The airport consists of one seasonal 2,350 foot long turf runway and two asphalt runways, 4,400 and 2,300 feet long, one lighted helipad, and supporting infrastructure that includes a taxiway system, aircraft parking aprons, an instrument landing system, air traffic control tower, weather station, vehicle parking, and numerous airport tenant facilities. It wasnt until 1938 that through a Federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) program, that the airports first paved runway was built just prior to National Air Mail week. The Hartford City Council's resolution urging a shutdown of Brainard is non-binding, but its members unanimously joined Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin, who first campaigned in 2015 on closing the. As pressure grows to close Hartford-Brainard Airport, sides in debate see different path to economic development for the century-old airfield. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. For one, it is much more expensive. Click here to learn more about what steps Life Link III takes to provide safe and effective air medical transport. To make the airport a stronger economic catalyst, the city would have to work with the CAA on reaching a resolution on tree removal and trimming to meet FAA requirements for taking off and landing as well as an extension of the runway. Please do not leave this page until complete. When you fly Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport, youll find fuel for the body, as well as fuel and repair for mechanical needs. The future of this latest push to close Brainard an issue debated ever since the 1950s, when a large runway at the airport was taken for redevelopment into what is now Brainard Road is uncertain. Hangar space is available in a variety of . It is in the best interest of the city of Hartford and the Greater Hartford community, for environmentally-friendly, economic opportunities that will create hundreds, if not thousands of jobs, and we can enjoy our natural resource, which is the Connecticut River, James Sanchez, the Hartford city councilman who sponsored the closure resolution, said. Single Engine Aircraft Based on Field: 50. CBRE is pleased to offer a 36,200 SF aircraft hangarand office facility for sale at Manassas Regional Airport(also known as Harry P. Davis Field Notice of Trustee's Sale for 5107 Airport Road, Hangar Spaces 55 and 76, Midland, Fauquier County, VA 22724 on September 21, 2022 at 11 a.m. EDT. NOTE: Special Take-Off Minimums/Departure Procedures apply. ICAO: KHFD IATA: HFD Airport: Hartford-Brainard Airport. Rotating Beacon C & G Obstruction The new corporate hangars at the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport that are 65 feet wide by 60 feet deep with a door height of 19 6. Hartford Jet Center would like to build new T-hangars at the airport, or possibly manage what Rutka said are about 50 association-owned T-hangars, which are similar to a condominium association, but for indoor aircraft storage. Forgot your In addition to fuel (100LL, Jet A), de-icing and maintenance services, NorthPoint Aviation provides: flight training, charter flights, air rides, and friendly customer service. GPU / Power cart. Our privacy policy, To ensure the best experience on our website, articles cannot be read without allowing cookies. Please note that only aircraft related to fire suppression operations are allowed onto the ramp for safety reasons. Create a new password. City: Hartford State/Province: Connecticut. The airport consists of two asphalt runways one 4,200 feet long and one 2,700 feet long. These cookies do not store any personal information. Each nonprofit profile provides a crisp snapshot of the organizations mission, goals, area of service, giving and volunteer opportunities and board leadership. Between 2010 and 2020, the annual number of take-off and landings declined by 30%, falling from 71,009 to 49,549, according to the CAA. Turf runway closed during winter months from November 2 to April 30, except ski-equipped aircraft & helicopter training. Next. "For the next budget, it is too early in the process to know what or how much (if any) will be included in the 5 . It has submitted a proposal to CAA to build indoor aircraft storage space (T-hangar and box hangar), the report said. Rutka also is president/owner of East Hartford's Van Horst General Contractors LLC, which does business as Van Horst Commercial Construction & Maintenance. Rates are negotiated based on building size, location, length of term an any other factors to be considered. But a legislative committee in December 2016 recommended the airport's use not change. 