You or your spouse have been a resident of the State of Florida for at least the past six (6) months. Appointments are made in 15-minute increments at a rate of $15.00 each, and may be scheduled up to 60 minutes for $60.00. Civil, Family & Small Claims Courts . (727) 464-7000. Review our Injunction Filing Checklist to know which forms are needed for each injunction type. Please note: 3+ copies needed - Original for Clerk, copies for yourself and all Defendants, For general information, click here. Length of Service Jury service does not end at a specific time of day. Provide this information and any relevant fees to the Clerk's Office where you filed your Petition by completing an Out-of-State Service Information Sheet. Our office offers free notarization of the agreement to any attorney customer at any of our records offices throughout Pinellas County. *The current fees may be determined by calling (727) 464-7000 or by referring to the current Fee Scheduleavailable online or in any one of the Clerk's office locations. The Judge may make one of three decisions: In the first two instances, a hearing will be scheduled (within seven (7) to fifteen (15) calendar days of your Petition filing date) that you will be required to attend. Clearwater, FL 33756 There are a total of 11 acceptance agents in in Pinellas that process passport applications. Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Search Button Button View Records Board of County Commissioners Minutes Court Records Public View Registered User Login Attorney Login Court Records Viewing Information Record Searches Performed by Our Office Data and Index Reports The Respondent will be served (hand delivered) notice of the hearing and certified copies of both the Judge's order and your Petition. Clearwater, FL 33756. It will save you time if you make an appointment in advance. This Clerk of the Circuit Court department maintains records and performs case processing for all cases where damages sought exceed $15,000 and all domestic relations (i.e. Phone: (727) 464-5150. Before filing your formswith the Clerk's Office you should: You may have your forms notarized andobtain copies of documents at the Clerk's office for afee. If another person involved in your case seeks assistance from this center, that person will be given the same type of assistance you receive. The party shall provide copies of the affidavit to the court and to each other party. You have been a resident of the State of Florida for at least the past six(6) months. Consulting with the Self Help attorney is limited to assistance with court-approved forms and procedural information. Education & Outreach. All cases filed in these two counties . Form 12.980(f)), Petition for Injunction for Protection Against Dating Violence (F.L. (800) 799-SAFE (7233) / TTY (800) 787-3224 Simple access to forms cannot serve as an adequate substitute for legal counsel. Appointments are for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes at $15, $30, $45 or $60 accordingly. Clearwater, FL 33761 29582 U.S. 19 North You and your spouse are in agreement on how property, assets and debts are to be divided. Copyright 2023 Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Payments - Court, Traffic, Ordinance, Parking, Recording / Marriage Licenses / Passports, Adoption of an Adult or Minor by a Stepparent, Answer and Counter-Petition to Dissolution of Marriage, Modification of Support or Parenting Plan, Domestic Violence Injunction - Restraining Order, Get information and forms for Family Law case types. St.. Petersburg Branch Court Interpreting. Use the Book Appointment tab on the Self Help Center page to schedule an appointment with an attorney. If the Judge grants you a Final Judgment, it may be in effect for an indefinite period of time or may expire on a specific date. Home Solicitation Permits. Clerk's 24-hour Automated Child Support Information Line (727) 464-4845. Create your signature and click Ok. Press Done. Meeting with a self help attorney is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. Both you and your spouse must agreethat the marriage cannot be saved. Persons with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations to use the services provided should call (727) 464-4062 (TDD or Voice). Determine that your situation does not meet Florida Statute requirements for a Temporary Injunction to be put in place and that a hearing is not merited. Fifteen days after receipt of the affidavit, the depository shall notify both parties that future payments shall be paid through the depository. If there is a change of 15% (fifteen percent) or $50.00 (fifty dollars), whichever is greater, in the child support guidelines, that may be reason for modifying child support. This form must be served. Instructions are provided. Clearwater Processing Time Also, if another person witnessed the behavior, and would like to submit their testimony, they may complete the Affidavit in Support of the Petition to be