Answer (1 of 3): I think that personality is strongly linked to bending type, so it seems natural to combine types of bending in ATLA with MBTI types. INTPs tend to be flexible and good at thinking "outside of the box.". (For more MBTI fun, check out my post The Myers-Briggs Types of 101 Famous Authors.), Organized Group Oriented Focused Conventional Leader. They feel deeply and often have an adventurous approach to life. ISFPs dont really care how others perceive them, rather, whats most important to the ISFP is living a life in accordance with their values. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. 10K Views. He's rarely seen interacting with his peers - but when he does, Zuko is withdrawn and rather separated. And I was feeling rather down, and the picture was animated, so I took it. Suki is also not afraid to say what's on her mind. Ranpo seems childish and flighty, and he's never seen without a huge pile of snacks. This of course affects her Fe but then gets developed more as she spends time with Peter. For example, she taught Sokka even though he tried to belittle her skills. While Armin is an exceptional strategist using information presented to him, he is equally great at analyzing situations even if he doesn't have all the details. Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, Knowing me, knowing you: personality and peer appraisal, Evaluating the validity of Myers-Briggs type indicator theory: A teaching tool and window into intuitive psychology. They might seem to "zone out" from time to time while they consider new concepts or explore how something works. It is one of the 16 personality types described by theMyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). By. People with an INTP personality tend to be more compatible with an ENTJ, ESTJ, or ENTP, potentially making them good marriage partners. rank it your way 1 Sherlock Holmes He places great emphasis on logic and rationality. C.C. By the end of the story, however, Angel learned how to appreciate humanity and even became compassionate towards them. Fictional ISFJs include Melanie Hamilton Wilkes (Gone with the Wind), Ophelia (Hamlet), Dr. Watson (Sherlock Holmes), Arthur Dent (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), Miss Havisham (Great Expectations), Amy Dorrit (Little Dorrit), Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter), Susie Salmon (The Lovely Bones), Gilbert Blythe and Matthew Cuthbert (Anne of Green Gables), Meg March (Little Women), Anne Elliot (Persuasion), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Balin (The Hobbit), Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings), and Edward Ferrars (Sense and Sensibility). Soc Personal Psychol Compass. 6 Excellent Era. INFJs have an inner world filled with ideas, symbols, and possibilities. When he briefly loses his powers, he becomes overly cautious and afraid of everything around him, shutting himself down. Only about 3 % of all people can be classified as INTP. He's a strong, well-respected leader who knows how to command his forces. Keirsey D. Please Understand Me II : Temperament, Character, Intelligence. Patrick: ISFP (I thought about ISTP but F makes more sense.) He can solve even the most complex mysteries within a matter of seconds. It is one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Toph teaches herself metal bending, creating the new form all on her own. ESFJs are concerned with the people around them and their well-being to an almost obsessive degree. INTP (otherwise known as "the Thinker") is one of the sixteen archetypes found in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI ). When it comes to the workplace, he'll do what needs to be done. In the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the nation of origin says a lot about a characters personality traits, whether its the free-spirited and adventurous Airbenders, the calm and fluid water tribe, or the hot-headed and dangerous fire nation. For example, the position of benders. Some INTP cartoon characters are Patrick Star from SpongeBob and Velma from Scooby Doo. L was always scheming against Light. ESFPs are enthusiastic about having new experiences and meeting new people. Just for fun, here are the Myers-Briggs characters: types for a whole lot of fictional characters. In this video we discuss our least to most favorite MBTI types. Ranpo is immensely intelligent. ESTJs are traditionalists who like to take charge of situations. ISFPs have an affinity for risky behavior, like high stakes gambling, high adrenaline activities, or dressing up as the blue spirit in order to free Aang from Admiral Zhao's custody. They are driven by a need to analyze and bring order to the world. They are passionate, idealistic, and have a deep concern for others. Image credit: Bryan Konietzko Aang ENFP. She is detached from others and has little care for the people around her. They are logical thinkers but tend to view the "big picture" of things rather than fixate on small details. She rules with fear, an ability that someone with an ESTJ personality is not afraid to do. They are future-oriented and natural leaders. Bill Belichick, American football coach and General Manager of the New England Patriots. The Joestar group was the first one he willingly considered himself part of. Yes, everybody's watched the Movie Avatar by James Cameron. The inferior function is largely unconscious and represents an area of weakness. A bold, loud and overseeing leader who values the omaticaya traditions. Frodo: The Lord of the Rings. Aonung. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Frederick Bhaer: Little Women. Its not hard to imagine him storming out of an Earth Nation post office to pursue his dream of working for himself in the exciting world of cabbage retail. With his trusty boomerang, he can do anything. As an INTJ, Amon abhorred rules and traditions, believing that everything should be open to questioning and change. She's so introverted that the only person she feels safe opening up around is Sora. Meanwhile, April Ludgate fromParks and Recor Napoleon Dynamite exhibit how INTPsare often funny introvert characters. When you buy through these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. ESTJ. Many of those anime characters play pivotal roles in their respective series and often go on to become fan-favorite characters. INFPs are the dreamers of the world. Which Avatar The Last Airbender Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign? ENFPs make up about 8% of the general population, 10% of women, and 6% of men. They enjoy new ideas and are adaptable in their lifestyle, if not always their thinking. Avatar: The Last Airbender is set in an Asiatic-like world in which some people can manipulate the classical elements with psychokinetic variants of the Chinese martial arts known as "bending". Aang not only wants to protect people physically as the avatar, but also emotionally. Reina is a teenage girl of average height. Instead, he used logic to quickly find a solution. The day Aang finds out how real his responsibilities as the Avatar will be, he grabs Appa and flies off like hes trying to start a series or something. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Fire Lord Ozai may not be the best role model for ESTJs; at the other end of the spectrum,there is someone like. Introversion. Like most ESTPs, she's also not afraid to speak her mind bluntly, and her sense of humor might strike some as abrasive at times. INTPs tend to live inside their minds, so they can be quite difficult to get to know. In situations where they feel stress, however, INTPs shut down their feelings and struggle to connect with others. Toph is an innovator and someone whos not afraid to take something down to its parts to understand it a little better. Updated on May 7th, 2022 by Sarah Martin: Since this list was last updated in 2021, we've added five more characters who are INTPs to this list. Throughout the series, Killua learned how to connect with others and understand how important it is to show support during a friend's hour of need. It seems like Angel can never quite shut his down mind since he's always pondering about his own existence. She is a first-year trumpeter who plays in the Kitauji High School band, continuing on the same instrument from elementary and middle school. Adobe Express inspires you to think outside the box. Disorganized Modest Suggestible Indecisive Guarded. Shiro is classified as a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). In Sai's case, his friendships are incredibly important to him especially considering how hard it is for him to open up. Nicknamed the Immortal Witch, C.C. Which Jujutsu Kaisen Character Are You Based On Your MBTI Type? Decisive Planner Engaged Ambitious Dominant. INTP Anime Characters Personality Type - Avatoon INTP Anime Characters INTP means introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. Keep an eye on your inbox. She's a leader, and one who inspires her followers. They enjoy spending time alone, thinking about how things work and coming up with solutions to problems. Cabbage Guy may seem stressed about his cabbages constantly meeting their demise, but underneath that hes thrilled to have another problem to solve. Hilariously, it seems like most of his "advice" comes out in the form of snappy insults. They are quiet, adaptable, and compassionate. ISTPs are driven by a desire to understand how things work. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender: Which Bender Are You Based On Your Zodiac. Video is out of context so typing is also based on situation and it's not c. They enjoy spending time alone, thinking about how things work and coming up with solutions to problems. Famous People Memes Fictional Characters HOT Riley Abel The Last of Us (HBO) 168/36 ESTP 7w8 Michael Kaiser Blue Lock 1.2k/279 ENTP 3w4 Ellie Williams The Last of Us (HBO) 834/205 ENFP 7w8 Madarame Baku Usogui 184/13 INTJ 7w8 Kiruma Souichi Usogui 101/8 INTJ 1w9 Evil Morty Rick and Morty (2013) 845/103 INTJ 5w4 Lionblaze Warriors (Series) 156/12 It helps them deliver dialogues and resort to actions in movies and TV shows. INTP meansintroverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. 1 People who score as INTP are often described as quiet and analytical. However, Angel chooses to hunt devils. In the Myers-Briggs typeology system, there are sixteen personality types consisting of four letters: E for extrovert or I for introvert, S for sensor or N for intuitive, T for thinker or F for feeler, and P for perceiver or J for judger. Their high emphasis on logic can make it difficult for INTPs to not correct others when their arguments aren't rational or logical. Fire Lord Ozai may not be the best role model for ESTJs; at the other end of the spectrum,there is someone like Tobirama Senju (from Naruto). She is the most responsible out of the group (most of the time) and could be a bit of a perfectionist. The main one being Zuko. Isaiah enjoys writing and would love to pursue a career in Journalism if the opportunity presents itself. ESTJs are straightforward communicators and prefer to use their actions to communicatelike invading three nationsor using a comet's power to scorch earth beneath them while floating on giant death balloons. Shared interests are one of the best paths to forming a friendship with an INTP. Death: Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. 9 Heavenly Sword. Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author and educational consultant focused on helping students learn about psychology. ISTPs make up about 5% of the general population, 9% of men, and 2% of women. Knowing me, knowing you: personality and peer appraisal. 2010;60(574):382384. Shiro may be an 11-year-old, but she isnt the average preteen. Avatar Roku is a good example of these traits with his good advice and creativeness. INTP characters are a lot like their INTJ cousins in the sense that they're always typecast into smart roles. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. ESTPs make up about 4% of the general population, 6% of men, and 3% of women. This function focuses on how people take in information about the world. They like to have a complete understanding of something before they are willing to share an opinion or take action. ENFJs make up about 3% of the general population, 3% of women, and 2% of men. Here are some INTJ celebrities you might recognize: Arthur Ashe, American Tennis Player. He has a tireless dedication to his honor and duty of finding the avatar. It oftentimes appears within the top five of any "best TV" list and has made waves for multiple generations. ESTPs make up about 3% of women and 6% of men. She controls Mai and Ty Lee, two people she considers her friends, with fear. When paired with her older brother Sora, Shiro is an intellectual genius that specializes in logical solutions. ENFP. In general, INTP women are quiet, independent, and highly imaginative. Unlikeextroverts, who gain energy from interacting with a wide group of people, introverts must expend energy in social situations. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. However, when he was younger, Senkuu spent most of his time alone, toiling away in a science lab. Responsible Planner Private Perfectionist Detail Oriented. He often has good ideas about how to execute a match but keeps them to himself for fear of how others will perceive him. Easy Going Open Disorganized Adventurous Insensitive. The natural affinity of the INTP for fields that require the use of formal logic makes them a common type for academically smart . With an IQ over 160, he's able to quickly detect his opponent's weaknesses and sadistically use them against that player. He can tell when and where is the best place to time an attack because he's an expert at picking up on the patterns of others likely, because of his background as an assassin. Explore all the possibilities of your avatar's aesthetic, from realistic to cartoony to manga-inspired; the options are endless. She is an artist with her knives and likes to test the limits of her family's traditional expectations. Do extraverts process social stimuli differently from introverts? While other INTPs are quieter and prefer to avoid conflict, Hanamiya represents the more argumentative and domineering aspects of the personality type. Avatar (Franchise) 147/14. The 20 Most Powerful Benders In Avatar, Ranked, Avatar: The Last Airbender: 5 Characters Who Became More Likable Over Time (& 5 Who Didnt), Fire Lord Ozai & 7 Other Anime Villains Who Lost Their Powers (& Why), Avatar: The 20 Most Powerful Benders Ever, Ranked, 10 Best Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! She's always guided by what's right, but is practical enough to find ways to deal with the situation no matter what it entails, evidenced by her behavior during her imprisonment. They typically do not have a wide social circle, but they do tend to be close to a select group of people. While Sora is no slouch in his own right, its Shiro who always finds a solution at the end of the day. L From Death Note is possibly the most famous INTP across anime. A forum community dedicated to all ranges of personality types and people. Miles Quaritch. 