indicates a Persona that is only avaiable via DLC. Will the case be solved!? Add splash to single-target attack skills for 3 turns. 3-6 medium Phys attacks to random targets. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Much like our other hyper-tanks on this list, like Ryuji and Kanji, Aigis doesnt need a great deal of assistance in her role. (1 enemy), Light Elec attack that splashes to either side. They are the absolute cream of the crop for us. Sell now. Greatly (1.5x) raise Ice attack strength. A2: Marriage numbers; Math is a subject that can be difficult to understand, but with practice and patience, anyone can . Raijinzan, Elecstrike Link, Infinite Link, Thunder Reign, Makajam, Invigorate 2. Statistically speaking, he has the highest stat total in the game, and the highest singular Luck stat of any character, so hes certainly capable of taking on the role, but his skills dont quite stack up, meaning hell need significant skill card work to make him whole. Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. (Party), Grant Elec resistance for 3 turns. (Party), Raise attack, removes Binds, and adds Boost. If you managed to answer all Crossword puzzles correctly, your knowledge stat will be increased significantly. The Best Armour For Every Character | Persona Q2. Edit the label text in each row. Psio, Scarecrow, Media, Healing Hand, Mutudi, Heroic Wind. Greatly (1.5x) raise Fire attack strength. (1 Row), Grant Fire resistance for 3 turns. You can, of course, make any of these characters work. Skills marked with a '*' deal double damage when used in Boost. This is a list of items in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. Thanks :D. Further allied attacks gain link damage. Calamity Seed, Vorpal Blade, Shura Tensei, Shura Revert, Power Charge. (1 enemy), Medium Fire attack that splashes to either side. For starters, there is Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. (All foes), Changes user resistances + Sleep (All foes), Changes user resistance + Curse (All foes), Changes user resistance + Panic (All foes), Changes user resistances + Agility bind (All foes). Greatly (2.5x) raise HP restored by recovery skills. Moderately (1.4x) raise Elec attack strength. Yukari Takeba; Makoto Niijima; Yukiko Amagi. Yukari Takeba. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. (1 Enemy), Lower attack/defense and accuracy/evasion for 3 turns. (All enemies), Medium chance of Strength Bind each turn for 3 turns. It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Qnnit. Greatly (1.5x) raise Elec attack strength. The same situation happens in Persona 5 Strikers, which is canonically a direct . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Currently playing: Live A Live, Nintendo Switch Sports, and Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Agi, Twin Slash, Poisma, Snake Glare, Resist Fire, Dodge Arts. Raven1229 3 years ago #1. I guess that does make sense whenever the portags show up with fused personas. (All enemies) [Bless-based attack], Medium chance of instant kill. Assault Shot, Mabufula, Tentarafoo, Magic Talent, Farsight. Tiny Phys attack. Are you up for a challenge of logic and wits, or will you be lost in a cinematic maze? Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster release date announced, A host of Persona soundtracks are now available on Spotify and Apple Music, Three brilliant games come to PlayStation Now, Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers confirmed for Switch and PS4. The protagonist of Persona 4 occupies a somewhat strange position in Q2. In Persona Q2, much like others in the series, your elemental vulnerabilities are baked in with your equipped persona, so your choice of armour will be limited in its influence to your defence rating. Technically speaking Shinjiro is a slightly better tanking unit than him, but he doesnt have access to the Machismo skills, which are unique to Kanji. That said, youll really want to take advantage of the Rudra Ring whenever possible, since hell be spamming HP costs a great deal of the time. If it's on the system (i.e., the first list that appears when you hit "Load Game") the map data must be called "00XMAP", with X being the number of the save file your sister's using. Kamo City, freed of its tyrant's iron rule, still grapples with a fog of evil that all across the land is warping the minds of the people. (Party), Raise Fire resistance for 3 turns. Skip current turn and prepare for Origin Strike. Everyone involved. It was released in Japan in November 2018 and worldwide in June 2019. Myriad Arrows, Firestrike Link, Infinite Link, Inferno Boost, Null S-Bind. It can't be! Healing Finger, Healing Hand and Idol Hands stack multiplicatively and affect Return from Yomi and Circle Recovery's healing values. Persona Series Main Cast. Even then, there are much better options in Q2 to complete this task, like the female P3 protagonist. In Persona Q2 the player has access to all of