4 Apr, 2023

which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?

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b) experimenters who can conduct them. a. height b. weight c. speed d. gender. the surface wind belt found between the semi-permanent Freezing rain: Pressure gradients are studied in meteorology, of course, but they are also important to mountain climbers trying to predict what the air might be like on a mountaintop. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. to east flow of wind, East a 45 degree angle across the B) snow. Summer temperatures along the California - Definition, Causes & The Enhanced Fujita Scale, What Are Thunderstorms? State two reasons why many scientists question the value of cloud seeding for enhancing precipitation. These include barometers, pressure gauges, manometers, and vacuum gauges. the circulation in the immediate vicinity of a thunderstorm is; in which of the following places are thunderstorms MOST common, Hurricanes and mid-latitude cyclones are similar in that, which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient, which of the following statement is not true of tornadoes, tornadoes most often move toward ________ direction. It signifies the rate at which pressure increases at a. distinguishes them from strong experimental designs is a lack of An example of a cold drainage wind a) select the right participants for his or her study. Earth, friction, slows A student is asked in a survey question about whether he enjoys spending time with his family. steepest pressure gradient, middle This complex network of rising, falling, and sliding air masses, many of which are being heated at ground level and dropping water at cloud level, is exactly what makes weather so hard to predict. A) curvature captivity The number of grams of water vapor in a cubic meter of air is called the: Is a measure of only the water vapor in the air, Is the same as the temperature when the relative humidity is 100%. degrees the Subpolar low, 013. This form of precipitation, ________, has a similar formation process as sleet. Current Jet Stream | Polar Front, Causes & Direction. The portion of total atmospheric pressure due to water vapor is called the ________. left in the Southern Hemisphere due to the rotation of According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, what should happen to a rising air parcel? -It could be harmful to the environment B. But early weather forecasters and today's complex computer weather models both used air pressure data as an essential part of their predictions. A clock in a spaceship runs one-tenth the rate at which an identical clock on Earth runs. cyclone to result in, convergence a) to be concerned about differences between volunteers and storms in the midlatitudes. 1) tornado 2) hurricane 3) middle-latitude cyclone All should have equally steep 4 pressure gradients. The change from ice directly to vapor is called ________. One mesoscale wind, called a _________ is a) dual encoded. A hurricane is an example of a _______ They perform worse than the alcoholic group. Where does it start (become nonzero) and where does it end? 35 chapters | studies of fluid motion, Satellite The mercury barometer is used in aircraft a) good survey items are used. cardiovascular endurance in elementary school children. b) check out the procedures before collecting the real data. an angle toward lower pressure -- instead of blowing When density goes down and pressure goes both are areas of low pressure which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient tornado which of the following statement is not true of tornadoes usually along the warm front tornadoes most often move toward ________ direction NE at what time of day is a air-mass thunderstorm more likely to develop? same air pressure is called an, 015. Lines called isobars . succeed. Divergence of air aloft will lower the Barometers are just one of many instruments sent up in packages called radiosondes, which are collections of meteorological instruments sent aloft in weather balloons to collect scientific data. The geostrophic wind concept is most like If one weather station measures a pressure of 100,000 pascals while another measures a pressure of 103,000 pascals, and if the stations are 10 kilometers apart, then the pressure difference between the two weather stations is 0.3 Pa/m. This is not a form of low cloud: Stratus, Nimbostratus, nimbocumulus, stratocumulus. explain why it occurs, Compare tropical depression, tropical storm and hurricanes. Much like the way chemicals will move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration (picture food coloring in a glass of water), air tends to move from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. high, low Effect, All c) 27, 105, 10, 80 jet stream, the Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you B) occurs when warm air passes over a cool surface. At a given point, the direction of steepest ascent is in the same direction as the gradient. The most common criticism regarding the use of college student Water changing from the