Well, Ferris Site states: FYI: the spindles have a large cavity in them for the grease to set into. 3. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Sharpening reel mower blades: How to do it in the right way. The spindles and castor wheels should be done around once a month because of the moving interior parts. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. That said there is some value in greasing the spindle a couple of times per year with around two or three pumps of grease, and then maybe just before you winterize your mower. You might also want to add fresh gasoline and maintain the blade as part of the maintenance process. #1. Usually, all-purpose lawnmower grease should work well, but some brands are better than others. Step 1: Put your mower on the flat earth or in a garage. The Final Touches On Greasing Lawn Mower Spindles, link to Do Rats Eat Flowers Or Plants? What is the best grease for lawn mower spindles? Required fields are marked *. When you find an abnormal sound every time the blades are turning, you may need to grease your lawn mower spindles. SCAG Problems That Buyers Should Consider (Revealed). How Often Should You Grease Your Lawn Mower's Spindles? No matter how you set the mower, be sure to lock the wheels in place. If that happens, they wont cut as effectively since the edges will be slick. Pull back the T-handle and lock it in the notch of the gun. Bear in mind that sealed spindles should not be over-greased as that can blow out the seal entirely. The spindles on a riding or commercial walk-behind mower are attached to the cutting deck and work with the pulleys to turn the blades below the deck so grass can be cut. on How to change a spark plug on a lawn mower? Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST Some bearing are sealed from both sides and do not require grease. Attach the guns head back to the barrel, ensuring that it is tightly fit. Applying grease to mower spindles is a relatively easy process. *Specifications and design subject to change without notice. Your email address will not be published. Or the selling dealer should check and fill the spindles with grease before putting the product out. You should then turn on the engine and allow it to warm up for a few minutes. Purchase a grease and a suitable grease cartridge. Related Article: How to Tell if Mower Deck Spindle is Bad. What to look for When buying a self-propelled lawn mower? http://amzn.to/2pQnpd4 Pneumatic Grease Gunhttp://amzn.to/2qWZQ2f Ag. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. One sign that your lawn mower spindle needs greasing is if it makes a sharp noise whilst rotating. Since these pieces are so essential for your lawnmower, you must be careful when working with them. To Grease or Not to Grease? To see more articles you will enjoy from LawncareGrandpa.com, check out some of these. One of the worst mistakes that most lawn people make is using the wrong grease on the spindles. I do it about every 25 hours. Jul 5, 2017 Yea much better to spend the extra dough and get the non grease spindles. Damaged spindles can cause severe problems for your lawnmower and may even void your warranty. We are a team of passionate homeowners, home improvement pros, and DIY enthusiasts who enjoy sharing home improvement, housekeeping, decorating, and more with other homeowners! Once the bolts are loose, it should be possible to lift the deck off of the mower. You might also require a hydraulic jack if you are working on a riding mower.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'lawncaregrandpa_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-lawncaregrandpa_com-leader-1-0'); Lets look at a few reasons greasing spindles can stave off a lot of problems. Doing this will also prevent it from getting rusty. He is a grandpa and frequently interviews other experienced landscapers and lawn care experts who are also grandpas for these articles. RELATED ===> What Size Lawn Mower For 1/3 Acre? A broken spindle can cripple your lawnmower, which is why they are so essential. Usually, these fittings are sealed, meaning that it is very difficult for grease to work its way inside. 3. The spindle on a walk-behind or riding lawnmower is a component that holds the blade(s). This is why they require lubrication in the form of grease to ease undue wear and tear as well as friction buildup. You are using an out of date browser. Using a wrench, loosen the bolts that secure it in place before removing the deck. First, unscrew the cover on the back of the gun. I have yet to replace a bearing or swivel joint. if not sealed then grease them every week 5-10 pumps. It is our hope that you fully understand the processes of how to grease lawn mower spindle. Eliminate the ignition key and spark plug wire: Take out the belt from the engine pulley: Use various brackets and links which are called lift links to secure the deck to the mower frame. The cap side is facing upwards. As BigBoyToys mentioned, you have to be sure the spindle is full of grease. What Does It Mean If A Lawn Mower Is Burning Oil? This will help remove any built-up grass or debris that could cause problems. And the spindle can also become corroded, which can make it difficult to remove the blade for sharpening or replacement. 2003: 010001 2004: 060001 2005: 130001 how to read serial numbers Electrical Ground: negative Charging system: Regulated circuit Charging amps: 16 Battery Number: 1 Volts: 12 Group: U1 Page information Last update: April 4, 2019 Copyright: Why is my John Deere tractor not working? If you are an average user, you need to grease your mower spindles at least once a month. When i bought my 72" RFM, it took probably 20+ pumps to fill the spindle before I saw some grease come out. When it comes to commercial mowers, grease the spindles on a daily basis because of their extensive use and higher potential for damage. No way to tell how much they hold. I'm sure this has been asked and answered a doz times but couldn't fine it; How often should I grease my 5 foot mower that has 3 spindles with zerks on top. only greased them about 5 pumps every 50hrs. 4 Where are the serial numbers on a John Deere L130? Whenever you observe any damage to the spindles, such as bends or cracks, it is imperative that you replace them immediately. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. and this is the link for. hey guys, got a lazer hp, had the non greasable spindles, had one go out and the replacement spindle is greasable, can someone tell me how often ( how many hrs ) the spindle will need grease, and how much ? 2. Remember that the lever is normally present above the left rear wheel, but before you lower the deck, you need to pull the blade engagement lever so that the blades are disconnected to the ground. Copyright 2023 Briggs & Stratton, LLC. If the zerks are not sealed, generally this is the case on things like the suspension, ball joints and axle bushing, then you can add grease until you see the oil pouring back out. I did the same thing and have found it hard to get the grease in there after the spindle gets dirty. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 AGardener'sThis site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. However, they also say you need to grease a new spindle after 8 hours of use. I am certain that the grease is going into the spindle. Kind of like cleaning your ears. No one likes a clogged gutter and all the problems that come with it, from water damage to pest infestations. The blade isnt spinning as fast as it used to, There is a wobble or vibration in the blade, A loud noise is coming from the lawnmower. Our practice was to grease them whether they needed it or not at least once per week in mowing seaon. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. If a lawn mower spindle needs greasing, you will hear it make sharp noise while rotating. Repeat this procedure on the remaining spindles. Every spindle has two bearings in one cavity. Do All Lawn Mower Spindles Need to be Greased? The suspension arms which attach the decks center to the frame can be disengaged by pulling their retaining pins and washers out. Load the gun with a new cylinder and lock it into place. Rated Greasehttp://amzn.to/2pYpFLh Chain Hoist Lift 1 Ton (good Price$)http://amzn.to/2. New mowers typically come with pre-greased spindles from the factory. Spindles should be greased until you confirm grease is pushing out of the weep hole located on the bottom section of the spindle. Because this step is a little technical, it is better if you perform all the steps mentioned. Failing to grease your spindles can lead to possible overheating and damage at the end. Cub Cadet recommends using 251H EP grease or an equivalent No. You should take out the mowers deck to perform the greasing easily in the next step. My owners manual says every 25 hrs to top them off. Many would say that you only need about 10 to 15 pumps. Unfortunately, there is no straight answer to the question, do lawn mower spindles come greased? This leads us to the subject of this blog, do lawn mower spindles come greased? Spindles are areas in your mower where two pieces of metal link, and also move in different directions. It would be best to grease the spindles until grease can be seen coming out of the weep hole at their base. Ive seen this question asked a few times, so lets dive in and find out. With the spindle assembly cover removed, one end is visible from above the mower deck while the other end can be seen from below the deck. Greasing mower spindles is necessary because they are fast moving parts that control the blade spin and leveling. It is important to grease mower spindles once to twice per mowing season for residential mowers allowing for lubrication. Next, take the spark plug and place it in the cylinder. I still consider the non sealed ones new and I'm taking a wait and see view. To make it easier to access the spindles, you should lower your blades all the way down. If you are an average user, you need to grease your mower spindles at least once a month. Do you need to grease lawn mower spindles? A complete guide for beginners. Hmmm, what are they thinking? Generally, it is recommended to grease the spindles of your lawn mower every six months or after every 50 hours of use. Each assembly has a cover that can be removed with a wrench or screwdriver, depending on the types of fasteners used. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. For commercial use, they need to be greased more often. You can grease them easily without removing other parts. This is your cue to cease pumping grease. For commercial mowers used regularly, it is advisable to grease spindles once per week to once per day. In fact it could even have a negative effect and blow out the seal of the bearing so be careful. Required tools to grease a lawn mower spindle. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. The rear deck brackets are responsible for connecting the deck from the rear end to the mowers frame. A complete guide for beginners. On the other hand, for commercial operations, you should grease your lawnmower spindles every single day. The video above provides a good way of prolonging the life of your spindles and shows you how to effectively grease sealed bearings. 2. Overall, the more care and attention you pay to your mower, the longer it will last and the better it will perform. For domestic use, it is ideal to grease them every month. Besides if me or my asst tech are pulling or greasing spindles we also get a chance to inspect pulleys, belts, deck and linkages for any problems before they cause downtime. Using a wrench, secure it in place by tightening the bolts. Two main components of a John Deere mower that require periodic greasing are the front axle and wheels, and the spindles and mower deck. For cleaning the air filter, remove it and soak it in soapy water. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi, my name is Steve and I am the founder and editor of Suave Yards. To Grease or Not to Grease? This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. (Explained), Do Trampoline Stains Come Out? Mobil 1 synthetic grease also offers excellent protection against rust and corrosion. Mower Plaza | Address: 100 Church St, New York, NY, USA. (Explained), Do I Need A Cover For My Trampoline? Therefore, you will be able to work on the engine without the risk of it being turned on and injuring you. 1 How often should I grease my mower deck? If you need an in-depth guide regarding the greasing of lawn mower spindles. As far as these parts go, maintenance is far cheaper than replacement and repair. How often should I grease my John Deere riding lawn mower? You will find that it takes a larger amount of grease than everything else on the mower. You can do this yourself, or bring it into a shop. Or you can just watch the video above which shows you how to keep your deck spindles in good shape for years to come! Once you have applied enough grease, release the trigger and disconnect the gun. If you dont lubricate the mower decks grease fittings, the mower may encounter problems such as jamming, unnecessary wear to deck components or possibly even damage to the shafts in the mower deck that turn the blades. When mowing your lawn on your own, it is recommended that you grease the spindles twice. If the spindle makes more noise than usual, it may be due to lubrication. How to measure lawn mower cutting height? So How Often Should You Grease Mower Spindles? As weve already mentioned, water can easily access the inner parts of a spindle. Grease serves as a buffer between the metal parts and water. You understand the grease fittings are base on the top of the deck. Every moving part of the lawnmower needs lubrication to function properly and prevent malfunction. Always wipe the fittings and the grease gun nozzle before attaching the gun to the fitting. I bought my brush hog new in 1985, my homemade garden tractor was finished in 1963 (and I use it every week in the summertime) and I give the grease fittings a pump every time I use them.
how often to grease mower spindles
how often to grease mower spindles

how often to grease mower spindles
how often to grease mower spindles
how often to grease mower spindles
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