Locate the line on which the name is inscribed. More names are added to the wall every year. THE NAMES ON THE WALL: AN HISTORICAL JUDGMENT. As we search for proper bookends to encapsulate the story of a generation at war, perhaps the best we can do is look at what is written in stone. Naval Academy, 130; Texas A & M, 112; The Citadel, 66; Virginia Military Institute, 43; Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 26; Norwich University, 19. The Army refused him, for medical reasons, both times. This was a reflection of the role of warrant officers as helicopter pilots (of the 1,277 warrant officer casualties, 95 percent were Army helicopter pilots), and of the young lieutenants and captains as combat platoon leaders or company commanders. The chronological order allows veterans who were in a battle to see their friends forever united on the Wall, he explained. The names of Army Master Sergeant Chester Ovnand and Major Dale Buis are inscribed on Panel 1E of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. With the end of the Cold War, many now believe that at its outset the Vietnam War was a quite honorable extension of our ultimately successful policy of Communist containment; that our effort in Vietnam became flawed because of political and strategic failures having nothing to do with those who died there; and that these young Americans were asked by three presidents and six Congresses to give up their lives so that freedom would have a better chance in the world. The Order of Precedence For Military Ribbon Wear, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pubH-5CulqI, Military Funeral Guide for Families & Funeral Homes, The Ultimate Military Gift Guide for Unique Military Gifts, Black Military History and Black Medal of Honor Recipients. On the other end of that phone call was an former Air Force officer who had served in Vietnam. In a massive sampling of the database, it was established that between 5 and 6 percent of Vietnam dead had identifiable Hispanic surnames. Text STOP to opt out, HELP for help. Less than 1 percent (0.8) were Jewish, Hindu, Thai, Buddhist or Muslim combined, and 5.7 listed no religion. Compounding these difficulties was the issue that many casualties, particularly from the Air Force, were not always straightforward in terms of locale. As the Vietnam War dragged on, Kurt tried twice to enlist. Officer casualties in Vietnam, including warrant officers, numbered 7,874, or 13.5 percent of all casualties. These young men were trained quickly and shipped to Vietnam quickly. His name does not appear at either far end. Twenty years passed before Vandegeers remains were identified and another five passed before his funeral at Arlington National Cemetery. All heroes are listed alphabetically by their last name. The appearance of DoD visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. It specified the geographic areas of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and surrounding coastal areas as combat zones. Most of the young American enlisted men who served in Vietnam were not college prospects at the time they entered the service. HistoryNet.com contains daily features, photo galleries and over 25,000 articles originally published in our nine magazines. The very young were considered by many to be preferred combat material. The draft continued from 1948, during both peacetime and war, to 1973, when President Richard M. Nixon signed legislation officially ending the draft. It may come as a surprise to some that 63.3 percent of all Vietnam enlisted casualties were not draftees but volunteers. As we have pointed out earlier, more than 80 percent of our casualties were Army and Marine enlisted men with an average age of 19- to 20-years. This change prompted the addition of 110 names in 1986. Is there a list of names on the vietnam wall? - vietnam - 2023 Few areas of the world have been as hotly contested as the India-Pakistan border. 26 Similar Questions peruse. The names would become the memorial. It is hard to believe it has been 36 years since the last casualties. Gather facts from sources at home,and talk to relatives. Of course, the Marine, Navy, and Air Force enlisted casualties were all volunteers, but as it turned out, almost 50 percent of Army enlisted casualties were also volunteers. The vision of VVMF is to ensure a society in which all who have served and sacrificed in our nation's Armed Forces are properly honored and receive the recognition they justly deserve. The Reading of the Names is an in-person event where every single name on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is read in order of which it appears on The Wall. Download our app to find events, locations and programs near you. These names are followed by the inscription: Our nation honors the courage, sacrifice and devotion to duty and country of its Vietnam veterans. The memorial is free and open to the public 24 hours a day, with rangers on duty to answer questions from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Of 2,590 total Air Force casualties, 1,674 or 65 percent were officers. Nevertheless, 336,111 men were phased into the service under this plan (mostly the Army) and 2,072 were killed. Maya Lin - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund The major service academies and other military colleges provided close to 900 of the Vietnam officer casualties: the U.S. Military Academy, 278; the U.S. Air Force Academy, 205; the U.S. The men and women who valiantly fought in the Vietnam War certainly deserve the title of hero. Often that advice, especially for professional athletes, rock stars, sons of politicians and other celebrities, was to join the never-to-be-called-up reserves or National Guard. He admitted no particular feelings about the righteousness of the war, and allowed himself to look ahead into a future free of war and obligation. True enough, but many of the surviving Vietnam casualty families would reply that the ultimate unfairness is death at an early age, in a land far from home, for reasons not clearly defined. The first known casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, MA; he was listed by theDepartment of Defense as having been killed on June 8, 1956. Making these arrangements and printing the pages takes considerable LeRoy was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22, the fourth anniversary of President John F. Kennedys assassination. This is the most accurate database online. The directories are organized alphabetically by last name. The beginnings and endings are often hazy and the facts of the story lie at the mercy of the teller. VVMF receives numerous requests each year from individuals who wish to have particular names added to the Memorial. 