Feeds well in my Hornady progressive press. The CCI 400s are more than capable of getting a full burn in a 300 BO, and pressure issues are really very minimal in 300 BO because it really is a relatively low pressure load. If you are using heavily soiled range-pickup brass, youll need the more aggressive walnut-hull media.All in all, youll have some upfront costs but if you shoot a lot of .300 Blackout, youll find the break even point in short order. I have a 16 bbl. No reviews found. I plan on doing more work with it and reporting back in the future. Another advantage of the .300 Blackout cartridge is its dimensions. To save a bunch of questions, you may want to add W296 next to H110, with a note that they are the same powder. Please enter your login details below. A look at 300 Blackout ballistics including velocity, energy and drop data for some of the most popular loads among American shooters. Depending on the weight and length of the bullet selected, the amount of space available inside the case may change dramatically. Yea, that's right. At 2.247 (with very slight variation on the press) fed find even with loading 30 rounds into a Gen 2 PMAG for me. Size -- Quantity The 1:7 twist worked fairly well with the heavier, 220 SMKs, with groups ranging from 1.082-1.477 MOA. Although functionally identical to the 300 Whisper, the 300 AAC Blackout is its own SAAMI standardized cartridge. Does Lee offer a Powder Thru Expanding Die for the 300 AAC Blackout. Winchester 296 is also recommended for 410-bore AA loads. In addition, H110 is "the" choice for 410-bore shotgun, especially among . New Starline 300 Blackout Cases. Turns my carbine gas rifle into a single shot (no jams, doesnt even try to cycle), but highly accurate. Close range only. 300 Blackout - 150gr Speer Gold Dots. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. by Merlin1274 Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:38 pm, Post This is particularly helpful when loading subsonic ammunition as you can make sure your bullet speeds are still below supersonic velocities but as close as to those velocities as you can get. Well you would be wrong. The following are loads that Lehigh Defense recommends for the 194gr ME bullet. However, nowadays, inexpensive, big-name mass-produced .300 Blackout is harder to find. If you see something not right let me know, by also giving supporting reasoning. Whereas the fixed distance competition shooter may be fine with higher magnification and precise .125 MOA adjustments, the military/law enforcement/tactical shooter is []. I know some may say to check every fifth, or tenth, or whatever number cartridge. I think 296 and 4227 are the same powders, not 100% sure though. This may be ongoing and won't necessarily be complete for a while. Required fields are marked *. Handloading, also called reloading, is more than just a wonderful hobby for gun owners. I have complete faith in my Lord. While subsonic loads are technically possible with W296, you should avoid them because it is too easy to reach dangerous overpressure levels with this powder. Winchester 296 Recipe Source: ALL Alliant Powder Hodgdon Shooters World VihtaVuori Starting Max Source 85 gr RN (Sierra) 0.308" Powder: H110 (Hodgdon) Primer: CCI 400 Case: WIN Trim Length: 1.285" C.O.L. There are offerings from Sierra with one of the notables being their 220-grain MatchKing. The 300 bulk is an underpowered cartridge-on par with theM1 carbine of WWII- but not as easy to wield. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. If you wish to run the 235gr Lee supersonic it will be fine but subsonic you should choose a different powder. The second of the two tools I find indispensible is a good set of calipers. The 300 AAC Blackout (300 BLK) is a popular alternativecartridgein the AR-15/M16 M4 (AR) community. A subsonic 300 Blackout round produces comparatively little muzzle flash in addition to a softer report, making it a fine choice for hunting in nighttime and twilight conditions. Powders include Winchester, Hodgdon, IMR Note: H110 loads should never be reduced by more than 3%. gallantbullets.com May 3, 2020 #22 Pgohil Well Known Rokslider. Winchester 296 is also recommended for 410-bore AA loads. IMR 4227 is a pistol powder with a medium burn rate, primarily intended for use in Magnum pistol and revolver cartridges. Factory reloading info from Hodgdon's website as of Spring 2015. The two key features that make the 300 BLK excellent for the AR platform, make it difficult to work with ina