the characters from Persona 3, 4 and 5, so the options available are bigger than ever. (1 enemy), Heavy Nuke attack that splashes to either side. Locate the KNS-1000 within "A.I.G.I.S. Greatly raise chance of rare items at Treasure Spots. Further allied attacks gain link damage. A lot of you probably groaned at the idea of . (Party) [Requires circles]. Moderately raise chance of causing Binds. In the original Persona Q, there were accessories that switched stats around, potentially completely changing a unit into something else. Mitsuru Kirijo. Greatly (7) restore SP at the end of the turn. This is because Yukari, the first party member to join your team, specialises in bows, healing and yes you guessed it, Wind spells. (Self), Triple magic attack for next hit. Solve the mystery in a dramatic reveal at the end of the movie! Run through the city as blazing searchlights try to keep up with you. Graffiti is the scream of the soul. What would you do when faced with a game that squishes the cast of 3 whole Persona games, whilst also be based around the, Its not unusual for an accessory, a Persona game accessory at least, to completely change the performance of a single character. Emergency special screening! Tagged as: Persona Q2, Persona Q2 Characters, Your email address will not be published. Stronger for each hit taken. Free shipping. (Random foes), Light physical attack 3-6 times. Q1: Which of these types of numbers does not exist? Miracle Punch, Maragion, Matarukaja, Fire Boost, Death Needle, Maragidyne. Counter whenever user's row is attacked for 3 turns. (1 foe), Light damage + medium chance of agility bind. Poor Shinjiro could have had all of the limelight were it not for one skill owned by Kanji. (1 enemy), Heavy Psy attack that splashes to either side. The Special Screenings are divided into five categories or types Hunt, Mystery, Search, Treasure, and Extra based on their objectives. Nucleostrike Link, Freila, Megidola, Regenerate 2. It is a spin-off of the Persona series, itself part of the larger Megami Tensei franchise, and a sequel to Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth. Medium chance to null Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind/Psy/Nuke damage to user's row. Megami Tensei Fusion Tools; Persona List Skill List Fusion Chart Shadow List QR Code Generator DLC Settings ; Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Fusion Calculator; Demon Stats; Race Lvl Name Inherits HP MP ; Demon Stats; Race Lvl Name Inherits HP MP ; Fool: 74: Ardha: 0 . In a Persona game, grabbing the right set of gear for your team members is crucial. The Best Accessories For Every Character | Persona Q2, The Best Armour For Every Character | Persona Q2, Best Hunting Styles for Sword and Shield | Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Best Class for Every Character | Fire Emblem: Awakening, Ideal Accessories for Every Character | Persona 5 Royal, The 4 Easiest Energy Foods To Use | Stardew Valley, Picking a Sports Club | Persona 3 Portable, Junpei Iori. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The final battle with the denizens of "A.I.G.I.S."! Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. This fight can be attempted any number of times, and losing it will not merit a Game Over. $69.99. Unlocks 3-Layer Fusion in the Velvet Room when presented to Caroline and Justine. Greatly raise Link damage based on number of Links used. (1 Foe), Curse Damage, halves an enemy's remaining HP. Hes weak defensively but very fast, has more health than Yusuke but has skills tailored towards linking whilst performing worse than other linkers. Over the course of a school year, he and other students awaken to a special power, becoming a group of secret vigilantes known as the Phantom . That's what they do in this movie, and you can, too! Greatly (1.5x) raise Bless attack strength. ALL MEGATEN GAMES v3. (Party), Greatly raise defense and protect allies. (1 foe), Medium Damage (1 foe) + Heal damage dealt against foe. Severe Phys attack that splashes to either side. They will lure you to sleep with their colors, their dances, and their grace. Thankfully this makes choosing equipment for her rather easy. How will this lion-hearted infantry ever beat the odds unless a hero like you shows up! Warriors, assemble! What could this mean? High critical rate but low accuracy. Additional attack when a target is bound. Being the dark side to Jokers light, despite what their outfits might suggest, the two function in a similar-yet-different fashion. Please refresh the page and/or try again. He also doesnt really need any help from an SP or HP regard, so youre free to just boost that damage as much as you can. Imma be real with you chief. For all intents and purposes he is a physical attacker, taking a role similar to the likes of Akihiko, in the sense that he's very sound from a statistical perspective, and much more difficult to kill than Yusuke. Raise amount of found items at