Sometimes plays wrong radio station. Select the station from the results and tap to Play. What is the current firmware version? Download for Android. 01-25-2022 Under. That was one reason I bought the home because my radio signal is weak. If you have any questions from here, please feel free to create a new post. "Play ". Digital Trends may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for this page to work. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Up until a couple of days ago "Hey Google play Absolute Radio" used to work every time, but now it's started playing one of it's sister stations, Absolute 80's. Stay close to your new device, at least within several feet, while you are connecting. Confirm that the voice command you're using is. For more information, please see our As usual, well keep track of the situation and will post an update once there are any new developments regarding TuneIn not working on Google Home devices. If I askk for BBC Radio 4 it palys BBC radio 4 extra on Tune in, if however I ask for BBC radio on a pseaker group it play the correct station via BBC sounds. and our If you're using Google Chrome and you're not seeing the black play bar at the bottom of the site please try resetting Google Chrome to the default settings. 12-21-2022 Google Home can't recognize that you want your local radio station, and it'll play you the main station with the same name unless you specify it. ". Have a great day. Specifying a home address may make a difference, as it tells the app your exact location. With a smart display, you can stream from your favorite music services, automate your lights and blinds, view security camera live feeds, call friends and family, ask for recipe ideas, play games, and so much more. 2 Kudos Share Reply NestMini2021 Community Member It is common for some problems to be reported throughout the day. I don't think that will help at all, Garrett. Now it should respond to your voice commands. Make sure the music provider you're trying to play music from is supported onspeakers or displays in your location. I am using the google home & nest and it is going through tunein to play the station. Please let me know if youare still having any trouble from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further. Also, try rephrasing your question, as Google Home tends to better understand direct questions better than long or drawn-out inquiries. Worked perfectly for first 2 years after getting 2 Google Homes and 1 Alexa. I recently setup a few google home speakers in my house. That works for me, but what is the point to use Google Home if is not working. The best Google Assistant-compatible devices, Try rebooting the device. If youre still experiencing issues for some reason. TuneIn is a global audio streaming service delivering live news, radio, sports, music, and podcasts to over 75 million monthly active users. Search for a radio station in the Music app. Same here, doesn't work on my mini or Lenovo display, but okay on Assistant on my Android phone. If this doesnt work, double-check to make sure the Home links to a Google account with its location turned on. Same issue here. First, I have some quick questions regarding this situation. Make sure your device is in setup mode, which is indicated by blinking white LED lights. I guess someone updated the station mapping. And all they can do is wait for the fix to arrive. Big List of 5-Letter Words for Scrabble, Words With Friends, and Wordle: Over 6,000 Words. Any ideas? Has anyone had a similar problem? None of my google home devices will play the correct station. Any ideas? Many people on here have said for years this is not working. Thanks for bringing your case to our attention. Even saying "Play NPR" causes it to play this music station only! These tips should be able to work with Nest models also. Clearly everyone is still having the same problem. This help content & information General Help Center experience. Im in the UK and it doesnt use Tunein, weve had nothing in the way of support about this. I just can't figure out what keywords will play the correct one. Others claim that that they get a message saying this stream is not compatible with this player.. When i ask it to play a specific radio via radio frequency it plays the one i want and is on that frequency in my area. 10:28 PM. Next, select More before tapping Reboot. In order to use your selected music service with your Google Assistant on Sonos, you must also add it to your Sonos app. Thanks for not listening or accepting there is an issue. Help. It works perfectly on my Alexa speakers so is a Google issue. What type of Google Home/Nest device do you have? To get the most out of Google Home, choose your Help Center: U.S. Help Center, U.K Help Center, Canada Help Center, Australia Help Center. Thank you for your patience, I look forward to your response. If not, try to remove GA from the Sonos app and unlink Sonos from Google Home and Google Assistant app then, re-add GA to Sonos. This poses a problem while asking for nearby services, weather reports, and other location-reliant items. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Absolute Radio still exists in TuneIn, and our hub is detecting our input correctly, but it's deciding to play a station that's a partial match instead of a complete match. KUAR is the normal news station, and KLRE is a dedicated classical music/jazz station. If I ask to play BBC radio 4 it plays BBC Radio 4 extra on Tune In. Does the same issue happen when you use the Google Assistant app on your phone/tablet. Were your devices able to play WRAL FM 101.5 Raleigh HD 1 before? I have tried putting it in a routine, it also doesn't work there. But when i ask it to play that same radio as an alarm, it . Let me know if this helps. Open the Google Home app . Press J to jump to the feed. Now Google Hub now playing correct station, BBC Radio 4. The workaround that works for me is to specify the frequency, eg, "Hey Google! The problem has been around for a few years now but Google has not been able to or is unwilling to fix it since the problem was acknowledged towards the tail-end of last year. Theres not much you can do to avoid this. Our team is already checking on this and working on a fix. So saying CBN Radio seems to get the St. Johns NL feed. If you look at my previous comments on here you can see I have multiple Google Devices and this is broken on all of them, it used to work and like everyone else it just stopped working. If the speaker is on, but it still doesnt seem to be responding, check the physical placement of the device. Yes all were able to play WRAL FM. Hello! Choose Reboot, and then confirm with OK . I went in and made a shortcut specifically to play the station, but it continues to play HD2. What changed and why did Google not test to make nothing was broken. Verify that the Google Account shown is the one linked to your speaker or display. The mute button for the mic is on the back of the speaker. You can reset this by going to the Alexa App > Three lines in the top left corner > Settings > Scroll down to Music & Podcast > Select the service > Disable skill. If you find that the internet is working correctly on other devices, we suggest trying to reboot the Home device itself. Why don't we give it a few more days and see if TuneIn confirms a resolution. Why does it not always play on BBC sounds? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I have a problem with my google nest mini. Until a month ago it would automatically choose my local version correctly if I just said 'play p4' (in Swedish). Just select the type of audio you want, and hit the gear icon to fine-tune what plays. It used to work but no longer. Confirm default music provider is set up correctly in the Google Home app. "Put ". Example:"Play 101.9 FM LA. 12:27 AM. Radio stations that were working a couple of days ago, now are showing the same behavior. I'm in the same boat. The repeated questions and basic troubleshooting tips are getting really old.yes again I have tried it allaside from throwing everything out and trying Alexa. Apps dont always update automatically, and its important to have the latest version. I would suggest visiting ourGoogle Assistant Forum and writing to them there as this is a question that they would be able to help answer. Thank you for reaching out. You can bring up any show by asking for its name, call sign, frequency, or a few more things. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help with your device playing the wrong station? Check that you have updated the Google Home app on your device. This email address is currently on file. But when i ask it to play that same radio as an alarm, it sets different one that is not even local or from my country. Click on arrow down at side of station 7. My bad! Cookie Notice Is it still playing a different station? Our team is aware of reports about being unable to play some TuneIn stations on Google Home were working on a fix. Source. Of course, the workaround is nowhere near as convenient as the real deal but its worth a shot for the time being. Is this a new issue? Reboot the device the Home app is on. Do you mean reset all of my devices? Hard to believe it's Tunein's problem since I don't know that app, never used that app and have read a few to know not everyone said Tunein fo instance if you would have read mine I specifically said iheart radio about a million timesmaybe, this is just and idea but maybe you could pass this problem along to someone that will do their job and actually look into the problem rather than obviously reading 1 complaint and throwing out a pass the buck response. Head to the Home app and ensure all updates have been applied to the Home device to see if this addresses the problem. We have had the same problem for several months now. I have a problem with my google nest mini. That seems to work! I can get the correct station if I go directly to on my PC. I actually