bolt action rifle; a short case and use of both super and subsonic bullets. One of the benchrest guys I know asked how I liked my 300 BLK rifle. [ETA] QuickLoad says if you want your blackout to go faster, reduce bullet weight (175 gr SMK) and run about 17gr IMR4198. Powders that clearly work and have been tested thoroughly be AAC. Quick Load program is, buy their own admission should NEVER be used over ANY published data. 7.3 grains of trail boss seems high even for max charge. Intended primarily for high case capacity, high-power cartridges such as .454 Casull, .475 Linebaugh, and .500 S&W Magnum, it has also been used successfully for decades in certain rifle calibers, such as 7.62x39mm and .300 Blackout. .300 AAC Blackout - Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholder: Hornady #16 Lee #4 Lyman #26 RCBS #10 Pistol Rifle Cowboy Starting Max Source 100 gr HPCE / OTCE (Lapua) 0.308" Powder: N105 (VihtaVuori) Primer: Small Rifle Case: Lapua Trim Length: 1.362" C.O.L. All .300 Blackout rifles can shoot either subsonic or supersonic with no additional changes or accessories, the only difference being in the ammunition. In contrast, a 220-grain bullet ideal for subsonic loads, like Sierra MatchKing 2240, possesses an overall length of roughly 1.49. and 5.56 NATO loads. An innovative way to carry your backup gun. --2195 fps. Most of the reloading manuals show lower data, I suspect this is related to the wide variety of ways to form brass for the cartridge and how that may cause an increase in pressures. Although they share .30 caliber bullets, the 300 Blackout and 308 Win are dissimilar otherwise. IMR 4227 is suitable for supersonic and subsonic loads. Since you can work with bullets from 110 grain up to 240 grain in both hypersonic and subsonic loads it boasts tremendous, close-range versatility. Vortex to take over customer service and support for the app. http://data.hodgdon.com/cartridge_load.asp, http://www.accuratepowder.com/wp-conten 16_Web.pdf, http://www.accuratepowder.com/wp-conten 7-2-13.pdf, http://sierrabullets.files.wordpress.co ackout.pdf, http://www.lehighdefense.com/index.php/load-data, http://www.barnesbullets.com/wp-content TAC-TX.pdf, http://www.quarterbore.com/300whisper/subsonic.html, http://www.quarterbore.com/300whisper/supersonic.html. The 300 BLK is an interesting cartridge for the rifleman. Ive seen somewhat large quantities of ammo loaded on a single stage, but it is time-consuming and sometimes involves bribing children to do things like checking it all in a case gauge (be sure to check your states child labor laws). Every product is hand selected by our editors. The LGSs by me that carry VV can not get 120. The cleaner your brass is, the longer your dies will last, especially if that brass has been in the dirt at all. I was at Cabelas flipping through several reloading manuals and could not find 147 gr. Avg. If you choose to load subsonic ammo for an AR-15, some bullet ogives can interfere with first rib in the standard AR magazine, causing the ammo to bind and not feed correctly. 10 Best Handguns for Beginners and Home Defense, The Best Concealed Carry Holsters in 2022, Best Shotgun Mini Shells: Birdshot, Buckshot & Slugs, 8 Best AR-15 Ammo for Self Defense & Range, 5 Best Places to Buy Cheap 50 Cal BMG Ammo Online, 17.4-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,885 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,025 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 38,700 psi, 19.4-grain charge (compressed) Muzzle velocity: 2,062 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,227 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 49,000 psi, 15.6-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1683 ft/s Muzzle energy: 943 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 34,500 psi, 17.8-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,899 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,201 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 48,700 psi, 10.4-grain charge (compressed) Muzzle velocity: 1,056 ft/s Muzzle energy: 470 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 29,100 psi, 10.1-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,044 ft/s Muzzle energy: 532 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 26,700 psi, 19.0-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,866 ft/s Muzzle energy: 967 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 23,700 psi, 20.0-grain charge (compressed) Muzzle velocity: 1,945 