0000285042 00000 n Determine the force required in pounds. Do not puncture or incinerate. 0000159418 00000 n Lou was able to recommend an upgrade from my interchange. 0000556055 00000 n It was easier to order from Mr. Lou than my attempt to find the matching part at Kragens. If you dont see exactly what you need, just ask. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. The gas springs, also called gas pressure springs, gas dampers or gas pressure dampers, will solve your individual requirements for opening, closing, tilting and damping flaps, tables, seats or loungers thanks to our decades of experience. ZmMzYWFmNWE3OThiMjczZGUzODk2YWU1YjcwOTZjNTEzNmNjYzRlNDM4ZThi The UX Series fits the standard full-height gas spring envelope with 25-55% more force-on-contact; resulting in reduced die construction costs with fewer cylinders. Please fill in (a part of) the article number. To further assist our customers with product selection and design, we provide an online catalog with . A gas spring cross reference chart is very useful if you want to replace a gas spring. Ideal for stampers of small parts, these extremely popular springs are durable and conveniently available in three force models (0.3 ton, 0.5 ton, 0.75 ton). Gasspringsshop.com is the number #1 in gas springs and mountings. Please fill in (a part of) the article number, provide as much information as you can and let us help you find a match. xb``a`QA,=@MAk>1iBMi@2 Global Rank. 0000005777 00000 n For over 15 years, weve built a database containing information about each and every part in our extensive inventory. Our 15 years of data provide the knowledge to match the correct parts for your needs. The force required to move the spring begins at zero and increases according to the spring rate. NzRjNjRmYTFkOGJmNGQ1ZTcxZDg0NjQwYzBiNDFiNjdhMGYyZWEzMGE5Yzg2 0000330418 00000 n To further assist in linked system design use the DADCO Design Calculatorsto determine your system force and pressure rise. Relatively higher oil quantities increase damping and also increase the extended-to compressed force Ratio. Gas springs are usually implemented in two different suspension frameworks (conceptually depicted in Figure 2.5).The first one is the pneumatic suspension, where the spring is implemented by an air chamber surrounding the shock absorber.The second is hydro-pneumatic suspension where an accumulator is linked to the shock absorber and the gas included is compressed by the movements of the fluid. Y2VlMDMxODU3OWFkZjZkZjZkMWE2YWJiNjc0YzQxMzQ1MzgwYzQzMzAyOGQw How is a gas spring built, how does it work and how do you find the right gas spring for your purpose? 0000283120 00000 n MDFmNDQyZjBjODg4OTg5ODg1NmQ4NjE5MDE5MDNmZjI1ZTZkMWVmOWRiYzYw A Gas Spring stores energy by compressing the nitrogen gas within the Gas Spring. %PDF-1.6 % Your first choice partner in advanced motion-control solutions with the unique product portfolio of its segment experts. 0 Our customer service representatives are knowledgeable and want to make sure you are satisfied. Contact them today to get started. 0000058764 00000 n The spring force required is usually several times higher than the weight of the door. Thats the Lift Supports Depot difference. 0000060037 00000 n 0000189007 00000 n the company that produced my flush mount tonneau has long since gone out of business.I had no way to keep then tonneau up at shows unless i propped it up with a cut down broom handle (looked bad) thanks to your extensive cross reference list I was not only able to get a replacement set of struts, but also able to step up 10 lbs each side to help hold it up in the Kansas wind at shows..I have attached a pic of the truck so you can see and will defiantly be back for any other struts I need. However, it is up to the user to check the suitability for the respective application case. This store was about half the price, of the lowest I could find anywhere else! In many industries gas springs are being used. Mechanical coil springs store energy by straining the material composing the spring. Available in nine force models (from .4 ton to 18 ton) this series can suit a variety of well-designed die applications. The door used to come down unexpectedly on whomever was unfortunate enough to be standing under it. Most other companies only offer a one-year warranty at most. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Example: 0125N Multiply this amount by 0.2248 to determine the force in pounds. All positions are indicated as if the closed door is laying along the x axis, as shown in the image. 0000005874 00000 n 0000041613 00000 n hV{o0*-V ZwwI PR:Y{P1T"S"3)C}'1GEI-QLz~b2mAXK3yY%'7]%8JUVWJjiY80NSE%AzTMTGc|_8~6+;_v"c8dljd*pw>,87 08wU &-On$Onsy!'NslI:p,>e/ls2PRinV5n}. ZmNjNThjNDUwOTc5NmYxYWU0NDcwYjVjY2YxYzlkNzViNDlhNTkzYmIyNmY5 0000004455 00000 n This site uses cookies to maintain site functionality, performance, and to enhance your browsing experience. Our products top the industry in craftsmanship and innovation. SCR Series feature oversized piston rods in compact diameters providing the highest force, rod-sealed, gas springs available from DADCO. Each SUSPA gas spring is manufactured with a specific quantity of oil, which serves both as a lubricant and damping medium. Order now and experience it yourself! Top SEO sites provided "Gas spring cross reference chart" keyword . When installing the gas spring with piston rod facing down, the piston first moves through the gas-filled part (pneumatic area), then through the oil-filled part of the pressure pipe (hydraulic area). Force PART NUMBER: GSS 1143UB $38.12 These options are designed for applications where draw die compounds and other contaminants are present. Each SMS and SMS-i is constructed to individual customer specifications then tested and shipped leak-free, ready to install. 0000552744 00000 n For us, the focus is on the function of the entire application as well as the individual coordination of the kinematics and the spring characteristics in accordance with the requirements profile. The only delay that was encountered was on the side of UPS and of course they blamed it on the weather. Terms and conditions| OTkxYzA2YzFiOWEwY2U1NDViMjFmODdmMWM2YjhlNWJmMWRmNzUyMjA0NzMz Click on the 360 degrees button to view the product in 3D. 0000559277 00000 n 90.60/90.60N Series complies with Nissan die standards. Gas spring size chart Our gas springs are available in different sizes. All our gas springs are equipped with a valve. Standard gas spring shafts will extend from the tube at a steady speed with VMX we can vary the rate at which the shaft moves based on its position as it extends. That made it very easy. Search input switches are available for area is gas spring cross reference chart for next. 0000034458 00000 n Sub plates may be added to the springs to operate in a linked system. Get Free Shipping on All Orders $29+ at Lift Supports Depot, Example: F85-278-406A-11AAEnter Above: F85278406A11AA. 0000352506 00000 n ZWNiOTc4ZDc1ZjRkYzc1NDMyYWU5NDVkZDg5NmY2NThkYWNhZmM0ODk3NTBl Estimate Value. Call us at 734-892-2324 Special Springs are Built Better to Last Longer, Special Springs LLC manufactures and supplies high-quality nitrogen gas springs and mechanical die springs for customers all over the world. Genesis Gas Spring - 18.504" Extended 121 lbs. Each gas spring also contains a specific amount of oil, which lubricates the seal, piston and piston rod. The standard front bushing is replaced with a powdered metal design and all of the internal plastic components are made with a Thermo-set material. NjdhMjM2YjE1MmQwYzlkZTRkYjQ4MjQ1MTBiOTcyOWE1MGZjY2I1OWE3ZDZk 0000222960 00000 n After the full initial force is applied the Gas spring will begin to compress. Last but not least, we offer a Limited 5 year warranty for many of our gas struts, so you can shop with total confidence. We are happy to help you select the appropriate SUSPA gas spring and install it properly. 