filed, Petition and Affidavit Seeking Involuntary Substance Abuse Assessment and Stabilization, Withdrawal of Petition for Hearing on Involuntary Substance Abuse Assessment and Stabilization, Registered User Account for Court Records, Subscription Agreement for Official Records, Redaction Form for Official/Public Records (Not for Court Records), Request to Redact Personal Information (Not for Court Records), Official Records Redaction Request Online, Notice of Change of Mailing Address or Designated EMail Address [Form 2.603], Designation of EMail Address for a Party Not Represented by an Attorney [Form 2.602], Request to be Excused from EMail Service for Party Not Represented by Attorney [Form 2.601], 3+ copies - Original to Clerk, copies for yourself and all Defendants. Child Support is defined as money paid from one parent to the other for the benefit of their dependent or minor child(ren). Want to save time and get automated filing assistance? These records include all Pinellas County residents who are eighteen years and older who possess a driver license or Identification card. In Florida, trial courts of general jurisdiction are aligned in 20 circuits. Call 24 hours prior to coming to the courthouse. The child support guidelines dollar amount is based on the number of children and the combined income of the parents. If you do not want the respondent to know where you are living: write "Confidential" anywhere your address is requested in the Petition and related forms. For general information, click here. This Clerk of the Circuit Court departmentmaintains records and performs case processing for all cases where damages sought exceed $15,000 and all domestic relations (i.e. Clearwater, FL 33756, Attorney does not represent litigants in court. (727) 464-7000, North County Branch Our office closes to the public at 4:30 p.m. but the cutoff time to get the paperwork to the judge for review and decision the same day is 4:00 p.m. We highly recommend that you come in no later than 3:00 p.m. to complete the paperwork, give the clerk time to review and process the paperwork and then get it to the judge in a timely manner. Payment in advance; there are no refunds for canceled or missed appointments. Yes, if the injunction is granted copies are sent to the Sheriff to serve on the respondent that day. Violence isdefined by Florida Statute 784.046(1)(a)as "any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death, by a person against another person.". Filing for protection is free. To purchase paper copies of any of the packets below, call (727) 464-5150. Upon receipt of the request, a partial release is prepared and recorded. There are no children together born before or during the marriage, including by adoption, and the partner, to their knowledge, is not pregnant as of the date the action is filed. Statement of Claim in Replevin under 538.08 Stolen Goods from a Second-hand dealer, Statement of Claim in Replevin under 538.24 - Stolen Regulated Metals Property. County code for the county where the court order was entered. 545 First Avenue North, Room 154 2007-084 PA/PI-CIR, Child Support and Alimony Depository Administrative Procedures, Form from the Bureau of Vital Statistics website, Add/Change Information in Child Support File, Driver's License/Vehicle Registration Suspension Request. In addition to restoring the parties to single status, the Court can issue orders for: spousal support; custody, visitation and child support for the minor children of the marriage; and the division any shared property assets and debts. Civil Court Records The information that you give to and receive from Self Help Center personnel isNOTconfidential and may be subject to disclosure at a later date. Pinellas County Unified Family Court (6th Judicial Circuit) COURT WEBSITE ADDRESS Right Click to Copy Address. Any one of the following criteria must be met:(1)You must have reported the incident to law enforcement and be cooperating in any criminal proceedings or(2)The Respondent must have been sentenced to prison and the term expired or is due to expire within 90 days,and any one incident of the following: (1)sexual battery(2)a lewd or lascivious act, committed upon or in the presence of a person younger than 16(3)luring or enticing a child(4)sexual performance by a child or(5)any other forcible felony wherein a sexual act is committed or attempted. St. Petersburg Judicial Building Clerk of Court Pinellas County Florida (Directory Listing) Pinellas County Clerks (Website) PINELLAS COUNTY CLERK: KEN BURKE, CPA 315 Court Street, Room 400 Clearwater, FL 33756 Telephone: (727) 464-3341 Pinellas County Public Records Search View and Learn Florida's Landlord Tenant Laws Featured Law Firms: Pinellas County Law Firm here Either the employee or their physician can fax the form to UnitedHealthcare at (866) 334-0985. Your Clerk's duties includeCounty Treasurer, Recorder, Auditor, Finance Officer, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the County Commission. Fax:(727) 453-3423. A court order instructing the Clerk to issue a Satisfaction. (800) 500-1119 / TTY 800-621-4202 This form must be served. 