Box 4c - Caliber or Gauge Enter either the Caliber or Gauge in this field. It is very unlikely the ATF is going to take a day trip to Staten Island to dig through the immigration archives. [7] [8]. This needs to be delivered within 10 days of filing your form 1 online. How to Fix, Why Does My Glock Rattle? Do not use slang here. Responsible Person's Questions. 3f. I keep my User ID and Password info saved in a text document on the computer with all my eFile stuff. For example, you might not list yourself on the FFL if you were in the process of selling the business but the license had to be renewed before the sale processed. If you arent sure who should be a responsible person or who must be, you should speak to an attorney who deals regularly with federal firearms licenses. And while he sat there feeling low, debating the pros and cons of defying his wife, John had an epiphany. If you are submitting your Form 1 as a Trust, you need to include a complete copy of your trust documents, including all amendments, attachments, schedules, exhibits, etc. [13] [15] [16] [17], 4g. Note: Do not purchase a fuel filter kit before you receive your Approved Form 1 Application unless, of course, you have fuel that needs to be filtered , Boxes 5 & 6 Leave Boxes 5 & 6 empty. But we thought it sounded cool, which is pretty much the entire reason we wrote that last paragraph). Hi my name is Neckbone and I started this site because I love firearms and shooting sports. Just put the name of the sheriff office, address to the sheriffs office, and the name and title of the sheriff. Trust us He has! This will drag out your tax stamp and they will background check you even harder. Do not use .338 Lapua. If youre making a firearm for yourself, youll need to select a. Congratulations! As if legislation wasnt hard enough to understand, sometimes the ATF is forced to interpret laws that were left vague. [11] If the firearm doesnt have a Model name (many serialized lower receivers dont have Model names), you should enter: NONE. What is a responsible person ATF? The same two fields are obscured on the CLEO Copy, as well as a few additional fields; including: Box 4.g. Select Form 1, Form 4 or Form 5 depending on the type of form you are submitting to the ATF. I suggest checking out National Gun Trusts its about 50 bucks or so and they handle everything about the trust. On the Applicant page, enter Settlor under the Title of Submitter box and enter the name of your trust under the Trust Name box. In no way, shape, or form, are we slightly conspiracy theoryish. 1st, send a letter to the ATF informing them that the letter "g" was, in fact, available. They will be expected to uphold all of the responsibilities as the license holder, and can even be subject to potential penalties (license revocation, fines, and even prison time for extreme violations). The ATF FINAL RULE 2021R-08F was published to the federal register today, 1/31/2023. Some engraving places wont do it without proof of a stamp, Ill just put it that way. You can find our walk-through guides for these forms below. In order to legally obtain a class 3/title 2 weapon, you will need to fill out the ATF Form 5320.23 form and other paperwork. [18] If you are building a firearm from scratch, you need to create a Serial Number for your new firearm. The first 2 pages are sentto the ATF and the second copy without the picture and serial number are sent to the local CLEO. Most people use a few letters followed by "001" for their first firearm, then "002" for the 2nd, and so on. Ethnicity. Just as with a trust, the important thing to keep in mind is that people are deemed to be Responsible Persons based on their powers, not their title. Just enter the State where you were born and USA. The electronic Form 1 is a freaking nightmare! It happens so frequently that the ATF doesnt even bother with it anymore. I have a trust where I am the only member because its easier to keep all the records in one document. Other names used. 15b. We arent doing that just to make it look pretty, we do it because each copy of the Application serves a specific purpose, and each copy is slightly different. The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnaire formis to be used in conjunction with the ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and the ATF Form 5, if you areapplying for a tax stamp with a NFA Gun Trust. a. New gun trusts only cost $49 and come with unlimited use of the ATF Form System, so you can use it for all of your future Form 1 Applications. [12], Box 4e. In this article we discuss the process of filling out the Form 5320.23. The ATF occasionally sends email correspondence, so make sure to enter an address for an email account that you check on a regular basis. Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1. Mike Smith, Trustee. Caliber or Gauge. Its your job to make sure that someone working at your business is listed on your license at all times. Weve. You can also use our ATF 5320.23 Generator to generate your paperwork without .PDF software. Having a clear and concise ATF Form 5320.23 helps the ATF enter the information when the ATF Form 5320.23 application is received. 3g. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. We walk you through the entire process. Hmmm?? So everyoneo n the trust needs to fill one of these out? There are many, many reasons for this, but the most important reason is that you are much more likely to have people associated with the corp., LLC, etc., that are Responsible Persons, without ever even knowing it. End of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1, Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 2. Remember: The ATF says that if there is a Serial Number on the frame or lower receiver, it is considered a firearm. FBI Form FD-258'sPaper Fingerprint Cards can be ordered from the ATF here for Free. Depending on which type of applicant you are, the way you enter your contact information can vary. Sounds simple enough, right? The OAL is the distance between the Muzzle of the barrel and the rearmost point of the firearm. Reactivated? Though that didnt seem like