2023 Hartford Jet Center. ELEVATION: 19 ASL, Runways Aircraft parking (ramp or tiedown) Hangars. LONG: 7239.01 Hertz location serving airport FAA INFORMATION EFFECTIVE 23 FEBRUARY 2023 Location Airport Operations Airport Communications Nearby radio navigation aids Airport Services Runway Information Runway 2/20 It operates under the direction of the Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport (BRD) is your ticket to low-cost, reliable air service in the Lakes Area. Hartford Jet Center will accommodate your aircraft storage needs. You can also login or register for a free account. VIEW AIRCRAFT. The airport added four hangars and installed a 10,000 gallon fuel tank in 2017. There is just too much going on there., Diwinsky said Brainard also is just the right size for air transportation that may seem fanciful right now air taxis, electric-powered airplanes, even flying cars. Either you have to work with us to try to use this as an economic asset for company relocation and company retention, or, OK, lets sit down and talk about what is going to be the future of Brainard Airport with the full understanding that the CAA is not in a position to close it.. After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. The T-hangars at the Brained Lakes Regional Airport, as available, range in size: For more information, contact Airport Administration. Aircraft ground handling. Windham Airport (KIJD) is a publicly owned, 280-acre general aviation airport located in Connecticuts Northeast Corner that serves small and medium size aircraft. More hangars are anticipated at Hartford's Brainard Airport, pending negotiations between a company overseeing general aviation services there and the airport's owner/operator, the Connecticut Airport Authority. Touch-and-go operations and practice instrument approaches should be conducted Monday through Saturday between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm, and between 9:00 am and 10:00 pm on Sunday. Typically 2 contractor owned FireBosss are located here during fire season along with an Air Attack plane for the tankers and a helicopter. Kenneth R. Gosselin can be contacted at Our aircraft available for Flight Training and Aircraft rental at Learn 2 Fly CT. Aircraft availability depends on the loction. The CAAs top executive said the CAA does not have millions of dollars it would likely cost, including repaying federal grants, conducting a study to determine if Brainard has outlived its usefulness and the likelihood of claims that would result from tenants who have leases at the airport. GPS RWY 02 All deals. Previous. NorthPoint Aviation Avionics is the only Avionics facility in Minnesota that offers Avionics sales and service, in-house instrument repairs and overhauls, and in-house custom instrument panel fabrication, all at one convenient location. 239 MAXIM ROAD. 36,200 SF Aircraft Hangar And Office Facility For Sale. The airport is also located in the ideal location to serve flight students in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport 2019 | All Rights Reserved | All images on this site are subject to copyright, and may not be used without permission. Private Office Space Available; 24-Hour Video Hangar & Ramp Surveillance; Airport Services. Fuel Pricing: Please call our FBO. A small meeting room can also be reserved. So, Im not going to dispute that feeling on their part.. Post My FREE Hangar Ad . He suggested more so-called T-hangars, to house smaller aircraft, and box hangars, for larger ones, could be in the offing. We are looking forward to your visit. The state and the city of Hartford entered into an agreement that year giving control of the airport to the state, while making the remaining half of the land into an industrial park. North Memorial Air Care provides flight transportation service and critical care flight nurses and paramedics to respond directly to the scene of an emergency. Click hereto see what NorthPoint Aviation Avionics has to offer. Sanchez said there also is now a move to build grassroots support for a closure, as a petition circulates in Hartford among neighborhood revitalization zone organizations, town committees and other community groups. The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport (BRD) is your ticket to low-cost, reliable air service in the Lakes Area. Hartford Business Journal provides the top coverage of news, trends, data, politics and personalities of the areas business community. Research Laboratories, Inc. offers a fully automated analytical laboratory and a staff that consists of limnologists, biologists, wetland scientists, land use planners, chemists, and remote sensing experts. Get the news and information you need from the award-winning writers at HBJ. The CAA, which also oversees four other general aviation airports in the state and the much larger Bradley International Airport, said it does not intend to petition the Federal Aviation Administration to close the airport. At the heart of the issue is that Brainard, operated by the quasi-public Connecticut Airport Authority, is largely exempt from local property taxes, barely bringing in $400,000 a year to city coffers. A recent state report noted two aircraft storage condominium associations already exist at Brainard. All Rights Reserved. 