4 Apr, 2023

how did the punic wars affect carthage

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The most reliable source for Punic Wars[note 1] is the historian Polybius (c.200 c.118 BC), a Greek sent to Rome in 167BC as a hostage. Carthage's new allies felt little sense of community with Carthage, or even with each other. Senators were worried that Caesar would try to become a king or emperor. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). https://www.worldhistory.org/Punic_Wars/. Whenever Carthage petitioned Rome for redress, or permission to take military action, Rome backed its ally, Masinissa, and refused. It was made up of three hundred patricians who were elected for life. Over the course of nearly 20 years, Rome rebuilt its entire fleet in order to confront Carthages powerful navy, scoring its first sea victory at Mylae in 260 B.C. [262][263] The Roman army moved to lay siege to Carthage, but its walls were so strong and its citizen-militia so determined it was unable to make any impact, while the Carthaginians struck back effectively. The Punic Wars were caused by the competing interests of Carthage and Rome. [26][27] According to the classicist Richard Miles Rome had an expansionary attitude after southern Italy came under its control, while Carthage had a proprietary approach to Sicily. ~. Fabius' strategy might have worked had not the Romans become impatient with their legions' inactivity. Rome received the training, the navy, and the wealth it needed from the Punic Wars to grow from a small city to an empire that would rule the known world. Hannibal, however, never attained the goal of creating a major division between Rome and its allies. After gaining control of Sicily during the First Punic War, Romes strong navy could strike Carthaginian territory easily by sea. [239] After landing in Africa in 204BC, he was joined by Masinissa and a force of Numidian cavalry. [263], In early 147BC Scipio Aemilianus, an adopted grandson of Scipio Africanus who had distinguished himself during the previous two years' fighting, was elected consul and took control of the war. [25] Relationships were good and the two states had several times declared their mutual friendship via formal alliances: in 509BC, 348BC and around 279BC. The approximate extent of territory controlled by Rome and Carthage immediately before the start of the First Punic War. Carthage was also forced to give up its fleet and pay a large indemnity in silver to Rome. By the time the First Punic War broke out, Rome had become the dominant power throughout the Italian peninsula, while Carthage-a powerful city- Though Carthage had clashed violently with several other powers in the region, notably Greece, its relations with Rome were historically friendly, and the cities had signed several treaties defining trading rights over the years. The three Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome took place over nearly a century, beginning in 264 B.C. Hasdrubal and his army retreated into the city to reinforce the garrison. Cite This Work The origin of these conflicts is to be found in the position which Rome acquired, about 275 bce, as leader and protector . [68][69][70], Much of the First Punic War was fought on, or in the waters near, Sicily. Why were roads important to the military expansion of the Roman Republic? The first Punic war began with a dispute of . The Punic Wars were a series of wars between 264 and 146 BC fought between Rome and Carthage.Three conflicts between these states took place on both land and sea across the western Mediterranean region and involved a total of forty-three years of warfare. We care about our planet! Mago was also recalled; he died of wounds on the voyage and some of his ships were intercepted by the Romans,[222] but 12,000 of his troops reached Carthage. There were strong commercial links. [255], In 149BC a Roman army of approximately 50,000 men, jointly commanded by both consuls, landed near Utica, 35 kilometres (22mi) north of Carthage. [36][37] When they did they fought as well-armoured heavy infantry armed with long thrusting spears, although they were notoriously ill-trained and ill-disciplined. [275] There is a tradition that Roman forces then sowed the city with salt, but this has been shown to have been a 19th-century invention. The added weight in the prow compromised both the ship's manoeuvrability and its seaworthiness, and in rough sea conditions the corvus became useless; part way through the First Punic War the Romans ceased using it. By the time the Third Punic War was over, Carthage was no longer a political or military power of note. According to legend, as Scipio Aemilianus watched the once-mighty city fall into utter ruin, he broke down in tears. At the start of the first Punic war, the Romans couldn't compete with the technologically advanced Carthaginian