4 Apr, 2023

what is a dominant discourse in social work

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Ronnis insightful observation was that she found herself attempting to protect Tara from the contempt of school personnel, who blatantly denigrated Tara because of her sexual activity. This discourse holds that permanent psychological injury results from interruption of the early attachment relationship between child and caregiver. These students either had significant work experience, or experience in a previous practicum to draw from. These dominant discourses often reflect erroneous assumptions about the root causes of ill health, individualistic ideas of risk and risk management and individual responsibility, taken for granted assumptions about the importance of efficiency over effectiveness, and the inevitability of health and social inequities as a function of poor . Case study: Lady Caribbean. The dominant understanding of empowerment in the context of international development is based on a discourse that is Western-centric and neo-colonialist. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. This is noted as an area for development. Mainstream media typically adopt the dominant state-sanctioned discourse and showcases it by giving airtime and print space to authority figures from those institutions. With the achievement of this necessary distance Ronni was able to formulate new possibilities for practice. This paper is based on the results of an Australian survey of 5007 young women aged 13-25, which examined their experiences of menstruation and dysmenorrhea. The focus of this paper is the need for social workers to be prepared to look at ageing issues from a critical social work perspective and not just a conventional social work stance, and to not be co-opted into using ageist language, discourse and communication styles when working with older people in social care services and health care settings. Ronni came to see that this discursive position cancelled out the possibility of calling on school personnel as resources for Tara - resources that had the potential to protect her as a young girl with particular vulnerabilities. Such an analysis might allow us to ask the kind of questions that are the heart of social work ethics: How, for example, could we think differently about child welfare practices with black families if our work were guided first and foremost by a desire to find forms of practice that take into account centuries of trauma from racial injustice? This intellectual interest can be found in the ways we re-experience value commitments through openness to the question at the heart of critical social work: What does social work have to do with justice? Haraway, D. (1988). Maxine considered how she was positioned both by discourses of professionalism and by the attachment discourses used to explain Ms. M. As a professional with statutory power, Maxine was given Caribbean family cases due to her insider status. Once discourses were identified, students could discover how those discourses created subject positions for themselves, their clients and others involved in the case. We acknowledge a knowledge-based economy while making tuition unaffordable. New Discourses Commentary. These were oppositional discourses. A few examples include the discourse on illegal migrants, discourse on disabilities and mental illness, discourse on social behavior, discourse on the position of the youth in the society and much more. This vantage point enabled students to move from the need to find answers and techniques to the radical acceptance of practice as the unending responsibility for ethical relationships which are always/already jeopardized by larger social relations. Her mother had immigrated years before, leaving her in the care of her paternal grandparents and a stepfather. Understanding these Discourses allows you to develop the power and status you need to be successful, as well as making the bond stronger between you and that secondary Discourse. Discourse analysis is an approach to the study of language that demonstrates how language shapes reality. We know all too well the struggles of the child protection workers, welfare workers, and hospital workers who find it difficult to face the fate of their ideals within the construction of their practice. Even in the face of power differentials, they challenged dominant discourses directly and indirectly and advocated for various forms of help for the people with whom they worked. Unpublished Ph.D., University of Toronto, Toronto. I was at once horrified by the level of individual self-recrimination in the cases, and inspired by the deep levels of commitment, thought and reflection evidenced by these students. He notes that discourse is distinctly material in effect, producing what he calls 'practices that systematically form the objects of which they speak'. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, Vol. 12 Resulting from Eurocentric and patriarchal discourses that focus on masculine communication that is direct, competitive, and control-oriented, directness when exhibited by an . Menstrual management is recognized as a critical issue for young people internationally. Discourses which augment the power of elites are called dominant or official discourses by poststructuralists. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. deconstructing sociopolitical discourse to reveal the relationship with individual struggles. My students came to class as failed heroes. In J. Fook (Ed. Critical discourse analysis (or discourse analysis) is a research method for studying written or spoken language in relation to its social context. (1999). They described cases that had a significant impact on the development of their sense of selves as workers. Spivak, G. (1990). Conflicts between discursive fields can position practitioners in, for example, good/bad or radical/conservative kinds of splits that freeze subject positions, thus prefiguring relationships. What Is Political Socialization? In contrast, the immigrants rights discourse that emerges out of institutions like education, politics, and from activist groups, offers the subject category, undocumented immigrant, in place of the object illegal, and is often cast as uninformed and irresponsible by the dominant discourse. Contested territory: Sexualities and social work. She has taught and researched at institutions including the University of California-Santa Barbara, Pomona College, and University of York. We can raise questions about practices that may be outside such reproduction. I will describe two examples of discourse-based case studies, and show how the conceptual space that is opened by such reflection can help social workers gain a necessary distance from the complexity of their ambivalently constructed place. In order to illustrate these contentions, I want to turn to my experience with a graduate social work class called Advanced Social Work Practice. ), Working with Experience. In doing so it produces much of what occurs within us and within society. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(2), 150-161. Cole, Nicki Lisa, Ph.D. (2020, August 28). Abstract. Yet hegemonic discourses are never all-dominant but rather remain partial and open to challenge in the face of oppositional discourses (Williams 1 977: 113; Bonilla-Silva 201 3:9). We separate those who deserve help from those who dont while believing in fair redistribution of resources. Another example of a dominant discourse is the discourse around climate change. Dominant discourse demonstrates how reality has been socially constructed. However, the theoretical foundations of social work have been dominated primarily by the psychological and systems perspectives. Gorman, R. (2004). Understanding our perspectives as contingent enables us to understand our own complicated construction within a field of multiple stories giving rise to multiple perspectives. The essential question is: If reflective practice derives theory from experience, how do we critically problematise the very experience from which we draw our conclusions? A discourse is a system of words, actions, rules, and beliefs that share common values. We looked at how these conflicting discourses positioned Ronni, Tara and school personnel. One of the advantages of identifying discourses-in-use in practice is that we gain access to how we are positioned within discourses. The failures of this fantasy cause us to suffer, to apologize, to despair. third bridge between discourses, the dominant discourse of economic rationalism and the quieter discourses about upholding rights was described but not named. Social work education is aimed at helping students to meld personal, political and professional intentions, so that students can fight injustices while doing social work. The biomedical discourse is one of the most influential discourses in the health care profession today (Healy, p. 20). As Ronni says The realization that actually contradicting this discipline would not abolish this discipline did not cross my mind (Gorman, 2004), p. 16). As a profession, we refuse to accept this, as seen in our constant efforts to define ourselves, clarify the meaning of social work, and hang on definitions of work only social workers can do. Our vagueness is decried as a threat to the existence of the profession which we combat with ever-greater aspirations to professionalism. We began to think about the history of forced separation and forced disruption of families beginning with the importation of African slaves to the Caribbean. She saw herself trying to mitigate the schools responses to Tara while at the same time working with Tara in ways that decreased criticism and control around sexuality, and opened a relationship of respect based on non-judgmental listening to Taras perceptions about sexuality and relationships. The construction of oppositions helped students identify what they might have left out of their thinking about the cases. Dominant discourse is a way of speaking or behaving on any given topic it is the language and actions that appear most prevalently within a given society. For some time now, I have been interested in the role of critical reflection in social work practice (Rossiter, 1996, 2001). Ronni understood those discourses as aimed at regulating teen sexuality of girls with an inherent message that no sexuality is healthy sexuality. Original language. This is because Critical Social Justice separates the world into these two diametrically opposing positions with respect to systemic power, which is its central object of interest. Some discourses come to dominate the mainstream (dominant discourses), and are considered truthful, normal, and right, while others are marginalized and stigmatized, and considered wrong, extreme, and even dangerous. Discourses facilitate the process by which certain information comes to be accepted as unquestionable truth. (1999). Pregnant with possibility: Reducing ethical trespasses in social work practice with young single mothers. 16, Issue. A dominant discourse is the most common or popular way of speaking about something. 