315 Court Street, Room 170 All documents, including voided check, must be originals. Learn more about your Option to Appear Telephonically. Fax:(727) 453-3423. Many forms are controlled by the judiciary, legislature, or agencies at the level they are intended to be filed or above. Motion to Contest. Clearwater Courthouse Youare NOT required to retain an attorney to file a Divorce; however you may desire to consult with an attorney if you or your spouse have any questions concerning the use of the Family Law forms or your legal rights prior to filing for a Simplified or General Divorce. The FLSDU is required to disburse child support payments within 48 hours of receipt. Clearwater, FL 33761 If a name change is to be done because of a dissolution of marriage or an adoption, the name change can be done as part of that case if a final judgment has not been entered. If you are filling against a minoryou must provide the first and last name of the minor child against whom you are filing, as well as the first and last name of that minor's parent or legal guardian. Marriage Licenses & Passports. Please be patient. Decide on what kind of signature to create. 315 Court Street, Room 170 Also known as "Simplified Dissolution of Marriage". The outreach number is 727-441-2029. You must provide the first and last name of the respondent and bring copies of any photos, text messages, emails, etc. Refunds will not be issued for cancelled or missed appointments. These forms, Dissolution of Marriage with Minor Children or Dissolution of Marriage with no Minor Children, can be found on the Florida Courts website. Products and Services: Concealed weapon license applications (new and renewals) Additional Information: Form 7: Summons - Eviction Claim Form 8: Summons - Damages Claim Form 9: Final Judgment - Damages Form 11: Writ Of Possession Form 12: Notice Of Intention To Impose Claim On Security Deposit Form 13: Satisfaction Of Judgment - County Court Form 14: Satisfaction Of Judgment - Circuit Court Form 66: Final Judgment - Eviction This form is a sample of an order used by the Court and is provided as reference information only. divorce, child support, domestic violence), mortgage foreclosures, lien foreclosures and negligence actions. Clearwater, FL 33756. If you have any questions or concerns, you should consider contacting an attorney. When making appointments online, you will need to pay by credit card. PLEASE NOTE: IMPORTANT: Before receiving services from a self-help program or court staff, please read through the NOTICE OF LIMITATIONS OF SERVICES Disclaimer. 315 Court Street, Room 170 After the Court has decided the dollar amount of the child support to be paid, a decision will be made by the Court as to whether payments should be made directly to you or collected and disbursed to you through the State of Florida Disbursement Unit (FLSDU). Clerk's Recording Services offers Passport Application & Passport Photo services at any of the office locations listed below: Downtown Clearwater Courthouse - Recording Services Department, 315 Court St., Room 150, Clearwater, FL 33756. You must provide the respondent's first and last name. Review our Injunction Filing Checklistto knowwhichforms are needed for each injunction type. North County Branch When motion/unsigned order is received by Clerk the documents will be forwarded to the judge assigned to your case for review. The Obligor has fifteen (15) days to make payment in full or file a motion to contest. Your abuser may monitor your internet use. Have been employed by Pinellas County for at least 12 months . Keep up onwhat's happening at your Clerk's Office. Dating Violence is violence or stalking that has occurred, or that the Petitioner has reasonable cause to believe they are in imminent danger of becoming a victim of, between individuals who (1) have been in a dating relationship within the past 6 months (2) have had an expectation of affection or sexual involvement and (3) have been involved over time and on a continuous basis, excluding individuals who have only engaged in ordinary fraternization in a business or social context. The Pinellas County Clerk is pleased to offer a new service, TurboCourt, which makes the task of filling out forms easier to understand and offers a convenient method to prepare forms, petitions and other court documents for the following case types: Domestic Violence Injunctions, Dissolutions of Marriage with Children, Dissolutions of Marriage This will cause the support records to accrue interest on arrears balances. Benefits Use OPUS Self Service to enroll in medical coverage, dental coverage, and life insurance; revise a life insurance beneficiary; or update personal information. If you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. 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