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white lotus rebellion

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The rebellion was ended by the deaths of some 100,000 rebels. In particular, the court marked itself off from its subjects in certain religious, linguistic, ritual, and social characteristics, always presenting themselves as outside conquerors. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. The White Lotus Rebellion was initiated as an antitax protest led by the White Lotus Society, a secret religious society. The White Lotus led impoverished settlers into rebellion, promising personal salvation in return for their loyalty. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { Retrieved February 22, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/reference/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/white-lotus-rebellion. ", Dai, Yingcong. It is only as historical sources look back upon these events do they began to summarize the various aspects of these uprisings as the "White Lotus rebellion. When the Manchu tribes of Manchuria (now Northeast China) conquered China some 500 years later in the 17th century and proclaimed the Qing dynasty, the White Lotus members dedicated themselves to the overthrow of the alien Manchu and to the return of the previous Ming dynasty (13681644). After more than 2,000 years, though, Chinese imperial power under the last Chinese dynasty was about to collapse for good. Many partisans joined and the society grew rapidly until 1794, when it broke out into the rebellion that subsequently spread over Hupeh and Western China under Liu Cbi-hieh and cast a gloom over the close of the long and brilliant reign of Kien-lung. Szczepanski, Kallie. Although the rebellion continued for nine years, it never became an organized attempt to establish a new dynasty. Ch'ien-lung (1711-1799) was the fourth emperor of the Ch'ing, or Manchu, dynasty in China. Corrections? Due to their brutality, the Qing troops were soon nicknamed the "Red Lotus" Society. An independent military force, the militia proved difficult to disband, and frequently it turned against the dynasty in the early 20th century. . from Hubei and Shaanxi provs. A decree by the Daoguang Emperor admitted, "it was extortion by local officials that goaded the people into rebellion" By threatening the arrest of people who engaged in sectarian activities, local officials and police extorted money from people. The White Lotus bands mainly used guerrilla tactics, and once they disbanded, they were virtually indistinguishable from the local population. What was the White Lotus rebellion and what did it do to the dynasty Barend Joannes Ter Haar has argued that the term "White Lotus" was used primarily by Ming and Qing imperial bureaucrats to disparagingly explain a wide range of unconnected millenarian traditions, rebel movements, and popular religious practices. [12] The experience of suppressing the rebellion led to improvement in the organization and training of the militia, as many of their leaders wrote extensively on mobilization, enlistment and local defense methods. One such official was Huang Yupian (), who refuted the ideas which were found in the scriptures which expressed orthodox Confucian and Buddhist views in A Detailed Refutation of Heresy ( Pxi Xingbin), which was written in 1838. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. It broke out (1796) among impoverished settlers in the mountainous region that separates Sichuan prov. The young pretender, Wang Fa-sheng, was never any other than a puppet in the hands of the leaders. A systematic program of pacification followed: the populace was resettled in hundreds of stockaded villages and organized into militias. "The Fall of China's Qing Dynasty in 19111912." In 1794, a similar movement arose in the mountainous region that separated Sichuan province from Hubei and Shaanxi provinces in central China, initially as a tax protest. ", in, Zhang Shucai (1992). Others began to openly call for the overthrow of the existing regime and replace it with a constitutional rule. [13], Forty-eight years later, Zeng Guofan, leader of Hunan-based Xiang Army studied the Qing government's methods during the White Lotus Rebellion and he was inspired by them while he was considering ways to suppress the Taiping Rebellion. [2][3]. - systematic program of pacification followed, Causes and effects of internal challenges; Wh, taiping (Taip'ing) rebellion: reasons for the, taping rebellionconsequences for Chinese soc, tongzhi restoration and self-strengthening mo, collectivisation (maintenance of power, stali, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. When they congregate and oppose the government, they are rebels; when they disperse and depart, they are civilians once more. Rapid and often reckless development of the Shensi uplands, however, often led to soil erosion, rapid loss of fertility, and declining crop output. By 1900, foreign powers including Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan had established "spheres of influence" along China's coastal areas. The leader, herbalist and martial artist Wang Lun, led an uprising that captured three small cities and laid siege to the larger city of Linqing, a strategic location on the north-south Grand Canal transportation route. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/event/White-Lotus-Rebellion, Ancient Origins - The White Lotus Society and the Demise of Mongol Rule in China, GlobalSecurity.org - White Lotus Rebellion 1796-1804. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. [citation needed], For the 14th-century rebellion also related to the White Lotus, see, Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 03:10, "Civilians Go into Battle: Hired Militias in the White Lotus War, 17961805", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=White_Lotus_Rebellion&oldid=1139241640, Dai, Yingcong. The river flooded constantly, and other natural disasters also occurred. White Lotus - Wikipedia Bailianjiao (www.chinaknowledge.de) Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Motivated by millenarian Buddhists who promised the immediate return of the Buddha, it erupted out of social and economic discontent in the impoverished provinces of Hubei, Shaanxi, and Sichuan . The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. . If mathematical, chemical, physical and other formulas are not displayed correctly on this page, please useFirefox or Safari, For the 14th-century rebellion also related to the White Lotus, see, Conscientious objection to military taxation, List of historical acts of tax resistance, National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest, Royal and noble ranks of the Qing dynasty, Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet, Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory, Banknotes of the Ta-Ching Government Bank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The White Lotus rebellion began when large groups of Chinese rioted in 1794. "Tianlijiao ", in. Having attained the Mandate of Heaven and the status of Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang named his period of reign "Hongwu" (thus he was known as the Hongwu Emperor) and founded a new dynasty the Ming dynasty. The White Lotus continued to be active, and it might have influenced the next major domestic rebellion, the Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813. However, the rulers were afraid that White Lotus Society might menace their rules. The White Lotus Society is traditionally considered to have first appeared during the Jin dynasty founded by Huiyuan in Mountain Lu, Jiujiang. Surprisingly, the ill-organized rebels managed to defeat the inadequate and inefficient Qing imperial forces. The White Lotus Society is traditionally considered to have first appeared during the 14th century under Mongol rule. The rebellion began in 1794, when large groups of rebels claiming White Lotus affiliations rose up within the mountainous region that separated Sichuan province from Hubei and Shaanxi provinces. Omissions? In the late 18th century, in response to famine, crowded conditions, and harassment from petty government officials, White Lotus leaders in central China began a rebellion; they promised their followers that there would be the return of the Buddha and the end of suffering. At the same time, technologies for treating contagious diseases such as smallpox, and the extensive use of fertilizers and irrigation techniques were also imported from the West. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Strong rebel leaders began to have major impacts on the ability of the Qing to rule. Within China, dissent grew, and the empire began to crumble from within. Here, the White Lotus led impoverished settlers into rebellion, promising personal salvation in return for their loyalty. After 48 years, official Zeng Guofan studied and was inspired by the dynasty's methods during the White Lotus Rebellion while considering ways to defeat the Taiping movement. Dr. Kallie Szczepanski is a history teacher specializing in Asian history and culture. "Civilians Go into Battle: Hired Militias in the White Lotus War, 1796-1805. What brought about the collapse of this once-mighty empire, ushering in the modern era in China? The feared Manchu banners, since their conquests of the early 1700s, showed they were no longer a military force of much value, and the emperor had to recruit a new army made up of Chinese militia. White Lotus Rebellion, (1796-1804), large-scale uprising in the mountainous regions of central China that contributed to the decline of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911/12). Having attained the Mandate of Heaven and the status of Emperor, he took the title Hongwu and founded a new dynasty - the Ming. Chien-lung This rebellion grew rapidly under Lin Chi-hieh and other leaders, oue of whom was a woman surnamed Wang, until there were a hundred thousand rebels in arms, who fought with varying fortune against an at least equal number of imperialist solidiers. The rebellion soon grew in numbers and power, and eventually became a serious concern for the oppressive Amarr empire . Wang Lun likely failed because he did not make any attempts to raise wide public support. (February 22, 2023). The French Revolution was now the French "rebellion" or "chaos," but in fact, the existence of leased territories and foreign concessions provided plenty of fuel and varying degrees of safety for radical opponents. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. dreamhomesoftexas on Instagram: POV: Your Brand New Ultra-Luxury Build Sometimes whole provinces were subdued by them, and it looked as if their efforts were going to be successful, and Western China, if no other part, would remain theirs. The rebellion began in 1794, when large groups of rebels claiming White Lotus affiliations rose up within the mountainous region that separated Sichuan province from Hubei and Shaanxi provinces. Without a clear enemy to fight against, brutality against civilians became more common. Although the rebellion was finally crushed by the Qing government after eight years of fighting, it marked a sharp decline in the strength and prosperity of the Qing dynasty. Civil conflicts including the White Lotus Rebellion (1774-1805), Xinjiang wars (1820s and 1860s) and Taiping Civil War (1850-64) broke out across Qing China. The White Lotus society (Bailianjiao) was a religious cult already in existence in the Nan (Southern) Song dynasty (11271279). Asia for Educators, Columbia University, 2009. [1] A smaller precursor to the main rebellion broke out in 1774, under the leadership of the martial-arts and herbal-healing expert Wang Lun in Shandong province of northern China. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. White Lotus Rebellion, Chinese anti-Manchu uprising that occurred during the Ch'ing dynasty. Nevertheless, where can you catch hints that the -angel longs for his former state? In the period after about 1680 the introduction of corn (maize) and sweet potatoes, followed in the 18th century by the introduction of the Irish potato, made upland farming possible. Updates? A decree by the Daoguang Emperor admitted, "it was extortion by local officials that goaded the people into rebellion" By threatening the arrest of people who engaged in sectarian activities, local officials and police extorted money from people. The Fall of China's Qing Dynasty in 19111912. The Chinese authorities burned 20,000 bales of opium, and the British retaliated with a devastating invasion of mainland China, in two wars known as the Opium Wars of 183942 and 185660. The Qianlong emperor ordered that the Eight Banner armies, whether they had Manchu or Han banners, were not to be used to suppress internal uprisings, so the Qing mainly relied on the Han Chinese Green Standard Army and Han militias in order to suppress rebellions such as the White Lotus. [4], Though many movements and rebellions were considered by imperial bureaucrats to have been led by White Lotus Society leaders, there is reason to doubt that the White Lotus Society had any organizational unity. White Lotus Rebellion | Infoplease - Fact Monster Updates? Issues and Trends in China's Demographic History. "Issues and Trends in China's Demographic History." It is only as historical sources look back upon these events do they began to summarize the various aspects of these uprisings as the "White Lotus rebellion."[7]. In its last stage, the Qing suppression policy combined the pursuit and extermination of rebel guerrilla bands with a program of amnesty for deserters. However, the date of retrieval is often important. [2][3], The White Lotus Rebellion was initiated as an antitax protest led by the White Lotus Society, a secret religious society. One of the tools they used to stay in power was a very strict restriction on trade. XIX Century Civil Wars. In his opening speech, Satan vows never to "repent or change" (line 969696). "The Fall of China's Qing Dynasty in 19111912." The White Lotus Rebellion (Chinese: ; pinyin: Chun ch bi lin jio q y, 17941804) was a rebellion initiated by followers of the White Lotus movement during the Qing dynasty of China. [6], The Qing commanders sent to repress the rebellion had a difficult time putting down the White Lotus. At the . The White lotus (Bailian Jiao, ) was a Buddhist political and religious movement that believed in a universal female divinity, the "Unborn Old Mother" who would gather all of her children towards the end of the millennium, into one large family. "White Lotus Rebellion As a result of such technological improvements, the Chinese population exploded, increasing from just shy of 178 million in 1749 to almost 359 million in 1811; and by 1851, the population in Qing dynasty China was close to 432 million people. At first, farmers in regions adjacent to Mongolia worked for the Mongols, but eventually, the people in the overcrowded Hubei and Hunan provinces flowed out and into the region. After both died in battle in 1796, Beijing sent new officials but none were successful. Although the rebellion was finally crushed by the Qing government after eight years of fighting, it marked a sharp decline in the strength and prosperity of the Qing dynasty. id The British under Queen Victoria were a huge market for Chinese teas, but the Qing refused to engage in trade negotiations, rather demanding that Britain pay for the tea in gold and silver. Talking about Yuan's decline and fall, you should learn something about White Lotus Society. "Rebellion and Religious Identity: The Case of the White Lotus Uprising (17961804)", This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 03:10. [1] A smaller precursor to the main rebellion broke out in 1774, under the leadership of the martial-arts and herbal-healing expert Wang Lun in Shandong province of northern China. Beginning as enslavement protests, the eventual rebellion gained growing support and sympathy from many citizens. - rebellion began in 1794; rebellion initiated by followers of the White Lotus movement during the Qing dynasty of China, - the ill-organized rebels managed to defeat the inadequate and inefficient Qing imperial forces, - was initiated as a tax protest led by the White Lotus Society, a secret religious society. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. The grew in number and power and eventually, into a serious concern for the government. By that time, however, the regular government forces were too ridden with corruption to be of any use. The White Lotus Rebellion (Chinese: ; pinyin: Chun ch bi lin jio q y, 17941804) was a rebellion initiated by followers of the White Lotus movement during the Qing dynasty of China.

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