14) through which certain social phenomena, such as 'need', 'knowledge' and 'intervention', are constructed. While not eschewing the need to take positions in other words, without advocating relativism students could look at ways of thinking, at alternative perspectives that were outside the terms of the oppositions. By providing social workers with a greater understanding of the history, epistemology, and key assumptions, this article aims to promote critical awareness and critical reflection on how the biomedical paradigm may be influencing health care environments. For example, in Canada, the dominant discourse that capitalism capitalism is the best economic system can be found in media . You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. The sections below describe the dominant discourses identified in our sample by discussing the underlying categories that integrate them and illustrating each discourse with examples of coded tweets from different keywords (for a complete list of discourse categories, see Table 5). Flax, J. We administer welfare policies that cement poverty. Indeed, many . Revolutions in how mental health problems are conceptualised have had a substantial impact on the work of mental health nurses. Joan Scott (Scott, 1992), in her effort to call the innocence of experience into question says: In other words, if experience is the unproblematized foundation of theory, how do we challenge the values and ideologies that are carried in and through experience? Foucault believed that discourse is created by those in power for specific reasons and is often used as a form of social control. In the ensuing months, Ronni developed a close, supportive relationship with Tara. . Students were asked to identify the discourses that informed their case studies. Assessing the impact and implications for social workers of an innovative children's services programme aimed to support workforce reform and integrated working. but by the demands of the dominant group within the . This paper concerns the relation between critical reflective practice and social workers lived experience of the complicated and contradictory world of practice. I will outline how critical reflection based on discourse analysis may generate useful perspectives for practitioners who struggle to make sense of the gap between critical aspirations and practice realities, and who often mediate that gap as a sense of personal failure. These ideas challenge dominant discourses and emphasise a process of active engagement with communities to counter in- . The grounds for conflicting positions are thus set up: from the agency point of view, she is both one of us and one of them. Here, the organization uses Maxines contradictory position to avoid change. Were asked to help but not make people dependent. I am interested in a critical ethics of practice because social workers as people suffer when the results of practice seem so meager in comparison to the ideals inherent in social work education, in agency expectations, and in implicit norms which define professional. In conventional social work education, practitioners are asked to believe that they will learn a theory, and then learn how to implement it. We can also assess how discourses position us in relation to other professionals and to clients. This is how discourse analysis can displace the individualism of the heroic activist in favour of a more nuanced, complex and sophisticated analysis. This approach allows people to subtly shape social reality base on the dominant discourses. This is how discourse analysis can displace the individualism of the "heroic activist" in favour of a more nuanced, complex and . ThoughtCo. Social work has been a mechanism of historic and contemporary oppression of Indigenous people in Canada (Baskin, 2016; Blackstock, 2009; Sinclair, 2004).Using moralizing and normalizing discourses, social work has advanced a state-sanctioned, settler colonialist agenda that has harmed Indigenous individuals, families, and communities over generations. Neatly avoiding how workers are constructed, we ascribe burnout to hearing painful stories of others, to stress, doing more with less, dysfunctional organizations and other explanations that implicate individuals. As such, discourse is imbued with attitudes and . A Perspective on Critical Social Work. Maxine was devastated at her inability to put the relationship between mother and daughter to rights. Such templates are the discourses through which particular practices are made possible. The sense of the multiple stories at play helped relocate the notion of experience as brute reality carrying authority by virtue of being real to a notion of experience as constructed, contingent, and always interpreted. Maxinestamp358@hotmail.com. Social work is placed and places itself outside what are understood as the academic rules for It is important to consider the role of opposition here. . Because discourse has so much meaning and deeply powerful implications in society, it is often the site of conflict and struggle. Teachers appeared to no longer know what to do with her, and asked Ronni to see her in the hopes of getting through to her. The school was particularly concerned with getting Tara to stop her sexual activity. Thus, ideologies have both a theoretical . Social workers are the bodies in the middle of this site and must act within the force field of contradictions. (2001). Indeed, this figure has become the normative definition of the truly committed social worker. Work in social psychology has shown that the stereotype of blacks as violent and criminal is alive and well in American society (Eberhardt, Goff, Purdie, & Such a process enabled them to stand back from the scope of their practice in order to understand its construction within a particular discursive space. Foucault was interested in power and social change. It focuses specifically on participant . London: Routledge. What exactly does discourse "construct"? Dr. Nicki Lisa Cole is a sociologist. When we fail, we describe the result as burnout. The case involved Ms. M, a single mother of two teenage daughters. Discourse analysis is therefore a purely practical remedy of identifying silences and contradictions so that our practice better lends itself to choices based on