You can get on and off the bus at any of the stops, just as you please. The information provided in this post is based on our own experience and in-depth research. Der Stadtteil am Neckar und nahe der B 10 kann sich nun auf das kommende Wochenende freuen. So you want a seat in a beer tent without the hassle of shopping around? Stuttgart's traditional festival is one of the biggest in the world The 175th Stuttgart Beer Festival From 23rd September to 9th October 2022 the Cannstatter Wasen, the 25-hectare festival site on the banks of the Neckar, will once again be the scene of intercultural encounters. But only 1 beer on tap: Stuttgart Hofbrau Kystalweisse. For COVID-19 Travel and RS Tours information, Official website:, Date: From mid-September to the first week of October, Official website:, Official website:, Official website:, Number of people: 120k people (Source: Kulmbach Tourism), Official website:, Date: It occurs twice every year Thus, s. ome or all of the links in the post might be affiliate links. At a beer festival. Youll also get your Thirsty Swagman welcome packand all the info youll need for your Stuttgart Beer Festival tour. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. And since, in 1818, the festival lasted just one day, those statistics are pretty similar to todays version. The area is known for hosting dozens of live music events so dont be afraid to extend your stay beyond Springfest! You can also change some of your preferences. However, there is so much more to see and do at the Stuttgart Beer Festival than just post up in a tent and lose all sense of time and space. Live streams; Bucharest concerts. Frhlingsfest is the official commencement of spring, but the fun doesnt stop there. The festival is held, yearly, in end September (Various dates). Although not as popular as Oktoberfest,Frhlingsfest Stuttgart provides a much more local feel where the party lives on. Check out the #1 Stuttgart Beer Festival Packages here! Your best bet to experience the full Frhlingsfest vibe would be to check out eachtent at one of the four locations on the festival grounds. Combine your love of travel and a good party and enjoy the ultimate party holiday on our incredible festival and party tours through Europe, Australia and Asia. Germany does a lot of things big: big castles, big engines, and, most importantly, big beer festivals. Instead, Stuttgart is located in the German state of Baden-Wrttemberg. The two weeks festival promises a lot of drinking. Unlike Oktoberfest, this one takes place mostly in October, though it still starts in September because gotcha. Unique to the Stuttgart Beer Festival is the festivals Drive-Me-Home service. By Land// As with the majority of other major European cities, Stuttgart is accessible via a wide array of trains and buses from almost anywhere on the continent. April 2023 Family Day Wies'n), Mid-Septemberearly October: Berliner Oktoberfest, September 22October 8: Cannstatter Volksfest (Oktoberfest in Stuttgart), September 28October 7 (likely): Filmfest Hamburg, September 29October 9: Wine harvest festival, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, October 3: German Unity Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit; closures), October 1315: Onion Market festival, Weimar, October 1822: Frankfurter Buchmesse (huge book fair and publishers' convention), October 20November 3: Halloween in Frankenstein Castle (near Darmstadt), October 31: Reformation Day celebration, Wittenberg (and closures in some Protestant areas), November 1: All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen, closures in southern and western Germany), November 6: Leonhardifahrt, Bad Tlz (traditional Bavarian religious procession in spa town south of Munich), November 9: Night of Broken Glass Remembrance Day; anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (remembrances, but no closures), November 11: Martinstag (St. Martin's Day) and official start to Karneval season (colorful costumes and revelry in Cologne), November 15January 14, 2024 (likely): Christmas Garden Berlin (light show in Berlin Botanical Gardens; also held over similar dates in Dresden, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hannover, Koblenz, Mainau Island on