4 Apr, 2023

my muslim boyfriend broke up with me

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Iread from many islamic sites that thefate of marrying someone can't be changed by making dua. I felt bad as well as heartbroken when he said to me that he was never my Maybe youll come to the conclusion that your man runs away when its time to commit and settle down for good. He ended relationship after having sex with her. To walk among the What is Khalwa? who know a center to learn it in bittsburgh ? But doing something quick and rash might not be the best idea for you at this moment. My advise to you is to let him go. Question regarding relations between husband and wife, http://www.islamawareness.net/Allah/wihn.html. Everytime I offered salah,I used to make dua that Allah would pleaseshow us the right path (because deep inside I knew it was wrong). My Soon-to-be-wife has left me suddenly, And I am still deeply in love with her. Even if you desperately want everything to be the way it was, accept the breakup and the fact that thats currently not an option. Hes not Muslim, they said. I've been with her 5 years and she ended it. As the Bible tells us: Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Remember that God wants us to act in a way that is virtuous. This same thing happened with me because I realized this is haram Writing down why you shouldnt want to be with him again can help you during those moments when you desperately want to call him. So study Christianity and other religions and compare. And I would rather date pretty much anyone rather than date an over opinionated American Christian (no offense to American guys). Read the following reasons and see if anything sounds familiar. have faith in Him . It proves you are serious about getting back together: It takes courage to break off all contact with your ex. They might not be able to heal quickly and might need more time than you do. WebWhen someone breaks up with you out of the blue and then disappears into thin air, it means that they want to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. He was born and raised in Canada and Id consider him to be very westernized, he drinks parties, dates all that stuff. Did you mention commitment? I dont know he came back to me the other day saying he is finalizing his divorce and he wants us to be together but I dont believe in anything i am honest but he probably misses the sex but i am not more his sex doll that is how i feel now after 1 year with him. Dont ruin all the progress youve made before you contacted him. Type: Question Score: 11 Views: 8,026 Replies: 17. Doing so will help you get your ex back. Do what you need to do to mourn this ending relationship. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Enter Paradise Laughing? Sometimes, the answer is simple, even if we dont want to hear it. Either way, you will need to respect his decision. If you stay in contact with them, they wont have a chance to heal properly. Christian or Jew, then he can not use the esxcuse of you not being a Muslim to not marry you. But you are spot on about the control thing. All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Advertise | Privacy Policy. If hes not ready for a serious relationship, it doesnt mean he doesnt want to be with you; it just means he needs more time. What did your boyfriend tell you regarding the breakup? 1ST KNOW ALLAH THEN PROCEED FOR FORGIVENESS- Thanks. I completely understand how he could turn from attentive to cold and indifferent. Mar 1, 2023 at 11:38 AM. The reason is that Islam treats women very unfairly ! Also, his videos often show the typical questions that non-Muslims have regarding Islam--so hopefully you will be able to find the answer to your queries. Thanks for your response. He and his ex will only continue to hurt you. I encourage you to continue reading the Quran and learning about Islam. Manage Settings If you make snide remarks or say anything negative about her, youll only drive him further away. This morning when I settled in at my computer to get some work done, I found this letter from a reader. If you truly love your ex, and they have not moved on, then asking for a second chance is a good idea. You are probably still reeling from the breakup and eager to get back together with them. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself and getting your own life back on track. His feelings for you changed, and they can change again, but right now, you need to respect his decision. If this is the case, dont assume that he never loved you to begin with. We use to cry for each other when either of us had any problem . Ask God to show you what's best for you. I think on time he started viewing me as something he should be helping to change and bring on the *right path" (according to him) and when I wasn't so easily controllable he got the shits and moved on. He even openly himself said "I thought that you would change easily bit you wouldn't". Oh, youre that girl from earlier. If someone has a logic based check list that says *must be Christian. Surprisingly, a man can simply not have the time and energy for a girlfriend! Instead, be his friend and be supportive. Now that some time has passed, you may be tempted to blame him or shame him. WhenI started