10 Mar, 2023

ap style bulleted lists capitalization

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Watch your title convert case and be automatically capitalized! I the word Cocaine supposed to be capitalized? In AP style, headlines capitalize the first word, proper names, or proper abbreviations, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. I like oranges. The following rules apply to MLA headings: AP style capitalization is mainly used by writers for the Associated Press but is also used widely throughout journalism. 205-921-5556. Bulleted lists. Home Style and Grammar Guidelines Lists Lists Just as heading structure alerts readers to the order of ideas in a paper, lists help readers understand a related set of key points within a sentence or paragraph. Mary founded Instructional Solutions in 1998, and is an internationally recognized business writing trainer and executive writing coach with two decades of experience helping thousands of individuals and businesses master the strategic skill of business writing. How a list is punctuated depends on the sort of information that is being presented. Below you'll find information on numbers, time and dates, locations, phone numbers, punctuation, capitalization and titles, and the Internet. Example 1: Capitalization looks fancy and makes things seem important. Punctuating every introduction with a colon and every list item with a period regardless of other structural issues (such as complete versus incomplete introductory sentences and list-item formatting) could potentially decrease flow and readability. The rules are fairly standard for title case: Making sure you have the right capitalization for APA headings is crucial for scholarly articles. Use a numbered list if you want to display items in a numbered series. Q: Would "crew chief" and "team owner" be capitalized before a name? 11.5.13 Updates made to University statistics, the list of research centers and section on Web addresses. Sentence case simply means you capitalize the first letter of a sentence, proper nouns, and nothing else as opposed to capitalizing almost every first letter in title case. nouns, pronouns, verbs. Published: November 13, 2012 Updated: August 22, 2020. For more specific title capitalization rules, you can see the following sections which cover each style of title capitalization rules or check out our FAQs for common capitalization questions. The buttons at the bottom let you choose specific case conversion options for the various styles. These include short words and conjunctions: The other major type of title capitalization standard is sentence case. Also, please note that ads, brochures and legal contracts may require some deviation from these guidelines. Q: Is the proper phrase "If money were no object" or "If money was no object"? In a simple series, AP doesn't use a comma before the last item. Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions (regardless of length). Please try again. Q: If you have a hyphen in a headline, is the word after the hyphen capitalized? There are five important things to watch for in numbered and bulleted lists: inconsistent capitalization. How to Create Bulleted Lists in Microsoft Word, How to Create and Modify Numbered Lists in Microsoft Word, How to Create Custom Bullets in Microsoft Word, Parallel StructureThe Secret to Beautiful Bullet Points. Now we have bullets. The stylebook uses italics for examples only. The Associated Press Stylebook provides an A-Z guide to issues such as capitalization, abbreviation, punctuation, spelling, numerals and many other questions of language usage. I recommend APs style guidance for end punctuation: All of these recommendations follow AP, but one clarification is needed. That order can be based on rank (e.g., a list of most favorite to least favorite foods) or sequence (e.g., recipe instructions). Use periods, not semicolons, at the end of each section or a phrase. This is clear, but AP doesnt fully address when to omit a period at the end of each bullet. So long as your capitalization rules remain consistent in your organizations communications, youre golden. EPA follows the AP rule after the dash or bullet: capitalize the first letter and use periods at the end of each section. Understanding what to capitalize in a title is important to make sure that your titles and headlines look correct. We recommend following the AP Stylebooks bullet punctuation, with additional clarifications that AP doesnt address. Geography, addresses (state names, regions: Mideast; Northwest; northeast Minnesota; 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.; Fifth Avenue ). label all file pages (and the disk itself) with your designatedcode. Added standalone cities to guidance on addresses and states. Bullet points. Bullet point structure Don't mix and match sentence structures. Quickly