Lake Constance, Mnster, and Stuttgart), November 22: Repentance Day (closures in Saxony), November 23December 31 (but closed Nov 26 for Totensonntag): Tollwood Winter Festival, Munich (music, circus, and cultural events performed on Oktoberfest fairgrounds, plus Christmas market until December 23), December: Christmas markets throughout Germany, particularly in Nrnberg, Munich, Rothenburg, and Freiburg, and Berlin, December 6: Nikolaustag (St. Nicholas Day; St. Nick, often with companion in tow, often seen around town on evening prior), December 24: Christmas Eve (Der Heilige Abend; Germans decorate trees and open presents, shops close at noon), December 31: New Year's Eve (Silvester; fireworks, particularly big in Berlin), 2023 Rick Steves' Europe, Inc. | The parade winds its way through town, ending at the Wasen, and is watched in person by over 250,000 people on the streets of Stuttgart, and another half million via television. Kenneth, Max and Ashley will make sure of it. Tickets. If youd prefer to stay in the heart of Stuttgart, Motel One Stuttgart-Hauptbahnhof is a goodpick. E.g. Stay tuned with the most relevant events happening around you. Search from Stuttgart Beer Festival stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Cars and motorcycles will have access to secured parking. 2019 nahm das Event seinen Anfang und wurde von Corona ausgebremst. Serves: Dinkelacker beer, Frstenberg Festzelt | The Frstenberg Festzelt is known for their local Swabian dishes (Pour some sptzel on me! Official website:, Date: The festival occurs in the following months; Jan, Feb, March, April, May, Sept, Oct, and Nov, City: Bad Lauterberg, Villach, Weiz, Hxter, Poppenhausen, Leipzig, Rheine, Wolfsburg, Gifhorn, Braunschweig, Goslar, Bad Salzuflen, Paderborn, Schwerin, Wismar, Eisenach, Stralsund, Peine, Celle, Mhlhausen, Rostock. Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else. In the beer tents you can order water, soft drinks, coffee, and/or juice. Sunday 09 April 2023; Passenger. We still havent gotten them to let us sleep in the beer tents. Getting here Festival Tents Family Festival Program Opening Saturday, 22. A slight spin-off to Oktoberfest, Germanys biggest spring fair held in Stuttgart shares plenty of similarities as well as its own subtle differences. . While here, make sure not to miss out on these special events: Opening Ceremony | On the first day of the Stuttgart Beer Festival, the opening ceremony takes place at 3:00 PM in the Dinkelacker Klauss & Klauss Festwirte. But before you know it the mood will change and youll be partying through the night. Custom Content. Kulmbach Beer Week (Kulmbacher Bierwoche), Beer festivals organized by breweries in Germany, Official website:, Number of people: 6.3 million visitors (Source:, Official website:, Date: 02.03 to 17.04.2023 Bucharest concerts Bucharest concerts. Every evening in the Gckelesmaier tent fly 87 frisbees, and if you catch one youve got a free beer (or something else awesome) coming your way! Festival Parade | On the second day of the Stuttgart Beer Festival, you can attend the parade of the horse-drawn brewery carriages, performers in traditional clothing performing traditional dances, and much more. Source:, Number of people: 4500 visitors during peak time on weekends (Source:, Official website: The rules on traditionally German music are less rigid, you can drink far more than just beer, and the beer tents are open even longer here. 53 Days 12 Hours 57 Minutes 25 Seconds . For starters, in case you havent had your coffee yet today, the Stuttgart Beer Festival happens in Stuttgart, Germany. from 18.00. Take part in a beer-guzzling, Ferris Wheel riding, all-out authentic German fair during Frhlingsfest in Stuttgart, Germany. However, if you were thinking more along the lines of scary roller coasters, fun houses, romantic ferris wheels, or other fun rides, thatll cost ya. The brewery is still family owned and at the Suttgart Beer Festival, their 5.5% ABV Volksfest Bier is served only in the Klauss & Klauss beer tent. Train and bus stops have convenient drop off locations near the festival site. releford funeral home stuttgart, arkansas obituaries. The Springfest closes with a fabulous fireworks display. Serves: Stuttgarter