this relationship,I was innocent and was not knowing about this great sin. But atheists we cannot marry. If he is still calling you, tell him you would like to remain friends (if you do) but that you need some time away from him to grieve your ending relationship and the loss of the future you thought you had with him. If he had a reason to break up with you, you probably have a reason to let him go. Heres the thing: Guys want to be the ones to do the chasing. Call them narcissists etc.. when the relationship is over..it is over. This means no phone calls, texts, emails, or social media posts. You are precious and created by God. Doing something creative will feel good anyway, so dont hesitate to turn your feelings into a poem, a song, a painting, or any other work of art. He never thought highly of you or was going to treat you well because his religion says that he doesnt have to, as you are a non believer in Islam. I dont know if that'll ever happen. Maybe he cant solve the other issues in his life, so he thought that breaking up with you will solve at least one of them and give him more time to focus on finding solutions for the other ones. It is nice to know you broke off a two and half year relationship with your boyfriend for sake of Allah. One day we both decided we will part ways for the sake of Allh and In Shaa 'Allaah if it is meant to be Allh will reunite us. Islam knows people have urges, but there are only ways for us to do it that's right. Twenty-year-old Orla Irvine ( @orla14i) of Belfast, Ireland, posted three videos on TikTok that show her getting ready to end her relationship. This is enough time for everything to settle down, and by then youll both know if youve made the right choice or if you have regrets. I hate to be a bible thumper but, even in the bible it's says for one not to be unequally yoked. Tell him you want to be his friend, but youre not ready for a relationship. Before you read them, though, think about your relationship and how he has been acting lately. WebIf youve Googled He broke up with me and I dont even know why, youre not alone. However, dont nag him, and if he has told you that he doesnt want to talk to you, respect his decision. If you immediately start trying to get him to take you back, hes going to think youre desperate and push you away even more. But knowI don't feel the same, and this doubt aboutmarrying him makes me feel so uncomfortable and restless. Looks like you did not commit any sin, just cried with him. How can I be a better Muslim? If you dont..,they reel you back in by apologizing false promises and the entire thing starts over. I think the best thing to do is to approach him (at a time when you two arent fighting) and tell him that when he threatens to break up with you, it hurts you. Muslim men is only allowed to marry women that believes in one of the 3 big religions. How willI improve my relationship with Allah? agde, I think you have misunderstood the purpose of this website. Did you know that exercising boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel better about yourself? Everything i needed in my life. Be glad you discovered the walking red flag he was before you got even more involved, and don't try to rationalize why he is so cold now because the truth is, he was likely that cold from the beginning and his "sweet" personality toward you was a performative act all along. These ones hurt a lot because you invested so much. Get back to your hobbies, friends, work responsibilities, and anything else that you had going on. Since yesterday all i did was cry. Your boyfriend might not want to tell you why hes breaking up with you because the reason is another woman. The right person for you wont leave you; theyll stick around for good. Question regarding relations between husband and wife. That is a big sin and not allowed in the religion. If you are interested in Islam only convert because YOU WANT TO. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recite this at least 100 times a day. Saying things like this are untrue. What bothers me is that I feel that I have broken his heart which was never my intention. My boyfriend of almost 2 years just broke up with me out of no where, he said something about we can never be anything more than we are right now because he is Muslim and I am not. I dont think i can do this without him. Talking to a counselor and then connecting with some friends. This is very important and you need to listen to this: Go no contact. 15) Dont beg or act desperate. 11 Factors That Make A Difference. So that's why I decided to brokeup with without telling him . Even though I think a lot of people imagined it would happen this way Im still sorry it happened. Instead, its important to put some space between the two of you so that both of you can think clearly about your relationship and figure out what went wrong. WebIf you are a non-Muslim and have a Muslim boyfriend, then yes, you should breakup with him, unless he agrees to leave Islam. Even if he gets nicer, this is just no way to treat another person, much less a lady friend. At the end, If you see the overall picture, allowing sex without marriage will lead to feel you like you are cheated and you are less precious and easily available . It was nice while it lasted, but it doesnt have a point anymore. But even if you werent, you probably noticed that there was something wrong. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Guess Who? Focus on the negative things about him and your relationship, and dont let yourself crave something that didnt make you happy in the first place. Ihad so much trust in Allahin my duas, and my duas were answered immediatelyso that it was likea miracle. Khalwa in Arabic The word khalwa designates the place where the aspirant Year 2022 is in the rearview. But once you made the statement, he has to act as a Muslim (putting aside that relationships outside of wedlock are haram of course - sex trumps a lot of stuff). This will help you mourn and it will help him come to terms with his decision. You will always love him in some way, but it may hurt a little less. Write in a journal, talk to your friends, and start dating when you feel that youre ready to put yourself out there. Know what you want. Why am I so confident that they can help you? So someone who breaks up with you for good is actually proving that theyre wrong for you and cant make you happy. He never tried for nude photos or sexting etc. It only seems that way because they dont explain themselves. After a breakup, your ex might be confused, scared, and questioning their decision to end the relationship. But maybe it wasn't the love of your life, just another lesson of life. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Allow yourself to heal. Especially the part where you're asking why a non-Muslim would be reading the Quran. Block what you can. What if your relationship was going great? It is unclear as to what reason your boyfriend broke up with you and what he said to you--so it is difficult to comment on this. I miss him a lot and i know he does too. Thats why its good to remember the no contact rule. The No contact rule gives them the space they need to get over the breakup. Instead of talking to you about them and seeking your support, he decided to end your relationship so that he could dedicate his time and energy to those things. I want to talk to there family but not sure how things will go can some one say anything I just want his kind nature back. I feel sorry for you, but let that be a lesson to you I guess. Whats more, hell appreciate the extra effort youre going through to improve yourself. Istighfar opens the door of knowledge. You've been fooled and it sucks, but that is the case. THIS IS TO BRING TO YR KIND NOTICE WHAT IS A PRAYER TO GOD ALMIGHTY THE SUPREME ONE TRUE GOD WE CALL ALLAH IN ARABIC-WHO IS THE ONLY AUTHORITY TO FORGIVE REST IS ALL DELUSION AND FALSE GODS WHO ARE HIS CREATURES WHOM PEOPLE HAVE REVERED SO MUCH AND EXAGGERATED THAT THEY HAVE GIVEN THE PARTNERSHIP WITH HIM IN HIS GOD HEAD- Someone might have caught his eye, but maybe he doesnt even have a particular woman in mind. Its important to give yourself enough time to heal and regain your confidence. Waiting for a while is always a good idea because your feelings might change, and you might realize that you dont want to be with him anymore. So, he has to break up with you to be able to see where it goes with the other person. NowI don't even want to make any dua. Perhaps he thought that he could grow to love you or didnt even think about it at all. If youre not ready for a serious relationship, dont get back together with him and lead him on. Not everyone will get into a relationship with you with the intention to love you, even if they dont intend to use you. I make dua and that's all you can. But it may also make life harder for them. Did your boyfriend act secretive or unhappy? On the other hand though, following Islam plays a more prominent role for my boyfriends. Weve been together for almost a year now, which in my mind does DEFINITELY not warrant wedding planners and cake tasting just yet. I am new here. Well, Islam is not the problem, the problem is he does not want to marry you. Occupy your time and give it some time. They recognize that it wasnt the right way to do it, even if they were unhappy, and they want to escape the consequences of their actions. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Declare (O Muhammad SAW) unto My slaves, that truly, I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful. Remind him of the first date you went on, a fun trip you went on, or the first time he told you he loved you. When we met he had become agnostic n you can tell battling with belief in God. Use the rest to learn new things, meet new people, start a new hobby, change something about your appearance, and improve yourself in all sorts of ways. You could say this to both the girl and the guy and they would both just sit there waiting for the other person to do the work to marry them. I don't think your ex-boyfriend is deserving of your love and effort-- he's thrown you away once, and chances are he will do this again if you give him another chance. You also get a chance to focus on yourself and learn what you need to do to get your life back on track. Your closure doesnt have to be some dramatic Goodbye, but having something like that can help you close that chapter of your life. If you decide to go no contact, dont give in to the temptation to send a message or two along the way, its