02-20-4418x150 (grooved asphalt) Fuel Available: 100LL, JET-A 4-light PAPI on left (4.00 degrees glide path), 4-light PAPI on right (4.00 degrees glide path), 100 ft. trees, 1263 ft. from runway, 300 ft. left and right of centerline, 10:1 slope to clear, 80 ft. trees, 238 ft. from runway, 252 ft. right of centerline, 1:1 slope to clear, 56 ft. trees, 550 ft. from runway, 18 ft. right of centerline, 6:1 slope to clear, 88 ft. trees, 714 ft. from runway, 175 ft. left and right of centerline, 5:1 slope to clear, 68 ft. trees, 624 ft. from runway, 195 ft. left and right of centerline, 9:1 slope to clear, 91 ft. trees, 1885 ft. from runway, 20:1 slope to clear. Tenants are in good company in the Jet Center complex as there are a wide variety of aviation neighbors all in one location; avionics and maintenance services, aircraft charter and management, flight training schools, aerospace research and engineering, helicopter services, corporate flight departments and private aircraft. But it also would benefit the suburbs, he said. "This is where I started my dream as a kid to fly," says Air Force veteran Jesse Branche while working on an airplane at V.I.P. The Brainerd Lakes Area is an ideal place to watch your business succeed. It is very difficult with the city and everyone else, with the lack of support and pressuring to close the airport to have these multiple and thriving businesses willing to come, Rutka said. This can take a few In addition to commercial flights to and from the Minneapolis/St. Hangar 32 is 130ft wide and 92ft deep with a door opening of 28'H x 100'W. Hangar 35 100ft wide and 120ft deep with a door opening of 28'H X 90'w Hampton.See More Details. Other services include: GPU, heated hangar space, washes/waxes, ground services, and lav services. Segmented Circle In 1921, "a 350-acre cow pasture became the chosen site for what has been called the country's first. Centrally located near the heart of downtown, Hartford Jet Center is a couple minutes away from I-91. In 2013, the FAA approved the transfer of six State airports, including Windham Airport, to the control of the Department of Transportation and the Connecticut Airport Authority (CAA). It has a ground lease with the Airport Authority, which handles field maintenance at Brainard. Hartford-Brainard AirportTime Zone:Eastern, Learn 2 Fly CT, LLC20 Lindbergh DriveHartford, CT 06114. To learn more about the care North Memorial Air Care provides click here. Tower The Brainerd Lakes Area is the up-and-coming region within the state of Minnesota, rising to the ranks of a Micropolitan region. The hangars are priced at $9.95/SF/YR. Reserve a Hotel Room Where will you pickup your Hertz vehicle? By 1958 all commercial carriers had relocated to BDL. Hartford Jet Center (KHFD) Hartford-Brainard Airport 20 Lindbergh Drive Hartford, CT 06114 O: 860-548-9334 F: 860-549-7408. Call us: +1 (212) 840 8000 Toll Free: +1 (877) 359 6732. Today, and as it has for many years, Brainard serves as the reliever airport for Bradley Airport. - Hangar space - 100+ Tie Downs - Office rental available - 2.5 miles to downtown Hartford - Easy . Aviation fuel. But proponents of the airport say operating losses at small airports are not uncommon and are covered by revenue from the federal jet fuel tax. In order to use this feature, we need some information from you. biotech company, Amid growing scandals, more companies prioritize sexual harassment training, The Future of Downtown Hartford: Real Estate Forum, Connecticut's Family Business Awards 2023, C-Suite and Lifetime Achievement Awards 2023, Connecticut's Health Care Heroes Awards 2022, 2022 Connecticut's Healthcare Heroes Honorees, 2022 Lifetime Achievement & C-Suite Honorees, 2022 Connecticut Family Business Honorees, Massive 414-unit apartment development approved in Middletown, West Hartford UConn campus developer plans neighborhood village, including nearly 500 apartments, Real estate firm co-led by former Patriots linebacker buys Farmington development site, Downtown Glastonbury property approved for 10-unit residential development sells for $1.16M, Daves Hot Chicken slated to open 4 locations in Hartford, Developer planning 172-unit luxury apartment project in West Hartford buys former Childrens Museum property. Control Tower (0600-0000 Daily) . NorthPoint Aviation is the full service Fixed Base Operator (FBO) for the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Redevelopment would likely take years. An even larger economic development opportunity for the area may rest in combining the airport property with the neighboring trash burning plant, which is being shut down in 2022, Fonfara said. PAPI RWY 02 & 20 OPR CONSLY. This group is active in Aero Space Education, Emergency Services, and Cadet Programs, the three main emphases of the Civil Air Patrol. Airport Data LOCATION: 3 SE of Hartford LAT: 4144.18 LONG: 7239.01 ELEVATION: 19' ASL Runways 02-20-4418'x150' (grooved asphalt) 11-29-2315'x70' (asphalt The most famous emergency landing happened in 1946, when a transatlantic airliner bound for England via Newfoundland, carrying ten crew and 42 passengers including two well-known actors, Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh, made an emergency landing at the airport without incident.In 1975, the State of Connecticut purchased Windham Airport. NE-SW 2350x150(turf), Traffic Aids Airport Shuttle - Brainerd to Minneapolis 218-855-6973 or 888-522-9899; More Than Flying. . No Hampton Roads Executive Airport is pleased to announce and offer for lease three new construction aircraft, aviation business or storage corporate han Copyright 2008 - 2017 HangarTradar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. He also believes the airport is a gateway to introducing more students to careers in high-paying aviation jobs as pilots or aircraft maintenance workers. 