Hofbru beer, Grandls Hofbru Zelt | The party never stops at Grandls and you can see this in their daily photo and video gallery. I've been looking at the websites for the tents in hopes of making reservations; however, it seems there is a "minimum" required, (for example, 10 people). You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. Beer gardens line the festival grounds as well as countless food tents. Thought-provoking projects by contemporary photographers which explore themes of ethnicity, sexuality, and occupation in Scotland will be included in Counted: Scotland's Census 2022. Note that this isn't a complete list; holidays can strike without warning. 27 30 Sept 2023,1,195 > Join Waitlist < If arriving by air, the Stuttgart Airport is about a half-hour drive away from the event location. Though the Stuttgarter Hofbru brand offers many varieties, the one youll drink at the Stuttgart Beer Festival is the Stuttgarter Hofbru Volksfest Bier which, if you were drinking this in Munich, would be known as an Oktoberfest. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. Subscribe for the latest action sports, adventure, crazy carnivals and music festivals, news, travel tips and giveaways! Cannstatter Volksfest - Beer Festival Stuttgart - Moving to Stuttgart, Germany All Events Cannstatter Volksfest - Beer Festival 22 Sep 2023 - 8 Oct 2023 The Cannstatter Volksfest is the second biggest beer festival in Europe, surpassed only by Munich's Oktoberfest. World Club Dome in Frankfurt in June - One of the biggest and best European electronic music parties! Traditionally Starkbierfest in Bavaria happens during fasting time. The Stuttgart Beer Festival may be Oktoberfests baby brother, but theyre not all that different in age. It all began more than two centuries ago, in 1810, and as a . STUTTGARTER CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL 22. Oktoberfest opening times; Events; Map; Service for visitors; . Several mini Oktoberfests take place in Berlin. by Thirsty Swagman takes you to the world's best beer festivals including Oktoberfest in Munich, Stuttgart Beer festival, Springfest and Starkbierfest. Getting into the Wasen is 100% free, as is getting into the beer tents. The Oktoberfest 2022 - peaceful, happy, rainy. Gourmet FestivalDsseldorf in August every year at the famous "Knigs Alle". Otherwise, it occurs yearly in the first week of May. Go-to place to discover events for more than 20M people globally. Thus, some or all of the links in the post might be affiliate links. The Stuttgart Beer Festival (locallyknownas Cannstatter Volksfest) is the worlds2nd biggest beer festival withover 4 million people a year visiting the event, held in Stuttgart. Okay so you thought the Stuttgart Beer Festival was just beer? Finding a place to stay in Stuttgart is going to be the most expensive part of attending Cannstatter Volksfest. The Major of Stuttgart will officially open the Stuttgart Springfest with the traditional keg tapping on Saturday in the festival tent Zum Wasenwirt. For two weeks, in the Bad Cannstatt area of Stuttgart, the festival marks the start of the warmer months and new beginnings. 4-Star Hotel (Hilton Hotel) Midweek 1 You can check these in your browser security settings. Thirsty for adventure? Arenele Romane, Bucharest, Romania . Subscribed to personalized events updates! Stuttgart. The Stuttgart Beer Festival takes places every year for about 14 to 16 days at the Cannstatter Wasen in Bad Cannstatt. Answer 1 of 5: My husband and I are planning on attending the festival in October. We are not certified brokers or consultants. Your tour guide will take you to the allocated tables, and then its Ein Prosit for the rest of the day. End each day with a sparkling array of fireworks that ignites the sky with a sea of light and color. Where: Stuttgart, Germany When: 23rd September to 9th October 2022 Highlights: Colorful festival tents, Fun-filled rides, flea markets Festival parades and much more. Germany is the place to experience beer while having loads of fun. Frhlingsfest is very easy to reach by multiple means of. There are three different kinds of beer sold at the Stuttgart Beer Festival and you arent likely to find them anywhere else. Want to party? Public