. But it sounds like a cant win for losing situation :(. I really wish that was possible, but it's not. I think it would be pretty unreasonable for someone whos bothered by it to insist that, for instance, a coworker stop treating their psoriasis appropriately just because of the smell of their shampoo. It reminds me of funerals and old churches. I can relate to this. If your general practitioner cant get to the bottom of it, an ENT or allergist should be your next stop. I really wish that my coworker would get sent home too. Getting a scent out of a car seat isnt exactly an easy venture. Its possible were dealing less with a misidentified scent and more with a clumsy insult. . You can couch it as youd think itd be a good idea of someone checked up on him (and gently let him know that the noise is carrying). Allow your puppy little sniff breaks along the walk to decompress from walking alongside you in Heel and get their fill of scents. Scent-free initiatives always seem so invasive to me. +10000 the phrase is reasonable accomodation and op has gone above and beyond. I would be very surprised if everyone in that office besides OP is living a committed scent-free lifestyle. This may be snarky.but perhaps the coworker could simply rub a bit of Vicks Vapor Rub just above her upper lip. Try using earplugs. Also, interestingly enough, I have grandparents who live in another country. Sorry, I might sound rude but I personally think all offices should have a no parfume/no strong aftershave rule because although the wearer of a parfume may love the way it smells, odds are NO ONE ELSE does. When you are around someone who genuinely has a desire to get to know you better, you can absolutely feel it. I never heard of that, but I totally get it. Youre being triggered, I think, by something that upset and nauseated you throughout your childhood. Id be willing to use a different scent on works days if one really bothered someone, but not to give it up completely. You cant police what people do or wear on their own time. This feels very much like using HR to bully an employee while acting like the victim. I agree with the other posters who mention getting a second opinion and Alisons advice to bring in your manager to mediate. Morning all. I still like salmon. If its that severe, then the person who has that reaction needs to be figuring out their own way to avoid things, not putting the entire burden of it on their coworkers. His family would get so angry about it when he was younger. Ive had this happen with arm rests and scented lotions. I think its time for OP to otherwise adopt a broken record response, like Nope, not wearing any perfume today. Maybe they had a true allergic attack and while it was happening smelled the scent or scents that are setting them off? They do have a smelllol. Perhaps she does as well and is associating them with you? Its not like we banned cilantro-flavored food. Youre not the only one that has had that thought. I have migraines, asthma, and a couple breathing conditions, and one or another of my conditions has been set off by someone wearing too much scent, by heavy smokers who arent even smoking at the time. I completely agree. When he started doing it I did ask him to go and blow his nose and he said why . I still cant eat creme brulee. The limbic center is the part of the brain that controls emotional, physical, and psychological responses. Yeah, this is a good point. If I had to start changing out my entire home routine to unscented products and avoiding incense and oils at home just to avoid bringing them into the office well chances are Id probably start stinking like cat. Curiously enough, the first symptom I get is irritability, and my fight or flight response kicks in. should I tell the truth in my exit interview? A physical change of environment for one or both of them should neutralise this co-workers issue. It would suck for OP if it is her entire wardrobe and she just cant smell it. It's much more probable that the perpetrator is simply unaware of how she appears to others. If symptoms last more than a month and over-the-counter remedies havent done the trick, its time to see a physician.. In my experience, the years 1992 to 1999 presented a massive dry spell in underwear sniffing - nothing to sniff. For me, my comments were about where the smell could still be coming from, since OP seems baffled that they could be smelling like anything after all theyve done to eliminate smells from their person. I just could not handle it. Even if she still can smell something on you that youre not noticing, shes not bringing it up in a productive way at all exaggerated sniffing and snarky comments are not helping anything! patchouli is hard to remove. I have very short (pixie-length) bleached and dyed hair, and the schedule I have works really well for both the color and the texture of my hair. It just may turn out that you can tell her to kick rocks if she just has a personal preference and its not a sensitivity at all. You've been told. Although such handbooks often outline appropriate and inappropriate behavior, it's common knowledge that a bodily function such as loud burping is inappropriate. She is rude. I wont eat it because when I worked at Golden Corral in college, way before they became a buffet, we used curly kale leaves to decorate the salad bar (they were sturdier than lettuce). But it does have so many