convert your title or text to title case by simply clicking the Title Case button in the tool above. Take the sentence "She has decided: She won't have surgery to hide the scar.". Use proper punctuation for bulleted sections. Cite it. in compound modifiers (e.g., Mid-year, Anti-hero, etc.). If checked, quotes will be output as straight quotes. Infants often display positive emotions when following parents behavioral requests, such as not touching the stove. It is the same across all of the four styles. In business writing, yes, use a colon at the end of the introductory stem sentence. Its visually cluttered, impeding easy scan. If you want to, you can press Enter on your keyboard or click the Copy button next to the text box to copy the text to your clipboard. Creating a free account also gives you access to historical stylebooks, writing guidelines and handbooks produced by The Associated Press, dating back to June 1900. To keep bullets simple and consistent, I take a dual approach to styling them, based on whether the items in the list are complete sentences or partial sentences. Numbered, lettered, and bulleted lists. If you have questions, read our. For a series of complex terms, though, use commas after each for clarity. Example: Hampton, Va. See the stylebook for specific abbreviations. Whether youre writing an essay, email, or cover letter, youll likely use parentheses. Thanks! Example: There are anumber of tags used in HTML, including: RULE: Its not necessary to use periods after short phrases or single words in alist, if the introductory statement is grammatically complete (see below) or if the listed items are like those on an inventory sheet or ashopping list. Numbered Lists and Bullet Lists: Why and How? For MBA, AP Style don [t use periods. This guidance has been expanded from the 6th edition. A: The phrase suggests a contingency unlikely to come true, so use "were" for the subjunctive mood. . Capitalize My Title requires JavaScript to be enabled in order to run. But if you are using a style guide, you may want to check it for guidance on which style to use. Bulleted lists are appropriate when presenting a list of items in no particular order. Bulleted Lists: APA uses bulleted lists to avoid the perception of importance/priority connotated in numbered lists. For lists of fragments, short phrases, or words, capitalization is optional: My favorite fruits include: oranges apples bananas dragon fruit My favorite fruits include: Oranges Apples Bananas Dragon fruit As with the other optional punctuation above, though, make sure to use a consistent capitalization style throughout your writing. AP follows two broad rules for capitalization: Common names are not capitalized unless part of a proper name (the river vs. the Thames River). Hello! This is where the semicolon confusion comes in. When your writing is crisp, clear, and easy to understand, audiences will likely leave your site with a positive impression. While the APs guidelines on this issue are straightforward and easy to remember, they are designed for news publications dealing with limited space and the technical limitations of news wire transmissions. In bulleted and numbered lists, do not use a period or other punctuation after titles or phrases that are not complete sentences (also good for accessibility). That includes newspaper names and magazine references. This post links directly to APA Style topics of interest that users may not even know exist on the website. Are we nitpicking punctuation with these considerations of bullet lists? Avoid a mix. Other terminology (business; food and beverages; legal and justice; medical; ethnic and nationality; politics; religion ). If bulleted items are complete sentences, begin each item with a capital letter and finish it with a period or other appropriate punctuation. To draw visual attention to items in a list without implying that items go in a certain order (e.g., chronology, importance, priority), use a bulleted list. The department prefers bullets, but punctuate them per AP style: After each bullet, capitalize the first letter and use periods at the end of each item. Writing, phrasing, usage (word choice; clarity; subjunctive mood; ethnic-racial; profanity; slang ). Microsoft and Gregg would capitalize flat and sharp if they appeared in a title (unlike Rule 2). Examples: House Cleaning Tips: Remove items from shelves before dusting. Q: How does AP treat programming language when used in general text? 10439 W Royal Palm Rd., Peoria AZ 85345 Q: Is clarity essentially the only rule determining when a serial comma should be included? A: Always use figures for people, animals and objects: 3-year-old house. This is a tricky one for me because, personally, I agree with you. Capitalize the first word of every bullet. Our amended style is website (one word, lowercase w), along with other compounds: webcam, webcast, webmaster. In our latest quarterly roundup of AP Style reminders, we cover back-to-school terms, travel terminology, and more. Beyond that, all three capitalize the first and last word of a title. persistent psychological distress (Glozier et al., 2010; Lund et al., 2010). Fax: 205-921-5595 2131 Military Street S Hamilton, AL 35570 View Location The rule of thumb in AP style is that things should be lowercased unless a rule indicates that theyre upper. 