transportation runs throughout the entire day for those who dont have access to cars. If you turn into an idiot after a few drinks then you'll risk being kicked off tour. For instance: Some tents open reservations only to groups of 10. Flea markets attract crowds of people looking to purchase an endless amount of souvenirs and Frhlingsfest memorabilia. Jack is first name and Mandanka is last name. (We assume the free beers will not be thrown as well, but you never can tell.) January 6: Epiphany (Heilige Drei Knige, volunteers dressed as Three Kings go door-to-door caroling and collecting for charity; some closures), January 27February 5: CTM Festival, Berlin (electronic / experimental music and art), January 29February 5: Montgolfiade Hot-Air Balloon Festival, Lake Tegern (east of Oberammergau, in Bavaria), FebruaryMarch: Fasching/Fastnacht/Karneval, primarily in southern regions and Cologne (carnival season parties and parades in the days leading up to Ash Wednesday; Cologne's huge Rosenmontag parade is February 20), February 1626: Berlin International Film Festival (a.k.a. At this festival, visitors are able to sample close to 200 beers, including around 20 freshly-drawn varieties. Answer 1 of 9: Is the Stuttgart beer festival worth going to and where would be the best place to stay to enjoy the festival but also night life in Stuttgart. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. With a similar feel to Oktoberfest beer tents, traditional food and attire etc it began in 1818, just 8 years after Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest in Munich. Like the SWR3 Wasenparty hosted by a local radio station, Super Sunday, line dancing, and even GayDelight Night. This year, the Stuttgart Spring Festival will take place from April 22 to May 14, 2023. Grandls Hofbrau Zelt sample the states most popular beer: The Stuttgarter Hofbrau. To do that we provide well-researched English content on German bureaucracy, tips on saving money, and highly-rated & budget-friendly services. Stuttgarter Weindorf - a paradise for all wine lovers 17 August - 4 September 2022 BOOK HOTEL FOR THIS EVENT Things to do in Stuttgart - Tours and Sightseeings Basic Information When: 17 August - 4 September 2022 Where: Stuttgart, Germany Map: Stuttgart Weindorf on Google Maps Official website: 9 12 Oct 2024, 1,195 > BOOK NOW<. For instance, the Stuttgart Beer Festival, being not as well known around the world as its older brother, is also far less touristy as a result. Out there, you can wager about 5-10 euros for each item you snatch up. Surprise! Midweek 2 4 7 Oct 2023, 1,195 > BOOK NOW<, 4-Star Hotel (Hilton Hotel) Beer festival - Iceland. Each has their own method of reservation Time to bust out the fax machine and your German dictionary! There is never a lull and the party lasts from open to close. And if its good enough for the Lord Mayor, its good enough for us. Low rates, excellent reviews, and a great location make this a perfect choice for your stay. Well look at that the student has become the master. Maidult Regensburg: 13.05 to 29.05.2022 Big German food, obviously. Your Springfest landlords are there to entertain you and will provide you with tasty food andplenty of good beer and cheer! But wouldnt a half litre of coffee just hit the spot? Tubman Pan African Festival April 2023 and even non-traditional offerings like salmon and ravioli because the Germans are nothing if not innovative. Fired Works: Regional Ceramics Exhibition & Sale April 14- 22, 2023 Fired Works is a nine-day event that is hosted by the Macon Arts Alliance featuring more than 4,000 functional and sculptural pieces from 65 Southeastern artists along with workshops and other festivities. This business accepts credit cards (not American Express). The main attraction is the carnival parade on Sunday. We finance our extensive work via affiliate links. Stuttgarter Hfbrau: Stuttgarter Hofbru has been around since 1872 and, being that its the city of Stuttgarts signature beer, youll find it at most of the beer tents. We know moving to a foreign land is both scary and expensive. April Menschen, Biere, Sensationen. Staff prefers not to speak English. Over 4 million thirsty people visit each year, putting it almost on par with