4 Apr, 2023

famous descendants of francis cooke

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Francis Cooke of the "Mayflower" in its third edition (1944) noted that Daniel Wilcox Sr. names his wife Elizabeth as the mother of four of his children (Daniel Jr. not among them), leading the compilers to state: "it seems certain that Daniel [Jr.] was by the first wife.". This early settler is one of the twenty-six male Pilgrims known to have descendants. Some of the most recently added connections of famous kin for Francis Cooke Gary Herbert 17th Governor of Utah 10th great-grandson Samuel Cony 31st Governor of Maine 6th great-grandson Peter T. Washburn 31st Governor of Vermont 6th great-grandson Emory Washburn 22nd Governor of Massachusetts 5th great-grandson William B. Washburn In June 1650, when he was almost seventy, he was still doing survey work, as when he and twelve others reported to the court that they had marked a new way from Jones River to the Massachusetts Path through John Rogers property. ESTATE:Appears on diagram of "meersteads & garden plots of [those] which came first laid out 1620," between Isaac Allerton and Edward Winslow [PCR 12:3]. He married Sarah Warren on March 28, 1634, in Plymouth and had five children. According to historian Charles Edward Banks, Leiden records show Francis Cooke's betrothal to be June 9, 1603. Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. Read more, Mary Martha Corinne Morrison Claiborne Roberts (ne Boggs; born December 27, 1943), best known as Cokie Roberts, is an American journalist and author. [5], After the Pilgrims' arrival at Cape Cod, Cooke was one of those who signed the Mayflower Compact on November 11, 1620. Assessed 18s. (Leiden records link). Leiden 26 December 1611 [NS] [NEHGR 143:197]; no further record. There they anchored on November 21[O.S. In the summary of these families as of 1651, Bradford tells us that "Francis Cooke is still living, a very old man, and hath seen his children's children have children. Read more, is descended from Read more, Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. Read more, is descended from The Fortune eventually followed, arriving at Plymouth Colony one year later on November 9, 1621. "And seeing it hath pleased Him to give me [William Bradford] to see thirty years completed since these beginnings, and that the great works of His providence are to be observed, I have thought it not unworthy my pains to take a view of the decreasings and increasings of these persons and such changes as hath passed over them and theirs in this thirty years "Francis Cooke is still living, a very old man, and hath seen his children's children have children. Their betrothal was recorded on July 4 and 5, so the 20th was the soonest the marriage could have taken place after banns were read. The Mahieus, from Lille, had resided in Canterbury, then London, since the 1570s before moving to Leiden in 1590. William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation 1620-1647, ed. They were the parents of at least 3 sons and 4 daughters. Jane was born about 1609 in Leiden. Jacob was born about 1618 and died in Plymouth in December 1675. The caulking failed to keep out seawater, and the passengerseven in their berthslay wet and ill. "The Pilgrims and other English in Leiden records: some new Pilgrim documents." First Wife of President TheodoreRoosevelt. And his son John, which came over with him, is married, and hath 4 children living. For a third time, the Mayflower headed for the New World. Arbitrator in land dispute between Thomas Pope and William Shurtleff, 2 August 1659 [PCR 3:169]. They spotted Cape Cod Hook (now Provincetown Harbor), on November 19, 1620[O.S. In 1620, Francis, his son John, and nephew Philippe de Lannoy boarded Speedwell (ship)|Speedwell at Delftshaven. The Leiden congregation had some Separatist members who had fled from Norwich. Coroner's jury, 22 July 1648 [PCR 2:132]. Francis Cooke Francis Cooke (c1583-1663) Hester le Mahieu Hester le Mahieu (c1585-p1666 . He could have been a refugee from religious persecution elsewhere in continental Europe. From his estate inventory, it appears that he was involved with sheep and wool as he had sixteen sheep and five lambs, a "woolen wheele & scales," three pairs of sheep shears, and twenty pounds of wool. Buy the print edition of The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E. Kenelm Winslow, brother of Edward Winslow, Susan Alexandra Weaver (born October 8, 1949), known professionally as Sigourney Weaver, is an American actress. MARY COOKE, b. Plymouth say 1626; m. Plymouth 26December 1645 John Tompson [PCR 12:94]. Inventory was taken 1663 by Eph. Famous Kin of Francis Cooke (c1583 - 1663) Mayflower passenger 1620. This early settler is one of the twenty-six male Pilgrims known to have descendants, and the longest living male Mayflower Pilgrim. He also received four "Akers" for his wife and children who "came ouer in the shipe called the Anne" in 1623.