5 simple story types to fill out your editorial calendar, A quick refresher on using minor punctuation marks in AP style, 8 tips on writing and editing from Jerry Seinfeld. Bulleted lists. In the example above, the first two list items end with a semicolon because the second list item has internal commas. According to APA Style, the first word after the colon is capitalized only if it begins a complete sentence. A: Lowercase for post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, hepatitis C, etc. Do it anyway. Initial capitalization is preferred for list items that are complete sentences ( Example B) or stand-alone phrases (Examples C and D ). Whether a numbered list is being used when a bullet list would be more appropriate, or vice versa, Stay with us.". That's . You can learn more in the Title Capitalization Rules by Style section. Ordered vertical lists have, you guessed it, an order. hn7_@os@`v6Y8m.sSWloK6]G\#4:RsJ.Sv1b0',K4;mgbj\l~}7N|7W}v0qp}_n]QQL~yNy?NQ2*yZ_p@PnCx'q%6\zr0nqfopzpyb"uGh7? Q: Others use one word for internet-related terms. Next, identify a newsworthy angle and set up your press release's header section. This will uncapitalize your text. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs (including phrasal verbs such as "play with"), adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions. Don't use the Oxford comma in a simple series before the conjunction. A: AP style is email (changed from e-mail), but other e- words are hyphenated: e-commerce and e-book. As an Amazon Associate, CapitalizeMyTitle.com earns from qualifying purchases. Try it with a list of shorter items like this. . Then craft an attention-grabbing headline, write the body of your press release, add the boilerplate section, and distribute your press . Q: Do music groups take singular verbs, as do collective nouns, or plural verbs, as with sports teams? This option is helpful for complex or longer bulleted sentences that may be more difficult to read without the aid . AP flags such cases atop the story with an editor's note. Young adults have many motivations for texting on their smartphones: Further information about bulleted lists is available in the Publication Manual, including how to format lists of definitions in a glossary. Colon Capitalize the first word after a colon only if it is a proper noun or Q: Is there a standard AP style for bulleted areas of text? Two new and potentially controversial suggestions when writing bulleted lists are to use dashes instead of bullets and to always use periods (rather than semicolons) at the end of each section, even if it is a phrase and not a sentence. If you feel punctuation does not matter, consider the impact of punctuation in these bullet lists: 2023 Instructional SolutionsRefund Policy | Terms | Privacy Policy. Following are some questions and answers to use as guidelines: When is it better to use bullets than numbers? 59 0 obj <>stream The Associated Press Stylebook says when writing lists "use periods, not semicolons, at the end of each section, whether it is a full sentence or a phrase.". When writing a list, ensure all items are syntactically and conceptually parallel. This is usually done when each list entry finishes an introductory phrase, as shown below: Subscribe to our newsletter and get writing tips from our editors straight to your inbox. 10. finish the project by Friday, January 23; place everything youve turned in to date, plus this assignment, on afloppy disk;and. AP Style - use dashes, capitals and periods. This will automatically indent the list as well. Bulleted lists can be used with complete sentences, phrases, or a combination. Thanks for the catch! Grammar (essential vs. nonessential clauses; pronouns; subject-verb agreement ), Q: I'm confused on the use of "that" and "who" when talking about groups. Clean windows with a newspaper and . They are also written without terminal punctuation (i.e., they dont end in a period, comma, colon, or semicolon).9. Dont use a period at the end of a bullet if the bullet lists are one word or a short phrase that feels like an inventory or shopping list. She holds a B.A. A: We follow Webster's on that term, which is lowercase. However, Garner qualifies this: "If you begin each item with a lowercase letter, put a semicolon at the end of each item, use and after the next-to-last item, and put a period