negative associations and smells so strongly to people that I wouldnt wear it to work anyway. I dont know that they specifically know or mean patchouli oil so much as scented product that they suspect OP is using. And theres a limit to how much Im willing to let work infringe on my ability to surround myself with a pleasant environment in my off-hours, in the way that I define a pleasant environment, which for me is strongly scent-based. Never again. The air is fine. Here are eleven behaviors you absolutely do not need to deal with in a coworker: 1. I met my husband while I was working as a pizza cook at Chuck E. Cheese. Asking a coworker to switch soaps is ridiculous. I think coworker, at this point, enjoys seeing OP fly into a panic about stinking so shes keeping up the Ooh, you stink! commentary. Offensive even. All rights reserved. Seriously, have you ever had to restock all of your cleaning crap lately? Maybe the hierarchy of OP compared to the coworker is part of this. Its kind of sad that management isnt reprimanding her behavior. Its a classic case of the cure being worse than the disease. To be fair, the only thing Ive actually changed since she complained is not wearing the perfume. As I see it, LW is the victim of a bully at this point. Now I'm drug and sniffle free. Im sorry, no. I genuinely think shes unaware of how much the scent lingers in her home and on the clothes she wears to work. Lately I cant sit next to my wife at the dinner table at home without hearing her chew her food. Ive heard that she is now complaining about someone else I used to work with. Its entirely possible that your chair or coat have absorbed the smell, and you might not even recognize it. Its not reasonable to expect your workplace to be completely purged of every patchouli molecule. Jane says it smells like patchouli. Making Jane smell your purse or sleeves every time she complains about it should put an end to whatever offense she is imagining. Sniffle. (And even if she werent, the co-worker is clearly going about this the wrong way!). Then at one point NASA got involved and made the equivalent of a kid sized space suit that could let the kid go out into the world for short periods of time and at least interact in the same space as other people. I don't have an obstruction, so I am not really sniffing up snot or mucus. :) All in all, its just frustrating when youve done everything to accommodate someone and they are still abrasive. It is amazing how difficult it can be to shake that incensey smell if you commonly use incense or oils or other such products at home. If the room size/ventilation isnt great, it wouldnt be that hard for the coworker to be confused. I am sorry youre going this. Sounds to me like the only thing that stinks, is said co-workers attitude. That all said, if someone really has to try hard to smell things, then I fail to see how those scents could be so potent as to warrant the need to remove them. car seats? (It just fell in! Go away. (I generally do use some sort of rub but if Im lazy thats fine.) Im sorry youre dealing with this. He finally had a doctor who asked just the right questionand after a few more tests and exams, it turned out it was a tic and that he has (a very mild form) of Tourette's syndrome. If I manage to get a load of casual-time-only clothes put together (instead of mixed work and casual), I might throw in a little bit. Yes Tom Ford has a fragrance called White Patchouli that I refer to as my rich hippie perfume. That being said, do you use scented candles? Im one of the rare 20-somethings that doesnt take laundry to my parents house to do, because their washer smells funky and the funk seems to come off on my clothes a little. Long before this point, my response would have reverted to These are the products I use. It's not so easy no matter where you work. Theres a lot of people here with many suggestions on how to work with your co-worker to stamp out any lingering smells. It's really annoying. Im realizing through reading all these comments that Im apparently pretty weird with my dislike of most scents! I didnt believe her till I lived in a house with nasty water and it helped to neutralize the smell on my clothes. But it really, truly is an instant, intense fight-or-flight feeling and knowing its irrational doesnt make that kind of heart-pounding, blinding adrenaline go away. And that's because your coworker might not even know that she likes you yet. Go stand in the snow for a bit and it will seem so nice and toasty in here when you come back!. Shes done more than is reasonable. Or, stay home until you feel better. I add vinegar to thrift store clothes to get ride of the scented detergents most of them wash things in. As part of following AAMs #3 advice, you should ask your boss to help you figure out if you still have a scent issue. ! comment kinda looks like this coworker is looking for drama. Oh well then.if she just doesnt like it, thats just too bad. I mean slimy as opposed to the warm feeling you have after talking to someone who is genuine. Take AAMs suggestions to speak to Manager or to take it to HR and see what kind of reaction you get. On a particularly strong scent day a few months ago, I mentioned this to her, and she seemed quite responsive and apologetic. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Seconding the thanks! Theyre going to keep pushing and pushing until either they 100% get their way, or the person accommodating them says no, Ive done enough for you, thats all your getting., For the record, I love the phrase go pound sand. Honestly, next time she snarks about patchouli, Id literally laugh in her face, like Seriously? I wish this was more helpful to the OP. To this day, 20+ years later, the smell of chocolate (especially warmed, as in fresh-baked cookies) makes me queasy. I understand that fragrances can be bothersome (I dont like many of them myself), but the coworker needs to define whether this goes beyond plain bothersome into I-cannot-concentrate territory. This should prevent any other smells from entering her nose. If co-worker said that the scented oils give her migraines or make her feel like shes going to vomit, I think thats a different level than just saying I dont like that scent. I think going forward, you may do well to stress how much youve done to accommodate her and how unprofessionally she has continued to act. But to negatively comment about any group is . As someone who works in construction and is used to being around a bunch of sweaty smelly coworkers, I find myself wondering the following and hope someone can help me out: At what point is asking someone to be accommodating too much? This is a coworker/management problem, not an OP needs to take special tablets and buy a new bedspread problem. And the smell is not any other smell; her smell is really clearly that one you get when your armpits smell bad after sweating. AlsoI used (briefly, because I am sensitive to Aluminium) a non-scented deodorant (Toms I think) and after 5 daysit had a smell and that smell was on me. But not always. They say scent is our strongest memory, meaning that some smells immediately transport us to a specific person or place in time. And Im damn sure not asking that of all my friends and family. Ten points to Gryffindor! Get classified and get medical clearance restrictions and stuff. That would make sense with the patchouli reference. Is she hassling the other people in your office? Yeah. Not wearing perfume to work is reasonable. I found a great hand cream that is lavender scented. The only way to find out IF the coworker is actually smelling something and what and where that something is if it is, is to do a test where they do not know if the OP is there. I think considerate coworkers like you should do what they can to help out other coworkers, but at the same time, you shouldnt have to give up something you enjoy using in your free time because of a work conflict. Sorry to say, sometimes the organic, all natural, Earth friendly stuff is no match for strong or stubborn smells. That scent in particular seems to really linger even if youre not specifically wearing it. It seems like some people in an office environment get a pet Thing To Complain About and lose track of either the importance or the existence of the Thing, sometimes both. If the co-worker was a jerk about it I might get dramatic and fling myself to the floor and wail, what more do you want from me? But thats really better left for fantasy, I suppose. Urp. If you have a fabric chair it could have residual scents. She should take this up with the manager, not with you directly, and certainly not with little cutting comments instead of direct requests. It took a long time, and as a result I cant use that detergent anymore because I associate it with spending hours with a mattress that reeked of pee. Oils, especially, can seep into fabric and smell forever, even though you are no longer wearing scented products. But unless were also banning Axe body spray or Febreze from the public sphere (if only), people get to wear whatever scent they like in public even if it annoys some other people. Let me tell you, African women, French women and certain Asian women wear perfume when they are out in public. Youre sensitive to her complaint & youve already spent time & effort that for you to do even more is becoming a type of hardship for you [hardship in the sense of harassment as Alison described]. Scent can also be a trigger for good or bad memories. But its not just adjustingits spending a fair whack of money on new products, an expense that can be a considerable burden at some income levels. 7)Constant messaging and texting Constant communication at work (as well as at home) is a very very good sign of friendship and mutual understanding. Ive never had anyone else mention my scent unless I specifically ask, and even then its usually so faint that they have to sniff the crook of my elbow or whatever to smell it. If exposed long enough, the migraine will last for 4 days, so its absolutely no joke, and my productivity drops precipitously. I dont think she ever wore patchouli, so maybe the scarf picked up the smell from the artist or the store where she bought it. Oh man every time I see someone on here who has sniffling as a trigger I feel a little guilty. Well, rose and lime and the mens Eau des Baux are good, their neroli scent is like death. I dont think this is a race thing. She even went to my manager, who pulled me aside and asked me about things like deodorant and bath products. It turns out I suffer from ocd i am on medication for it. Blech! I always try to leave and go to the bathroom when I need to blow my nose because it's embarassing doing it in a quiet room and I don't want to do it around people who are trying to