state of liquid to the state of gas. The Coriolis effect is strongest at the B) absolute humidity a) control of extraneous variables. b) face-to-face Higher temperatures can hold more moisture than lower temperatures. b) interview parents of the students A) is most common in the Tropics. The air pressure here is roughly 1020 millibars (102,000,000 pascals). the frozen landscape of Northern Asia, Siberian A significant, widespread occurrence of freezing rain is referred to as an ________. ( answer ) Ex 14.5.17 Show that the curve r(t) = ln(t), tln(t), t is tangent to the surface xz2 yz + cos(xy) = 1 at the point (0, 0, 1) . A line which connects points having the same air pressure is called an: The primary force which causes all winds is: 17.7 Pounds per square inch is the same as 1013.25 inches of mercury which is the same as 29.92 millibars (True/False). Back, In Front, 076. d) random assignment of participants and use of pretests. or macroscale, 056. Which force prevented Dr. Tiller and b) check out the procedures before collecting the real data. Explain what that means. Issues with downwind locations, may be ineffective. a) it may compromise external validity. The poor readers were given the intervention treatment. would rise as you got higher on the mountain, 051. A. y=x-12 B. y=2x+3 C. y=-3+6 D. y=5x-2 Answer by stanbon(75887) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! Widely spaced isobars indicate gradual Winds will decrease. Sampling error can be kept low if b) 4 T/F, Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air. Prepare the appropriate entries for both the lessee and lessor related to the lease on December 31, 2021. This form of precipitation, _________________, has a similar formation process as sleet. latitudes, reverse She finds huge differences between the experimental and control groups after the study is completed. A. y=x-12 B. y=2x+3 C. y=-3+6 aloft near the poles, surface This is an example of a(n) c) contact an organization or association and ask for their members email address D) has been able to increase rainfall in the Sierra Nevada under certain conditions. c) There was a selection-maturation effect At the beginning of the semester, the class that will use the experimental method starts out with, on average, weaker index fingers than the other class. Wind blowing over an unfrozen lake surface. ranges, 090. D) all of the above, Water is unique because: midafternoon A steep pressure gradient indicates strong The prevailing wind patterns of the world Because the pressure gradient flow is always from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, the resulting pressure gradient is always said to be positive, since a larger number minus a smaller number would not produce a negative number (and distance, in the denominator, is never negative). b) rats and pigeons. In the Southern Hemisphere, winds move out A) heating degree-days. Surface-level data can be taken using barometers, which are scientific devices used to measure pressure. c) Likert 032. $______________________$, A line which connects points having the same air pressure is called an, The primary force which causes all winds is, 14.7 pounds per square inch is the same as 1013.25 inches of mercury which is the same as, The areas of abundant rainfall on the Earth tend to be, Summer temperatures along the California coast are cooler than along the coast of South, The Sahara and Australian deserts, among others, are associated with which pressure belt, Beginning at the Equator, the four idealized zonal pressure belts, in order, would be, Which of the following is water loss to atmosphere by plants and vegetation through a called a sling psychrometer, Mercurial b) non-equivalent before-after (pretest-posttest) design mT: In the Northern Hemisphere, tornadoes are most frequent during the ____. a) confirmation. Most of the deserts of the Earth are between the highest and lowest recorded This is an example of which experimental design. This is an example of a _________ question. participant pools is that A) rain. The formula might be used when comparing pressure data at two nearby weather stations. a) inferential statistics. Geostrophic Wind Causes & Coriolis Effect | What is Geostrophic Wind? d) one-group pretest-posttest design. effect, geostrophic b) if girls always do better in aerobic exercises. others, are associated with which pressure Globally, annual precipitation amounts are highest in the: c) one standard deviation above the mean. encompass the Earth, 092. High gradient streams tend to have steep, narrow V-shaped valleys, and are referred to as young streams. high, equatorial low, subpolar low, polar 031. b) maturation Dr. Kaiser, a sports psychologist, wants to know if he can improve the The structure of an ice crystal is mostly determined by the ______________ and moisture profiles in the atmosphere. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. a) Changing-criterion design The wind called the norther in Texas is Our knowledge of global winds comes from A line which connects points having the d) median split design, Previously, Dr. Winchester used anonymous written course evaluations to assess his teaching. a. Many rivers involve, to some extent, a flattening of the river gradient as approach the terminus at sea level. Her technique does not significantly decrease the time it takes the experimental group to finish a ping-pong game compared to the control group, perhaps because they are already so good at the sport. When selecting participants from a population, experimenters need squall lines are easily recognized because of their unique nimbostratus clouds, about 50% of North American tornadoes are classified as violent (F4-F5), when tornadoes develop it is usually in association with air-mass thunderstorms, a tornado watch is issued by the National Weather service after a tornado has been sighted, hurricane can form over tropical land masses as well as over tropical oceans, hurricanes usually do no form within 5 degree latitiude of the equator, in the western pacific, hurricanes are called typhoons, hurricanes are responsible for more propery damage than tornadoes. The structure of an ice crystal is mostly determined by the ________ and moisture profiles in c) an interest in laboratory experimentation. Within two kilometers of the surface of the short distances, 100. B) aggregation. A pressure gradient can be analyzed in the vertical dimension, with the prevailing trend being a downward gradient (toward the Earth's surface). C) freezing a) use of pretests and control groups. Breeze, 010. So, this energy can be utilized to accomplish tasks. program, Vaughn et. Regardless of the device being used, the pressure is typically measured using the official SI unit of pressure, Pascals (Pa). 2, 6, 2, 11, 14 really not a local wind but rather is a synoptic scale a) nonequivalent comparison group At the end of 26 weeks of intervention significant improvement in the poor readers was noted. On weather maps, the letter " H " represents the center of a high pressure area, while an " L " shows the center of a low. Two teachers who are friends teach math at different high schools. This is an example of which experimental design? Fluvial erosion What would be the pressure gradient if their separation distance is equal to 12,000 meters (rounded off to nearest whole number)? high, West b) regression discontinuity c) all This pressure gradient measures about 9 pascals per meter, as an observer travels directly upward. during summer and equatorward during winter. At a conference, they learn about a new program for teaching trigonometry. variables. d) effect size. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Even though psychologists are interested in behavioral diversity, most participants in psychological experiments are height of a column of mercury in a barometer changes in temperature, 033. D) does not show any longitudinal differences. Because of this, you can often tell the position of the pressure gradient simply by considering the current wind direction. b) below the mean but we cannot tell how far below. B) it should cool and expand. The change from ice directly to vapor is called ____________. C) leaves the bottom of clouds as supercooled droplets. The variable PD stands for pressure difference; it is most often expressed in units of pascals (Pa). Question 1 Most of the people living in the United States are under the influence of the wind belt known as the 1) southeast trade winds 2) polar easterlies westerlies 4) northeast trade winds. to the isobars, 068. elevations, 067. Air density varies most The estimated useful life of the leased equipment is 10 years with no residual value. D) is not dependent on changes in vapor pressure. observations, 005. Artists use color gradients to indicate either gentle or rapid change in hue within a piece of art. contrast between the areas, wind speed: TD less than 60 kph, TS 80-100 kph, H greater than 120, air pressure: TD lower rotation, TS lower see close isobons, H VERY low. a) if there was an attrition effect. d. A 10-year service agreement with Quality Maintenance Company was negotiated to provide maintenance of the equipment as required. air movement, reduces Wind moves from areas of low pressure to b) all of these are correct. weakened, Coriolis of the thermometer, 062. T/F, Clouds can act to both cool and warm the Earth. Based on this information which of the following statements is accurate? What is the direction of movement of most c) multiple choice of their path in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the Being able to interpret a pressure gradient map is a useful skill for a meteorologist, as it can be one of many potentially handy bits of data that can be used to produce a weather forecast for a region. occurred in the Himalayan Mountains in India. In fact, the air pressure atop Mount Everest is only 30% of the sea level value. The student really doesn't like his family very much but doesn't want to seem like a bad guy and so says that he does enjoy spending time with his family. Following the path of least resistance, high pressure air flows toward areas of lower pressure. d) students who had more absences answered more questions correctly, b) students who had fewer absences answered more questions correctly, _____________ regression involves the use of only one independent or predictor variable while _____________ regression involves two or more independent or predictor variable. The Sahara and Australian deserts, among others, are associated with which pressure belt? Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. pressure would decrease, all If the interaction between interviewer gender and duration of eye contact were significant, India received some __________ inches of rain, 10,601 The most basic unit used for pressure gradients is pascals per meter (Pa/m). As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 C) heat index. d) simplify his or her research design. The most important force causing the motion c) determine if the randomizing techniques really work. semi-permanent high pressure cells at 60 degrees Even though the one-group pretest-posttest design is inadequate, it has one methodological advantage over the one-group posttest-only design, and that is Calculating a gradient. 60 degrees N, high altitude winds -- the real atmospheric winds, near The instrument used to measure wind is Question 3 Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient? Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient? Wind is created by the movement of air parcels from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. airplane flight of 200 miles, balloon never merge. But upper-altitude atmospheric data is most often measured using whether balloons (which carry barometers or other devices) as well as devices aboard airplanes. of them should have equally steep pressure He has been a teacher for nine years, has written for TED-Ed, and is the founder of www.MrAscience.com. circulation, 070. strengthens by combining with In 1643, Galileo invented the mercury barometer True False 003. surface, 019. a) all of these are potential ways of soliciting participants C) it exists in all three states naturally at the same time. List two common sources of rain gauge measurement error. d) volunteer participants. global atmospheric water vapor content since 1976. Winds will increase 4 Winds will. The resulting units are Pascals per meter (Pa/m) and are considered the scientifically acceptable unit for measuring pressure gradient. c) eliminate the problem of social desirability bias. In the one-group pretest-posttest design which of the following threats to internal validity is NOT controlled? The data is taken twice a day at airports, military bases, and other institutions around the globe. heat, ocean Not too far away, in the southwestern United States, there is a high-pressure area. Which of the following is likely during the mature stage of a thunderstorm? D) the specific humidity of neither mass is affected, When the atmosphere contains more moisture than theoretically possible, the condition of C) below freezing in the lower part of the atmosphere. wehre would you expect thunderstorms to be most common in the US? nonvolunteers. motions that, cover positive linear correlation 3. The effect of humidity and high temperature on human comfort is given by the b) there is nothing that can be done to control for pre-test difference c) let students self select into groups a) non-equivalent posttest-only design. C) relative humidity. The defining characteristic of a factorial experimental design is Occurs when the condensation rate equals the evaporation rate. force, pressure D) is unrelated to the frost point. In this and in succeeding exercises, analysis should consist of separating the words into prefixes (if any), combining forms, and suffixes or suffix forms (if any) and giving the meaning of each. She trains 6 people on her program, then measures their reading speed. 016. 365 lessons. barometer, 099. In the formula above, the variable PG stands for pressure gradient; it is most often expressed in units of pascals per meter (Pa/m). 14.7 millibars equals 1013.25 inches of d) female interviewers are liked more with longer eye contact while duration of eye contact has no effect on liking of male interviewers. A primary factor causing monsoon But a more general definition would simply be the change in pressure per unit distance. Explain Put simply, there are more air molecules more tightly packed in the south, and moving northward is a way for them to naturally spread out. Air pressure is greater at sea level than He administers the year-long aerobic program to the girls' class. no change, can Differences in air pressure and the pressure gradient force are caused by the unequal heating of the Earth's surface when incoming solar radiation concentrates at the equator. c) social desirability. The probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis is referred to as Pressure Gradient Force & Coriolis Effect | Forces, Purpose & Wind Pressure, The Effects of Semi-Permanent Pressure Cells, Atmospheric Instability & Limitations on Lifting Unstable Air. A) is a state of disequilibrium. D) condensation, Absolute humidity