Navy. [175][176], In early spring 217BC, the Carthaginians crossed the Apennines unopposed, taking a difficult but unguarded route. He was reinforcing the will to resist in the Carthaginian citizens; from this point there could be no possibility of negotiations. In 251 or 250 the Roman general Lucius Caecilius Metellus at last brought about a pitched battle near Panormus in which the enemys force was effectively crippled. Livy relied heavily on Polybius, but wrote in a more structured way, with more details about Roman politics, as well as being openly pro-Roman. How did taxes change over time for citizens who lived in Rome? Diogenes. He was defeated in the battle of Zama in 202 BC and Carthage sued for peace. What importance does Carthage serve in the Punic [167][168] In late November the Carthaginian cavalry routed the cavalry and light infantry of the Romans at the battle of Ticinus. The Carthaginians refused to comply with this and so began the Third Punic War. Rome, which before the war had never fought outside of Italy, now controlled a wealthy overseas territoryits first of many. Also in 146 B.C., Roman troops moved east to defeat King Philip V of Macedonia in the Macedonian Wars, and by years end Rome reigned supreme over an empire stretching from the Atlantic coast of Spain to the border between Greece and Asia Minor (now Turkey). [note 7][44][49], Garrison duty and land blockades were the most common operations. How did Julius Caesar become dictator for life? They ordered him to give up his military and return to Rome. The triumvirate took control of the government. Web. Rome and Carthage fought in the Punic Wars. The propertied class was faced with loss of property - although their farms were protected while they were serving in the army, the large landoners stole much of the common land . 1,200 talents was approximately 30,000kg (30 long tons) of silver. Complete each sentence by adding a personal pronoun that agrees with the antecedent. In spring 212BC the Romans stormed Syracuse in a surprise night assault and captured several districts of the city. New territories increased Rome's wealth, as Rome gained access to new resources. The Senate gained increased prestige greater wealth and more influence in Roman government. Many senior Carthaginians wanted to reject it, but Hannibal spoke strongly in its favour and it was accepted in spring 201BC. The Carthaginians accordingly opened negotiations and consented to a peace by which they ceded Sicily and the Lipari (Eolie) Islands to Rome and paid an indemnity of 3,200 talents. . Legend says that the boys were raised by a mighty wolf. In most circumstances Carthage recruited foreigners to make up its army. It has a legislative branch with two houses. Over the next decades, Rome took over control of both Corsica and Sardinia as well, but Carthage was able to establish a new base of influence in Spain beginning in 237 B.C., under the leadership of the powerful general Hamilcar Barca and, later, his son-in-law Hasdrubal. Wars between Rome and Carthage, 264 to 146 BC. For the purpose of this article the focus will be primarily on the conflict in the Italian peninsular . As long as Rome remained the little city of trade by the Tiber River, Carthage reigned supreme; but the island of Sicily would be the flashpoint for growing Roman resentment of the Carthaginians. [169] As a result, most of the Gallic tribes declared for the Carthaginian cause and Hannibal's army grew to 37,000 men. The Romans, more experienced at sea battles now and better equipped and led, won a series of decisive victories over Carthage and in 241 BCE the Carthaginians sued for peace. The Romans' lodgement between the Ebro and the Pyrenees blocked the route from Iberia to Italy and greatly hindered the despatch of reinforcements from Iberia to Hannibal. [139] These events fuelled resentment of Rome in Carthage, which was not reconciled to Rome's perception of its situation. Small farmers could not compete with higher levels of production from large estates. Rome took over the entire coast of northern Africa. Roman trade slowed after Rome took over Carthage. The Punic Wars were a series of conflicts fought between Carthage and Rome between 264 BCE and 146 BCE. Although Rome had no navy and knew nothing of sea battles, they swiftly built and equipped 330 ships. Other cities have copied architecture to express a city in a lucrative and valued way. They served under a variety of arrangements; for example, some were the regular troops of allied cities or kingdoms seconded to Carthage as part of formal treaties, some were from allied states fighting under their own leaders, many were volunteers from areas under Carthaginian control who were not Carthaginian citizens. How did Romes expansion after the Punic Wars affect Romes social development? and ending in Roman . But while in those