While most readers are probably on their first or second Saturn returns, imagining your third Saturn return, when you are in your late eighties, can be a helpful exercise. The simple things are the most profound ones. Every time he comes back, he makes sure that we feel it. One thing for sure. Meditate in peace, but make sure you do not isolate yourself from the rest of the world. However, if you have been rebelling against society throughout your life up to this point, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might ask whether you are a rebel with a cause. You are encouraged to interact with others without being afraid to be yourself. Not because they felt defeated, but because they no longer felt represented by those in power. A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. The second house focuses on money and possessions. This time, when Saturn returns to the same place in the Zodiac where it was when you are born, brings the major structures of your life up for review. Is your partner restricting you? Once you hit your stride, though, you may find that your commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming for you. Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. You can be more creative by being flexible. Spot on is all I can say! Step by step, cell by cell, human by human, together, we will change the world. It will help you in your pursuit of humanitarian causes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. In the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, you really want to pay attention to Saturns transit in Aquarius (Pluto will also enter Aquarius in 2024). Throughout this retrograde, Saturn will be positioned under one of the signs it naturally rules, Aquarius. The big word therefore is, usually CHANGE is happening. Written by someone with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn in Aquarius will help us create frameworks where we can hold space for others and allow them to express themselves without judgment. Saturn stays in each zodiac sign for about two years. Generally, a feared planet in Vedic Astrology, Saturn is considered the planet of 'Karma', and it brings Karmic . She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. Even if you have a brilliant plan for how the world should change to become freer and fairer, you may need to learn to work with present conditions rather than against them. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality, return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. (After Breakup, No Contact), Do Aquarius Women Come Back? Obstacles are always present. I have very little knowledge of Astrology, but I sense a lot of truth in this article. Whatever youve gone through in your journey towards realizing your dreams will be worth it. Even if you borrow elements from older traditions, you might do so in a way that is a bit countercultural. The highest manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius is the sum of the sustained actions of each individual to make the world a better place. 12 days ago. You therefore have a Saturn sign that is not necessarily the same as your Sun sign. On the 21rst of March, Saturn is entering in the innovative and eclectic sign, Aquarius. As an Aquarian native, you are a bit eccentric in your ways, but dont let this eccentricity restricts you from making friends. Once you've found the sign and house where Saturn falls in your natal chart, here's a brief overview of what you can expect during your Saturn Return: Saturn in Aquarius / 11th house You're here to master : Working with, or on behalf of, groups and communities, especially related to humanitarian or social justice causes However, Aquarius is a sign of innovation, so Saturn here finds new and often revolutionary ways to move forward. Saturn is rules and discipline, and Uranus is freedom. A Saturn return is when transiting Saturn in the sky reaches the exact position, by sign and degree, to where it was at the moment of your birth. When Saturn is in Aquarius, you might feel as if you are restricted in the way you think. Your challenge at your first Saturn return in Aquarius could be finding the balance between honoring your individuality and acknowledging that sometimes engaging with imperfect social institutions is necessary for you to get what you want in life. Aquarius is We, the people. Aquarius is a YANG sign (as opposed to Capricorn, a YIN sign). With Aquarius in your fourth house, you may come from a quirky and independent family. This can signal an important period for the planet involved. If you have a Saturn Return in Aquarius placement in your birth chart, this article may give you insights on how to deal with your first Saturn when it returns and strikes you in your late twenties. Do not under-estimate the forces of darkness that are extant at this time of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. As an airy sign, this is the sign of intellect, progression and social interaction. Jesus Christ has always been the Great Unifier, unifying Jews, Pagans, Yogis, Buddhists. And we did (willingly or less willingly). With Aquarius in your second house, you may have a logical attitude toward your material resources, though you might be willing to try an experimental investment given the opportunity. Prior to Uranus being discovered. However, at your first house Saturn return in Aquarius, you might need to consider whether displaying your individuality in your dress and grooming as flamboyantly as possible is getting in the way of the goals you want to achieve. With Saturn in your first house it has everything to do with the self and how you present yourself in the world. Saturn in Aquarius will force you to break some chains, make things uncomfortable as you dive deeper in your mind to seek answers. When in Taurus, a Saturn return stirs up themes surrounding obtaining money, stagnation, resources, and values. Saturn in Aquarius will bring us a different type of order. After spending a few months on the course, I thought it was time to go out there and combine astrology with my psychic talents. Every person I've met with Taurus placements, absolute neat-freak, anal-retentive about their spaces being clean. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. The influence of Saturn in the Aquarius sign involves future possibilities. While you may have married or become a parent at your first Saturn return, you could be experiencing an empty nest at your second Saturn return. Thanks again!! You might have your own idea of how to do these things and, if your idea is a solid one, you could succeed at bringing it into fruition at your fifth house Saturn return in Aquarius. If you were born within any of those time bands, you will be having a Saturn Return within the next couple . And it is exactly this inner conflict and paradox that makes Aquarius so original and innovative. Saturn return could be simply explained that the planet Saturn is returning to the position in the constellation of when you are born. I look forward to this shift, growing pains, shredded skin and all! Social media platforms were more popular during this time, especially the exponential popularity of TikTok,because people either wanted to connect or they wanted to explore their creative path. If you have Aquarius in your tenth house, you might be drawn to a career where you get to innovate, perhaps involving the use of technology. A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or our underlying assumptions whatever these assumptions may be. ! Saturn may be like the driver of the car, responding Were getting closer!! The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. While things may be clear inside your own head, there is the potential for misunderstanding if you havent communicated your unique views adequately to others involved. We all need to gather together and ultimately create a peaceful existence.. We are the 99 percent, we are evolved enough to manage our own affairs, within agreed parameters. It can only be found when we stop giving our power to another governing entity from politicians, to our leaders, or our mobile phones. Saturn in Aquarius is one of the most anticipated transits of the year. Many people believe Aquarius people are revolutionaries. When we reach our late 20s and early 30s, Saturn comes back to where it was in the sky when we were born, bringing us more lessons that we could learn from in our journey to maturity. Be open, accept the changes and go along with it. Two Wander x Elysium Rituals GET YOUR ZODIAC YEAR AHEAD FORECAST FOR 2023! By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Ive been trying to explain to my family, for example in Lithuania, what is it to hold space. Aquarius is an unconventional sign, meaning that Saturns approach to structures will be somewhat untraditional, but still effective. Each of us as individuals must step up to the plate to create a better world filled with love, community and the belief that if we all pull together towards that common goal it will happen! Because you belong to the sign of Aquarius, you are committed to effecting societal change. They can rise through hardships when they open their mind to others' viewpoints and, most of all when they always persevere in following the path they choose. The same month I decided to do an astrology course. I find it very interesting that The Great Conjunction is referred to as the Star of Bethlehem and takes place on the 21th of December 2020. Once youre able to identify the sign, compare it to where transiting Saturn currently is in the sky. In your earlier life, group involvements and social engagements are your most significant challenges. It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to return. When Saturn transits impactpersonal planets, we are pushed to mature whether we want to or not. 2nd Saturn Return in Aquarius at 5 degrees. As an Aquarian native, you are a bit. Saturn in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals every single one of us contribute to a better world by helping ourselves, our fellow humans and other living beings. Holding space means putting your focus on someone, while being judgment-free and allowing the other to just be. We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21st, 2020, at 0 Aquarius. We need the brightest minds, the most inspired thinkers, the humanitarians those that illuminate and cut through the dreary, the everyday heroes among us. I always look forward to your posts! Saturn in Aquarius 2020-2023 What to Expect, Astrology Of December 2020 Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Reboot, Astrology Of December 2020 - Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius -, Astrology Of 2021 - One Way, Or Another -, Saturn Square Uranus 2021 - The Clash Of The Titans -, Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Power to the People -. Saturn Return in Aquarius by House Many people born within a couple of years of you will have Saturn in the same sign that you do, as Saturn stays in each sign for about two and a half years during its 29.4-year cycle. As a fixed, air sign, Aquarius is all about considering innovative ideas, while also keeping a sense of tradition in place. Saturn Return In Aquarius. So your first Saturn Return tells you not to live in the fantasy of changing the world. There is also a strong relationship with the opening and unblocking of the 5th chakra. However, your commitment to a community that shares your vision for improving the world could solidify at your eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius. This short paragraph by Joan Didion is such an evocative description of Saturn Return in Aquarius. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Thank you for doing such a good job of providing explanations. I very much like this article and the comments. Your Saturn return is when Saturn returns to the sign and house that it was in when you were born. In general, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, in the second house could show that money does not come to you easily. The seventh house talks about romantic partners, but also about business partners. Saturn in Aquarius can also be a very auspicious time to begin or deepen a relationship. The current Earth cycle will end on December 20th, 2020 and the AIR elemental cycle has begun on December 21st, 2020. Currently, Saturn is having its return in Aquarius until 2023 and for those born with this natal placement, this return is going to be even more intense thanks to the trio of Saturn. When we were born, Saturn occupied its place in our birth chart. Lastly, I really appreciate that your style, its so modern and reflecting what we are going through in 2020. It continues to influence us as we move into adulthood. Saturn in Aquarius questioned authority and brought more social movements. You rather have a small group of friends for life, instead of making lots of new friends. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. However, if you tend to be an open e-book, your third house Saturn return in Aquarius might encourage you to develop more caution about what you put out there on the Internet or in your text messages. Real democracy happens when people contribute to the best of their ability to a better society, (rebellion without taking responsibility) to, that comes from the ability to manage oneself, (promoting scientific information without fully understanding it, while bullying those who have a different perspective) to, based on critical, bias-free thinking, and years and years of study, . If we focus too much on the individual.., we run the risk of being right back at the polarity point: Leo. Along with your systematic approach to planning your goals, your innovative and scientific mind allow you to achieve your endeavorsbut only with hard work and perseverance. So many of the people I know who are pushy about the scientism narrative have never read a single scientific article in their life, have never worked in research or healthcare. During this two year period, Saturn will retrograde twice, and station direct twiceprolonging Saturns stay in the sign its placed in. There has to be a radical shift from this paradigm. A slow-moving planet, Saturn stays in one sign for 2 to 2.5 years. Because you belong to the sign of Aquarius, you are committed to effecting societal change. So when Saturn returns in the Aquarius sign, it is the period when Aquarian natives should make choices and decisions in their life that resonate with their humanitarian nature. While Saturn returns also have the tendency to feel somewhat isolating, its a period of deep introspectionand once you come out on the other side, youll experience plenty of newfound clarity. Do Aquarius men come back? to learn everything we can about rules, hierarchies and control. With Aquarius in your ninth house, you might have a gift for tracing the ills of society to flaws in its philosophical underpinnings. or Saturn Return in the 11th house The community could be a source of struggle for you, but your Saturn Return is the time to find your tribe. You tend to take pride in your own ideas, but you must remember not to impose them on other people. She is passionate about astrology and aims tocontinue writing more about stargazingin the future. You might feel like you have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. In your twenties, it may be hard for you to fit in a group due to your different ways of thinking and rigidity. You will be surprised, how many people want to listen to your wise words. I think Saturns ingress to Aquarius means adopting a responsible stance in regards to universal matters. A shift in mentality will be focused on your stability, how you see yourself and your place in the world. Part of Fortune: Signs, Meaning, Birth Chart. As you may already know, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are very cyclical and belong to 200-year elemental cycles. What year will Saturn be in Aquarius? Saturn return is another name for the Saturn conjunct Saturn transit. At your ninth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you may discover the limits of your ability to coerce others to share your views. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. If you are under the Aquarius sign, your Saturn Return is associated with your dreams to make the world better. Romances or marriages that are established during this time are some of the most powerful and activated unions of all. It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to return. Time for some honest talk so both parties understand what they want out of life. Now that you are older, you are asked to be more mature by learning to listen to others opinions and ideas. However, no matter how overwhelming and distressing it may be, significant growth always occurs in this time of transition. Some of Saturns keywords are rules, discipline, patience, responsibility, and maturity. On the 21rst of March, Saturn is entering in the innovative and eclectic sign, Aquarius. You are encouraged to interact with others without being afraid to be yourself. If you want to contribute to society by making it better, then open your mind, have a broader perspective. Boundaries tend to blur in these extreme situations, so the eighth house also handles situations of sharing finances or property. You may be a social loner before, but your first Saturn Return asks you to be aware of the possibilities outside your comfort zone. It has to come from within. Saturn Return In Aquarius. Individual education, effort and awareness will matter, but only in the context of the group. This is BIG. However, you might have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money you do have. Ayayay I cant wait for my Saturn return in the 4th, its currently in my 2nd house. Saturn comes back to help you overcome the difficulties you have in your twenties, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships and your tendency to be rigid. In order to track your Saturn return, its important to know the zodiac sign Saturn is in in your birth chart. Saturn Return brings you pains and difficulties that serve