paws were at the hind legs. So far this year, nearly 2,500 bobcat sightings have been reported to DEEP from nearly every town in the state. New Jersey by the numbers. -. This post may contain affiliate links. Video of a bobcat in Miami University's Natural Areas in November 2022 shows the animal crossing a fallen log and pausing for a second to scan the surroundings before leaving the field of view . You tell me what it is: file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/f2/02/13772732-63CA-4C42-9A90-3A834E34D1F3/IMG_2839.jpeg, Unfortunately, that link is not viewable since it is on your computer. I have seen 3 in the 20 years of living in Newfoundland , NJ . Their numbers have increased but they remain on New Jerseys endangered species list. I'd love to see it. Adult females in the state usually weigh 18 to25 pounds while adult males weigh as. With support of wildlife lovers like you, we have made great progress in establishing "Bobcat Alley," a 400,000 acre corridor spanning New Jerseys two great mountain ranges: the Appalachians and the Highlands. away. Once nearly extinct in our New Jersey, bobcats are trying to make a comeback. quarry lives, and it lives in our forests. I wish I didn't see it dead. | 1. Wish i had snapped a photo! Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Come to a TNC Event. Between 1978 and 1982, 24 bobcats from Maine were reintroduced to New Jersey. Sigh. The man ran after the bobcat and shot at it with a handgun, killing the animal. "And in almost every situation they're going to run away.". The resurgence doesnt mean human-bobcat encounters will become an everyday occurrence. Latitude and Longitude But experts are saying that the state of Pennsylvania is one of the states that face to face encounters with the animal are becoming more and more frequent Fortunately, the deer was closer to the cat then me! Mountain lion walk across the road in front of my car, carrying its large lunch in its mouth! Its head was smaller yet was looking in the opposite direction. On July 14, 200150 years after lights in V formations were widely recorded in 1951 in Lubbock, TexasUFOs in a giant flying V were . Published February 8, 2017. We saw it from about 150 feet away. Tom started recording as we stood there in amazement. Twitter. We are also collecting DNA to study how the density and volume of our highways affects the gene pools of New Jersey bobcats and other native mammals. It jumped over our fence and continued across the street. "If folks encounter them, the best thing to do is just give them some space," she said. The cat Mackenzie spotted was very likely a descendant of one of those bobcats. Is any exotic pet owners or nearby zoo's (great adventure) missing an animal? Fowles said officials want to know if you see a bobcat each sighting helps officials track the species. The scat will go in for testing that will inform them which individual cat lives in or visits the area. Bobcats, feral cats and domestic dogs may be misidentified as mountain lion. One of Mackenzie Hall's experiences was no exception. And yes I do believe they are here in Jersey. They began to repopulate Ohio in the Mid-1900s. Contact reporter Dino Flammia at Shark sightings close another New York Beach Oyster Bay, NY Supervisor, Joseph Saladino tells FOX Weather about the latest shark sightings that closed a New York beach. There ain't no cure for govt. French-Style Bakery Opens Within Morristown Ice Cream Shop, Crash Investigation Closes Lanes On I-80 In Morris County, Something Rotten! People don't see them as much as you would think. After bobcats nearly went extinct locally in the 1970s, conservationists reintroduced 24 cats from Maine into New Jerseys northern forests to restore natures balance. / Last fall October 2021 I was driving on Clove Road in Montague headed towards High Point Country Club - just before dusk enough to see what I was looking at and clear as day I saw a mountain lion run across the road right in front of me, It might be shy but when it's hungry it's not going to be shy anymore. We need all sorts of skills: from tech savvy folks to those willing to hike. The. Endangered in New Jersey, bobcats have gradually reemerged in the state's most remote areas. Here's her FB post about it: Now I know many will scoff at this post and really try to down play it but Im just letting everyone know that yesterday at approx 1:30pm on Mt. Why not a conspiracy in NJ they try to convince people that theyre not in other states but theyre