an altogether unappealing proposition, John knew his wifes wrath would go well beyond separate sleeping quarters if he bought the SBR. This box is not required to be filled out. 6a - 6m.2. Any applications for a Form 1, Form 4, or Form 5 postmarked on or after July 13, 2016 must also include Fingerprint cards and pictures. Date of Birth. Passport photograph. Instructions 3C state: "Social Security Number (SSN) and Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). If you are both the Settlor and Trustee (or any other combination of Titles), you only need to add one of the titles after your name. Modifying an Existing Firearm is when you are going to use one of your firearms to make a new firearm. Fingerprint cards (FBI Form FD-258). You will need to repeat that step for everyone on the trust. As the business owner, you will likely be one of the responsible persons. You can designate as many as you like on the application. But, there is a Definition for Firearm, so that must be it: OMG! For example: 7.62 mm, .308, .308 cal, and 12 Gauge are all acceptable formats. However, according to the ATF, your application may be delayed if you dont provide your SSN.[30]. Any other aliases that you use. Additionally, you get access to all of our other ATF Forms, as well as all gun trust forms. These areas include: Baltimore Maryland, St. Louis Missouri, Carson City Nevada, 38 cities in Virginia (bunch of rebels in VA), & some areas in Alaska (populated by: 1 oil pipeline, 2 people, and 8,394,613.2 caribou). are the Original Manufacturer. We think what they meant to say is: Check one of the following. Additional paper with applicable information for all sections that require a yes answer. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If, and only if you are building a destructive device, you need to indicate whether the destructive device is a Firearm or an Explosive. But do we have an answer yet? If you are building a firearm from scratch, you can use any Model name you want. If you entered a PO Box address in box 3b, you have to enter a physical street address in box 3c. Enter the Trust Name and address from the Form 1, 4, or 5. 4e. The only time you would enter anything here is if you have a Federal Firearms License. New gun trusts only cost $49 and come with unlimited use of the ATF Form System, so you can use it for all of your future Form 1 Applications. How To eFile Form 1 Suppressor or Solvent Trap, eFile Form 1 Fingerprint Card Instructions, Why is My Glock Not Accurate: Common Reasons and How to Fix, Why Does My Glock Shoot Low and to the Left? Name and Home Address of Responsible Person. Here are examples for each applicant type: If you are submitting your Form 1 Application as a Gun Trust, you will sign your name followed by the title you use in your trust. If you arent building a destructive device, you dont enter anything in Box 4j. Then, you will want to read How to fill out FBI Fingerprint Cards and 10 Steps to a Tax Stamp to make sure you complete the rest of your Form 1 Application packet correctly. P.O. The contact information for that CLEO gets entered in Box 10. 4h. Click next to go to the CLEO page. 3e. Absentee owners are another example; their general managers would be considered responsible. Theyve created a lot of misinformation. I got the photo from Walgreens, just went to the photo desk and asked for passport photos. And lastly, you will need to enter the method in which you are paying. FYI: The Trust Shop thinks your DOB is a special day and every bit worthy of having its own box #. Unique Personal Identification Number(See instructions 3C). Individuals: Enter your full legal Name and home address. But you can speed up the process by designating the right people. The PDF will create two copies and should be printed double sided. On the responsible persons page scroll all the way to the right and click Edit Line Item. You might think this isnt a very common occurrence, but we get this question at least once a month. But we assure you that simply isnt the case. Please be aware that refusal to provide this informationmay result in a delay in the NICS background check process.". At the bottom of page 2 You should sign the document as a trustee . Because hell only be using the SBR when he is at the ranch (which is nearly every weekend), and because Jane caught him filling out a Form 1 Application (meaning he will likely be at the ranch on a more permanent basis), John decides the SBR should stay at the ranch full-time. Instead, you should enter: Short Barrel Shotgun, Short Barrel Rifle, Any Other Weapon, Destructive Device, or Silencer. However, this information assists with theefficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check. Use N/A for a Sear. The answer is "No."[26]. If you are filling out your ATF Form 4 in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 4 walk-through guide here. Take your time when you are entering your information on the 2nd & 3rd copies of the Form 1, as everything needs to appear exactly as it does on the ATF Copy. Country of Birth. 3b. Information located within this article is current as of June, 2018. Regardless (as we will need to do oh so many times), lets fix the directions for them. Other times, the Original Manufacturer is someone else entirely. "Responsible person. In order to own an NFA regulated firearm, you need to submit your information, pay a tax stamp, and under-go a background check with the ATF. Here is the link to a blank 5320.23 in a PDF. In your letter, include fingerprint cards (special instructions from the ATF are here) and photographs, as well as personal information: full legal name, position, social security number, home address (including addresses the person has had for the last five years), country of citizenship, place of birth (city and state or foreign country), date of birth, race and ethnicity, sex, and home telephone number. This is your country of citizenship. ATF E-Form 1 (5320.1) Revised November 2018. A new page will appear that you need to fill out with all your information. But a word of warning, if you thought the paper Form 1 was bad, you better hold on to your panties! If you are filling out your ATF Form 1in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 1walk-through guide here. Press J to jump to the feed. Order fingerprint cards for free from here: ATF fingerprint card order form. 4d. Box 17 Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). You can also purchasethe .EFT File Service here. But keep in mind, you have to engrave the Model name on your new firearm exactly like you enter it in Box 4d, so dont get too carried away (engraving is expensive and there is a limited amount of real estate on most lower receivers). 