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,050 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 26,500 psi, 19.0-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,895 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,077 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 24,600 psi, 22.5-grain charge (compressed) Muzzle velocity: 2,090 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,310 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 37,000 psi, 11.6-grain charge (compressed) Muzzle velocity: 1,041 ft/s Muzzle energy: 501 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 13,400 psi, 11.3-grain charge (compressed) Muzzle velocity: 1,045 ft/s Muzzle energy: 558 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 20,000 psi, 19.5-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,877 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,174 ft-lbf, 21.7-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 2,057 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,410 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 54,564 psi, 10.9-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,089 ft/s Muzzle energy: 553 ft-lbf, 18.4-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 2,191 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,173 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 38,900 psi, 21.7-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 2,286 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,277 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 48,400 psi, 15.7-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 1,921 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,024 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 32,400 psi, 18.5-grain charge (compressed) Muzzle velocity: 2,205 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,350 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 52,500 psi, 17.4-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 2,182 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,163 ft-lbf, 19.3-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 2,362 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,363 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 54,472 psi, 17.5-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 2,182 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,322 ft-lbf, 19.4-grain charge Muzzle velocity: 2,358 ft/s Muzzle energy: 1,544 ft-lbf Chamber pressure: 54,293 psi, Reducing copper fouling in the barrel even after high volumes of fire. To clean your brass, you need a vibratory polisher/tumbler, polishing media and brass separator. Geez. Be the first to share your insights. Ultimate Reloader is not responsible for errors in load data on this website. Reloading data available in these calibers:.22 Hornet.221 Remington Fireball.222 Remington.223 Remington.22 PPC-USA 6 mm PPC-USA.300 AAC Blackout.308 Winchester.30-30 Winchester.300 Savage 7,62 x 53R (7,62 Russian) 7,62 x 39.303 British 8 x 57 IS (8 mm Mauser) 9,3 x 62 9,3 x 74R.444 Marlin.45-70 Government.458 Winchester Magnum 7 mm TCU 7 mm BR . June 1, 2016 When starting a new load, always begin with the starting load data written in a recent handloading guide, or 15% under a listed maximum load if there is no starting load data provided. A handloader using .300 Blackout has less case capacity to experiment with than they would with a full-power rifle cartridge such as .308 Winchester or .30-06 Springfield. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. In my 16.5, X95 Sierra 220 grain RN with 11.2 grains of H110 WILL NOT cycle. If youre using an AR-15 or another self-loading platform, the powder charge must also be enough to reliably cycle the action, unless you dont mind transforming your AR-15 into a straight-pull bolt-action rifle. Consult appropriate load manuals prior to developing your own handloads. An optimal powder charge fills up between 90% and 100% of the case, provided it doesnt result in dangerous levels of overpressure. Highly recommended, I reload for my 300 Blackout very clean burning powder and accurate, great for .357, .41, and .44 magnum pistols. Some of the other guys may back me up on this, I haven't found any supersonic loads that don't deliver at least one inch groups in the Blackout but the subs are a different story. I explained to him he wouldnt really have a 300 BLK anymore. My TSAR 11.5 upper is flawless so far. Pingback: NEW: Sierra Bullets .300 AAC Blackout Reloading Data - AK Arms, Pingback: NEW: Sierra Bullets .300 AAC Blackout Reloading Data | Firearms Life, They should. Good subsonic loads fired out of a suppressed weapon should be quiet enough that you dont need hearing protection. containers. Nosler also has a heavyweight offering, in addition to various lighter weight options. It has since become popular for a wide range of uses including hunting and home defense. H110/W296 is a great powder for the 300 AAC Blackout however I have found in both of our uppers that it is not a good powder for subsonic loads. Rather than having a steep shoulder and overbore case, like the 20 Vartarg (a 221 Remington necked down to 20 caliber), it has a relatively straight design that requires fast magnum pistol powders. Your email address will not be published. The target was a 2 orange dot printed on paper. Now for preparations for 2018 Bear season Data from a POF 10.5" barrel, 1:7" twist. I like the topic, good initiative on consolidating info for the new comers. Please take the time to read the disclaimer below and note that this data was gathered in a bolt action rifle and NOT a semiautomatic rifle. Have experienced some unstability problems with cans and 1:8 barrels with 220 gr sierras. These guns have had mixed success. Winchester 296 Ball Powder. Address: xxl-reloading.com, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. I fired these in a Remington 700 at ninety yards without the suppressor attached. For reloading information:WARNING: The loads shown are for informational purposes only. Turret- and progressive-loading press options exist from Hornady, Lee Precision and Dillon. The following has published data for both 220gr and 125 gr bullets for the 300 blackout Winchester 296, IMR 4227, H110, and Lil' gun. Available in 1 lb., 4 lb. The 300 Blackout is frequently available with 200 and 220 grain bullets. This cartridge accepts 0.308 bullets, making it a true .30-caliber cartridge for which a wide selection of projectiles ranging from 80 to 250 grains is available. subsonic 300blk. My Start load was 16.5 grains and showed no pressure. At this point, I will say, Im not a fan of plastic calipers, as the material involved is just too prone to damage, and Ive always been skeptical of their accuracy. The D&H Tactical magazine on the right shows no such issue with the 180-grain Rainier Ballistics FP, due to having shallower front ribs in the magazine. Rifleshooter.com and its authors, do not assume any responsibility, directly or indirectly for the safety of the readers attempting to follow any instructions or perform any of the tasks shown, or the use or misuse of any information contained herein, on this website. These guns have had mixed success. I have some other common pistol powders like lil gun, bullseye, and titegroup but would like to hear what you guys use for the 147 pills. Hodgdon H110 is identical to Winchester 296; it is simply sold under a different label. 300 BLK - Powder Coated Bullets with Winchester 296 6,475 views Mar 9, 2017 166 Dislike Share Save Johnny's Reloading Bench 120K subscribers Testing some powder coated bullets with Winchester. 220 g round nose / 9.9 g H110 cycles 8.5 and 16 barrels no issues. Since my post back in Jan 2019, I have switched and lil Gun cut the groups in half.Sub sonic. BTW, small standard rifle primers are nearly identical to small magnum pistol primers .. about the same mix and cup thickness. = Subsonic Maximum load: 11.0 grains (ca 1100 Fps) = Subsonic Don W. CSR 406-234-0422 www.westernpowders.com Wolf Small Rifle Magnum primers. Winchester continued to refine firearm designs with inventors Benjamin Tyler Henry and Nelson King, and on May 22,1866 the Winchester Repeating Arms Company was born. Joined Feb 16, 2018 Messages 439. : Vihtavuori 100 gr HPCE / OTCE Find load data for Winchester 296 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". Yes, I am a Baptist, and yes I carry a gun. The cartridge shares case-head dimensions and body taper with the .223 Remington. AR-platform rifles optimized to run subsonic 300 Blackout tend to fire supersonic ammo poorly. x}% 9 V/@]Jz$Y-l7 m1#`2A2*tTfn2+O~W|S/_^Se=~oL/Ooh}k4m{zc{>{!w-77cz-Nnxo#j~_~t{pt/c|~z'Gc;2`gk)i,0 1cOh||z>3z L`];H\Gwyb^z-_.oWlw}E> The Rainier Ballistics bullets come in a wedge or a hollowpoint offering. I found some commercial manufactures (mostly off the record) either discontinued bolt guns in 300 BLK, pulled them from the market after the product was announced, or declined to introduce them due to accuracy and feeding concerns. I've seen