spreading all over the place from out of the Black Hills and are establishing breeding populations around the country! Car impacts are the leading cause of bobcat mortality. The Marine Protected Wildlife Reporter application allows the public to report sightings of, and encounters with, federally listed Endangered or Threatened marine species including marine mammals, sea turtles, Atlantic sturgeon, as well as prohibited shark species in the waters off New Jersey. Ever since my teenaged years. Latitude and Longitude Now.. yes I am aware that there is zero proof that we have this cats in NJ but Im telling you all this was NOT a Bob cat, it was absolutely not a fisher cat either. City dwellers rolling into the rural suburban areas and asking animal control to remove the squirrels from property (true story). I just thought it was a "cool" sighting until I began reading about them tonight and where they generally live in NJ. Thankfully ours are the shy type. Bats are also routinely banded during studies. A bobcat scours the terrain somewhere in Sussex County. My husband believes we were on Texas road the west end side of the road maybe near the old MM hall. The cat was killing a deer that ran on the frozen Canal and I was about 20 feet away. Adult mountain lions are a large cat and can weigh 80-200 pounds, have a long tail, no ear tufts and have solid tawny fur. In Rock Island County, deer hunters reported 35 bobcat sightings in 2018, down from more than 50 in 2015 and 2016. In late June Bucks have returned and have eaten the hosta. Bobcat sightings rise in Chelmsford A wild cat prowls the wooded area between Route 3, Harrington Elementary School and the football field in Chelmsford around 1:30 a.m. on May 17, 2022. | Bobcat Sightings On The Rise In The Suburbs; Experts Say Chances Of Attacks Are Low, But Residents Should Remain Vigilant February 7, 2022 / 6:47 PM / CBS New York RYE BROOK, N.Y.. Most states, such as New Jersey, have seen a rise in the bobcat population, according to a 2010 study published in the Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. Fowles said officials want to know if you see a bobcat each sighting helps officials track the species. . 37.34100 N, Long round tail on the thing. It was sitting in a pooping stance and appeared tall. Fowles added that human encounters with these medium-sized cats may have picked up over the past year or so, since more people are staying closer to home and possibly using local trails for leisure because of the coronavirus pandemic. There has been an increase in bobcat sightings throughout central Indiana, namely Hamilton County, according to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. By Staff. Your generosity has already helped us succeed this far. Please see our separate page, Finding Injured or Young Wildlife, for guidance. It was not a deer it was a massive cat. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. A week later I found the remains of a fox. 37.88239 N, Its possible it was some large exotic cat breed that had escaped. Domestic cats belong to the same family, Felidae, as the bobcat. The data was then emailed to Mick Valent's team. The Alberta Fish and Wildlife offices receive many reports of bobcat sightings each year. Bobcats spotted on August 20, 2022, 11:30am at High Point State Park on the Cedar Swamp Trail, mid-way between the Kuser plaque and the boardwalk. The protected greenway will be a place where bobcats can roam, raise kittens and flourish. In 2004-2005, the program switched to GPS collars that store data. the Musical presented by Summit High School (also livestreamed). Absolutely no mistake about it. Same place cat was seen by my wife who would laugh at me for making the same claim. Soon, a restoration project by the Division would relocate dozens of bobcats in North Jersey, and sightings began to increase by the 1990s. This website uses cookies to enhance your experience and analyze performance and traffic on our website. and adult males can weigh as much as 35 lbs. The batteries die within one year, at which point the signal changes and the collar falls off. As of Wednesday, no one has reported the cat missing. For more about bobcats in New Jersey, see the NJDEP's Bobcat Fact Sheet. The fur had been sheared off and rested to the side of a small pile of bones that were were picked clean. It was a pale honey /gold color. We have a lot of rabbit and other small animals in the back. 122.30885 W, at least 1 mountain lion hanging out near a relatively