as roadblocks towards the achievement of your humanitarian goals. If you were born with Saturn in Aquarius, the issues during your Saturn Return will be about bringing the light. Saturn is back in Aquarius after its 2020 preview Back by unpopular demand, it's border cop Saturn patrolling the graffiti-lined streets of Aquarius Land. Those with a Saturn in Aquarius were born between: -January 3, 1962 to March 23, 1964 Aquarius wants to be part of a larger group and explore what differences unites us. 169. For those who are currently experiencing their Saturn return in Aquarius (varying from ages 27-30), youre likely used to challenging traditions, and now is the time where youre potentially be called to commit to some long-term changes. You may begin or end a significant relationship. Did I already say wow?!! He who resists will put himself in slavery. We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21st, 2020, at 0 Aquarius. The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including but not limited to marriage, and having Saturn here natally can suggest that you take such relationships very seriously. If you are under the Aquarius sign, your Saturn Return is associated with your dreams to make the world better. In general, having Saturn in the eleventh house could mean that finding a peer group is an important focus of your life. It can even take in paranormal experiences where the basic structures of the physical world do not perform as expected. Wow!!! When Saturn Return hits, it hits hard. Required fields are marked *. This house all has to do with religion, spirituality, philosophy, far away travels and different cultures. Grow out of your rigidity. Does it mean Saturn in Aquarius is all about restrictions? Any Aquarius transits bring a paradigm shift. (After Breakup, No Contact). However, dogmatically insisting that others must do things your way has the potential to backfire at your sixth house Saturn return in Aquarius. is one of the most anticipated transits of the year. No. (blindly and irrationally following the crowd without checking in with one owns integrity) to, . Depending on our birth sign, we survive our Saturn Return in different ways. You can solve societal problems and succeed in your humanitarian goals if you have a systematic and methodological approach. A Saturn return in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn emphasizes stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. Find your perfect car with Edmunds expert reviews, car comparisons, and pricing tools. Micro chipped and Managed or Free and Natural. Saturn Return In Capricorn And Aquarius, What Does It Mean? Well done. Inspired leaders will appear among us,, who recognise human spirit and sanctity of the people. You are challenged to step out from your comfort zone, interact with people, and practice tolerance for those who have differing opinions. The rebellious spirit of Aquarius was witnessed with this transit. We learn how to manage our duties and to find practical methods to not let them overwhelm us. But your first Saturn promises you that you can overcome these obstacles with dedication and hard work. Life is not always a suppression, light up and try to have some fun, you deserve it! When we live longer, he will return for the second time in our late 50s and early 60sa mid-life crisis. Save up to $1,697 on one of 144 used Saturn IONs in Sparks, NV. If you are already a parent at the time of your fifth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you could be challenged by the growing individuality of your children. All I ever did to that apartment was hang fifty yards of yellow theatrical silk across the bedroom windows . If you have long held off on taking a risk that appeals to you, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might be a good time to finally make your move. The symbolism of the eleventh house overlaps substantially with the symbolism of the sign of Aquarius, so an eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius may have a double dose of the basic Saturn return in Aquarius symbolism. Thank you for writing this! If you have Saturn in Aquarius, congratulations your Saturn return is now complete. You overanalyze everything around you that sometimes there is no space left for emotions. Whether you are conservative or liberal, you may approach your political or religious views with a strong sense that the world would be a better place if everyone believed as you did. Having Saturn here in your birth chart can cause either an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. You might be surprised how accepted you are. Prioritize yourselfyou won't be able to help others if you. Do some charity and think how you can serve this planet, and fulfillment is coming your way. This house is all about owning your sexuality, going through life death rebirth cycles and surprisingly it also has to do with joint finances and debts. Instead of delegating the power and responsibility to states and corporations, Saturn in Aquarius will pass the responsibility back to us how can we, as individuals, contribute to society and make the world a better place? Not that we wont have a proper revolution. By the time you reach your second Saturn return in Aquarius, some of the obligations that seemed pressing earlier in your life, like committing to a career or raising children, may be in a more settled place. Through the power of social media, we may have transformed relationships with others and how we show up for them. Find a balance between your emotions and logic. It is one of the most critical transits in astrology and an important milestone in life. When looking at Saturn, we'll see themes around structure, time, karma, and authority. MARCH 2023. How long is Saturn retrograde Aquarius 2022? Life may feel heavier than before. There is no right or wrong way to pursue freedom. We can not have Aquarius promise of freedom unless we learn how to deal with rules, processes, and hierarchies (Capricorn) first. 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