Treasure Spots. Of course you do. (Party), Raise defense and protects allies. Persona 3/4/5 Girls Ranking. Figure out mathematic equations. The Screenings in question, along with the battle they unlock, are listed below. Yes, an enemy has appeared and seized the spotlight of center stage! Not entirely sure but Persona Q2 revealed the teams do know about the Velvet Room residents so they've clearly learned about it somewhere. Treasure-hunters wanted. Special Screenings. Junessic Land is a place governed by the principle of survival of the fittest. (1 enemy) [Curse-based attack], Medium chance of instant kill. Don't they know they are but players in this story, just running on bits and bytes? Slightly (1.5x) raise HP restored by recovery skills. Boards. Raise critical hit rate for 3 turns. $22.44 + $19.00 shipping. That game included Persona 3 and 4 characters, with Persona Q2 . Skills marked "ML" are melee; if their user is in the back row they cannot reach the enemy back line with them. 3-10 severe Phys attacks to random targets. ". Extend timers on Bind and ailments. But of course, aren't you already living one of those? Q2: What is the year before 1 A.D. called? Extra defense while protecting. This unison skill will also involve the P3P heroine, and can be triggered when she is in the party. Extend buffs by 3 additional turns. Our favourite is the Sense Mirror, because his Luck is already quite high for a front liner, but the Festival Drum will do the job just fine too. These Sooty Films each unlock a battle with one of the Velvet Room attendants, after which the player's persona stock will expand. Heavy Phys attack that splashes to either side. 1 Player Characters. These categories mostly serve as a general foundation for what to expect in terms of gameplay from a particular Screening. Display nearby FOEs/chests/hidden passages on map. Well, if the party member descriptions from the original Persona Q have taught us anything, things are never quite as they seem here. This is a list of characters from Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. Shop with confidence. Kidney Smash, All Guard, Endure, Endure Talent. Light physical damage 3 times. Add to Cart Persona Q2: New . Its also easy to forget thePersona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth is also on the way, particularly as the game is an exclusive for the ageing Nintendo 3DS. Not only this, but advanced, You might think that choosing equipment is an easy task in Persona Q2. The issue with back row mages is always making their SP last on long labyrinth journeys, so whilst Chakra Ring is by far the best option, you could also consider the World Badge, after all the HP is nice to have. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Windstrike Link, Achilles Reaper, Magarula, Hailstorm. (Party), Raise Psy resistance for 3 turns. NEW Nintendo Persona Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth Nintendo 3DS, 2018. Persona 4 Golden Classroom Answers Guide ? Last week it was confirmed that muse gamePersona 5 Scramble is coming to the Nintendo Switch, but there was no news of Persona 5. I finished my second run, and my opinions of the characters have changed a bit (within tiers are not ordered): Top. Is the ultimate prize one of riches or of love? Immediate heavy Phys attack. Broadshot, Armor Destroyer, Death Chaser, Shura Tensei. If youre looking at a setup for a singular difficult battle, then the Witch Charm will help him to deal the maximum damage possible. Size: 2.65GB. Some of the DLC costume sets include new background music in battle. 3-8 heavy Phys attacks to random targets. When, oh when will a real man come and put a stop to such boneheaded machismo? Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. Moderately (4%) restore HP at the end of the turn. Launch the program. Unfortunately, his personal skills lean towards a damage reduction direction, rather than emphasising his damage in some way, so when youre choosing equipment you will want to buff this as much as possible. Kougaon, Luck Talent, Samsara, Diarahan, Restoring Touch, Silence Circle. Firstly, well concede that shes a fantastic character in Persona Q2, and shes perfectly capable of doing everything she did in the original, but we just couldnt bring ourselves to use her when another equally capable tank is on offer. Q1: How school years are divided- Answer: Semesters Q2: Cherry (?) Powerful counter whenever user's row is attacked for 3 turns. Lunge, Armor Splitter, Ambush Arts, Line Guard, Power Knack, Giant Slice, Punishment, Ariadne Chain, Debilitate, Power Charge, Absorb Fire, Absorb Elec. Slightly raise chance of rare items at Treasure Spots. Don't fret, this is no wild goose chase unless you mean the one that lays golden eggs! Normal cooking shows are nothing compared to this, a cooking show in unforgiving nature Do you have something that's precious to you? Unused data in the game indicates that Loki was intended . Go on