after the last item." News media (datelines; headlines; newswriting ). Bulleted lists help make information more scannable and easier to understand. People who grew up in the 1980s watched a lot of television, including: If you arent a strict follower of AP style, consider using the general guidelines explained in the sections above instead of those outlined in this alert box. Please list your allergies and give date of last flare-up. The key thing is applying a clear and consistent punctuation style to all lists. Automatically copy the capitalized title with CTRL + C ( + C on Mac) or after pasting. Q: There seem to be differing opinions on whether or not to capitalize the names of grapes used to make wine. Capitalize the first and the last word of titles and subtitles. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions. Learn more about how to write better bullet lists. Semicolons Use in Lists: Items with Internal Punctuation The default rule is to lowercase words unless theres a reason they should be uppercase. AP Style: Sentence Fragments and Capitalization Finally, let's look at Associated Press style. In business writing, capitalize the first letter and keep bullet list punctuation clean. She excels at designing customized business writing training programs to maximize productivity, advance business objectives, and convey complex information. [M zmp0&BLp$UPd67Z9Ha{0gPY "nG~h%rls 'wdt;:^2i+>f9V%EQ)j2"^e\KP"TiNc-((V A&N+E}E;SnIP Read this and other articles on English grammar, mechanics, and usage at Get It Write. For example, here is a summary of the instructions to write a standard 5 paragraph essay. Awesome sauce! The top tabs allow you to select which style of capitalization you want to use. Preferred style is without terminal punctuation, unless the list item is a complete sentence. The capitalization chapter has new guidance on how to write about census divisions and geological formations. For more AP style tips, watch Grammar Girls Beginning and Intermediate Guide to AP Style any time. Find it. (CMS) and the Associated Press Stylebook (AP style) are what writers typically use. Next post: Make blog post content rich with layers, Previous post: Blog Post Format: Chunk It. Gently tap the lid against a hard surface. 7.2.15 New section added on when to capitalize names of degree programs. Bulleted lists may be comprised of complete sentences or phrases. I like bananas. Anation could be oppressed by its leaders, Judy Vorfeld Repellent and Repulsive both speak to driving others away, but REPULSIVE Three horizontal centrifugal pumps with design temperature of 100 degrees F. Three electric motors, in accordance with Appendices. Mr. Heckle and Mr. Jeckle enjoy several feline activities: Like ordered lists, unordered lists that are part of an incomplete introductory sentence are lowercased and punctuated as if each item was inside the sentence.10, People who grew up in the 1980s watched a lot of television, including, The Associated Press Stylebook (AP style) recommends prefacing unordered lists with dashes instead of bullets, although bullets are an acceptable choice for some publications.AP style also recommends punctuating complete and incomplete introductory sentences with a colon and capitalizing the first word in each list item as well as punctuating each list item with a period even if the item is an incomplete sentence.11. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You can also upload a document to get an instant quote. Semicolon Use in Lists A properly inserted semicolon helps to provide pause and clarifying separation in sentences. Its all about readability. (AP Style reminds writers that it is still correct to use bullets if preferred.) Use a rubber glove to twist the lid off. Unsubscribe at any time. If all else fails, when it comes to accepting AP style: Just do it. - Put a space between the dash or bullet and the first word of each item in the list. Sixth and Seventh streets). The following example demonstrates this format as well as how to include a citation for the information in the bulleted list. 28 0 obj <> endobj Youre singing my tune! Capitalization, Case Internet The word internet is all lowercase (unless, of course, it starts a sentence or comes after a bullet) . AP has a few punctuation rules that differ from many common style guides: Do not use a comma before the last item in a simple series ("My favorite candy includes Snickers, Twix and Zagnut bars."). It's like APA style in that you capitalize the first word after a colon if it's the start of at least one complete sentence. Complete sentences introducing ordered lists are traditionally punctuated with a colon. Your email address will not be published. always refer to the style guide and doublecheck capitalization recommendations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So many choices to make! 