244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of them are on the Wall. Vietnam War U.S. Military Fatal Casualty Statistics, Korean War and Vietnam War casualties listed at the National Archives, Hospital Admission Card Files, ca. There are students on field trips, some solemn and curious, but some just happy to get out of class. More than 200 names have been added to the Wall Since its adoption in 1951, at the time of the Korean War, this policy had been renewed by Congress every four years. Look at the bottom of each panel on the wall for its number. Of the 7,262 blacks who died, 6,955, or 96 percent, were Army and Marine enlisted men. Sad to say, many of these recruitment promises were fudged in one way or another, and many of these young men found themselves shipped directly to Vietnam after basic training. United States. In the event a service members remains are returned or accounted for, then a diamond symbol is engraved over the plus sign. The names are inscribed in the chronological order of their dates of casualty, showing the war as a series of individual human sacrifices and giving each name a special place in history. Though 13 were rescued at sea, the rest died, either upon impact or soon after. I could tell you about how real the fear was that I felt, since from the time we crossed the Delta and made the run into Saigon, we were over enemy territory. Only 5 to 10 percent of enlisted men in the combat units were estimated to have had some college, and less than 1 percent of these enlisted men were college graduates. The article was originally published in the June 1993 issue of Vietnam Magazine and updated in November 2004. Charles Holley; chief editor, Robert J. Martin, 4th Infantry Division. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for all who wish to visit. The event begins on November 7, 2022 at 3 p.m. EST and ends at midnight on November 10, 2022. Photo credit DOD photo. Perhaps more important, many of them probably did not yet fully understand their own mortality and were therefore less likely to be hesitant in combat. The Air Force lost the highest percentage of officers. The panels are numbered beginning from the center out toward the ends of each wall. Brothers Marlin and Norman Eversgerd were both killed in Vietnam. The virtual Wall of Faces features a page dedicated to honoring and remembering every person whose name is inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. This memorial was built with private contributions from the American people. Frequently relatives or buddies of casualties Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. The Reading of the Names - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Individual Award Case Files, 1969 - 1970. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966. In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Selective Training and Service Act, creating the countrys first peacetime draft and officially establishing the Selective Service System. A relatively small number refused to register for the draft at all. The Vietnam War is no different. They came largely from California and Texas, with lesser numbers from Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, New York and a few from many other states across the country. . This is the genius of Mayas design, said Scruggs. The mission of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is to honor and preserve the legacy of service and educate all generations about the impact of the Vietnam War. 1st Class Michael J. Carden, "'The Vietnam War' Sponsor Bank of America Teams With The Lumineers to Support the USO ", Programs for Service Members and Their Families. For families who have worked to have their loved ones name added, the journey can be long and exhausting. 8 Women are on the Wall. Unfortunately, the Department of Defense and the individual service branches maintained separate casualty lists with slightly differing criteria. He did it allsing, dance, create music and crack wise. Of the 8000 Coast guardsmen who served in Vietnam, 3 officers and 4 enlisted men were killed and 59 were wounded. He tried to make the best call he could when adding names to the list. Lins intention from the beginning was to have the names appear chronologically, beginning and ending at the apex. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in the Apache National Forest. 54 soldiers on the Wall attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia. Congress. As a region, the South experienced the greatest numbers of dead, nearly 34 percent of the total, or 31.0 deaths per 100,000 of population. Why are names added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall? The unit diary portion of the muster roll should indicate when members of the Lima Company, 3rd platoon. Please take a moment to let our troops know how much we appreciate their service and sacrifice. Together, we can make sure our heroes will get the reverence they deserve and the stories and sacrifices of our heroes will never be forgotten. offer to read the block of names that includes their special names. Ninety-one percent of these Army officers were warrant officers, second lieutenants, first lieutenants or captains. Together, we can make sure our heroes will get the reverence they deserve and the stories and sacrifices of our heroes will never be forgotten. I mean, it was bad.. And there are the Vietnam veterans, who come to recognize the sacrifice of their fellow warriors, wondering why their own names are not there, too. There are over 58,000 names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC. Where previously a high school diploma had been an acceptable goal, now it was college and all the benefits it would bring. Frequently Asked Questions - Vietnam Veterans Memorial (U.S. National They refer to older or younger siblings who are either in or on their way to college. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. Since then, 379 names have been added, for a total of 58,318 (as of Memorial Day 2017). The numbers on the wall ascend from the center out toward the left and right extremes. There were 667; How many Andersons?, 178; Garcias?, 102; Murphys?, 82; Jenkins?, 66; One wants to know more about these Americans. The Selective Service System it said, has the responsibility to deliver manpower to the armed forces in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum any adverse effect upon the national health, safety, interest and progress. West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. Since the days of Alexander the Great and the Roman Legions, it has always been the young, inexperienced, low-ranking enlisted man who has taken the brunt of combat casualties. She wanted the names to tell the journey, or the timeline, of the war. All were nurses, all were single and all but one were in their 20s. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America's honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. On average, 43 percent of white enlisted entrants placed in categories I and II (scoring 65 to 100) and 57 percent in categories III and IV (scoring 10 to 64). The 58,152 names of those who died in Vietnam are etched onto the two rising black marble slabs of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. In honor of the men and women of the Armed Forces of the United States who served in the Vietnam War. One additional factor, often overlooked, that influenced volunteer enlistment was military tradition the influence of fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles and others who had served in previous 20th century wars. Names that become eligible for inclusion are added once each year, in May, a few weeks before Memorial Day. They were struggling through or dropping out of high school, or if a high school graduate, had tested poorly for college entrance. It is forgotten now, but in the beginning Congress and most of the American people were behind our containment effort in Vietnam. Adding to the problem was Project 100,000. Records of individuals who left service more than 62 years ago are considered Archival Records and become records of the National Archives open to the general public. Several hundred such designation changes have been made since the Wall was built in 1982. The virtual Wall of Faces features a page dedicated to honoring and remembering every person whose name is inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. In the military it can be somewhat more deadly. Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. It is hard to believe it is 36 years since the last casualties. All other individual draftee files from that period were destroyed by the Selective Service System in 1978, in accordance with approved records retention schedules. The Vietnam Wall - vva310.org Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. Order it can be difficult but there are a few ways to find a name at either end of the memorial are stands with books inside these list the names in alphabetical. The Wall of Faces allows family and friends to share memories, post pictures and connect with each other. It is located north of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. along Constitution Avenue NW between 21st and 23rd streets. "The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund's registry enables veterans across the world to be able to locate fellow Vietnam Veterans and of course, connect their stories with those who made the ultimate sacrifice. These casualties came largely from the Northeast and North Central regions of the United States, many from the traditionally patriotic, Catholic working class neighborhoods. The casualty date is the date the person was killed or wounded in combat or injured during an accident; for the missing, the date is when the person was reported missing. The Wall is about names. As Vandegeer piloted his CH-53 helicopter toward the island, a wall of anti-aircraft fire knocked it from the sky, and it crashed toward the water with 26 men aboard. Others think it is just another tourist stop until they feel the haunting power of this unique work of remembrance. For more great articles be sure to subscribe to Vietnam Magazine today! The Selective Service registration requirement was later suspended in April 1975. "Home of record" does not necessarily refer to the place of birth, residence of next of kin, place of longest residence, nor other common uses of the term "hometown." The Army as a branch had 134,982 killed or wounded (9.5 percent), but the Marines suffered 66,227 killed or wounded (22.5 percent) or almost one of every four Marines who served. Once additions are approved by DoD, VVMF receives the list of approved names, coordinates the inscribing and absorbs the costs. On Patrol caught up with Pete Peterson to find out how the U.S.-Vietnam relationship has progressed since the normalization of ties in 1995. In civilian life, poor aptitude testing can have a tremendous negative impact, whether for college placement or for simple job advancement. The same profile holds true for the Marine Corps, where 87 percent of all officer casualties (821 of 938) were warrant officers, lieutenants or captains. It stands near Panel 1W, which holds the name of the last to die in combat. Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Kansas, Sheridan County, Viet Nam records, 1955-1975, Vermont, National Guard, Vietnam war, 1950-1953, University of Utah - American West Center - Saving the Legacy/ Vietnam Veterans, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=United_States_Vietnam_War_1964_to_1972&oldid=5123794, Personnel discharged November 1, 1912 to January 1, 1960, Personnel discharged, September 25, 1947 to January 1, 1964, The Military Index is available at the FamilySearch Library and at most FamilySearch centers. Thus it is safe to say that Hispanic-Americans were over-represented among Vietnam casualties an estimated 5.5 percent of the dead against 4.5 percent of the 1970 population. name within a given date. The Buddies of Midvale LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. The 1970 census which is being used as our Vietnam era population base did not list an Hispanic count but gave an estimate of 4.5 percent of the American population. Since its controversial beginnings, feelings toward the Vietnam Veterans Memorial have changed drastically. The last 18 names listed on the bottom of Panel 1, West, also at the apex, are from May 15, 1975. THE WALL OF FACES - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund The Vietnam Wall. For more information on this index on, Records relating to American prisoners of war and missing in action from the Vietnam War, including lists and descriptions of the record groups covering the Vietnam War that are held by the National Archives are also found in the FS Library US/CAN Book. The affected record collections are described below. This can help veterans or relatives find other persons who died with It ripped men from their loved ones, family, friends, and it left a wave of death in its path. Each entry includes a panel number and letter; "W" is for "west" or the left half of the memorial, "E" is for east, or the right half of the memorial. Frequently Asked Questions - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund The National Park Service offers these steps for locating a name: National Park Service rangers and volunteers are available to assist in locating names at the Memorial. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Directory - National Park Service The wall at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington is 493 feet and 6 inches long, built of thick, polished black Bangalore granite. The Army lost the greatest number of officers 4,635 or 59 percent of all officer casualties. There is no question that all segments of American society were represented. Army Major Dale Buis' name is etched into the granite half an inch tall, no bigger or smaller than any of the others. Many high-ranking military men (including General William C. Westmoreland, the U.S. commander in Vietnam) opposed the program, feeling that the effectiveness of some units would be reduced and that fellow soldiers would sometimes be put in greater jeopardy by these less mentally capable personnel. Every day at 3:00 p.m. EST, VVMF will play a daily reading of all the individuals who died upon that day in alphabetical order. Message & data rates may apply. Please be patient The DOD percentages reveal that nearly 75 percent of Army enlisted casualties were privates or corporals. The Selective Service System remains in place today. Seeking Names of Marines killed in Vietnam in D | History Hub 12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old. Items are gathered by park staff. On the last day of his life, in the moments before our nations history changed forever, Dale Buis was sitting around a rec center watching a movie called The Tattered Dress, starring Jeff Chandler. The National Archives has an online searchable database, entitled "Records on Military Personnel Who Died, Were Missing in Action or Prisoners of War as a Result of the Vietnam War," documenting the period 6/8/1956 - 1/21/1998. Some are drawn to the Wall like pilgrims to Mecca. Our combat arms were thought to be completely classless. EIN: 52-1149668, Copyright 2023 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. Tom was killed while assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7, Pearl HarborDay. Every day, Americas service members selflessly put their lives on the line to keep us safe and free. Through the AFQT process, the men scoring in the higher categories were more likely to be channeled into further specialized training and eventually assigned to technical and administrative units. And mores the pity, because many of them were trying to escape this background and didnt make it. As Maya Ling Lin, the architect of the Wall, has said: It was as if the black-brown earth were polished and made into an interface between the sunny world and the quiet dark world beyond that we cannot enter. National Mall and Memorial Parks , Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. It gives the names in alphabetical order and . He was a Navy enlisted man during World War II and has a degree in Political Science from Duke University. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The black granite walls are engraved with the names of more than 58,000 men and women who laid down their lives or remained missing. Those designated by a plus sign were considered to be missing in action when the war ended. On the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site in Washington, D.C., a special plaque reads: "In Memory of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War and later died as a result of their service. They also died quickly, many within a few weeks or months of arriving in Vietnam. By providing your mobile phone number, you opt in to receive calls and texts from USO. The Names - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund The Names When the Wall was dedicated in 1982, there were 57,939 names inscribed. The names are listed in chronological order, according to the date of casualty. As a result, the software improperly truncated or abbreviated names. and have two columns per page, rather than only one column. Digital History The popularity of the GI Bill after Vietnam emphasized this yearning. Many of the 17- and 18-year olds were simply late in maturing. The shining surface is intended to reflect the sun, the ground and those who stand before it. The Wall USA is a non-profit endeavor maintained by veterans .
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