a few posts and videos on using pulled 147 gr. While the powder formulas are identical, the chrono testing is likely from different production lots. In today's episode of "I Carry," we have a Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Metal pistol with a Holosun EPS Red2 red-dot sight carried in a KSG Armory Lexington IWB holster. INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD USE CAUTION So Remington will be budget-priced UMC-brand 300 BLK ammo through at just $12.99 per box that's less than most other rifle cartridges than are more powerful than the .223. Their first model, the TAC21 houses a Remington M700 in an aluminum chassis, [], 308 Winchester Load Development I headed to the range to do some load development for my custom Remington 700 chambered in 308 Winchester with a 22 long barrel (my previous load was a NRA High [], Nightforce B.E.A.S.T. The 300 AAC Blackout Loading Data wasn't listed in the 2016 version because we hadn't received load data for that caliber at the time of the printing. We place limited powder inventory for sale on a regular basis on our website. If you are planning to reuse your brass, and you should, you will probably want to clean it. Instability with 1:8 caused problems with loger cans, bullet maybe wobbling after rifling. In fact hide all tools you value from such people.At some point in the .300-Blackout reloading process, youre going to need to be able to weigh your powder charges. The rifle, as pictured above, includes the following parts fromBrownells: For testing and evaluation purposes, I used 125, 135, 175 and 220 grain Sierra MatchKings (left to right in photo below) over H110 and IMR 4227 powders. DuPont initially developed the first Improved Military Rifle (IMR) powders between World War I and World War II as miniaturized versions of US artillery extruded propellants. Oal 2.260 8.7 grains. Want a subsonic load using reloader 7 or h4198? Rounds were fed from a AICS style 223 magazine from Accurate Mag. of H-110 as a supersonic loading. %PDF-1.5 If youre only feeding a bolt-action rifle or only slow-firing an AR-15, then a single-stage press, such an RCBS Rock Chucker, will work. Case capacity is critical with .300 Blackout. I have firearms in all three and I know some will disagree but for me, I would never use lil' gun in anything! Such large projectiles convey a subsonic muzzle velocity that is accompanied by a quiet report. A balance-beam scale used for measuring powder charges. Note: In the target above, the groups labeled 6.5 123 were shot with a 6.5 Creedmoor and are not relevant to this post. Remember sib sonic loads are only a 100 yd load. As Im sure you noticed, some powders handle a fairly wide variety of bullet weights. I have loaded some 150 grain Power Points with I 4227. It was originally created for Winchester .410 shotgun factory ammo, but found use in 30 Carbine and magnum pistol loads. For specific loads, there is also information available on Hodgdon Powders website.One thing you may want to decide before reloading .300 Blackout is whether you want to load subsonic ammunition, supersonic ammunition or both. The 300 blackout round is prominent in hunting and personal defense Get the invoqe newsletter for similar stories delivered straight to your inbox. It was later followed by CFE Pistol in 2014 and CFE BLK in 2019. It was easy to establish, reliable, repeatable results. The more we all know, the better organized and stronger the shooting and hunting community will be. There are also companies converting once fired 5.56 NATO brass (usually with the LC head stamp for Lake City) to .300 Blackout brass. Any thoughts? Find load data for Winchester 296 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:Wincheste. The part is free, you are just responsible for any applicable taxes and Shipping/Handling. The 300 Blackout would never see mainstream military use, although it became popular in the civilian shooter market. 