9. Chicago Style is one of the most used and respected headline capitalization methods used in journalism. Capitalization is a style choicewith sentence fragments, you can choose to start each with either upper- or lower-case letters. First, it is important to note that there are four main title capitalization styles: Chicago style, APA style, MLA style, and AP style. Q: When referring to your company in internal (or external) communications, which is correct: Corporate or corporate? See the "legislative titles" entry for rulings. Capitalize the second word in a hyphenated compound if both words are equal and not suffices or prefixes (e.g., Cost-Benefit), Capitalize the first non-Greek letter after a lowercase Greek letter (e.g., -Bromohexanoic), Lowercase the first non-Greek letter after a capital Greek letter (e.g., -9-tetrahydrocannabinol), Capitalize the genus but not the species epithet. Any symbol may be used for the bullets, although small circles or squares are typical software defaults. Consider the examples below: How about Civil Rights Movement? A: Use "that" for a thing, "who" for the personal pronoun, although "that" also fits some human references. Use a period after every bullet point that completes the introductory stem. Everyone loves a vertical list. But if youre following AP style, chances are youre overusing those big letters. The individual list items following the complete sentence are usually lowercased if they arent complete sentences themselves. 6. 8 Tips to Make Your Writing Sound More Formal, Capitalization in APA, Chicago, MLA, and AP. Its hard for some people to wrap their heads around this rule, especially if each item on the list is not a full sentence. Another easy decision. 2023 American Psychological Association, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242, Telephone: (800) 374-2721; (202) 336-5500. The capitalization rules are as follows: NY Times style capitalization is mainly used by writers for the NY Times but is also used widely throughout journalism. Below is a description of the ways you can use our case converter. The department prefers bullets, but punctuate them per AP style: After each bullet, capitalize the first letter and use periods at the end of each item. Problem solved. You can also use this tool to do it automatically. A: AP stories use PHP, Ajax, XML, FTP search engine optimization click-through rate pay-per-click. However, in lists of bullet points, the beginning of a point is also indicated by space and the item marker (whether a bullet, a number, or a letter). A: AP Stylebook entry on "collective nouns" says band names take plural verbs. It also connects closely related thoughts. The Gregg Reference Manual uses periods only after bullets that are dependent clauses and long phrases. The Gregg Reference Manual uses periods only after bullets that are dependent clauses and long phrases. ?X~soOr{/'gqjfZIuVCZQ!SdbnU)pHuL`>b"wlh)}4!ybjK Continue from there down the list. ap style bulleted lists capitalization veterinary ophthalmologist santa barbara June 22, 2022 flood banks advantages and disadvantages montana national guard jobs ap style bulleted lists capitalization veterinary ophthalmologist santa barbara June 22, 2022 flood banks advantages and disadvantages montana national guard jobs ap style bulleted lists The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA style) recommends only using complete sentences for vertical numbered list items, not incomplete sentences as shown above.6, Unordered lists are united by commonality rather than rank or sequence. Bulleted lists: Capitalize the first letter after the bullet. Titles. It is the indispensable reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers, informing the editorial canon with sound, definitive advice. AP uses dashes, not bullets, for lists in news stories that follow a colon. By far, this is the most vexing punctuation issue! Asthma or some allergies. Well, that was really helpful; thanks for the effort. Title case is the most common form of title and headline capitalization and is found in all four major title capitalization styles. This is the fourth in a six-part series. A colon adds emphasis, too. There are two options for the punctuation of bulleted lists when the items are words or phrases. 0 For lists of fragments, short phrases, or words, capitalization is optional: As with the other optional punctuation above, though, make sure to use a consistent capitalization style throughout your writing. hbbd```b``"A$dH\8'$XM7"$c[D& j@H2w 2+: AP Stylebook: Use periods after bullets. To see what I mean, read the lead-in word or phrase then read the first item on the list. Your points should be consistent, either all sentences or all fragments. The phrase "she has decided" warns the reader that the next .

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