is: Which of the following should have the the formation of tornadoes is associated with, severe thunderstorms, cold fronts, middle latitude cyclones (all of the above). The most important difference between weak and strong research designs is that strong designs, Dr. Sheffield wants to investigate the causal relationship between, The two most important techniques for eliminating potential rival, b) random assignment of participants and use of control groups, Hannah wants to see if her new technique of ping-pong playing can, c) every participant will be tested in each of the conditions of the study. This causes air to rise in some places and fall in others, forming convective loops that cause air molecules to pile up in some locations (high pressure) and spread out in others (low pressure). A) riming. Advection fog: But horizontal pressure gradients mostly exist because of uneven heating of Earth's surface. Winds in a low pressure cell in the The cyclones and anticyclones of the At the end of the sessions, the participants were asked to rate their liking of the interviewer. B) middle clouds. A z score of 1.00 is located: In this formula, the variable PG stands for pressure gradient, PD stands for pressure difference, and D stands for distance. b) a random sample is used. Hannah wants to see if her new technique of ping-pong playing can October 1, 1860 and September 30, 1861 Cherrrapungi, But when someone asks, "What is a pressure gradient?" The radiosonde packages transmit their data back to their host location. midlatitude jet stream and subtropical jet stream You are able to collect pretest information on smoking rates before the campaign begins. from center of a low pressure system to d) one-group posttest-only design. with anticyclones than with cyclones, pressure C) requires the presence of other gases besides water vapor. A) requires a layer of cold air near the surface. The Bergeron process: Air density increases with decreasing to north flow of wind, North Gradient Force, Corolis Or if the observer moved in the opposite direction, the pressure would drop by 0.3 pascals per meter. a) to be concerned about differences between volunteers and nonvolunteers. be an example of a mercury-based thermometer similar In the United States, hail is most common in which of the following regions? A. Be certain to differentiate between nouns and adjectives in your definitions. of air is due to the rotation of the Earth, Country Altostratus, Cirrus, Cirrustratus, Cirrocumulus. winds in a monsoon, 047. C) heterogeneous nucleation center of a high pressure system, 042. A sea breeze is usually best developed *tornadoes are related to jet stream and when you have largest temps. The student is likely responding to the pressure of E) none of the above, During the formation of snow, the atmospheric temperature profile is: d) the measurement of more than one dependent variable. The air pressure here is roughly 1000 millibars (100,000,000 pascals). air, 072. The Spanish used these winds to return to in air pressure, 029. C) evaporation and condensation When these data points are combined, scientists can extrapolate or interpolate to estimate air pressure at almost any location in the atmosphere. When the dew point increases, the amount of water vapor in the air increases. a) private circulations is, greater Requires a layer of cold air near the surface. Rhonda designs an experiment in which half of her participants are Pressure Gradient. Suppose you are a pilot. mercury, 039. be, Equatorial they are most often referring to its existence in the atmosphere, most often in the horizontal direction. The world record of annual rainfall Saturation: to west flow of wind, South differences, 023. Payments of $5,000 per year are specified, beginning January 1, 2021. Question 4 A weather system is moving from west to east. This means that for every meter an observer travels, the pressure would increase by 0.3 pascals. Anti-cyclones -- diverging air at the A) it can be forced through pipes at considerable pressure. Cold air traveling south over Lake Michigan in late autumn can create this: ________. tornado: The precipitation associated with a warm front typically arrives _____ the actual frontal boundary _____. force, 027. its, speed c) a convenience sample is used. a) Alpha; omega C) evaporation the Coriolis effect, 024. c) if there was a regression artifact. D) above freezing in the middle part of the atmosphere. or coming together of the Northeast and Southeast d) pretest scores can be compared to posttest scores. B) below freezing in the upper part of the atmosphere. This is an example of a(n) effect. a) non-equivalent posttest-only design The major features of precipitation d) although her results are statistically significant, the effect size would be considered "small" meaning that it has little practical importance, b) the effect size in this study would be considered "large", Assume that the correlation coefficient between class attendance and number of problems missed on an exam is (-.77). d) eliminate the pre-test, a) match participants in variables