5. If all of the information you need to enter in Box 4h. Regardless, if you are a citizen of the Red, White, & Blue, check the box next to "United States of America." You can also purchasethe .EFT File Service here. There is too much info about gun trusts to put everything in this guide. Country of Birth are easy if you were born in the US. [13], Because you cant legally assemble your firearm until you receive your Tax Stamp, you will need to estimate this measurement. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Now The Trust Shop is all about conserving resources, but when a bunch of liberal tree-huggers deny lawful citizens from owning firearms, just because their application was only printed on one side of a page, thats not cool. This is the very same question that was removed from the Form 4473 (the form you fill when you buy a gun at the gun shop), but it seems they couldnt be bothered to make the same adjustment to the Form 1. If you are the meticulous sort, you can work your way through the Form 1 Application by reading this "How-To" article. Everything is covered in the steps below. Question does the photo have to be a special type of could I just take a picture with my camera and print it on normal paper? And the ATF is off to a strong start, with nonsensical directions in the very first question: "The tax may be paid by credit or debit card, check, or money order. Box 4 causes more confusion that any other part of the Form 1 Application. You will need to find out who the CLEO (chief law enforcement officer) for your county and enter their departments name, name and title of the official and the agency or department's address. In this instance, the directions should say: "The tax may be paid by credit or debit card, check, or money order. If filing as a trust (recommended) select Trust and click next. 5. It will look like the cover letter below. Box 20 is another terribly worded question. Remember our buddy John Smith? Click Register and you will then be brought to a thank you for registering page. Companies are bought and sold. (We told you they were her words. This is your ethnicity. The individual or settlor of the trust name goes here. Please provide the information for the responsible person. But the important thing to keep in mind is that people are considered Responsible Persons based on their powers, not their title. Just click on this link to the Fingerprint Card Order Form. Type of Firearm. 15a. That means if there is a problem with your Form 1, the ATF will reject it and youll have to start all over. If you are applying as a Corporation or Other Legal Entity, you will complete Boxes 18 & 19 the same as a trust. Therefore, we hereby declare the DOB box shall henceforth be referred to as Box 13b. Even though the directions quite literally tell you (in a ridiculously round-about way) to enter Firearm as the Type of Firearm to be made, we say thats probably not a good idea. Responsible Person Questionnaire (ATF Form 5320.23). Form Type. 4a. The SSN and UPIN are not required. If you were born outside of the United States of America, you can leave this box blank. 3a. This is the model of the NFAfirearm you are registering. So, he decides to build a silencer from a Fuel Filter kit. How Is An ATF Form 1 Filed Using a Paper Application? You can learn more about Bitcoin here. AR, USCIS, or I-9A Number. During the application process, the ATF will ask questions about your business and may require certain individuals to be listed on the application. The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnaire form is to be used in conjunction with the ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and the ATF Form 5, if you are applying for a tax stamp with a NFA Gun Trust. However, this information assists with theefficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check. They give you little 22 photos for a few bucks each. pointed you to box 17 kind of maybe. 9b. If you dont want to use a Model name, just enter: NONE. [33], Duplex Printing: You used to be required to print all of your application paperwork on both sides of the page. If any are added, each person will have to fill out a questionnaire (. Because John is modifying an existing firearm, some of the info in Box 4 will be about his existing firearm, and some of the info will be about his new SBR. is answered incorrectly (checking "No" when it should be "N/A") more often than all of the other incorrect answers put together. You made it through the ATF Copy of the Form 1 Application. Any other aliases that you use. We will give it to you: The answer is Individual Applicants. ALL APPLICATIONS EXCEPT FOR an ATF FORM 5 and an ATF FORM 20 MUST BE MAILED TO THE ADDRESS BELOW: NFA Branch If you are applying as a trust, Box 18 will be the number of people that fall under the definition of a "Responsible Person" and Box 19 will list each Responsible Persons name on one of the lines. We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. They will shoot your dog. 4b.Type of Firearm This will always be the type of firearm you are going to build, but what do you enter? and Unique Personal Identification Number, . Not only is this nonsensical, but believe it or not, these 3 boxes cause nearly as many application rejections as the others. However, its not smart to wait for the ATF to decide who should be listed as responsible persons. Its best to have an application package as complete as possible before sending it off to the ATF.
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