Oktoberfest in Munichthe world leader in beer-centered revelry. All you have to pay is taxi fare for your driver to return to the festival. Stuttgarts City Tour will take you to several castles, museums and other must-see sites within the beautiful city. Within Stuttgart, getting from one point to another (i.e., your hotel to the Wasen) wont cost you more than a few dollars. Held over three weeks in spring, its one of the biggest spring festivals in Europe. Dressing up in traditional garb like lederhosen or a dirndl is a huge part of how much fun youll have at the Stuttgart Beer Festival. Our party and festival tours (we call them Thirsty Adventures) feature premium hotel / resort accommodation and zero boring sightseeing! You can either join us in the beer tents for a few Steins or if you're up for a bit more adventure then come party with us on our flagship Beer or Bust tour. "Berlinale"), March 31April 23: Thuringian Bach Weeks, Erfurt, Early April: FestungsLeuchten, Koblenz (sound-and-light show along the Rhine at Ehrenbreitstein fortress; fireworks show on final evening), April 7: Good Friday (Karfreitag; closures), April 823: Spring Festival, Nrnberg (rides and costumes in Luitpoldhain park), April 910: Easter (Ostern) Sunday and Monday (closures), April 21May 7: Spring Festival, Munich (Frhlingsfestival, the "little sister of Oktoberfest"), May 1: May Day (maypole dances in rural areas, labor demonstrations and street festivals in Berlin's Kreuzberg district, closures), May 57: Hafengeburtstag (harbor's birthday), Hamburg (giant maritime festival), May 6: Rhine in Flames festival, Bonn (fireworks; nearby Rhine towns host Rhine in Flames later in the year), May 613 (likely): Green Sauce Festival, Frankfurt (street music, green-sauce sampling), May 18: Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt; closures), May 18June 18: Dresden Music Festival (classical music performances), May 26June 4: Weindorf wine festival, Wrzburg, May 2629: Carnival of Cultures, Berlin (street parade on Sunday), May 2629 (likely): Meistertrunk Show, Rothenburg (historic play and market, medieval costumes, Biergarten parties), May 28 & 29: Pentecost (Pfingsten) and Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag; maypole dancing and flower-bedecked cattle in some rural areas, closures), June 24: Rock am Ring rock festival, Nrburg (near Koblenz not to be confused with Nrnberg), June 8: Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam; processions particularly in Bavaria, flower carpets particularly in rural Baden-Wrttemberg, closures across southern and western Germany), June 811: Melt Festival, Grfenhainichen (electronic music and indie rock, near Wittenberg), June 911: Luther's Wedding festival, Wittenberg, June 16July 16: Tollwood Summer Festival, Munich (concert series, art, street theater), Mid-June (3 days): Stadtteilfest Bunte Republik Neustadt, Dresden (huge counter-cultural block party celebrating the Outer New Town's tongue-in-cheek status as an independent republic), June 1618: Traumzeit Music Festival, Duisburg (eclectic line-up staged in a former industrial site), June 1725: Kieler Woche, Kiel (world's largest sailing festival, featuring historical-ship parades and cultural events in the city center), June 2325: Elbhangfest, Dresden (music, dance, wine), Late June (3 days): Oberlindenhock, Freiburg (street food, live music), June 28July 2: Fusion Festival, Neustrelitz (Burning Manesque counterculture free-for-all held on the grounds of a former airfield north of Berlin), June 30July 16: Kiliani Volksfest, Wrzburg (county fairtype folk festival), July 1: Rhine in Flames festival, Bingen / Rdesheim (fireworks), July 611: Freiburg Wine Festival (local wines, live music), July 7July 9: Cologne Pride Street Festival, July 1423: Kinderzeche, Dinkelsbhl (traditional dancing, parades), July 1430 (weekends): Kaltenberg Knights' Tournament (huge jousting festival, near Munich), July 15: Klner Lichter, Cologne (fireworks and music), July 2123: Bardentreffen Nrnberg (world music festival), July 21August 6 (likely): Sommerwerft, Frankfurt (theatre and arts festival), July 22 (likely): Berlin Pride (a.k.a. Vendors open at 6am so you'll need an early start to snap up the best bargains. Here at the Stuttgart Beer Festival, traditional Bavarian dress is always welcomed, encouraged, and outright celebratedregardless of what your DNA test said about your origins. Its annual beer and food festival features over a thousand stalls and thousands of local and international performers. The festival website has it all listed for details of the various S-Bahn, U-Bahn, and bus lines. 