years Carthage did nothinga number of Roman citizens voluntarily presented to the state a fleet of 200 men-of-war, carrying 60,000 troops. [53][54] Forming up in battle order was a complicated and premeditated affair, which took several hours. Prior to the conflict, Carthage had grown from a small port-of-call to the richest and most powerful city in the Mediterranean region before 260 BCE. [200] It was the only time during the war that Carthage reinforced Hannibal. Texan Reacts-Extra History's Punic Wars #3 How did the Punic Wars affect the development of the Roman Empire? [2] He is best known for The Histories, written sometime after 146BC. Hannibals daring elephantine invasion of Rome reached its height at the Battle of Cannae in 216 B.C., where he used his superior cavalry to surround a Roman army twice the size of his own and inflict massive casualties. In 255, under Xanthippus command, they offered battle to Regulus, who had taken up position with an inadequate force near Tunis, outmaneuvered him, and destroyed the bulk of his army. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. There were campaigns in Italy, Iberia (Spain), Sicily, North Africa, and more. A police officer must maintain ______ weight at a certain level. At the same time, the Carthaginians, who felt no less severely the financial strain of the prolonged struggle, reduced their forces and made no attempt to deliver a counterattack. - Rome won each of the Punic Wars and gained control over the western Mediterranean. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Did you know? Hannibal set an ambush and in the battle of Lake Trasimene completely defeated the Roman army, killing 15,000 Romans, including Flaminius, and taking 15,000 prisoners. [217][218], In 205BC, Mago landed in Genua in north-west Italy with the remnants of his Spanish army (see Iberia below) where it received Gallic and Ligurian reinforcements. This victory, by giving the Romans undisputed command of the sea, rendered certain the ultimate fall of the Punic strongholds in Sicily. To the remonstrances of Carthage the Romans replied with a direct declaration of war, and only withheld their attack upon the formal cession of Sardinia and Corsica and the payment of a further indemnity. What resulted from the First Punic War? [243] Hannibal was placed in command of an army formed from his and Mago's veterans from Italy and newly raised troops from Africa, but with few cavalry. [98][99], The war continued, with neither side able to gain a decisive advantage. [154], In 218BC there was some naval skirmishing in the waters around Sicily; the Romans defeated a Carthaginian attack[155][156] and captured the island of Malta. Third Punic War (149-146 B.C.) [43] In addition both Iberia and Gaul provided many experienced infantry and cavalry. [72], The war began with the Romans gaining a foothold on Sicily at Messana (modern Messina) in 264BC. The Romans killed the Carthaginians on the elephants and sent the animals back into the Carthaginian ranks, then followed with a combined cavalry charge and infantry advance which caught the enemy between and crushed them. What were the main effects of the Punic Wars? [note 5] Many were from North Africa and these were frequently referred to as "Libyans". [2][6][7] Modern historians consider Polybius to have treated the relatives of Scipio Aemilianus, his patron and friend, unduly favourably but the consensus is to accept his account largely at face value. World History Encyclopedia. The Punic Wars and Expansion. 2 Yet, in . Traditionally, when at war the Romans would raise two legions, each of 4,200 infantry[note 4] and 300 cavalry. [125] Henceforth Rome considered itself the leading military power in the western Mediterranean and increasingly the Mediterranean region as a whole. [115] Evidence of Carthage's financial situation includes their request for a 2,000-talent loan[note 9] from Ptolemaic Egypt, which was refused. In 260 the Romans built their first large fleet of standard battleships. [42][56], Quinqueremes, meaning "five-oarsmen",[57] provided the workhorses of the Roman and Carthaginian fleets throughout the Punic Wars. Hannibal was born in 247 B.C.E. In either case, the Carthaginians argued that relationships entered into after the signing of the treaty were not covered by it. This war would rage on for over twenty years and feature some of the most significant naval battles of the ancient world. His defiant policy was too popular to be disavowed, however. This war was over who would control the island of Sicily. The Roman Senate stated they considered the preparation of this force an act of war and demanded Carthage cede Sardinia and Corsica and pay an additional 1,200-talent indemnity. [166], The Carthaginians captured the chief city of the hostile Taurini (in the area of modern Turin) and seized its food stocks. Do