4 Apr, 2023

bma bible memory association

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Browse our books. Entire Books of the Bible memorized and then recited on Video, A complete list of videos reciting entire books from memory is located on the. If one of the options below sounds like what youre looking for, please click on it, and well get started. { Literally. Menu Search "AcronymAttic.com. Its still coming together but seems to be getting close to the point that it can be rolled out. And beyond that, what a statement it would make to the world if we were to make Bible Memory Heres the deal: I believe in this endeavor so completely and am so certain that God is and has been in it from Day One that I am comfortable predicting that all those who support it in whatever ways theyre able and regularly and faithfully follow the postson theBlog, I am absolutely certain that theyll find a greater and greater level of JOY and ENTHUSIASM and LOVE and SPIRITUAL VITALITY in their day-to-day life give it a try and IllSHOWyou why! . And not just spiritually, but humanly not just in the spiritual realm, but in the human realm, not just in the life to come but also this present life (1 Timothy 4:8). And if you already have a Gmail, Google, YouTube, or Google+ account or email address (and if not, you can get one on the next screen), please also subscribe for FREE to the Bible Memory YouTube Channel its super quick and easy, and youll automatically be notified whenever I post a new video on YouTube, too! No health surprises. You think enough people will actually donate to the cause of Bible memory? I remember thinking, No way would THAT domain be available, no way would it NOT already be taken like twenty years ago! But Im trusting the Lord to lead a number of you to actually come ONTO THE FIELD with me in this massive and historic effort. But in the spiritual realm, when it comes to God and His Word, the Bible, the exact OPPOSITE is true! Ever. How can this be? I also became a part of BMA (Bible Memory Association), which is about memorizing scripture and receiving prizes for being able to quote it to a mentor. Biblical Mennonite Alliance, an organization of congregations and ministers deeply committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His Word, was officially established on June 5, 1998 in West Salem, Ohio. Even just since I heeded the Lords call and started this task of memorizing the ENTIRE Bible, I can tell you that an otherwise-inexplicable and unfading sense of joy has manifested itself in my daily life, even more than before. His utter love and kindness and compassion. I mention several on the home page but will highlight just one of them here. How could this be? Before that we were the Southwest Chapter of the Bible Memory Association (BMA). No emergencies. The programs are time-tested and have been a blessing to many for many years. to memorize entire books of the Bible! VSP was developed to provide longer term voluntary service opportunities to youth and adults, 2021-22 Biblical Mennonite Alliance | All Rights Reserved. by clicking on this image! BMA stands for Bible Memory Association. Im looking for true PARTNERS in every sense of the word, so if youre able and feel led by God to do so,please become aMonthly Partnerby clicking on the little box on that PayPal pageas this would provide much better visibility going forward in proceeding with the plan of action (4 phases) discussed above to grow this into a full-speed-ahead, full-fledged, full-time ministry for the Lord to use however He desires. No, it wont happen overnight but down the road I look forward to organizing some clinical/medical trials to demonstrate that this is universal and not just specific to me. Rather, He sent His Son into the world to save people (John 3:17), and when He ascended back into heaven He in turn sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:16,26; 16:7; Acts 1:8; 2:1-47) who washes and regenerates and sanctifies (Titus 3:5 - working in tandem with the Bible per the aforementioned John 17:17) and transforms people into "little Christs . And if youre able and feel led by God to do so,please consider becoming aMonthly Partnerby clicking on the small Make this a monthly donation check-box on that PayPal pageas this would provide much better visibility going forward in proceeding with the plan of action (4 phases) discussed above to grow this into a full-fledged, full-speed-ahead, full-time ministry for the Lord to use however He chooses. (Talk about a MIRACLE!). For those who already know Him, I am honored beyond description to have you on the team, thanks so much for your thoughtful support and for spreading the Word by spreading the word as we seek to please the Lord and make history together! Yes, you might not ever memorize the entireBible yourself but you CANmake it possible for someoneelseto through your thoughtful financial support! It all came back to me: Bible Memory Association, Miracle Camp, Dr. W, and those wonderful little memory books. Its certainly a minor miracle if not technically a full-blown, official one. I look greatly forward toshowingyou how to get there, how to make this happen not only in YOUR life but also those of your children and/or loved ones. a very specific METHOD of doing so is coming into focus. / Chrome . And you might not have the time or inclination to run for political office yourself, but millions of people do the next closest thing and donate (one-time or, most beneficially for that campaigns planning purposes, monthly) to a candidate who espouses and fights for the same beliefs they hold dear. This is how Ill be able not just to Educate and Encourage the masses to memorize and recite Scripture on a regular, systematic basis but also to EMPOWER them to do so (the Word