researched every troubleshooting tip for this issue and have tried everything on everything and yet in this forum I only get repeated questions and responses because nobody is bothering to read ALL the comments, collect ALL the information and actually come up with a fixable (not pass the buck) solution, It didnt help Ive tried and as pointed out on previous posts a lot of people have multiple devices so this wouldnt make sense. If you have a new Nest device, you have to link third-party services like Spotify before they will play. Beyond giving you remote control of your outlets, many smart plugs allow you to set timers or monitor your electricity usage. The problem is that out of the 3 playlists i created on spotify google home will only find the first playlist not the other ones, i have tried renaming them and all sorts but home just wont find them. Whenever you request to play St. Louis Public radio, specify to play on NPR. Turning the mic back on is done using the button on the back of the speaker. Most days, I'd say "Hey google play Station A". But when I ask Google to play X radio on tunein, as I always did, it accepts the command and then it goes silent. When asking Google to play the radio, I stretched out the word raaaaadio - and said, "Hey Google, play CBC raaaaaadio 1". It is a glitch with the google players. New updates are being added at the bottom of this story. This response offered no help, if you read what the problem is.I say, "Hey Google, play iheart radio 95.7 the Jet" Google then response with "Ok, playing Iheart radio The Jet 95.7" but it actually plays KUBE 93.3, if Google is repeating correctly then your suggestions are of no use. I am also having the issue with my google assistant playing a different radio station than the one I ask it to play. Yeah, 89.1 FM. Clear search Also try putting the command in a routine. Google Home recognizes "play CKWX" as an alternative to "play News 1130", and the station plays correctly either way. (Source), According to some Google Home users, the assistant says ok, playing radio, when asked to play a radio station, however, theres no sound. I could also say 'play p4' uppland' (my local station). To change the hot word, go to the device and. I just ask Google to play the radio and I get the station that I want every time. Still the same for me. Finally, go to the station's website and see if there is further info there. Sorry to hear about the frustrations that you're having with the Google Assistant, I'm happy to help. 50000+ FM Radio and AM Radio Stations. Same here. Here's how: Open the Alexa app Tap hamburger icon top left corner Tap Settings Tap routines See if anything looks out of the ordinary If you want to avoid Alexa waking you up in the middle of the night with an errant notification, set Do Not Disturb before you go to sleep. tambm um importante difusor de . Drawing out my command didn't work for me. Its certainly annoying to start commanding a phone instead of the Home device, or both at the same time. Make sure Send device usage data and crash reports to Google is turned on. Tell us more and well help you get there. That is not great to hear that your Google Assistant is not playing the requested radio station. May start looking at homes there. Yeah still happening, having tested it appears to autocorrect radio to radio 2 and ignores the fact /doesnt wait for me to say 6. Best regards,Jake. Sorry for the late reply. There has been multiple artists, but always the same genre. I think I solved the issue. Then I click Cast inside Chrome menu, and I choose the device. None of my google home devices will play the correct radio station. If the microphone is off, four yellow lights will appear on the light . Play CBC Radio One 93.5 London", which fixed the problem. the only change from my end is that with my Pixel 2 XL I recently received a free Google Home mini. Its THE national radio and not some minor local town station. Google Assistant won't play any of the RTE Radio stations in Ireland. Ask for CBC Radio One Saint John, NB and plays London, Ontario. Sims 4 freezing or lagging after v1.88 Pronouns update, issue under investigation, [Updated] Microsoft Outlook quick actions (Delete, Move, Mark Unread) location change leaves many frustrated, demand option to revert. But now it plays "CBC Radio 1 Corner Brook" no matter what I say. Wed suggest sending us feedback using the Google Home app with the keywords, GHT3 Cant play radio stations on . The Home may not connect properly to the network or may not maintain a reliable connection. It will tell me that it playing what I asked, but it actually plays KUBE 93.3FM. Check to make sure the volume is turned up. Hi Juni. Also add the city that the station is licensed to.
google home plays wrong radio station
google home plays wrong radio station

google home plays wrong radio station
google home plays wrong radio station
google home plays wrong radio station
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