eat. Maybe its made a home in her subcutaneous fat. If thats the case, theres nothing LW can do. Maybe a (different) co-worker, in case the smell is lingering around the OPs work station as mentioned below. I hope this works out and she backs off, but either way, as a scent-sitive person, thank you so much for going through all this effort. Could you bring in some Frebreeze and see if that helps? I dont think she should have to stop wearing perfume on the weekend or totally change her hygiene routine. And of course I shower daily. She was here before me, and Ive been here three years. My cat peed on a mattress after a surgery and I could not get the smell out of my nose. Yes, this is what Im finding a little boggling about a lot of the comments talking about scents at home, in mattresses, sheets, etc. Often people dont realize how heavy their perfumed things are, and it can interfere with others breathing & general ability to function. It does not work all the way and attempting to blow my nose is just a waste of a tissue and energy and causes me more frustration. You have a right to wash yourself in lightly (or heavily for that matter) scented things. Out of curiosity, does the sound of a nose being blown bother anyone here? Yup. Hold a constructive private conversation. However, nothing I could do would fix the problem. I am 30 years old and I have been told that I sniff constently in my sleep. That said, youre right (as is Alison) that we should be focusing on dealing with her coworker, who is behaving abominably and is way out of line. I honestly just remembered there was a scented lotion I used to wear, and I would notice the smell on my clothes even after I washed them. to accommodate an employee, but I wouldnt deep-clean my carpets or replace my mattress. Febreeze is the worst. My point is that maybe something similar is happening with OPs coworker and smells. I agree. First it was people smacking gum, then chewing crunchy foods with their mouth open, and now its almost any audible chewing sounds at all. Makes weird noises. LW, is it possible that laundering has not removed the fragrance from your work clothes? I dont think your co-worker is being very kind and you have gone out of your way to accommodate her, but it is possible that a patchouli scent (no offense, but I hate that smell so much I wont even walk into a store where I can smell it) is lingering in your clothes? I have to use unscented shampoo due to a skin allergy. To clarify the role of habitual sniffing caused by nasal diseases in the pathogenesis of middle ear diseases, 112 pediatric patients with secretory otitis media (183 ears) were examined for associated nasal diseases and habitual sniffing. Usually trying to clear the flood and congestion by blowing my nose is like trying to slam a logjam through the eye of a needle. Good idea! People smell a certain way. Im not allergic, but it just has such a terrible chemical smell that just lingers forever if my coworker wanted to get rid of me, spraying my stuff with Febreeze would do it! Here is my most recent one. I now have refused being singled out. Its a hard balance to walk. They have to go out in public and buy groceries, get gas, go to the doctor, and basically interact with a whole plethora of other humans and nonhumans who all emit various smells. If they are lucky, someone else will make it, or if they wait long enough, the decision will make itself. We can list every single scented item under the sun that ~maybe~ is causing OP to have some sort of fragrance but really, this is over exaggeration and harassment on coworkers part. She needs a personal air filter, and to leave the OP alone. it also helps with static electricity AND acts as a fabric softener and is much cheaper than store bought fabric softener. Any chance it could be a shampoo/conditioner/other hair product? Either way, the coworker needs to take control of her sensitivity instead of expecting her coworkers to bend over backwards for her. 7. Get queasy even smelling it/seeing the bottle. And it smelled *horrible* and wouldnt come out; I tried vinegar and Oxi-clean after about five washes and that seemed to help. Your box of tissues has become your closest companion (and admit it your sleeve has been called in to pinch hit on a couple of terrible occasions). Maybe the OP or the manager can talk with the cleaning crew to find out what products they are using to clean the desks, carpets, etc. I drank way too much Goldschlager when I was in high school and still cant deal with it! Preempt HR. I once did a volunteer gig in a bingo hall this was before tobacco regulations were tightened in public locations and afterwards I could smell the smoke until I washed my sneakers, my purse (fabric, luckily), and my coat and scarf. Has gone above and beyond offense she is now complaining about someone I. Sounds to me like the victim a few months ago, I mentioned this to her and! Them with you in the snow for a bit and it can interfere with others &... You, African women, French women and certain Asian women wear when! Comment kinda looks like this coworker is part of this I am not really sniffing snot. The sound of a car seat isnt exactly an easy venture a classic case of the brain that emotional... 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coworker constantly sniffing
coworker constantly sniffing

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