[8]. Lora A.W. Both vessels returned to Plymouth where the Speedwell was sold. Jacob Cooke (son of Francis Cooke and Hester le Mahieu) married Damaris Hopkins on 10 Jun 1646, Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts. Francis was born circa 1583, his origins and parentage unknown; he died at Plymouth, 7 April 1663. Read more, is descended from (Cenotaph at Burial Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts (image). Read more, is descended from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Zilpha Wadsworth Peleg Wadsworth Mercy Wiswall Priscilla Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, William Cullen Bryant Sarah Snell Ebenezer Snell Zachariah Snell Anna Alden Jonathan Alden JOHN ALDEN, Cokie Roberts Marie "Lindy" Claiborne Martha Morrison Eustasia Harriss Thomas Harriss Julia Packwood Sarah Hinman Katherine Green Mary Pickett John Pickett Adam Pickett Ruth Brewster Jonathan Brewster WILLIAM BREWSTER, Benjamin Spock Louise Stoughton Ada Hooper Adeline Ripley Sarah Denny Lucretia Sargent Phineas Sargent Jonathan Sargent Jonathan Sargent Lydia Chipman Hope Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Laura Ingalls Wilder Charles Ingalls Lansford Ingalls Margaret Delano Jonathan Delano Jabez Delano Jonathan Delano Mercy Warren Nathaniel Warren RICHARD WARREN, Amelia Earhart Amy Otis Alfred Otis Isaac Otis Ephraim Otis Ephraim Otis Ephraim Otis Mercy Little Ephraim Little Anna Warren RICHARD WARREN, Amelia Earhart Amy Otis Alfred Otis Caroline Curtiss Ruth Day Abigail Gahoon Grace Fuller Joseph Fuller John Fuller Samuel Fuller EDWARD FULLER, Ashley Judd Michael Ciminella Mary Dalton William Dalton Thomas Dalton Rebecca Brewster Ebenezer Brewster Comfort Brewster Ebenezer Brewster William Brewster Benjamin Brewster Jonathan Brewster WILLIAM BREWSTER, Sally Field Richard Dryden Field Fleet Folsom Field Charlotte Berry Alexander Berry Jane Augusta Goodrich Anne Folsom John Folsom Ann Bingham Faith Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford [Jr.] WILLIAM BRADFORD. On 5 July 1670, "[w]hereas it is evident to the Court, that a certain tract or parcel of land, called Old Cooke's Holes, lying at Jonses River meadow, was formerly granted unto Francis Cooke, of Plymouth, deceased, in the lieu of some land which is supposed would have fallen within his line at the Smelt Brooke, but is not fully settled on the said Cooke and his heirs and assigns, this Court doth by these presents fully and absolutely settle, ratify, assure and confirm the said grant of land or tract of land, being threescore acres unto the said Francis Cooke, his heirs and assigns forever, which said land was given by the said Francis Cooke unto Richard Wright and Thomas Michell, commonly called Old Cooke's Holes, and since his decease ratified and confirmed unto the said Richard Wright and Thomas Michell by John Cooke, the heir unto the said Francis Cooke" [PCR 5:44]. [2], Although he was specially qualified to survey new highways, he did do other public service work, being on several petty and grand juries. 1620-1633 Vols I-III. [14], In May 1640, Cooke and his son John were among those tasked to compute the number of acres of Edward Doty's meadows and make a report to the next court. Read more, is descended from On 4 February 1638/9, "a parcel of upland lying at the end of Goodman Shawe's land at Smilt River is granted to Francis Cooke" [PCR 1:112]. Committee to lay out highways, 1 October 1634, 2 May 1637, 1 February 1640/1, 10 June 1650 [PCR 1:31, 58, 2:7, 160]. I. William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation 1620-1647, ed. "Mayflower families through five generations:descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620 (Vol. This was to be an investment organization with profits going largely to the colony. COMMENTS: In his accounting of the passengers on the Mayflower, Bradford includes "Francis Cooke and his son John; but his wife and other children came afterwards" [Bradford 442]. Also available on microfilm and digital images. EDUCATION: The inventory included "1 great Bible & 4 old books" valued at 10s. There is no record at Plymouth of what kind of work Cooke was engaged in. He was Alex's 10th Great Grandfather; one of 2,048 in this generation of the Miller line. She married Richard Wright in Plymouth in 1644 and had six children. Plymouth petit jury, 2 January 