02/20,HIRL,REIL & VASI;11/29 MIRL, Traffic Pattern The report noted that Hartford Jet Center also wants to build not just renovate at Brainard. People will want to live in the region because people can point to this that this is something that you can do here, besides working 9-to-5, whether you are working at home or working at the office, Fonfara said. Operational Statistics. Learn 2 Fly CT, LLC | 20 Lindbergh Dr. Hangar 1, 2nd Floor, Hartford, CT 06114 | (860) 849-2226 | |. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The airport remains in operation today, known as Windham Airport (KIJD). The study estimated Connecticut's general aviation industry supports 30,300 jobs and has an annual economic impact of $3.8 billion. With the Hartford skyline in the background, a secured plane rests on the tarmac at Brainard airport. Brainard has long been designated as a "reliever" airport for Bradley International Airport, with 50,000 or more corporate, training and recreational takeoffs and landings per year that would clog . You've disabled cookies in your web browser. 11-29-2315x70(asphalt Quality-of-life benefits include an abundance of lakes for fishing and boating, bountiful forests for camping and hiking, world-class mountain-biking 15 minutes away, farm-to-fork dining, breweries, entertainment, and much more. Runway 2 is the designated Calm Wind Runway. Click here to learn more about what A.W. We are a new, modern pilot-friendly family owned small business looking to bring our passion of General Aviation to the Hartford-Brainard airport! Wind Socks (lighted), Lighting The airfields status was boosted in 1927, when Charles A. Lindbergh stopped first at Brainard on a national victory tour after his solo transatlantic flight. The Hartford City Council has passed a non-binding resolution to decommission Brainard. I certainly recognize the citys concern here, Dillon said. Prices and availability are subject to change. Photo by Chris Rose. 20 Lindbergh Drive Hartford, CT 06114 Located in Hangar 1 with access to the ramp on the first floor (North side of Hangar 1). Other nearby airports with instrument procedures: Information from the Connecticut Airport Authority, UTC -5 (UTC -4 during Daylight Saving Time). LDA RWY 02 The airport also includes complimentary facilities includes aircraft parking aprons; T-hangars and larger aircraft hangar storage; aircraft maintenance and repair; propeller overhaul, repair and sales; weather station; and self-service aircraft fueling facilities accommodating single and multi-engine aircraft with a focus on corporate business and recreational flight operations. Other business service offerings are T-hangar and corporate aircraft storage, private air charter, aircraft sales and rental, car rental, and an on-airport restaurant. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Youre not just going to take off in your yard.. KHFD METAR Weather: KHFD 271353Z 34009KT 10SM CLR 01/M08 A3003 RMK AO2 SLP169 T00111078. no, LDG FEE FOR BUS/CORPORATE & REVENUE PRODUCING ACFT. Rutka argues that the airport is in the "heart" of Hartford and vital for the city. LAT: 4144.18 State-owned Brainard is controlled by the Connecticut Airport Authority, which says it has no plans to close the airfield. SEE BRAINARD TWR LTRS TO AIRMEN. CTN HFD IS LCTD ON W SIDE OF RIVER. Right now, there's a lot of planes that sit out here on the field, that don't have a place to be able to park, to get under the cover.. There are two long runways and a lighted helipad, fuel, snow removal, and a new arrival/departures area. Dillon said one alternative could be the state condemning the property, but that, too, would be a costly undertaking. The Brainerd Tanker Base has its own RAMP FREQUENCY (163.100) that should be used when entering the RAMP. Powerplant Service: Major Just three miles from downtown Hartford, the 201-acre airport has been fighting to stay open. Please check out our FAQ pages for answers to your common questions. He declined to name the companies hes been in discussion with, but options range from building on electrical system repair already at Brainard to upholstery and life-preserver manufacturing and even aviation insurance, Rutka said. Reasearch Laboratories does to help preserve our water resources. In addition to fuel (100LL, Jet A), de-icing and maintenance services, NorthPoint Aviation provides: flight training, charter flights, air rides, and friendly customer service. Notice of Trustee's Sale for 5107 Airport Road, Hangar Spaces 55 and 76, Midland, Fauquier County, VA 22724 on September 21, 2022 at 11 a.m. EDT. A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. APCH/DEP OVR RIVER WHEN PSBL. Buy, sell or lease hangars in Virginia. RIVER VISUAL RWY 02. Search airplane hangars in Virginia.
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