1. 8 Misty Rain. She's got a pretty good understanding of things around her and isn't really afraid to just be blunt about what she says. Aang is the perfect example of an ENFP. She's weird, she's wonderful, I love her. This is all just my perspective on the characters after binge-watching the series on Netflix for the first time. Polite Easily Offended Timid Dutiful Private. It is one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It's time to explore the geniuses of the DC universe who share this category and the many machinations their minds make. Aang sees that the entire world is all connected, knows that sometimes things have different meanings than it may appear, another trait of an ENFP. By Kendra Cherry RELATED: Which Jujutsu Kaisen Character Are You Based On Your MBTI Type? Just another site intp avatar characters ENTP characters include Helena (A Midsummer Nights Dream), Mark Watney (The Martian), Tyler Durden (Fight Club), Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing), Augustus Waters (The Fault in Our Stars), Dumbledore, Fred and George Weasley (Harry Potter), Henry Tinley (Northanger Abbey), and Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones). ENFJs care intensely about people and are driven by a need for relational harmony. He's the perfect representation of an INTP's more intellectual qualities. Social Emotional Altruistic Involved Open. Encourage your child to develop their intellectual interests, but also look for situations that may help them foster friendships. In Jujutsu Kaisen, curse techniques come in all shapes and sizes. . Common themes include isolation, emphasis on analysis, and being logical and objective. ENFP - Avatar Aang The ENFP is probably the most popular type for the main protagonist in children's media, and Aang is the quintessential ENFP kid hero. INTP 6w5 Celebrities in Real Life: Here's a lookinto the heads offan favorite benders by using this helpful psychological framework to analyze some of their key actions throughout the series. What Is Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder? ENFPs thrive on the newnew people, new activities, and new ideas. I wanted to make this video for quite a while and some of you requested it, so I fina. Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read. If you are an INTP, you may enjoy a career as a: If you have an INTP in your life, here are a few tips for interacting with them based on the nature of your relationship. He constantly tries to make people happy, even if it's just by doing goofy things. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. That is why Wario has both of these colors. Elon Musk, South African entrepreneur and businessman. He is a free-spirited boy who often finds ways to put smiles on people's faces. Merch Reveals a Totally New MCU Character, Stranger Things Prequel Trailer Sets Up Vecna's Ominous Origin Story. Possibly an N too but I guess I might be biased. He's smart and social, but can be a bit of a mad scientist. Which anime characters embody the INTP personality type? ISFPs make up about 9% of the general population, 10% of women, and 8% of men. Jane Bennet: Pride and Prejudice. Not only do they all have tremendous growth and development from the first episode to the last, but they are all uniquely relatable in their own ways. ESFJs make up about 12% of the general population, 17% of women, and 8% of men. ENTP characters include Helena ( A Midsummer Night's Dream ), Mark Watney ( The Martian ), Tyler Durden ( Fight Club ), Benedick ( Much Ado About Nothing ), Augustus Waters ( The Fault in Our Stars ), Dumbledore, Fred and George Weasley ( Harry Potter ), Henry Tinley ( Northanger Abbey ), and Tyrion Lannister ( Game of Thrones ). If you got this type it means you're Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. INTPs express this cognitive function by exploring what-ifs and possibilities. The series follows INTP protagonist Lain Iwakura as she interacts with The Wired. The entire series is based on this simple fact. Iroh is constantly seen helping as many lost souls as he can. Airship slice! Which Bungou Stray Dogs Character Are You, Based On Your MBTI? Here is a definitive list of INTP fictional characters that any Logician would approve of: Violet Baudelaire: A Series of Unfortunate Events books.
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