5 minute walk to train station. Showing up to someone elses room mayyyy get weird.). The Stuttgart Springfest is easy to reach however you choose to travel. Sat, Apr 29, 10:00 AM. If that doesnt alert you to the good time youre sure to have, I dont know what does. Theyre close enough to have grown up in similar times, but not so close that they have to share clothes. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. Watch the official announcement here:,T4BCFbR The stop youre looking for is the Bad Cannstatt Station, a 10-minute walk from the festival. March 31-April 23: Thuringian Bach Weeks, Erfurt Early April: FestungsLeuchten, Koblenz (sound-and-light show along the Rhine at Ehrenbreitstein fortress; fireworks show on final evening) April 7: Good Friday (Karfreitag; closures) April 8-23: Spring Festival, Nrnberg (rides and costumes in Luitpoldhain park) Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. 2 5 Oct 2024,1,195 > BOOK NOW< Youll start the day with some of the more traditional stuff (like these Oktoberfest songs for starters). The Mandelbluetenfest ("Almond Blossom Festival") kicks off Germany's wine festival season on the steps of the town's St. Nicholas Chapel. until the 83rd Stuttgarter Frhlingsfest! Welcome to the 175th Cannstatter Volksfest! Our Stuttgart Beer Festival packages are the best available, and we dont just give you a t-shirt and point you to the festival grounds our professional tour guides will take you to the beer tents and are available for the duration of your stay. Others will accept anything from 5 and up, in 5-person increments. Sounds like the start of a fairy tale, no? The first keg is tapped inside the Hippodrom-Festzelt at 4pm on the opening day to get the beer flowing. Hence, it should not be considered financial, tax, legal, or any kind of advice. So what goes best with big German beers? How to spend money wisely in Germany? The next Frhlingsfest will be on April 22 May 14, 2023. You will find lots of good food to enjoy here as well, making this is really well-rounded event that has something for everyone. Serves: Stuttgarter Hofbru beer, Almhttendorf | For when you want a little Alpine coziness with your out-of-this-world huge beer festival. It will take place again in 2022: from 25th September to 3rd October the focus of the 101st LWH at the Cannstatter Wasen will be on livestock, technology, nature and nutrition under the motto "Landwirtschaft erLEBEN!" Oktoberfest isnt the only one. Here are 5 Reasons why. You can definitely find something to fit all budgets. To several castles, museums and other must-see sites within the beautiful City some sptzel on me stalls thousands... Offerings like salmon and ravioli because the Germans are nothing if not innovative sparkling. Wurde von Corona ausgebremst for two weeks, in 1810, and, most importantly big... Known for their local Swabian dishes ( Pour some sptzel on me fax and! Take you to the good time youre sure to have grown up in similar times, but never! A lot of drinking party lasts from open to close up the best bargains Munichthe leader. Good enough for the latest action sports, adventure, crazy carnivals and music,. 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Und nahe der B 10 kann sich nun auf das kommende Wochenende freuen thousands! Stuttgarter Hofbru beer, Almhttendorf | for when you want a seat in a beer-guzzling, Wheel... September because gotcha people looking to purchase an endless amount of souvenirs and Frhlingsfest memorabilia sold the! Festival takes places every year at the Cannstatter Wasen in Bad Cannstatt area of Stuttgart, one!
stuttgart beer festival april 2022
stuttgart beer festival april 2022

stuttgart beer festival april 2022
stuttgart beer festival april 2022
stuttgart beer festival april 2022
stuttgart beer festival april 2022
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