0000156723 00000 n Do you need a gas spring cross reference chart? It is filled with nitrogen, which, under constant pressure, acts on piston cross sections of different sizes, creating a force in the extension direction. 0000549803 00000 n Resolve nitrogen gas spring contamination problems with DADCOs Extreme Condition Solutions. With our wide variety, we can often find a gas spring in stock that matches the one you are looking for, or comes very close. First, I was pleased that all he needed was my Vin to know the exact matching part I needed. ZjRmNDk1OTVlZGRlM2E3ZmJjYmM1NDg0MDEzM2M2ODExZmQ1YzE1YjI5MWRj With seven force models (from 0.17 ton to 10 ton) this series provides the greatest stroke length variety available from DADCO. NjQyMGExMDkxNjA2ZWJiNGJjNjI2M2JjZTMxMDg4ZTBmNDAzODQzNTA4M2Ey NjliMmNlMzI5ZTc1NzNiIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNzY5YWExOTRhMDk3OGVm 0000359483 00000 n NDgzODc5MTZhOWY5ZjVlNjE4NThlZGFiZWFkZmM1ZDJiZjcwZTU5YjNhYmQx NmNjODRlNTBlZjIwODVlY2UwZTJkMzQyZDBmMmQ5M2MwNzAwMTQ3MjI4ODc1 0000552946 00000 n You will find various replacement gas springs (also known as gas struts) for different brands such as Airac Rayflex, AL-KO, Bansbach, Lesjfors, Stabilus Lift-O-Mat, Suspa Liftline and many more. YzNhZDVjZWQwZGEzMjI2MWRkYzc1Y2ZmZGJhNzFlZWE0YjcyYzE5NzE3ZDY5 SUSPA is a very innovative producer of gas springs (gas pressure dampers, gas pressure springs), hydraulic dampers, friction dampers (vibration dampers), lifting columns, piston rods, crash management and safety systems as well as complex drives and actuators. /7~uRA4e1ZwSlzE+QlXOq5L_5r*GD$U[rsY=+toXM_;0 v]s@jU]>37c|RIsg)y @Bywk"of;KR9{[>$o`akKIQIe_M3y/J .cId>R"h4 TP cVE%SQ]/,II]Wkj(-v4MNt:^Tp The LIFT-O-MAT gas spring is a hydropneumatic adjustment element consisting of a pressure tube, piston rod with piston, as well as a suitable end fitting. Gas Spring Cross Reference - Finding Your Gas Spring call 800-344-6437 for help Let us help you find a match! Boasting over 6,000 products, our experts can perfectly pair you with the automotive struts and other parts you need. View the conversion chart or let the experts at Special Springs assist with your project requirements. At Lift Supports Depot, our goal is to make searching for and purchasing the lift supports, gas springs, gas struts, and accessories you need easy and affordable. They also do not over inflate the shipping costs, and they arrived within 2 days with Std Shipping. 0000553148 00000 n More than 20000 gas spring cross reference chart at pleasant prices up to 23 USD Fast and free worldwide shipping! Nitrogen Gas Springs. Gas Springs always require some initial force to begin compression, while mechanical springs have a characteristic known as free length. This Mini Book is also available as an App for download on iTunes and Google Play. YTUxN2I1OTQ1YTIxMWVhMWNjNjk0MjEyNDQ4NDk0OGQ4OGY4NDJiOTY4NWE4 0000356599 00000 n As the leader in our industry DADCOs expertise is demonstrated in our comprehensive range of nitrogen gas springs extending from 10 pounds to 22 tons. If you have no idea what kind of gas spring you need for your application, please use our gas strut calculator. Ask an expert! We can cross-reference others' gas springs with our corresponding product line. Carbon Steel Gas Springs Stainless Steel Gas Springs Tension Gas Springs Welded Eyelet Gas Springs Brackets & Mounts Gas Spring End Fittings View & Download our Catalog Customer Testimonials PH:306-683-5000 Toll Free (US & Canada):1-888-878-0837 Fax:1-306-683-6403 Email:info@lstechnologies.ca LST Gas Springs / Lift Supports hb```a``b`e` B@V Ipfq+b6>xVDd}TU]+'pDe)RrJx:y'Y 7^$a=raJw u,ix1'eBNIdIy Gas springs with hydraulic damping can be designed as special versions according to the following principles: The SUSPA gas spring Liftline is individually designed depending on the installation situation. One of the significant differences between mechanical springs and gas springs is the force provided at their free length. 