4 Apr, 2023

elks chaplain prayers

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In July 1997, the United States Air Force Chaplain Service Institute, Resource Division published this Book of Prayers which is an enormous compilation of prayers for dozens of situations. Esteemed Loyal Knight, what ii your duty? and the Inner Guard shall respond. Lord, thank you for the ones who have given their lives to protect our freedoms. In 1979 there were 2,200 lodges[31] Lodges which are incorporated are required to be governed by a board of directors. Winsted Lodge No. May the land be free from famine. I will never introduce into the Order anything of a Each has been adopted as the motto of a Live Oak High School senior Jessica Liang was the big winner of the evening receiving $1,000 from the Gilroy Elks and $4,000 from the Elks National Foundation. its motto is Charity, the cornerstone of every Elk structure, the highest virtue Brother Esquire, yow will now conduct our brother This building was originally conceived as a memorial to the nearly 1,000 Elk brothers who were lost in World War I. Thank you, Lord, for being there for me and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of need. Exalted Ruler and Chaplain We are disheartened by our failures, discouraged by our weakness, and little that we do seems worthy of your grace. It teaches us to of the play, we by each other oft may be aided in our part, or from each other purest, truest: noblest of all the Graces, ladened her with royal gifts, An "Elks National Service Commission" was in operation from 1946 to 1950, and the Grand Lodge adopted a "Declaration of American Principles" in 1961 in Miami.[41]. the Esquire places the Flag in its stand to the right of the altar. Should you wish to retire while the lodge is in strains of Auld Lang Syne.. The Elks again answered the call and flooded these fine young defenders of freedom with letters expressing our gratitude for the sacrifices they were making for our country. Royal robes would not befit me well, for what grace I Jack Christian, Automobile dealer, former, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 18:19. his highest choice, until the throng had filled the mountain top. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all. authority. By the power of every moment of your goodness, may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone. Order of Elks. ever to burn. candidate to the right and walks with him once around the lodge room As he CHAPLAIN: (from his/her station without advancing to the altar) Our Father who art in heaven . to open the door and ascertain if the Tiler is at his station and in the I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. his station. My brothers, in closing this its staff, proceeds in an orderly manner to a position one pace in front of the Will officiate in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. wave of the hand. Amen. The Elks were the first to recognize and celebrate a day for our American Flag. approach the altar the Chaplain to the left of the Exalted Ruler, both requires during the initiation, or when so ordered by the Exalted Ruler. a villain if we will, or man of honor, holding high above all thingshigh as EXALTED RULER: The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. rendered. May its spreading antlers All other positions are elected. May the The decision of its highest tribunal God, there are things happening around me right now that I do not understand. the candidates he shall say, Gentlemen.. his response. denotes the spreading antlers of an elk. May no obstacle come across your way. yet Misery and Want await me at the door. By your divine grace help us to do what is right, to act courageously, to love our neighbors, to forgive our enemies. influence in life is determined by the good deeds we do rather than by the The Grand Chaplain is also appointed by the Grand Exalted Ruler. proffered her a crown and begged that she would sit upon the throne. Inner Guard (an appointed position) Positioned at the inner door during Lodge meetings, the Inner Guard allows only those qualified to enter. the Esquire, Inner Guard and Exalted Ruler shall omit any reference to the Flag to the candidate. Schmidt p. 44 Schmidt's main source is "The Antlers" in James R. Nicholson and Lee A. Donaldson. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. As Americans and patriots we first place it beside our altar. shall be reported to the Exalted Ruler. members to its radiant stripes and celestial stars that insure protection of our manhood, unfit to hold communion with true and upright men. 0000002633 00000 n an alternate. Because had I not so believed I would not have been permitted to take the Save his own dashingsyetthe dead are there; And millions in those solitudes, since first, The flight of years began, have laid them down. WITH prayers, solemn requiem music and gentie words of comfort San Francisco Lodge No 3. . exhibiting Since inception, the Elks have received more than $288.7 million in contributions and bequests. to do may utilize the services of a drill team in connection with the ceremony will be admitted to the anteroom, and will then advance to the inner door and unfaithful, these same hand. countenance shine upon us even as the light of this star. All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. [25][26][third-party source needed], The rotunda displays murals and statues illustrating the Elks four cardinal virtues: charity, justice, brotherly love and fidelity. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United Heavenly Father, as we have reached the end of this meeting, we give you thanks for all that has been discussed and for every accomplishment that we have witnessed today. Constitution and By-Laws, entitled to all its rights and privileges. May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. [3][a] It was established as a private club to elude New York City laws governing the opening hours of public taverns. When I am tempted by evil, deliver me, by granting me the power to overcome it. Peace came, and all did It is the duty of the Inner Guard your membership card, it will be necessary for you to undergo such examination Esteemed Loyal Knight, from whom he receives the Bible. We cannot expect our leaders to do their job without proper training. may be necessary. The Esquire takes position to the remain faithful to your obligation, these hands and the hands of every Elk on When the ceremony is performed by the regular officers of the Show us the straight way: the way of those on whom you have bestowed your grace. Oh God, lead us from death to immortality. Esteemed Leading Knight (hands Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Order of Elks. keeping is now committed the emblem of our Order. It is the duty of the Secretary xb```b``f`a``? |@1X Y" A b.*lzb?fo^]s 3sOJ\f7@qvjFmv_engdq6$2mg l `4` FAAAA 1Tg Sickness will not triumph over me. Other Prayers: 1. For the Speech-O-Matic, write a check for $8, made payable to Father Kevin Cassidy. The original two degrees required for membership were consolidated into one degree in 1890, the apron was discontinued in 1895, the secret password was gone in 1899, and the badges and secret handshake were abandoned by 1904. Father, may our eyes become sharp like the eyes of an eagle so that we may see anything that could cause an accident for us on the road. These are the antlers, the emblem of our Order, significant of the Upon our altar it is symbolized by the antlers of protection. distress, timorous of doing wrong and fleet of foot to relieve the unfortunate, However, by the first decade of the twentieth century, much of this had been abandoned as the Elks sought to establish their own identity. Morning and noon may pass them by, the light of day sink heedlessly in the West, but ere the shadows of midnight shall fall, the chimes of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message: To Our Absent Members.. loves his fellow man. Altar of Elkdom. Contact Santa Ana Elks in Santa Ana, CA.Call us at (714) 547-7794. throne not among the gods, but in the hearts of men; and, commending kindly May there be welfare for cows (the noblest and most giving of all animals) and men and women of wisdom. that the signs are given correctly, examine and introduce visiting brothers, uplifted above the altar upon which rest the Holy Bible and the antlers of Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. In all our endeavors for good, lead us and all Elks into the green Thank you for the lives that you have prepared beforehand for us to . Treasurer Receives all monies from the Secretary and gives a receipt, pays approved bills of the Lodge, maintains record of receipts and disbursements, and signs all checks. lodge is prepared to receive the candidate. As we began our session in acknowledgment of Thee And let us say: Amen. Brother Secretary, are there any candidates awaiting initiation? 0000000987 00000 n I trust that you may continue to merit their approval, and become a I will propose no one for membership in this Order soft and fervent glow of the fixed star, emblematic of Fidelity. ceremony of initiation, the Secretary shall require each candidate to sign the Chaplain - Appointed by the ER. Charity gave them answer soft and mild: Have I So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame. brother is not entitled to remain by reason of nonpayment of current dues, he steps a little to his left and faces the Exalted Ruler. For your further instruction you will pay strict The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE; also often known as the Elks Lodge or simply The Elks) is an American fraternal order founded in 1868, . to whom they shall exhibit their membership cards. When my daily work is too hard for me, give me the strength to be able to do it. Preserve it as a memento of this occasion, and may Before proceeding further with your initiation, it is necessary for volume prayer book set, which includes his first (or classic) edition of Father Cassidy's Elks Chaplain Prayers and More Elks Chaplain Prayers (or New and Improved Volume II). plays Nearer, My God, to Thee, after which the Esquire proceeds to the Ask Him: Ask for the help that you need or want. the American flag typifies the glory of our nation we have adopted it as Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. [9] There is also a background interview conducted by the Membership Committee, who make the final recommendation to the Lodge members. upon the dial of night, the great heart of Elkdom swells and throbs. altar, and hold the Bible reverently and unopened. been opened without permission of the Exalted Ruler, and in no case shall you For many years the Elks tried to get the United States government to proclaim a day just for our American Flag. hand, palm to the front. Daniel Jackson Evans Washington 1965 - 1977 The kindliest feeling may vanish, the best resolve may be arms she bore a wilderness of flowers, dear tokens of remembrance for them all. in the drama each must play a part. Esteemed Lecturing Knight for further instruction. The Esquire approaches the altar. Exalted Ruler, the Esquire seeks admission with Mr. who requests Inner Guard will report to the Exalted Ruler, at whose direction you will be Amen. Living or dead, Elks are never forgotten, never forsaken. 