1637/8, 3 September 1639, 3 December 1639, 3 March 1639/40, 2 June 1640, 7 June 1642, 7 September 1642, 7 March 1642/3 [PCR 1:74, 7:7, 13, 14, 16, 31, 32, 34]. William Mullins and his wife, Alice, Priscilla Mullins, John Alden, William Brewster, and his wife Mary, Ellen Lee DeGeneres (born January 26, 1958) is an American comedian, television host, actress, writer, producer, and LGBT activist. It would later be revealed that there was in fact nothing wrong with the ship. The list was wider in scope than just being for "firstborn" settlers, as it named several of the original Mayflower passengers, including Cooke, but was presumably for their children. FamousKin.com cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of these sources. In Plymouth section of list of freemen of 1658 [PCR 8: 197]. Descendants of Brice Blair Shade (1851-1934) Descendants of Capt. ELIZABETH COOKE, bp. To view a digital version of this item click here. [12], In 1640/41 he was one of twelve men tasked by the court to designate additional highways, and make a formal survey and mark the boundaries of plots of land in the town of Plain Dealing. [notes 1][1] In Plymouth Colony in 1643, Cooke's name appears on the list of those "Able to Bear Arms". I.. On 1 March 1663/4, the court "taking notice of such evidence as hath been produced for the clearing of a controversy between John Tompson, plaintiff, and Richard Wright, in reference to a parcel of land atNamassakett, do allow an agreement between the said parties, which was ordered here to be entered, as followeth, viz: that the said parties shall have equal share of the land allotted to Francis Cooke at Namaskett aforesaid, provided that they be equal in bearing the charge about the said land" [PCR 4:54]. Robert Charles Anderson, "Francis Cooke", The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, 1995, Vol. Use place names such as England and South Carolina and spell out the country name with historical accuracy. . . in the Plymouth tax list of 25 March 1633 and 9s. Cooke lived in Leiden for about six years before the 1609 arrival of the congregation of English Separatists led by Pastor John Robinson. (, Johanna W. Trammel, The Pilgrims and other people from the British Isles in Leiden, 1576-1640 (Isle of Man: Mansk-Svenska Publishing Co. Ltd., 1989), p.152. In the 1627 Plymouth cattle division Francis Cooke, his wife Hester Cooke, John Cooke, Jacob Cooke, Jane Cooke, Hester Cooke and Mary Cooke were the first seven persons in the first company [PCR 12:9]. It is better to use the "place" field and type out the place name. Click. By the second month at sea, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales that caused the ship's timbers to be badly shaken. This guide will help you find out. In his book, Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647, Bradford writes: Francis Cooke is still living, a very old man, and hath seen his children's children have children. FamilySearch Terms of Use (Updated 2021-09-27), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Famous descendants for Mayflower pilgrim Francis Cooke (1583-1663). F rancis Cooke traveled on the Mayflower with his son, John, leaving wife Hester and children, Jane, Jacob and Hester who followed in 1623 on the Anne. He was a founding member of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and a signer of the Mayflower Compact. Anna Mary "Grandma Moses" Robertson Russell Robertson Sarah King Hezekiah King John King Sarah Reed Esther Tomson Mary Cooke FRANCIS COOKE. Books/Monographs/Book with Digital Images, [Milwaukee, Wisconsin? William Bradford, James Chilton, Susanna Furner, Mary Chilton, and Francis Cooke, Jane Seymour Fonda (born December 21, 1937) is an American actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru. Websites, biographies, census reports, image files -- the richer we make the profile, the more historically and genealogically accurate and meaningful it will be. In his will, dated 7 December 1659 and proved 5 June 1663, Francis Cooke bequeathed to "my dear and loving wife" all moveables and cattle and to "Hester my wife . Menu. Read more, Sally Margaret Field (born November 6, 1946) is an American actress and director. Francis Cooke signed the Mayflower Compact. An inventory was taken of his possessions by Ephraim Tinkham and William Crow on 1 May 1663. * Menu links disabled due to unknown ancestry. . She brought with her three additional children: Jacob, Jane, and Hester. The next year he was one of four Plymouth surveyors and was tasked to survey the highway for Jones River. John was baptized in Leiden, Holland between January and March 1607 and died in Dartmouth on November 23, 1695. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. He was a founding member of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and a signer of the Mayflower Compact. Please be careful about using autocomplete. Includes Cook/Cooke and related families of Vennum, Pierson, Simpson, Blue, Carmichael, McFarland, Pease, Brown, etc. Notable descendants of Francis Cooke include Cephas Thompson, William Drew Washburn, Mrs. Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma Moses"), (George) Orson Welles, Abel Head "Shanghai" Pierce (Texas cattleman who introduced the Brahman cattle breed into Texas), Actor Richard Gere, and Beach Boys Brian, Carl, and Dennis Wilson. Francis Cooke BIRTH: About 1583. Trending; . His wife, Hester, soon followed on the Anne and Little James in 1623. He immigrated to Amsterdam, Holland in 1608, and later lived in Leyden. CHILDREN: John, an unnamed child buried in Leiden, Jane, Elizabeth, Jacob, Hester, and Mary. 1582-84; d. MA bef. (c1618-c1675) 9th Generation. This guide will help you find out. [12], In October 1640, Cooke was appointed to compute the land boundaries between Thomas Prence and Clement Briggs at Jones River. Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, George Ernest Bowman, (The Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants,. Famous Descendants | Francis Cooke Society for genealogical 1 week ago franciscookesociety.org Show details . On the second attempt, the two ships sailed about 100 leagues beyond Land's End in Cornwall, but the Speedwell was again found to be leaky. MARRIAGE: Leiden 20 Jul 1603 [NS] or shortly thereafter Hester Mahieu [MD 27:145-55 (incorporating and correcting MD 8:48-50, 22:13-14)];she died after 8 June 1666 [PCLR 3:73]. Francis Cooke was born in 1583 probably in England. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Richard Warren, Stephen Hopkins, Giles Hopkins, William Brewster and his wife, Mary, and Henry Samson, Sarah Louise Palin (ne Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator, and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July 1989, p.195-214. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP:In his attempt to justify the structure and practice of the Plymouth church to an English audience, Edward Winslow included among his examples "the wife of Francis Cooke being a Walloon, [who] holds communion with the Church at Plymouth, as she came from the French, to this day, by virtue of communion of churches" [MD 27:64, from Hypocrisie Unmasked]. Others also charged, all being in the service of John Browne the elder and Thomas Willet, were Thomas Lettice, James Walker, and Thomas Teley. Read more, is descended from It makes it easier to read a profile if the "about me" information is filled out in this fashion: - Future releases of the Geni Project module will create a dynamic library of downloadable media for profiles associated with the Project. In the Division of Land in 1623, Cooke received two acres, one for himself and one acre for his son John. "Take notice of our practice at Leyden, viz. The small, 100-foot ship held 102 passengers and a crew of about 30-40 in extremely cramped quarters. FREEMAN:In 1633 Plymouth list of freemen ahead of those admitted on 1 January 1632/3 [PCR 1:3]; in 7 March 1636/7 and 1639 lists of Plymouth freemen [PCR 1:52, 8:173]. She was a French Walloon ( a "Walloon" is a member of a French-speaking people of Celtic descent inhabiting southern and southeastern Belgium and adjacent regions of France) . Francis Cooke came on the Mayflower from Leiden with his eldest son John in 1620 and as such was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact. . Honor your ancestors with a Pilgrim Quadricentennial Membership -- only available in 2020, 99 - 101 Newbury St. | Boston, MA | 02116, USA, Honor your ancestors with a Pilgrim Quadricentennial Membership, Download a FREE article about finding your, Research conducted by Gary Boyd Roberts, Julie Helen Otto, and Christopher Challender Child for NEHGS publications, including articles appearing in. 102 passengers and a signer of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and later in! Records show Francis Cooke was engaged in a third time, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints March... For Jones River Plymouth Colony one year later on November 19, 1620 [ O.S 1658 [ PCR ]... Taken of his possessions by Ephraim Tinkham and William Shurtleff, 2 August 1659 [ PCR 12:94.! 4 old books '' valued at 10s 1851-1934 ) descendants of Capt and South Carolina and out. Digital Images, [ Milwaukee, Wisconsin freemen of 1658 [ PCR 2:132 ] freemen of [! 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