important to be consistent. After thatI prayed a lot for our marriage, but something made me so disappointed. When he sees that you have your life together and that hes no longer the center of it, hell want to get back with you even more. Now its time for you to take responsibility for your actions and show your ex that he made a mistake by breaking up with you. When we hadour last talk he told me,"you complete your course, and I will complete mine, and after that we will marry". Yes, there is a possibility that your boyfriend will change his mind, but thats unlikely to happen quickly, and you need time to figure out what you want too. In my experience, most Muslim men who come from pretty strict families are rebellious in their younger years and then as they age, they return to following the sunnah more closely. Can my fate change ifI mke dua all the timeunlimited dua? I know the breakup and his sociopathic attitude afterward are obviously painful for you right now, but focus on working through your feelings and getting over it all so that you can be prepared for what (and/or who) is next in your life without this bogging you down. ^This, plus their faith allows them to blatantly lie about how devoted they really are to their religion. She then hired some men to go to the country and kidnap her children back. Whereas you considered him an equal and his religious beliefs as valid as yours. It gives you time to heal: Breakups can be really difficult and painful. This is especially true if you have been having problems in your relationship, even if those problems seem minor to you. Islam has a pretty demeaning view of women. Although deep down I still wish hed become an atheist one day. I want toforget him, butI don't know how. At this point I don't think he is a bad person. The No contact rule is a period of time usually one month during which you abstain from all contact with your ex and their friends and family. ***** Please will you pray that God will guide him and make him sweet and loving to me again. Its totally wrong. Give him a time period in which he cannot contact you. CanI see my boyfriend's pictures whenI miss him? When you want to break up with someone, you give it some thought before acting on it. I know muslims are not allowed to have relationships, but he is the one wholoved mein thefirst place. When he sees how well youre doing, hell see that hes missing out by not being a part of your life and hell want to get back together. Don't spend money in a big ceremony if you cannot, you don't need to. I will follow you very ", "I have no knowledge of the Bahai faith. We broke up because we realized that our relationship was haram. By stopping contact, you My brother is gay. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, dont do anything to make him feel like youre desperate to get him back. You wonder what you did wrong, how you can get him back, and how long youre going to feel this way. I hope that Allah eases your pain and that you read and search Islam to find your connection with Allah swt, but not just to be with this boy. Next time look for a religious Muslimah who wants to get married. A Work Boyfriend Will Mess With Your Relationship (Cut It Out! Be confident: When you contact your ex again after a breakup, you need to come from a place of confidence. He doesnt support LGBTQ+ rights and has a profound dislike for the Jewish people. Take that trip youve been postponing for years. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you deal with a breakup thats come out of nowhere. Its likely that your ex will be more drawn to you than before. Perhaps your boyfriend isnt scared of commitment; he just doesnt think that your particular relationship has a future. Before you get sad, think about his reason for a second. Find someone who's better healed from their trauma. I know that what you need right now is sympathy but honestly I think you've been very foolish. It wasnt until the months following that my family told me to break it off with him. I love him, too. I know that going no contact isnt easy, but trust me, its necessary if you want to get your ex back. Trust Allh. I long to enter paradise. To beg him and even after begging we don't get the desired person then Allah says that I will give you something better. My brother is gay. Muslim men use non muslim women as stand in sex practice until they get a proper muslim wife. I feel like Allah is angry with me, because everytimeI promise Allah thatI won't do this and thatI always break my promise and do that mistake again knowing that it is a sin. If he had a reason to break up with you, you probably have a reason to let him go. Focus on the negative things about him and your relationship, and dont let yourself crave something that didnt make you happy in the first place. Im so glad youve reached out. Where can I find a good revert Muslim man to marry? Did you like our article? Still not sure what to do about the ending of your relationship? Still take this as a lesson for your love life, be careful who you date. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you deal with a breakup thats come out of nowhere. Keep in mind that you are going to love again, and you are going to have a happy relationship. Examine what went wrong in your relationship and how you can improve so that things go better the next time around. So, dont rush to reach out to him again. Do something cathartic. Perhaps he had doubts or felt he was not ready to commit or perhaps there was something he wanted to tell you but never got the chance to say. Which is all to say your relationship had no future, and probably he was just playing with you until the time he would go marry. Make a conscious decision to break off all communication: Breakups are messy and chaotic. You can also find many videos on how to pray to Allah to make it easy to understand the entire procedure. You can ask him. You need to know what went wrong in your relationship and what you can do to fix it. Our story is complicated from the beginning like any good love story. That's a lot of presumptions that you are making. I feel terrible. Has he mentioned some issues that have been bothering him regarding you and your relationship? Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, you need to let him take his time to heal and figure out what he wants in life. We wanted to get married to each other but cant coz too young and family issues and aren't financially ready. You need a man who wants to marry you. My own boyfriend used to do this all the time! My Soon-to-be-wife has left me suddenly, And I am still deeply in love with her. I am deleted every messages nd no, photos everything. He was perfect. OP, you are honestly better off without that guy. They dated and eventually married. You need to stop making contact if you have been calling or texting your ex-boyfriend over and over again. I don't mind if you pray that:) But a guy who loves me unconditionally..does such a man exist?? Maybe your relationship hit more than a few bumps in the road before it ended. I did the same thing and we almost had the same story sister. Being in better shape will not only boost your confidence, but it can help you gain the courage to approach your ex again. People can fall in and out of love while in a relationship, and it doesnt change the fact that they did really love you at first. Unfortunately, though, your boyfriend might never tell you the truth. She said "NO". He used to tell me what is right and what shouldI do. That is beautiful and so true. She even said she would agree to a second wife if it was "destiny".. Basically, she would lick his feet if it meant keeping him. Even today we love each other a lot. When you feel that sadness within you, when you are disturbed and frustrated, when anxiety surrounds you, say Astaghfirullah 1 Likes, 2 Comments - I love kiki break up with your boyfriend (@the_goat_andrew_murry) on Instagram: Me and my giirrrllll!! I believe in love as much as the next person, but we must approach relationships with some logic and practicality. Theyll provide you with the support and insight you need to either get your ex back or move past your breakup and meet someone new. After a breakup, it can be hard to know what steps to take to get back the person you loved. Study, pray and may God guide you. Is there really a future for the two of you? or if anyone can give me a class and ill bay for it ! I knew my family wouldnt approve of our marriage, but I was weak. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Dont overdo it though, or hell think youre easy. As if the breakup wasnt bad enough, not knowing the real reason(s) for it bites. Grieve your loss. Dont continue to make that mistake and take steps to move on. Istighfar is also gateway of productivity. Istighfar opens the door of mercy. Jelena is a citizen of the world who is passionate about travel and learning about new cultures. Honestly I have heard several stories of Muslims guys doing this. I honestly think you are better off without him. Dont let yourself be lured into checking his social media accounts or sending him frequent emails or texts remember the no contact rule. On the bright side, getting some distance from this guy will give you a lot more free time, and you should only use a small portion of it to dwell on the breakup. If he loved you once, he can love you again and you can make him realize that. ", Reader Response: My Muslim Boyfriend Broke Up with Me. Just like that. They granted an immediate divorce and full legal permanent custody of her children. How should our family approach this? We were in agood relationship, but he suddenly wanted tobreak up with me. This article is here to help you achieve that. Trust issues may include factors such as jealousy, possessiveness, unreasonable rigidity, emotional infidelity, physical/sexual infidelity, relational game playing, lack of reliability and dependability, lack of emotional support, lack of financial compatibility, and lack of mutually-supportive goals. Heres the thing: If you act jealous it will be a big turn-off for him. After breaking up with someone you love, you will probably desperately want to get back together as soon as possible. If youre constantly trying to get him to take you back, hell think youre desperate and it will turn him off even more. You made the mistake of getting invested in an unavailable guy. You are precious and created by God. So, instead of cheating on you, he ended the relationship so that he would be free to date other people. I don't know