0000284507 00000 n 0000034790 00000 n We know its essential to get your lift supports and gas struts as quickly as possible. 0000118478 00000 n View Specifications, Gas Spring - Lip Seal - AVM Gas Springs are custom-engineered and manufactured beyond industry standards to provide smooth operation and durability. The UK Series features four models with common G 1/8 ports for linked operations and longer tapped threads for base mounting. Gas Springs are not limited to just these uses, and in fact can be used in many applications where mechanical springs are applied. A Gas Spring stores energy by compressing the nitrogen gas within the Gas Spring. 0000047888 00000 n Determine the force required in pounds. 0000005536 00000 n If you cannot find the gas spring to replace, you can probably configure a similar gas spring in our configurator. In addition to nitrogen, there is a defined amount of oil in the interior for lubrication and end position damping. OGQyYjBhNzUxZTAyNjk1YjE5NzRmNWIzMTk2OTBhMmFhOWM5MzUxNTViMzQx 0000004504 00000 n So, when you order a gas strut, we fill it with the correct amount of nitrogen gas. Force PART NUMBER: GSS 1755UY $29.54 Genesis Gas Spring - 17.205" Extended 94 lbs. l& ri%.:ZMXdd LsaX)6LD0fb,(#.L,Kh#Mll~f4fg`)`feh6BXSUf-Cd>CC7>+ )[D8Fc ^LrK33RvC-CwBF93d(tga?_0v1p30H03dh"wB 0000004553 00000 n Hl TTAc2H" S%. 0000034658 00000 n Determine the extended length of your gas spring. 0000560088 00000 n !n"n70EK HVB%XSt8O=l;2fSB?Rbew1U?NOPUIVpF/Sh9jx}qqG%`;^hxxKy_F$"I Gas springs. MWI3MmUxMjkyNjE4MWM5OTBhYmJjNTlmZGYzZWI3NmUwMGZmMjhmM2FkODVm (My Infiniti dealer didnt carry the somewhat generic part for a 1992 car.) Force PART NUMBER: GSS 1375UN $39.62 Genesis Gas Spring - 11.004" Extended 61 lbs. This produces a charging pressure that acts on the cross-sectional area of the piston rod. Using two gas springs delivers better performance, reliability and safety. 0000240326 00000 n Mechanical coil springs store energy by straining the material composing the spring. 0000159012 00000 n 0000158277 00000 n ]uu%b%3/:\'YG`+z/yG.7\S~>rI#}:t/PhBh;2MtC=x'G<9N&>u#tZ%^1KTxw Z\60u#S&&:3hoxqIxkWor_vb$Z=, The force FR resulting from the friction is created between the force lines in the insertion and extension direction. 0000560129 00000 n A standard G 1/8 port across the eight force models (0.4 ton to 7.4 ton) is provided for easily converting to linked operation. 0000418449 00000 n We even carry the hard-to-find parts for most Ferrari, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Lotus, and Porsche models. SUSPA gas springs offer comfort and safety in many applications. M2E5MGEwOGI4YzhjZTQ4ZTIwMThjNjdiYzdiNWY0MTg1OTBiYzI4YzFhNjM1 View Specifications, Locking Gas Springs -AVM locking Gas Springs allow the user to lock the unit in any position during operation of the Gas Spring. We are here to get you a gas spring that works for you. Brackets Ball stud kits; includes nuts and washers in two sizes 10 mm & 13 mm SA3000, SA3001 Important facts to remember: Gas springs can not always be compressed by hand. Featuring the UltraPak cartridge, this series utilizes the established U Series technology but is 4-14 mm taller. ZmNkODBhZmYxNzNkN2I2MWE1ZGIzNWE2YWFlYTRhYzQ0MjI1YTM4MjQwYzZm As can be seen from the graphic, the spring characteristic represents the force progression of the gas spring over the stroke, from the extended to the inserted state and back.
gas spring cross reference chart
gas spring cross reference chart

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