through me). Because when the Lord is truly in something, miracles happen and needs are met, and as you now know if youre reading this on the website, unbelievably, unthinkably, the website address BibleMemory.org was indeed available for my use, just waiting for me to follow the Lords amazing lead and provision and to put it to use in order to chronicle this historic project, what is sure to be an amazing journey. But since Im doing this over the internet, how could I guarantee that Im not reading lines or cheating in some way? If not, feel free to contact us directly! See also Proverbs 1:7 and Ecclesiastes 12:13. Im just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace, Hes the God of all creation and power and purity and perfection so how much more would this mean to HIM?! He is revealed to us as Father, Son. And you know what? We have a 70-year track record of helping memorizers of all ages. Years ago when I was in college, I was memorizing 6-8 verses a week from Collegiate 1, The Everlasting God, published by BMA (Bible Memory Association. And ever since. I got it! To memorize the ENTIRE BIBLE, every word which He has written to us, then to QUOTE HIS OWN WORDS BACK TO HIM! Our association endeavors to unify the work of the churches as they fulfill the Great Commission in their local communities, the State of Texas, and ultimately, the world. EBI offers post-high school level courses in Bible study and related subjects to single and married people. . So you can do likewise in the lives of others, and so on, and so on, and so on. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. To their utter missing out yet few if any are even aware of this because nobody has trumpeted it from the proverbial mountaintops but with your help I intend to change this, too, and do just that! It's amazing. Get going! If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Enter a verse, a word, a phrase, Strongs number,.. KJV NKJV NLT NIV ESV RVR NASB RSV ASV YNG DBY WEB HNV VUL. This is one reason I appreciate my years in AWANA and BMA (Bible Memory Association) when I was a kid. And I cant think of anything grander than that! We offer a variety of memory programs for all ages, from 3 to 103. Rather, He sent His Son into the world to save people (John 3:17), and when He ascended back into heaven He in turn sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:16,26;16:7;Acts 1:8; 2:1-47)who washes and regenerates and sanctifies (Titus 3:5 working in tandem with the Bible per the aforementionedJohn 17:17) and transforms people into little Christs, Christ ones, Christians(2 Corinthians 3:17-18), soIm trusting the Lord to lead like-minded Bible-loving believers to serve as His arm, His hand, His fingers from heaven by supporting this historic effort and resultant ministries prayerfully and in the other ways specified below including and necessarily financially; if you would like to support this history-making effort as I dedicate my life to becoming the first person ever tomemorize and recite the ENTIRE BIBLEand give that back to Him as a love/thank-You gift on behalf of everyone involved with this and then to Educate, Encourage, and Empower others to do likewise, simply click the Donate button below and youll be taken to PayPals SECURE transaction page. Regular thoughts by a philosopher and Christian about trying to live a life of integrity and faithfulness in a world that doesn't make it easy. Quote, Do you want to share your testimony about what memorizing Gods Word means to you? This is one of my favorite passages since childhood. 2. I did just that, I memorized the first verse, then the second, then the third, and much to my amazement with each verse and certainly with every few chapters, it got EASIER. : We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity; that He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Bible Bee; Bible Bowl; Bible Foundation (India) Bible Memory Association (BMA) Bible Quizzing; Fountain of Life (Philippines) Memverse; Sing 250+ verses (Indonesia) STT Setia Jakarta; STT Setia Luwuk; STT Setia Nias; Topical Memory System (TMS) Quote 1.OOO Verses (Indonesia) Upton Lake Christian School; Verse Locker; Your Church; Your School . Upon rolling it out, I am fully convinced that everyone who takes me up on that challenge to start memorizing and reciting Scripture on a regular, systematic, verse-by-verse, book-by-book basis (dont faint, this is utterly doable, just watch!) . 24th Annual Ministerial Enrichment Weekend. Ive been memorizing Bible verses my entire life, starting with BMA (the long-defunct Bible Memory Association) at age 2 or 3 or 4 then in Sunday School and AWANA as a child and teenager. In fact, just the opposite of their notion is true, because the more of the Bible I memorize, the more I realize how utterly and entirely sinful I am in and of myself, in my flesh. 4. In every way, in every area. A. Also, I want to make clear that while supporting this will surely be very pleasing to the Lord and yield the above benefits in your life, it wont bring you even ONE INCH closer to heaven if you havent already come to a saving knowledge of Christ, in which case Id humbly ask that you not give a dime but rather just be my honored guest here, with the hope that one day, through the sheer power of His Word, you will come to that wonderful, unparalleled place of perpetual peace and joy and love. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of JAMES from memory Personal Appreciation: Youll be on the receiving end of immeasurable, literally unlimited gratitude from me for joining other Lord-led, like-minded, Bible-loving believers in supporting this each month and thus literally help make it happen, help make it a reality for the Lord to receive this first-and-only-one-of-its-kind love/thank-You gift for all He does and who He is! Its important to have people cheering in the stands. Any Music Published by the Following is APProved A Beka Music Curriculum Bible Truth Music, P.O. To the truth and existence and nature and will of God. Because its just as clear that the Bible also restores the soul and makes wise the simple and rejoices the heart! Go to Memory Courses Im DJ Bible and Ill be your host. (Gulp! Proverbs 11:25. function() To help fulfill the Great Commission, the people of the BMA have created a family of ministries. Other books are collections of verses relating to various subjects. Supporting this history-making undertaking could well end up being one of the most important things you do in your entire life. But thankfullyPsalm 19:7-8doesnt stop there! And once that door is opened, who knows where the Lord might take it?! Its amazing. So I dont have any plans to write a book about my life as interesting and unique as it has certainly been but I did register the internet domain name DJBible.orgfor a personal website should the Lord ever lead me to do so but for now will just direct it to this website, BibleMemory.ORG. In my Bible reading this morning, I was in John 15. (NOTE: It has been configured so neither I nor anyone else will ever even see your credit card information, only PayPal, the most secure and trusted payment processor on the planet.) I dont think the two are unrelated or that this remarkable health history is mere coincidence or the result of good genes; no, Im certain its that verse at work. $5.00 . JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. I am absolutely certain that the best and probably only way to truly beat, to truly eradicate, overcome, and conquer an addiction is to turn to something even more addictive and I am equally certain that the most addictive thing in the universe is the BIBLE, the living and active Word of God, the Word ingested. Another reason for this historic effort and website: to make you and countless others HAPPY. NO I AINT! Indeed, one of the reasons that I started this ministry was so like-minded people could have a great, fun, and unique way to multiply the funds the Lord has entrusted to them and convert those into spiritual and everlasting treasure and reward. It breaks through the blindness which besets us from birth and opens ones eyes. The British Military Administration (BMA) was the interim administrator of British Malaya from August 1945, the end of World War II, to the establishment of the Malayan Union in April 1946. A verse that BMA (Bible Memory Association, now ScriptureMemory.com) had me memorize when I was involved in the program, was Job 28:28. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of 2 PETER from memory From 1948-1991 it was owned and operated under the BMA board of directors. The administration had the dual function of . You see, asPsalm 19:7-8clearly states, the Bible and especiallymemorizingthe Bible enlightens the eyes. So also, I think that this would bring a depth of pleasure to the Lord like nothing else, since I sense that He will then use this platform to Educate, Encourage, and Empower people all around the world to memorize and recite Scripture (thus greatly multiplying and compounding His pleasure) and to bring countless souls to salvation, which will multiply His pleasure all over again because we know fromLuke 15:10that even the angels of God rejoice over even just ONE sinner who repents, so how much more must the Holy Creator receive joy over hundreds or thousands or even millions? I can only think that it's because it somehow had such an impact on me as I worked through my BMA (Bible Memory Association, now Scripture Memory Fellowship) book. I have this to say about that, and thats this: fear not, beloved, I have GREAT NEWS! please encourage your friends and family to do likewise. and youll automatically be notified of future posts! Ill delve into all of that in great depth in future posts but for now it will suffice to say that I started out memorizing various Bible verses in a sporadic manner based on the curriculum of those various programs but now I do so on a regular, systematic basis, i.e., verse-by-verse, book-by-book and what a difference that has made! The Bible Memory App is the only complete Bible memory system that makes it easy for you to Memorize, Organize, and Review verses. Bible Memory Association International. We have a 70-year track record of helping memorizers of all ages. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of PHILEMONfrom memory Dr. Woychek, president of BMA, purchased the property in the mid 1940s and began a BMA camp. November 10 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report And specifically for the purposes of this topic, as Ill be covering in many future posts, given the nature of the Word (e.g., that it rejoices the heart as clearly stated inPsalm 19:8), I am absolutely sure that even just faithfully following the posts which flow forth from such a Bible-saturated, Bible-stuffed mind will produce a tangible level of those benefits in YOUR life, too! You can answer that call to help fund this love/thank-You gift to the Lord Imagine if you wrote a love letter to someone you were dating at the time, and one day that personquoted your entire love letter back to you from memory! Our purpose is to see the salvation and growth in Christ of men, women and children through the memorization of the Holy Scriptures. PHASE 1: Memorize the ENTIRE Bible as a love/thank You gift back to Him and also to prove, to demonstrate to the world the utter and tangible power and benefits of the ingested (memorized) Word of God! I immediately realized how zonked even a sinner like me would be if I were to write a long love letter to a woman I was dating at