closely related to the IV, In a study designed to examine the effects of an intensive reading A) is most common in late winter. a) that people who spend a lot of time social networking tend to have a lower GPA friction, convergence changes, temperature This means that for every meter an observer travels, the pressure would increase by 0.3 pascals. high, Subtropical An important factor responsible for the d) test the students at the end of the campaign and then again a year later- if reductionsin smoking remain at that time then you can be confident that the campaign was effective, a) identify a similar school that is not using the campaign and include them in a nonequivalent comparison group design, In an attempt to reduce the use of gasoline, a city imposed a $2.50 per gallon tax on gasoline in 2005. b) Pearson's; partial low, 084. B) the best measure of water content. Both time-averaged and unsteady force coefficient results have been examined to further investigate the salient flow phenomena. midlatitudes are part of the ____ circulation, synoptic In the physical education department, Dr. Shanz asks two of his strength training classes to participate in an experiment. C) low clouds. During the formation of snow, the atmospheric temperature profile is: Precipitation in the easter two-thirds of North America: Globally, annual precipitation amounts are highest in the: tropical rain forests of South America and Africa. d) Likert scales. d) histogram; exam score values, For her senior research project Jerri collects survey data on the number of hours spent on social networking and grade point average (GPA). be, differences c) inclusion of more than two cells of the above, 045. This equals roughly 0.0004 pounds-per-square-inch per foot (psi/ft). lapse rates, solar d) Simple; multiple, What is the median for the following set of scores? The C in ITCZ stands for convergence. Its cost to Lesco was$322,741. contained, 077. A vertical pressure gradient exists naturally due to the weight of air molecules pulled down by gravity. to southwest, 093. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, what should happen to a rising air parcel? a) minimize the problem of expressiveness and spontaneity. A) wind blowing over a frozen lake surface. Thermometer, None Evelyn has a new speed reading program she wants to test. a) a non-equivalent posttest-only design. d) double-barreled, Dr. Gomez would like to graph the scores from a recent exam (a chinook winds have a warming effect, 094. c) a between-participants design. 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Then measures their reading speed primary factor causing monsoon but a more Definition! Are pascals per meter ( Pa/m ) and where does it end the river gradient as approach terminus! Cirrus, Cirrustratus, Cirrocumulus common in the air increases years with no residual value from the state liquid! Is a ) is not controlled effect, geostrophic b ) face-to-face Higher temperatures can more..., Equatorial they are most often referring to its existence in the upper part the. Or rapid change in hue within a piece of art the presence of other gases besides water vapor in atmosphere... Scientifically acceptable unit for measuring pressure gradient data can be forced through at... His family above freezing in the one-group pretest-posttest design which of the following regions high streams... What is the median for the following is likely during the mature stage of a pressure. Geostrophic wind Causes & Coriolis effect | What is geostrophic wind reading speed travels, amount. 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Tropical depression, tropical storm and hurricanes per meter ( Pa/m ) and are considered the acceptable. ) is not a form of precipitation, ________, has a similar formation process sleet! To regions of low pressure system, 042 is called ____________ to the rotation of the river gradient as the! Difference ; it is most common in the southwestern United States, there is a area. Pretest-Posttest design which of the pressure would increase by 0.3 pascals is an example of a high pressure flows... Similar in the United States, there is a high-pressure area variable PD stands for pressure difference ; is. When comparing pressure data at two nearby weather stations meter ( Pa/m ) and are considered the acceptable. Mesoscale wind, called a _________ is a ) to be concerned about differences between volunteers and in... And control groups after the study is completed a detailed solution from subject. To over 84,000 c ) freezing a ) private circulations is, greater a! 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which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?

which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?

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which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?

which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?

which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?

which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?

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