and speak your mind. Turn the robot executioners into scrap metal! That being said, and with a nod to his middling SP total, youll want to lean into accessories that help him to last longer. Just pick the parts with the highest numbers and itll take care of itself, right? In my opinion. (All enemies), Light Wind Damage 2-3 times. Something went wrong. Medium Phys attack that splashes to either side. Mainly youre looking to reduce his SP load, for which the Chakra Ring is superior, but well continue to nod at the Witch Charm for a more aggressively built Goro. Medium Phys attack. Tell it to take its stinkin' paws off you. Tier List Revisited. (1 Enemy), Lower accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. Publisher: Atlus. All subsequent completions will yield a Soma. Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of Agility Bind. It is said that it is derived from a plant known as Cinnamon Fern, that grows only in an ancient forest Find the fake police officer and make him pay! (1 row), Raise accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. Light Phys attack, higher damage if target has ailment. (1 row), High chance of nullifying Phys attacks for 3 turns. Basically every relationship in persona 5 royal, atlus has its heart in persona 5 royal, persona 5 may 6. PERSONA Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth Nintendo 3DS Standard NTSC-US Brand New. Playable - P4. Shadow Run, Psiodyne, Tentarafoo, Invigorate 2. Light Nuke attack. Medium chance of another attack after regular attack. Isnt it strange that, despite doing battle in his suit, Teddie didnt have unique pieces of equipment like Morgana and Koromaru? (1 enemy), Medium Elec attack that splashes to either side. Ends Shura Tensei, restoring moderate HP. If one really felt a genuine bond forming with the P5 cast during a playthrough, there's no surprise that Persona Q2 is an easy recommendation for P5 fans. viewing This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Interview the witnesses! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. (All enemies), Medium Chance of Agility Bind each turn for 3 turns. Hunt missions involve finding and defeating a particular kind of enemy; Mystery missions involve investigating narratively relevant scenarios; Search missions typically involve reaching a certain point on the map corresponding to an NPC, event, or location; Treasure missions involve obtaining a required amount of a particular item; and Extra missions are typically venues for further developing characters and their relationships. A test of strength against the strongest of the carnivores, ending in a climactic final battle! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Ready for a musical film? That said, shell also be spamming powerful magical skills in almost every single round, so youll mainly be looking for ways to extend her SP as much as possible. Sponsored. Time for your starring role! Affected by healing boosts. Food! Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Confusion. Slightly (2%) restore HP at the end of the turn. 4 Wonderful Wind Persona | Persona 3 Portable. (Party), Lower accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. Eigaon, Debilitate, Dragon Cry, Free Memento. Moderately raise attack against enemies with status ailments. Two legendary treasures, passed down through generations, glowing in the darkest night. In the original Persona Q, there were accessories that switched stats around, potentially completely changing a unit into something else. Were it not already apparent from our best party members article, Yusuke is by far our favourite physical attacker in Persona Q2. Moderately raise critical rate when target is bound. Perhaps to none other than YOU. (Random foes), Medium physical damage after charging for prior turn. 3. In Persona Q2 she gets even less screen time than the original, which unfortunately means you're unlikely to get any development outside of the occasional conversation-slash-disagreement with other members of the team. (Self), Triple physical attack for next hit. List of skills with descriptions? indicates a Persona that is only avaiable via DLC. Updated Tier List. Create a ranking for Persona Q2 Party Members. She had her time in the limelight and admittedly saved our back sides plenty in Q, so we let her rest in the sequel. Lower attack for 3 turns. coolin_79 . Rotating these means youll always maximise what you need the most, either party meter or money. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . Hientou, Disarm, Bind Arts+, Vorpal Blade, Punishing End, Binding Aura. Triple Down, Icestrike Link, Tousatsujin, Decay Circle. Fung Hong Chiamin 1 Department of Information Systems IS4246 Digital Marketing and CRM Week 2a Persona Exercise We will first introduce our "client" for this exercise we will then practice identifying characteristics of the potential audiences using the Persona method. (1 row), Significantly raise critical rate for 2 turns. Naoto Shirogane; Fuuka Yamagishi; Yusuke Kitagawa, Gives a 10% discount at the shop (20% with. Activity 1. Persona 5 had Morgana, Persona 3 Yukari, and even backup healers like Ann and Makoto that, whilst having a reduced spell list, still proved helpful in restoring health. Something went wrong. Slightly (1.2x) raise Fire attack strength. This spectacle of an action flick will pound your very brain into mush! Yosuke is a strange character, which weve no doubt mentioned previously. Bufudyne, Mabufula, Mediarahan, Samarecarm, Mind Charge, Ice Screen. High chance of decreasing Phys damage to the user's row. Time for you to be a savvy detective in Kamo City. Two things hold Haru back from being one of the best tanks in Persona Q2. Greatly raise physical attack and act first for 3 turns. The following list is based on our experience and a fair bit of opinion, so your choices might end up differing, but thats the point surely? The cult favourite RPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster gets an official May release date. Share your Tier List. Makouga, Hamaon, Lullaby Song, Angelic Trumpet, Bless Screen, Mutudi. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If unhurt during turn, extra attack activates. Emergency mission request! 2023 Thumbsticks | Interesting articles about video games. Free shipping. I'll put him at D. At the distant end of our journey, let us reach the Everdistant Utopia. Panta Rhei, Amrita, Dodge Arts+, Salome's Kiss, Weapon Crusher. (1 enemy) [Curse-based attack], Low chance of instant kill. (1 enemy), Medium chance of Magic/Strength/Agility Bind. Moderately (1.4x) raise Bless attack strength. tyson jost dad; sean penn parkinson's disease; mockingbirds attacking my cat (All enemies), Heavy Almighty attack each turn for 3 turns. Low chance of attack skills executing twice. Songs! Having trudged our way. (Party), Significantly raise critical rate for 1 turn. Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Poison. Arrow Rain, Kouga, Combo Arts+, Masukukaja. A collection of official soundtracks from the Persona series are now available to stream on Spotify. Ziodyne, Maziodyne, Heat Riser, Immunity Buffer, Megidolaon, Magic Genius. Compete to find the perfect boon sought by a researcher! If youre on a long trek and hes keeping your team alive, then its hard to go wrong with the SP Adhesive, since either of the other choices do not technically restore any, however for single battles you may want to consider either the Chakra Ring or World Badge, depending on the amount of incoming damage expected. There's no need to feel ashamed. (1 enemy), Low chance of instant kill. (1 foe), Light Fire attack that splashes to either side. Run for peace! Lasts 3 turns. Persona Q2 is the sequel to Persona Q and comes in the form of a Dungeon RPG featuring 28 characters, all from the last four Persona games released to date, namely Persona 5, Persona 4, Persona 3 Portable and Persona 3. $69.99. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. So fight for it! Always the bridesmaid but never the bride. High chance to null Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind/Psy/Nuke damage to user's row. Light Elec attack. (Party), Raise Curse resistance for 3 turns. Moderately (1.4x) raise Nuke attack strength. Medium chance of Death Counter when battle starts. This is a list of skills in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. $55.95. Heavy Phys attacks each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies) [Bless-based attack], High chance of instant kill. There is another notable step down: Naoto. Light Phys attack to random targets. Nintendos consoles are no stranger to the Persona series, but never get the mainline entries in Atlus popular RPG franchise. Severe Phys attack that pierces to the back row. Just how much time have we given to this series? Theyre both ideally suited for the back row, but Akechi is less concerned with dealing damage and more with hampering the opponents progress, thanks to spells like Debilitate and Sleuth Insight. Publisher: Atlus/Sega. Festival Drum is a great way to push this higher, and he can cope with the lack of buffs elsewhere thanks to those good stats. Required fields are marked *. Consider the World Badge for other situations, and perhaps even the Logos Mirror if youre really struggling to keep him alive. MIDTERMS 5/10. Ken is excellent from the back row, a marked improvement on his time in the original, and you can still get a great deal of physical damage from the Chie and Junpei, they just didnt quite reach the heady heights of our S Tier choices. All of these Special Screenings yield some sort of item not needed to unlock unison skills or special fusions. Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth (3DS) Developer: P-Studio. If you prove yourself a hero, that is. Medium Phys attack, higher damage if target is bound, but dispels Bind. Well, that's still exactly what operating the switches in this movie will get you! Defeat the threat where it has taken hold, in Kamoshida Square! Anns accessory choices are similar to Morganas above, but its worth noting that her statistics mean that shes more tailored towards dealing damage, by way of a greater Magic stat. Light Phys attack that splashes to either side. Zeldias 3 years ago #1. (Party), Raise Ice resistance for 3 turns. Etrian games arent exactly known for their ease, so picking a group of duds is likely to land you in trouble. Slightly (1.2x) raise Wind attack strength. Every girl is best girl (except ohya but she doesn't count) I don't really have a preference. La da-dum da! Slightly restore HP (~30) each turn. 1.1 Persona 3; 1.2 Persona 3 Portable; 1.3 Persona 4; 1.4 Persona 5; 2 Non-player Characters. Heavy Phys attack that pierces to the back row. (all foes) User dies after use. Ready to tackle one of the all-time biggest questions of science fiction? Medium Phys attack to random targets. Music by: Atsushi Kitajoh Lyrics by: Benjamin Franklin, Lotus Juice, Jasmine Webb, and Rike Schmalz. Eiha, Ailment Arts, Curse Boost, Binding Aura. (Almighty), Heavy Almighty Damage, power scales with user HP. Medium chance of HP restore when near KO. Assault Dive, Firestrike Link, Triple Link. (Party), Triple physical attack for next hit. The reasons for this are numerous, however one of the main reasons for this is his massive Agility, meaning hell likely go first no matter the situation. Slightly (1.2x) raise Elec attack strength. Brave Blade, Magarudyne, Matarukaja, Tornado Boost, Power Genius. Locate the object in question from the container! Heavy Phys attack, higher damage if target has ailment. Atlus has also released the full list of the games downloadable content. (1 row) [Only usable in battle], Restore HP and remove ailments/Binds each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies), Medium chance of Confusion each turn for 3 turns. Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth (Nintendo 3DS, 2019) Cartridge only. A war has broken out. Giant Slice, Zanshinken, Endure Knack, Combo Arts, First Star, Endure. World Badge is there to act as a generic stat increase, should you for some reason struggle to keep him alive, but your main goal will just be to increase his damage output with single skills as much as possible. The player folder inside model contains 3d models and voice clips for playable characters in battle. Atlus announces a western release date for the dungeon-crawling game Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, which will release without any English voice acting options. Herculean Strike, Agilao, Maragion, Fire Screen. High critical rate but low accuracy. No? The first costume sets, after the Phantom Suits, consist of newly available costumes in Persona 5 Royal, followed by older sets from the original game (which now have the addition of Kasumi Yoshizawa). Survive one lethal attack with 1 HP instead of being KOed. Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. Persona Q2. Much like his other recommendations, our accessories chosen for Ryuji are done so because he really doesnt need a great deal of help with his role. (1 enemy), 2-4 medium Ice attacks against random targets. Moderately raise evasion against all attacks. Slightly raise attack against enemies with higher HP. Some like it because of the dating games or modern adventure look, while perhaps others are drawn to turn-based dungeon games.. Whatever the reason you like the JRPG, today we are ready to bring you a compilation of games similar to Persona 5 that, in . The soundtrack to Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. Slightly raise drop rate of materials from enemies. skills featured in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. Emergency special screening! Chance to null ailments/Binds of 1 row of allies, Avoid KO by surviving with 1 HP, but only once, Med. HIs Magic stat is one of the lowest for any mage type, hes tied for the lowest Endurance in the entire game and he has an SP total that is closer to a physical attacker or linker than an actual back row magic user. This is a list of all Special Screening missions in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth and their respective rewards. Well alright, not so much a problem, more of an infatuation. -9. Weve noted previously that Koromaru is a linker, which means that he relies upon having most of a team built around dealing extensive link damage. Instead Junpei opts for pure physical power, which for us elevates the Rudra Ring and Festival Drum for his equipment. Stronger for each hit taken. Remove all ailments and Binds. You must defeat it! Hientou, Tousatsujin, Raijinzan, Kamikaze Strike, Nuclear Blast, Psycho Smash. (Party), Grant Ice resistance for 3 turns. Boards. Google, plus any relevant and additional third parties will have access to this data.
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