fresh, mostly eaten deer carcass, 7:36am, Lat / Lon: The bobcat worked her way through the vegetation. The band will have a 9-digit number; color bands may have short codes. OppeIt would be helpful to see that photo. Their fur ranges from yellowish brown to reddish brown and bears markings that vary from 'tabby' stripes to heavy spotting. Sign up to best of business news, informed analysis and opinions on what matters in energy and the environment. Well keep you updated on our world-class research studies, strategies, planning, and all things wild cat. I actually have a video of its tail and it growling. Latitude and Longitude I believe that if this animal was living in a area once before. Please contact the DEP Action Line at 1-877-WARN-DEP (1-877-927-6337). When I looked out the window I saw a cat that was larger than a yellow labrador retriever walking across the yard and silloeted against my neighbor's SUV. I saw one in Plainsboro in the night in 2015 it was huge. Medical, police, etc animal control came out in the middle of the night taking pictures,said nothing and asked my friend to move along. Most of the food she brought to her kittens consisted of squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, and mice. He sniffed the trail looking for mom, looked back at us, then darted into the woods. The program posed its own challenges. In 2002-2003 the program began placing satellite collars on trapped bobcats. Mountain lions are ambush predators. Bobcat sightings, while becoming more common, are still rare in . Dense forest cover area. NJ Endangered and Threatened Species ListNJ Species of Special Concern. That particular research process, though productive, did not last. With land at a premium in our densely populated state, bobcats need as many engaged advocates as they can get to make sure they have a place to live here. Though animal sightings throughout the park district are common, it's the first time a bobcat has been captured on video in one of the parks, the park district said on social media this week . I certainly didn't expect to find anything. | The overall . It was not a deer by the way it was "pooping". I do not wish to endanger this beautiful animal, perhaps i've said too much already? I live in Oakland NJ. Mick Valente explains. My story is in Weird NJ issue #24. Bobcats, which were found in Ohio before 1850, began to recolonize in the mid-1900s. My family thinks its a Bob cat but both were solid in color and too big. Because they're fast and not everyone has their phones out camera ready. The mountain lion is a large, slender cat, with a long rope-like tail. Bobcat Facts: Good luck with that. Bobcats are shy and seldom seen. We all have phones. Please enter a valid email address (formatted as Wildlife sightings from the public are incredibly useful to New Jersey Fish and Wildlife. Check out the Nature Conservancy to learn about land being preserved to create a Bobcat Alley. Description: The bobcat is a stout-bodied, medium-sized feline, with a short, "bobbed" tail (about six inches in length), prominent cheek ruffs, and tufts of black hair on its pointed ears. How to report violations, Cops: Lafayette, NJ woman hospitalized after being mauled by bear, described by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and EEO Report. We waited before continuing in order to give the bobcat time to move out of the area without stressing him out. She was snarling and lunging at me. Female bobcats deliver litters of one to six kittens. As more data surfaced, Mick and his team came to an important realization. But don't worry bobcats rarely cause conflict with humans. This was told to me by a NJ forest ranger. Get our newsletter, This Week in the NJ Skylands, with updates, special offers and good ideas! Cleveland Metroparks captured two photographs of bobcats earlier this year, marking Cuyahoga County's first bobcat sighting since 1850, Metroparks told Cleveland News 5. I saw one dead on the south side of 287 too! My dad and I could swear we saw one in high point state park 20 years ago but never got that good of a glimpse of it. For more about bobcats in New Jersey, see the NJDEPs Bobcat Fact Sheet. Cedar Swamp Trail in High Point State Park, Bobcats were locally extinct from New Jersey, Steamboat Landing Cheesequake State Park. For those band codes, record the code and band color, and the species, location, and date, and email that to We will continue to post stories, profiles and scheduled events and hope you'll subscribe (for free!) We kept heading toward each other, then the beautiful creature started turning so I could see his whole profile. Their numbers have increased but they remain on New Jerseys endangered species list. I am from Hawthorne New Jersey. *Please report dead-on-road Bobcat, River otter, Fisher, or Black bear by calling the DEP Action Line (1-877-WARN-DEP or 1-877-927-6337). A shy animal, bobcats are nocturnal, which means they're more active in the nighttime hours. |. Someone just saw a mountain lion on Mt. We even caught a yawn on the fence, Lat / Lon: Naturalist Brian Keating tells us where they originally came from. The Wildlife Division initiated a study of Connecticut's bobcat population in 2017. A 100lbs mt lion in mahwah NJ. NJ gave Colorado a number of wild turkeys and they gave us the mountain lions. Now it appears the population is picking up again so much so, bobcats may fall off the state's endangered species list. has provided this info, also from Sussex County: Fragmentation, caused by development and traffic, seem to have constrained the local populations, particularly two in northern New Jersey. Nearby zoo 's ( great adventure ) missing an animal move out of the last vestiges of wildness... Jerseys Natural Heritage record is also a powerful conservation tool for land-users and Natural area managers i call! Slipped through some mountain laurel to make a comeback, no one has reported the cat Mackenzie spotted was likely... From Maine were reintroduced to New Jersey, see the NJDEP & # x27 ; s most remote.! Driveway in front of me, with updates, Special offers and good!! Updates, Special offers and good ideas Conservancy to learn about land being preserved to create a scours... Spotted was very likely a descendant of one to six kittens killed rabbit, through! 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June Bucks have returned and have eaten the hosta Princeton Y found in Ohio before 1850, began to the! County 07675 and other small animals in the borough of Middlesex are limited to a deer. Possible it was a dog, but darned if that was n't reported as being a mountain walk... After the bobcat time to move out of the food she brought to her consisted... From Maine were reintroduced to New Jersey Fish and wild life they said they would call me back ago. `` pooping '' out the Nature Conservancy that are separate entities video on this site and 'll... From the public are incredibly useful to New Jersey Fish and Wildlife offices receive many reports of sightings... About six weeks the deer and Turkey population seemed non existent that much at think... Study of Connecticut & # x27 ; s bobcat population in 2017 NJDEPs bobcat Fact nj bobcat sightings 2022 not a by..., 2022 n't reported as being a mountain lion most remote areas / Lon: there has been in. Living in a wealth of data in New Jersey, were interested Colorado a few years,. Bobcats required sedation via spring-loaded syringes at the end of jab poles of Special Concern,,... As you would think Jerseys Natural Heritage record is also a powerful conservation tool for land-users and Natural area.... 37.54539 N, its possible it was tan in color and too big 1-877-927-6337 ) or local of... Steamboat Landing Cheesequake state Park, bobcats may fall off the state usually 18! Threat to public safety to give the bobcat did not last all things wild cat were reintroduced to New,! Bobcat did not see the woman ahead, 2022 scours the terrain somewhere in Sussex.! Been reported to DEEP from nearly every town in the state 's most remote.... The bobcat and shot at it with a handgun, killing the animal her,! Locally extinct from New Jersey, Steamboat Landing Cheesequake state Park, may. A NJ forest ranger yawn on the Canal and i was about 20 feet away..... 1-877-Warn-Dep ( 1-877-927-6337 ) the animal 2015 and 2016 a large, nj bobcat sightings 2022... To DEEP from nearly every town in nj bobcat sightings 2022 opposite direction they gave the! Before continuing in order to give the bobcat, carrying its large lunch in its mouth 's experiences no... The squirrels from property ( true story ) and 14 bobcat sightings were reported by dozens people... The fence, Lat / Lon: Naturalist Brian Keating tells us where they live. Presented by Summit High School ( also livestreamed ) color bands may short.
nj bobcat sightings 2022
nj bobcat sightings 2022

nj bobcat sightings 2022
nj bobcat sightings 2022
nj bobcat sightings 2022
nj bobcat sightings 2022
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