the time and then at a future point she responded by quoting that letter back to me word-for-word! Ill discuss the specifics of how that all came about in a moment but at some point the thought hit me to actually spin out VIDEOS first of my reciting entire books of the Bible from memory and then detailing the specific memory method which the Bible itself is making known to me (the enlightening the eyes of Psalm 19:8 in action!) And Ill dedicate my entire life savings to getting started but YOU are going to have to cause enough Lord-led like-minded Bible-loving believers to even hear about this and then support it because my life savings alone would only last a number of months and Im going to need several years even WITH Your holy help, due to the sheer volume of Your written utterances and my own utter inadequacy., God: Good, My child. Bibles. will result in having the ENTIRE Bible in me every word of the Word for the first time in known human history, and I think people the world over will be AMAZED at the results of what happens when the infinite Word of God is placed and resides within a finite human being, flawed and flesh-enveloped though he or she may be. Welcome to BibleMemory.ORG! Id go on to describe the many, many, many tangible benefits of this but that would take hours so Ill save that for future posts. Stay tuned. I attribute it fully to that verse, Psalm 19:8, that the Bible does indeed enlighten the eyes when ingested. The funeral service will be held on Sunday, September 25th at 3 PM at Unity Church. And patience. When you're ready, click the register link to sign up for free. . Each has a unique directive, but all have the same Great Commission purpose. Welcome to Bible Memory Ministries! The conversation (which occurred entirely in my soul, not ears, not audibly youll be glad to know ) which immediately followed on that occasion, when this thought first hit my head and heart, went something like this: Me: But, Lord, Im the LEAST likely and logical and capable person to pull off such a historic task, which nobody else in known human history has been able to do and I dont have an overly great mind to begin with, Im no genius, so how on earth can this be?, God (again, not audibly but in my spirit exactly as referenced in Proverbs 20:27): Fear not, just start doing it, just memorize the first few verses of the first selected book and I through My Word will take care of the rest and make it happen., Me: But, Lord, Im still just a human vessel and a very flawed one at that, even if You make it happen it would take years and Ive got bills to pay so have to spend most of my time working my job as You know. : We believe in the one true God, who is the first person of the Trinity; perfect, infinite, and eternal. c1950s LOS ANGELES California Postcard "MIRACLE MILE" Wilshire Blvd. Copyright BibleMemory.org. I got it! To help fulfill the Great Commission, the people of the BMA have created a family of ministries. You can even memorize and review verses while reading and studying your Bible, all in one app! Not one. Back in '73, they gave me a Bible that said "The Way" on the front cover, but I never read it since I was already in BMA (Bible Memory Association), which had all the weekly series of memory verses in each booklet we had to memorize and recite each and every week. We have a super-duper health pill readily available to us (the Bible is the most-published and available book of all time) yet SO FEW EVER ACTUALLY SWALLOW IT! Free shipping . Scripture Memory Fellowship, Inc. All rights reserved. Frankly, I was a bit stunned when I did a certain Google research project not too long ago. Literally for the rest of my or their lives, they will have a ready and waiting friend and/or listening ear and/or shoulder to cry on according to their need at the time. The more advanced booklets had more verses per week for us to memorize, which we . Become a one-time or monthly partner by making a donation via PayPals fully-secure Bible Memory page! Why we do what we do. Or more accurately in this case, history in the making. We even had a Bible Club in our home every Saturday for years (ten or more) where a group of BJU students would come and teach Bible lessons in our home. The Bible was written as the illustrated guide, the examples to follow of every doctrine that God wants us to know how to apply, He applies it in someone's life. Become a one-time or monthly sponsor by clicking on this image! Not even close. It exists to make Christs last command our first prioritychurch planting among unreached people groups.. Addresses: Streamwood, IL 60107 1 E Bode Rd, Streamwood, IL 60107. That chapter goes on to answer that very question in beautiful detail in the parable of the prodigal son (or as I like to call it, the parable of theamazing father). Bible Memory Association (BMA) Alumni Speaking of the blog and other videos, I also intend to publish regular stream of memory (like stream of consciousness) videos which I refer to as informal (versus official) since Ill be reciting various books of the Bible from memory but will also share seemingly random thoughts and insights about those passages and principles as they arise, as the Lord and the Holy Spirit and the Word itself bring them to mind in REAL-TIME as the Bible filters through my mind! Directive, but all have the same Great Commission purpose, then to QUOTE His OWN WORDS to! In this case, history in the lives of others, and so on want share. Below sounds like what youre looking for, please click on it and... Beka Music Curriculum Bible Truth Music, P.O reading and studying your Bible, all in one app the.: we believe in the stands been a blessing to many for years... This: fear not, beloved, I was a kid, do want... 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