native English speakers have accents in other languages? The Carthaginians, whose citizen levy was utterly disorganized, could neither keep the field against the invaders nor prevent their subjects from revolting. Which statement best describes the physical geography of the Italian Peninsula? The strategic islands of Corsica and Sicily were the focus of the First Punic War. They limited the power of the patrician class. He is remembered for expanding and reforming the Roman Republic. Which social reform was achieved under Caesar? The name Punic comes from the word Phoenician (Phoinix in the Greek, Poenus from Punicus in Latin) as applied to the citizens of Carthage, who were of Phoenician ethnicity. Hasdrubal had ably defended Spain from the Romans until the arrival of Scipio who defeated him completely in 208 BCE. Sources. While the first war was primarily located in Sicily, the second found itself being a massive, multi-theater conflict. Rome's army gained new soldiers from conquered territories. The majority of Rome's allies in central Italy remained loyal. Punic Wars, also called Carthaginian Wars, (264-146 bce), a series of three wars between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) empire, resulting in the destruction of Carthage, the enslavement of its population, and Roman hegemony over the western Mediterranean. The western Mediterranean during the Punic Wars, Learn about the rise and fall of the Carthaginian empire. |inhuman|"The pain became inhuman. This victory had significant repercussions on Roman politics and society. The general population of the Roman society increased, causing lots of "poor plebs" to be present. Carthage and Rome. They went to war against Numidia, were defeated, and had to then pay that nation another war debt. hey adopted some elements of the Greek religion. Their army raided the Roman lines of communication,[263] and in 148BC Carthaginian fire ships destroyed many Roman vessels. This could be increased to 5,000 in some circumstances, Roman and Greek sources refer to these foreign fighters derogatively as "mercenaries", but the modern historian Adrian Goldsworthy describes this as "a gross oversimplification". How did the Servian Wall contribute to the development of Rome? Land operations were largely confined to raids, sieges and interdiction; in 23 years of war on Sicily there were only two full-scale pitched battles. [273] The next morning the Romans started systematically working their way through the residential part of the city, killing everyone they encountered and firing the buildings behind them. However, by 146 BC, the Romans had achieved a total victory over Carthage and had wiped the city from the face of the earth. Hannibal kept his oath and devoted his life to defeating Rome. [130] He campaigned successfully, initially demonstrating leniency in an attempt to woo the rebels over. How did the Roman Republic become a dictatorship? Please support World History Encyclopedia. Rome also established itself as the naval powerhouse in the Mediterranean Sea.What was the long term economic effect of the Punic wars on Rome?Roman resources were depleted as a result of the loss of territory during the Punic Wars.What were the main effects of the Punic Wars?Punic Wars, also known as Carthaginian Wars, occurred between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) empire from 264 to 146 bce. [126], The Mercenary, or Truceless, War began in 241BC as a dispute over the payment of wages owed to 20,000 foreign soldiers who had fought for Carthage on Sicily during the First Punic War. A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. We would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the world. In total there were three Punic Wars, which were all fought between the Empires of Carthage and Rome for the role reasoning of gaining more territory, whether it be for military or economic reasons. It was the long-standing Roman procedure to elect two men each year as senior magistrates, known as consuls, who at time of war would each lead an army. [144] After the First Punic War, Carthaginian possessions in Iberia (modern Spain and Portugal) were limited to a handful of prosperous coastal cities in the south. [100] The Carthaginians attacked and recaptured Akragas in 255BC, but not believing they could hold the city they razed and abandoned it. 5 - Who did the Romans fight in the Punic Wars? World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Rome was better disposed to protracted warfare all three times they went up against Carthage. Approximately 1,200 of the infantry poorer or younger men unable to afford the armour and equipment of a standard legionary served as javelin-armed skirmishers known as velites; they each carried several javelins, which would be thrown from a distance, a short sword and a 90-centimetre (3ft) shield. [16], Other, later, ancient histories of the wars exist, although often in fragmentary or summary form. Why are the Punic wars seen as a pivotal turning point in Roman development? This forced the generals and politicians to create spectacular games to keep them happy and their morale up. [216], In the spring of 207BC Hasdrubal Barca repeated the feat of his elder brother by marching an army of 35,000 men across the Alps and invading Italy. The Carthaginians hastily collected a relief force, but in a battle fought off the Aegates Insulae (Egadi Islands), west of Drepana, their fleet was caught at a disadvantage and mostly sunk or captured (March 10, 241). The Punic Wars, also known as the Carthaginian Wars, occurred between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) empire from 264 to 146 bce. How did both the construction of roads and the Mediterranean Sea contribute to the expansion of the Roman Republic? The Carthaginian senate refused to comply and so began the Second Punic War. [229], In the spring of 208BC Hasdrubal moved to engage Scipio at the battle of Baecula. If either commander felt at a disadvantage, they might march off without engaging. As they had gone to war without Rome's approval, the Roman senate considered Carthage a threat to the peace again. Military expansion drove economic growth, bringing slaves and loot back to Rome, which in turn transformed the city of Rome and Roman culture. The First Punic War was the closest match, for numerous reasons, b. [240] Scipio gave battle to and destroyed two large Carthaginian armies. [242] The Roman Senate ratified a draft treaty, but because of mistrust and a surge in confidence when Hannibal arrived from Italy Carthage repudiated it. World History Encyclopedia. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The end result was that Rome defeated Carthage and went on to dominate both the western and eastern halves of the Mediterranean. When an epidemic spreads beyond a countrys borders, thats when the disease officially becomes a pandemic. The Punic Wars are also considered to include the four-year-long revolt against Carthage which started in 241 BC. The Mamertini, a band of Campanian mercenaries, had forcibly established themselves within the town and were being hard pressed in 264 by Hieron II of Syracuse. [278] The province became a major source of grain and other foodstuffs. [252], At the end of the war, Masinissa emerged as by far the most powerful ruler among the Numidians. [253] Over the following 48 years he repeatedly took advantage of Carthage's inability to protect its possessions. Which natural feature is called "the Apennines"? During the last three years of the war this was extended to the transporting by sea from Sicily to Africa of almost all of the requirements of Scipio's large army. [250] Scipio was awarded a triumph and received the agnomen "Africanus". How did Rome's location near the Mediterranean Sea contribute to its growth? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [264] The Romans moved their camp, and their ships, further away so they were now more blockading than closely besieging the city. The wars against Carthage changed Rome. [206], During 216BC the Macedonian king, Philip V, pledged his support to Hannibal,[207] initiating the First Macedonian War against Rome in 215BC. By the time the First Punic War broke out, Rome had become the dominant power throughout the Italian peninsula, while Carthagea powerful city-state in North Africahad established itself as the leading maritime power in the world. After seven days of horrific bloodshed, on February 5, the Carthaginians surrendered, obliterating an ancient city that had survived for some 700 years. What did the Senate order Julius Caesar to do following the death of Crassus? Background. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. [151], In 219BC a Carthaginian army under Hannibal besieged, captured and sacked Saguntum[note 12][140][152] and in spring 218BC Rome declared war on Carthage. The two sides' infantry fought inconclusively until the Roman cavalry returned and attacked the Carthaginian rear. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. The end of the First Punic War saw the beginning of the Roman expansion beyond the Italian peninsula. (2018, April 18). [163] A rushed Carthaginian attack in late 218BC was beaten back at the battle of Cissa. Hannibal. [225] This strategy resulted in two separate battles in 211BC, usually referred to jointly as the battle of the Upper Baetis. Corrections? Carthage and Rome came into conflict as they sought to expand. In 228 BCE, Hamilcar was killed in battle and command of the Carthaginian army went to his son-in-law Hasdrubal the Fair (l. c. 270-221 BCE). [119] Goldsworthy describes Roman manpower losses as "appalling". What was the significance of the Punic Wars for Rome? [191], The historian Richard Miles describes Cannae as "Rome's greatest military disaster". Outcome - Rome takes Sicily , then Sardinia and Corsica . [117][124], The Treaty of Lutatius was agreed by which Carthage paid 3,200 talents of silver[note 10] in reparations and Sicily was annexed as a Roman province. First Punic War, also called First Carthaginian War, (264-241 bce) first of three wars between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) empire that resulted in the destruction of Carthage. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. How did the punic wars affect rome? [163][224] In 217BC 40 Carthaginian and Iberian warships were defeated by 55 Roman and Massalian vessels at the battle of Ebro River, with 29 Carthaginian ships lost. The First Punic War broke out on the Mediterranean island of Sicily in 264BC as a result of Rome's expansionary attitude combined with Carthage's proprietary approach to the island. [20], The Roman Republic had been aggressively expanding in the southern Italian mainland for a century before the First Punic War. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! By 214 BC the bulk of southern Italy had turned against Rome, although there were many exceptions. The Carthaginian territories were taken over as the Roman province of Africa. [163][164] The Carthaginians reached the foot of the Alps by late autumn and crossed them in 15 days, surmounting the difficulties of climate, terrain[160] and the guerrilla tactics of the native tribes. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Hannibal knew nothing of his brother's whereabouts until Hasdrubal's severed head was thrown into his camp. In 264, the Carthaginians intervened in a dispute between Messana and Syracuse, the two major cities on Sicilys east coast, and as a result, they established a presence on the island. Fabius was replaced by Caius Terentius Varro and Lucius Aemilius Paulus who threw off caution and led their troops against Hannibal in the region of Apulia. The first Punic War was over ownership . |Word|Example|Denotation|Connotation| Carthage continued paying the war debt to Rome for the agreed upon fifty years and, when it was done, considered their treaty with Rome completed also. The defeat of Carthage in the Third Punic War . Campaigns of the Second Punic WarYassineMrabet (GNU FDL). [236] Later the same year a mutiny broke out among Roman troops, which attracted support from Iberian leaders, disappointed that Roman forces had remained in the peninsula after the expulsion of the Carthaginians, but it was effectively put down by Scipio. Mark, published on 18 April 2018. How did the Punic Wars affect Carthage? Upon Hasdrubals death in 221 B.C., Hannibal took command of Carthaginian forces in Spain. The Carthaginian formation collapsed; Hannibal was one of the few to escape the field. He established conditions for future expansion. [174] Hannibal hoped some of these allies could be persuaded to defect and marched south hoping to win over Roman allies among the ethnic Greek and Italic states. His romantic and political read more, In the realm of infectious diseases, a pandemic is the worst case scenario. He thought that Caesar was a danger to the entire republic. The king then threw the two babies into the Tiber River. Is it possible to pick up an accent as an adult. After tightening the Roman positions around Carthage, Aemilianus launched a forceful attack on its harbor side in the spring of 146 B.C., pushing into the city and destroying house after house while pushing enemy troops towards their citadel. They washed up onto the banks of the river, where the wolf found them. Cities in Italy became overcrowded, and Rome became the most populous city in Europe and West Asia. Which statement best describes Julius Caesar's legacy? At the Battle of Zama in 202, Hannibal sent an elephant charge against the Romans which Scipio, mindful of Hannibal's strategies, deflected easily. [163] The Roman commanders captured Saguntum in 212BC and in 211BC hired 20,000 Celtiberian mercenaries to reinforce their army. [2][8][11], The account of the Roman historian Livy is commonly used by modern historians where Polybius's account is not extant. The Second Punic War saw Roman troops, led by Scipio Africanus, defeat Hannibal after his stunning invasion of Italy. Publius Scipio was the bereaved son of the previous Roman co-commander in Iberia, also named Publius Scipio, and the nephew of the other co-commander, Gnaeus Scipio. Cato is remembered for his rallying cry, Carthage must be destroyed! which some historians have cited as an early support for genocide. Nevertheless, three years . - In the First Punic War, Rome gained . Hamilcar was surnamed Barca (meaning `lightning') because of his speed in attacking anywhere and the suddenness of the action.

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