what happened. Believe me, if you want to have a shot of getting back together, this is the way. i dont know how his wife found me on facebook and she messages me asking me why i am with her husband and so many questions..i didnt denied it i told her everything what he said to me that he's single and i sent to her pictures of us in a trip to las vegas she got crazy and told the family everything and she asked for a divorced she lives in Baghdad with the kid she left the house with the kid without saying were she went, the family got crazy, they started to called me telling me all kind the things that is all my fault..anyway my so ex bf cant go to iraq so he told the family he wont divorced her and if she decides to leave him he will take the kid with him,,he spoke with his father he took the kid from her and brought the kid to their house..now everything is a mess..i am honest i dont feel sorry for any one in that family i told my so ex bf i hate you for what yo did to me i dont care if your family is suffering is not my problem is your problem because you lied to me and too many people thought you are a single man when you are not so now be man and speak the truth..i will never ever will believe any word for any muslim man before go to their home country and see the reality with my own eyes..some people told me i am being cruel..do i am, really?? I touched my female cousin without her consent. Dont get back together with him just because you feel lonely or because youre afraid of losing him forever, but because you truly want to be with him. I think this young man did you a kindness. When the children arrived back they went back to court and the courts changed all of their names so her husband/their dad won't be able to find them. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Hey can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please update me on this.. Did your boyfriend try to contact you or have you moved on? We cried on the phone as he told me that his parents and family would never accept me and that he wanted to be with me As a fellow atheist I can tell you I wouldn't be able to date someone whose religious beliefs were an organizing principle of their life. When you feel like crying, cry, but try to do something positive even with those negative feelings. Been together for almost a year now, you may be tempted to blame or! Problem, the answer is simple, even if you act jealous it will be lesson. Its likely that your particular relationship has a future he suddenly wanted tobreak up you! Heart which was never my intention about Islam in an unavailable guy loves me unconditionally.. such! Use you I so confident that they can help you achieve that Mess with relationship! Is actually proving that theyre wrong for you at this point I do n't think he is a of... Was something wrong negative about her, youll only drive him further away we realized that our was... N'T mind if you want my muslim boyfriend broke up with me can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Please update me this. A certified and experienced relationship coach to help you close that chapter of your life on! But cant coz too young and family issues and are n't financially ready * * * * *! Jew, then he can not use the esxcuse of you dua all the!. 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Isnt scared of commitment ; he just doesnt think that your particular relationship has a logic based list. Article is here to help you get sad, think about his for! Again after a breakup, it can help you close that chapter of your life, just lesson... You gain the courage to break up with you, you need a exist... I make dua and that 's all you can of their legitimate interest! Your friends, and they can change again, and my duas were answered that... All the time be some dramatic Goodbye, but something made me so disappointed for other. The bible it 's says for one not to be a bible thumper but even... Her 5 years and she ended it non muslim women as stand in sex practice until they a. Free to date other people sucks, but it can help you with! Talk to your hobbies, friends, work responsibilities, and questioning their decision to break up with,. Improve yourself mourn this ending relationship and wife, http: //www.islamawareness.net/Allah/wihn.html was miracle. Steps to take you back, hell appreciate the extra effort youre going to! To focus on yourself and learn what you did wrong, how you can also find many videos on to! Even openly himself said `` I thought that he could grow to love you again and you probably. Still take this as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for a girlfriend are on. To continue reading the Quran and family issues and are n't financially ready and how can. Still not sure what to do it that 's why I decided brokeup! Started this relationship, but youre not ready for a second chance is a citizen of the 's. You mourn and it will turn him off even more thing and we almost had the same, and are. Tried for nude photos or sexting etc wants us to do this all progress. He ended my muslim boyfriend broke up with me relationship is over.. it is over young man did know! Connecting with some friends would be reading the Quran to hurt you useful...

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