our values and our aspirations for culture. If we define ideologysimply as ones worldview, which reflects ones socioeconomic position in society, then it follows that ideology influences the formation of institutions and the kinds of discourses that institutions create and distribute. Finally, what does discourse analysis as critical reflection leave us with? asserts that discourses, in Fou- cault's work, are ways of constituting knowledge, together with the social practices, forms of subjectivity and power relations. Critical Social Work, 2(1). Carolyn Taylor and Susan White make a distinction between reflection and reflexivity where the latter adds a critical dimension by calling taken-for-granted assumptions into questions (Taylor & White, 2000). When we look outside the boundaries of discourses, we may discover practice questions which help us reflect on power and possibility. Here, I want to gather strands of the previous discussion. The professional is political: An interpretation of the problem of the past in solution-focused therapy. Goodreads. In the book of abstracts, our abstract was 115 of 119. This is because that insider knowledge is knowledge of historical trauma, injustice, racism and white privilege, and it is certainly outside the boundaries of attachment discourses. The relationship with the eldest became a child protection matter when Ms. M was investigated for assaulting her eldest daughter, whom she saw as disobedient and disrespectful. These behaviors and patterns of speech and writing reflect the ideologies of those who have the most power in the society. O'Brien, C.-A. The materials counter the dominant discourse on GBV, whereby violence against woman is normalised through the ways in which the message is framed, and the language used, as . Discourse about social work In this article, I argue that a discourse about social work exists, and that within this discourse is found a 'truth' about social work as a practical, rather than a theoretical, enterprise. In order to achieve a critical social work practice a practice capable of grasping towards an ethics of practice - we needed to raise questions about the construction of experience in the classs case studies. Relatively little published research explores issues pertaining to menstruation in school education. In A. Chambon & A. Irving & L. Epstein (Eds. Discourse transmits and produces power; it undermines and . Class, race, culture, history are excluded as the focus on the dyad is retained as an explanation for family breakdown. How do some discourses oppose or resist power? They can be found in many forms of media and communication. Abstract. (1992). Maxine made extraordinary efforts to help Ms. M and her daughter, but to no avail, because her constructed participation in this reproduction process was the root of her pain. Social work practices: Contemporary perspectives on change. The summer of 2020 was a season of racial reckoning for journalism in the United States. . The overall question I asked students to raise in relation to their cases was what is left out? Interchanging the terms discourse and story, we talked about how stories both include and exclude, forming boundaries in meaning (Spivak, 1990), and that critical practice is the search for what is left outside the story. Discourse theorists disagree on which parts of our world are real. The . We needed instead, a process of understanding the construction of pain, apology and failure in social work practice - a process that allowed them to be the heroes they were by virtue of their willingness to think, self-reflect, and ultimately, be brave enough to uphold the primacy of question over answer while rejecting paralysis. Concepts like looting and rioting have been used in mainstream media coverage of the uprising that followed the police killings of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. Social work is characterized by a biological, psychological and social framework in its understanding of human behavior and development. There may be ethical dilemmas that need to be resolved via ethics codes and decision-making schema, but practitioners will follow the prescriptions of liberalism by making correct decisions, craftily implementing theory through the right interventions, and now, even overturning racism, classism and sexism in the process. This contradiction is internalized by Maxine in the form of her belief that she has failed Ms. M and that her monumental efforts did not make a difference in this case. Thus, I have found myself on the terrain of a kind of critical ethics that views practice theories as stories about the cultural ideals of practice, and that treats practitioners experiences as stories that can teach us about the conduct of practice in relation to such ideals. . You: Hmm, that's . (Gee 8). Gadamer, H.-G. (1992). Healy, K. (2000). For example: A dominant discourse of gender often positions women as gentle and men as active heroes. For example, Tonkiss considered different explanations of juvenile crime constructed within discourses 131-155). This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. In other words we challenged the god trick of an all-encompassing, unlocated perspective, in Donna Haraways terms (Haraway, 1988, p. 581). Social workers tend to individualize and internalize the gap between their aspirations and what is possible in practice as their individual failures. It is the place where larger cultural and social conflicts and contradictions regarding independence and dependence, deserving and undeserving, institutional and residual, difference and sameness, individualism and collectivism, authority and freedom meet unresolved but expressed through the contradictions that inhere in practice. Thus, the heroic activist model dooms most social workers to an ignominious less than activist status. Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective. It constitutes the categories of academic writing aimed at teaching students the method of organizing and expressing thoughts in expository paragraphs. Elements of postmodern theory provided a way into the achievement of this necessary distance. A postmodern perspective, in Jan Fooks view (Fook, 1999), pays attention to the ways in which social relations and structures are constructed, particularly to the ways in which language, narrative, and discourses shape power relations and our understanding of them. In this section, I want to articulate why I think that approaching practice from discourse analysis contributes to critical reflection, and what such reflection does for practice. Critical social work practice may also vary depending on the discourses that are dominant within an institutional contextthe possibilities for and modalities of critical social work practice within a large non-profit agency, for example, will likely look very different than within a small organization that is committed to radical practice . Once these dependencies were uncovered, alternatives to opposition emerged. It can also be narrowing and constraining, causing us to evolve and transmit ideologies that skew irrevocably how we interpret the world (Brookfield, 1996, p. 36). Truth and method (J. W. a. D. G. Marshall, Trans. Ms. M had immigrated to Canada when she was an adolescent. While reflective practice held promise for liberating professions from misconceptions about the interrelationship between theory and practice, following Schons (1987) introduction of reflective practice, theorists began to identify the problem of incorporating critical analysis into reflective practice ((Brookfield, 1996; Fook, 1999; Mezirow, 1998). That is to say, most people speak about children as if they're innocent (not evil). Journal of Progressive Human Services, 7(2), 23-41. Cole, Nicki Lisa, Ph.D. "Introduction to Discourse in Sociology." This paper concerns the relation between critical reflective practice and social workers lived experience of the complicated and contradictory world of practice. A Sociological Definition. A discourse analyst is then less interested in assessing the truth or falsity of the social reality as shaped by a particular discourse, than in the ways that people use language to construct their accounts of their social world. My hope is that understanding our social construction through discourse analysis can open space for reconceptualizing the apologetic social worker by tempering the unrealistic goals of professional knowledge and valuing the intellectual interest afforded by the kinds of questions with which social work is engaged. Discourses become dominant because they are unconsciously operated daily, which inspire social inequality to take place in society (Kerry H. Robinson show more content As a woman of colour from the Caribbean, Maxine shared experiences with other immigrant women of colour in Canada; shared a cultural heritage, and an insiders knowledge of the difficulties of negotiating these spaces. At no time did Ronni focus on getting her to stop.. However, despite numerous revolutions within the field of mental health, the biological paradigm has remained largely dominant within western healthcare, especially in orientating the understanding and treatment of . Introduction. Michel Foucault. We began to think about the ways slavery is replicated in different incarnations following the end of slavery. She moved out on her own, successfully pursued advanced education and was on the verge of achieving professional accreditation at the time of Maxines contact with her. If ideology is a worldview, discourse is how we organize and express that worldview in thought and language. St. Leonards NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. Fook, J. (2000). Perhaps you are a teacher, youth group facilitator, student affairs personnel or manage a team that works with an . Teaching this class was a daunting prospect. Social Identities A social identity is both internally constructed and externally applied, occurring simultaneously. These elements helped students writing cases from memories saturated with unease about their own performance to shift from what I did to how the case was constructed, and how their feelings arose from the complicated constructions of their practice within particular locations and time. This understanding allows us to assess our own construction in power and language. Michel Foucault. Biomedicine is a dominant and pervasive model in health care settings and there are strengths and limitations in working within the this discourse. 'Oh' prepares the hearer for a surprising or just-remembered item, and 'but' indicates that sentence to follow is in opposition to the one before. My view of critical reflective practice is that it must promote a necessary distance from practice in order to enable practitioners to understand the construction of practice, thus enhancing a kind of ethics or freedom, in Foucaults terms (Foucault, 1994, p. 284) which opens perspectives capable of addressing questions about social work, social justice and the place of the practitioner. Time did Ronni focus on getting her to stop her sexual activity in therapy... They & # x27 ; s many forms of media and communication is a and. Deeply powerful implications in society, it is often used as a threat to the of. A. Chambon & A. Irving & L. Epstein ( Eds behavior and development the ways slavery is replicated different. To subtly shape social reality base on the dominant understanding of human behavior and development personnel! Framework in its understanding of empowerment in the health care profession today ( Healy, 20. 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