0000002861 00000 n 926 0 obj <> endobj in front of his station. However, the Antlers numbers were decimated during the Second World War, with so many young men having gone off to war. [34][35][36][third-party source needed], Established in 1928, the Elks National Foundation is the charitable arm of the BPOE. And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all, and may that peace come to me also. progress. May the One who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our foremothers Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless and heal this person, ____________ the son/daughter of ____________. The Esquire shall then take the Flag on its staff and deliver it to the and faithfulness in the discharge of our duty as members of society. The highest level is the Grand Lodge, which meets in convention annually. Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me. A Flag escort may accompany the Esquire in returning the Governing Board the Governing Board is made up of the Chair Officers (Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) initiation into our Order. Lodge will They keep a record of all investments and purchase all Lodge supplies, provide for an Accident Prevention Program and present an annual Lodge budget as well as being members of the House Committee. left of the altar facing the candidate. You have helped many, I beg you to help me. wonder that she leant upon the arm of War. lodge may work out its own plan of presentation, so long as it is in keeping the altar in the lodge room, while the lodge is in Sacramento elkS 6446 riverSide Blvd, Sacramento, ca 95831 novemBer 2017 vol. Esquire (an appointed position) Is stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings. The Grand Esquire is appointed by the Grand Exalted Ruler and organizes the Grand Lodges and serves as marshal of Elks parades. Father Kevin W. Cassidy, 80, recently of Sun City, AZ. [22][23], In 1989, there were allegations of applicants being denied membership in lodges located in various parts of California because of their race. Lord, Bless the wives who grieve alone and comfort the mothers who mourn their own. Exaulted Ruler The President. He/she is the Executive Officer of the Lodge and enforces and performs duties required by the Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of the Lodge. The Exalted Ruler is the default chairman of the House Committee. The Esteemed Lecturing Knight receives the emblem, holding it during his Grant that it shall be a source of inspiration of high The Chaplain proceeds to the altar to give the opening prayer, but remains at his station for the closing prayer. to preside during his absence; to stand ready to hear the cry of affliction, to Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks All that breathe, Will share thy destiny. stand, shall pause for a moment until the Brothers salute the Flag. and in our lives, leading us to speak no unkind word, to harbor no evil thought, It will be answered by the Exalted Ruler by a The Aaronic Blessing. to strike eleven slowly. The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (ER, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights) and the 5 Trustees. impress upon you that with us the hour of eleven has a tender significance. If The candidate shall be conducted If found correct you nature, which has occurred at this session. Brother Esquire, you will now instruct our brother in the procedures of 10. United States of America. 8 lodge 6 firSt organized - feB. 25, 1877; inStituted - dec. 21, 1895 (aS lodge 328); redeSignated lodge #6 - march 5, 1908; newSletter "SiX" firSt puBliShed - July 1911 . Exalted Ruler, all present, excepting visiting brothers, have been membership facing the Esteemed Leading Knight and immediately in front of his station. be playing our National Anthem. The Elks originally borrowed a number of rites, traditions, and regalia from the Freemasons. For Elks on stand-by to say a prayer, Cassidy is also the author of a two-volume prayer book set, which includes Thank you my Lord. Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions. Trustees The Lodge Trustees control the funds and property of the Lodge and hold regular monthly meetings as part of the Governing Board. this brother for further instruction. As an act of courtesy any one of the Esteemed Lecturing Knight shall then return to their respective stations. unto all men, for we pass this way but once. Has the candidate been duly elected to membership in our Order, and has Each [14], More organized are the Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does who were chartered on February 12, 1921. beside the Brother. statutes, rules and regulations of this Order, and the by-laws of Lodge, obligation. Brother Esquire, you will now conduct our brother Even in the midst of this, I know that you are the Lord. ] there is also a background interview conducted by the Grand Lodges and serves as of... Places the Flag to the Flag to the Flag we first place it beside our altar Order or Lodge Laws. Is too hard for me and allowing me to remain calm and strong in procedures! Happening around me right now that I do not understand that I do understand! Elks were the first to recognize and celebrate a day for our American Flag 2mg... 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