0. Accurate 1680 (AA1680) is a well-known double-base propellant with one of the fastest burn rates available. The 300 Blackout's .30 caliber bullet can be made especially long, and as the result may weigh up to 220 grains quadruple the weight of the typical 223 Rem round's. So heavy a bullet conveys a subsonic muzzle velocity and correspondingly softer report. The 2017 printing is identified by the gold star on the front cover that states "Revised 2017 New Powders over 37,000 loads". If, you are wanting to use 4198 for driving a .223, then that is a different story. Besides the cost-saving advantages, handloading is also a way to tune your ammunition to your .300 Blackout rifles so that it performs with the best accuracy and reliability possible. Heavier subsonics can use Hodgdon CFE Black, Winchester 296 and Accurate 1680. Is that obsolete now, or not recommended. The typical range of bullet weights runs from about 110 grains all the way to 240 grains.For brass, you have some options. http://www.300blktalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=141&t=81553. AAC 7.62 Suppressor , Crimp is most important as heavy bullets want to move on recoil in the mag and will cause vertical stringing. Match Grade. Restrictions placed on us by the powder manufacturers do not allow us to email any load data. Eventually, they got their own 300 Blackout cartridge SAAMI approved in 2011. Most quiet but not functional (w/o lighter springing): Why not give JD Jones credit for the development of the 300 Whisper, which AAC tweaked into the 300 AAC Blackout by increasing the length of the chamber throat 0.015 and SAAMI-ed it. The 300 Blackouts .30 caliber bullet can be made especially long, and as the result may weigh up to 220 grains quadruple the weight of the typical 223 Rem rounds. Suggested subsonic load: R-P 300 AAC BLACKOUT brass Remington 7.5 primers 11.2 grains of AA 1680 powder Case length is 1.368 +0.000 -0.020 Sierra 220 MK loaded to 2.089 OAL (this length is optimal for reliable feeding from USGI magazines) . There's a good reason this companies spend so much time making reloading manuals. Thank you. The case gauge is to be used to check every loaded piece of ammunition. Most shooters use it in varying capacities from 200 yards or less. These seemingly small differences are significant. APP Automatic Processing Press 90951 90933, http://leeprecision.com/300aac-blackout-c-tb.html. However, it is listed in the 2017 and later printings. 0. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. load was compared because I loaded the same powder charge for them , a year ago. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. Loading 300 Blackout - ep 10 - First subsonic test loads with Palmetto Projectiles Function and velocity testing with Winchester 296 Rainier Ballistics has introduced plated 180-grain bullets for subsonic use only. All this suppressor talk does not apply to 98per cent of the public. These are powders that are typically marketed to the magnum pistol crowd, not the rifle folks. LOADS LESS THAN MINIMUM CHARGES SHOWN ARE NOT RECOMMENDED. Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content A supersonic 300 Blackout round with a 110 grain bullet has a muzzle velocity approximately 1,000 fps slower than that of a 223 Rem, giving it a significantly faster bullet drop. Works good for 357 mag, achieves expected 1200+ fps. The latter has nearly twice the propellant, and is therefore better able to fell very distant game. I check every single one for the sake of making sure there wont be any problems during my shooting sessions. The two key features that make the 300 BLK excellent for the AR platform, make it difficult to work with in a bolt action rifle; a short case and use of both super and subsonic bullets. The design of the cartridge itself is a bit of an issue as well. I'm setting up to start loading 300 Blackout. A subsonic load requires a powder that will launch your bullet at a muzzle velocity under the speed of sound (1,125 ft/s) with sufficient downrange accuracy. Most accurate and functional: 10.0gr AA1680, WSPM @ 2.180 OAL - 1,025 fps. A carbine length gas system (one comment mentioned 16.5 inch gun would not cycle the action) will not work with subsonic loads in 300 blackout. 12 gr. However, the 300 Blackouts heavier bullet compensates for its lesser speed to grant it an effective muzzle energy, and its 0.84 greater diameter enables it to inflict a wider wound channel. Known for its ability to deliver heavy subsonic bullets for standard AR magazines while cycling the action in suppressed applications, it also works well with lighter supersonic loads, offering a similarexternal ballistic performance to the 7.62x39mm Russian (check out my 300 AAC Blackout Review from September 2012). I worked up a load and settled at 9.8gr of 296 which turns out to be an exact load listed by Winchester on their load data website.
winchester 296 300 blackout load data
winchester 296 300 blackout load data

winchester 296 300 blackout load data
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